Microstructural analysis of recycled aggregate concrete produced from two-stage mixing approach

Peer Reviewed: Development of a Culturally Appropriate, Home-Based Nutrition and Physical Activity Curriculum for Wisconsin American Indian Families

More than alone with the Bible: Reconceptualizing religious reading

Locomotion, assessment, and regulatory fit: Value transfer from how to what

Efficacy of TAC topical anesthetic for repair of pediatric lacerations

The price of books in medieval England

Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors effect on endothelial dysfunction: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials

In utero exposure to the Korean War and its long-term effects on socioeconomic and health outcomes

Karachi: megacity of our times

The culture of knitting

Black and violet words: Despair and the real life of Sebastian Knight as Doubles

And that night they were not parted: lesbian romance fiction 1928-2008-an exegetical essay, and, Silver lining: a lesbian romance novel

Performing in Dutch book publishing 1880-2008: the importance of entrepreneurial experience and the Amsterdam cluster

Fish for life: interactive governance for fisheries

A novel high activity cationic ascorbate peroxidase from tea (Camellia sinensis)—a class III peroxidase with unusual substrate specificity

Pedaling revolution: How cyclists are changing American cities

Recruiting and Preparing skilled personnel for leadership roles in welding and brazing

Investigation on AISI 304 austenitic stainless steel to AISI 4140 low alloy steel dissimilar joints by gas tungsten arc, electron beam and friction welding

Evolution, social roles, and the differences in shame and guilt

Composing for the Screen in Germany and the USSR: Cultural Politics and Propaganda

Beyond fetishism and other excursions in psychopragmatics

Girls Wanted: For Service at the Fred Harvey Houses

Significance of Hair as a Means of Racial Identity in the Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao

Differentiating nursing leadership and management competencies

Multi-agent systems: an introduction to distributed artificial intelligence

Older people's preferences for involvement in their own care: a qualitative study in primary health care in 11 European countries

Ethics and excellence: Cooperation and integrity in business

Flash fundamentals: DIY animation and interactive design

How to eat like a Canadian: Centennial cookbooks and visions of culinary identity

MyLexic: An Assistive multimedia courseware for teaching and reinforcing basic reading skills among Dyslexics

The Norwegian translations of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: a comparative study of the book and films

Replacement of fish meal by plant proteins in the diet of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): digestibility and growth performance

Urban transport crisis in India

Multilateral policy reforms and quantity restrictions on trade

Theories of economic regulation

Resource-based industrialization in the developing countries: a survey

The colonial ascidian Didemnum sp. A: current distribution, basic biology and potential threat to marine communities of the northeast and west coasts of North America

The problem of engaging men in child protection work

The return of the house call

Harmful to minors: The perils of protecting children from sex

Let's play hide-and-seek: The location and size of undisclosed limit order volume

A constitutive equation for whole human blood

A lost legacy: a critical assessment and catalogue of the illustrated work of Ernest Aris: Alfred Ernest Walter George Aris (22 April, 1882-1963: children's author

An introduction to classical econometric theory

Designing language courses: A guide for teachers

Estimation and inference in econometrics

Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Econometrics

Bones of Contention: The living archive of Vasil Levski and the making of Bulgaria's national hero

Bones of Contention: The living archive of Vasil Levski and the making of Bulgaria's national hero

Inside Out, Outside In: Teaching World Literat ure Through Philippine Literat ure

Plains Indian women and interracial marriage in the Upper Missouri trade, 1804-1868

Atlas of Pacific salmon: the first map-based status assessment of salmon in the North Pacific

Large lakes of the world

Weaving culture: The many dimensions of the Yup'ik Eskimo mingqaaq

Selective bibliography and guide for I is not for Indian: The portrayal of Native Americans in books for young people

The Personal Budget Project: A practical introduction to financial literacy

Determinants of sustainability in solid waste management-The Gianyar Waste Recovery Project in Indonesia

Irrational exuberance

The ride comfort vs. handling compromise for off-road vehicles

Dante, Homer and Virgil in Raphael's Parnassus fresco (1511), key figures in the Western canon

Simone de Beauvoir: A critical introduction

The ZAPU and ZANU guerrilla warfare and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zimbabwe

The Wycliffe Bible: Part I, The Principle Problems Connected with Forshall and Madden's Edition. Sven L. Fristedt

Athanasius in Reformed Protestantism: Some Aspects of Reception History (1527-1607

New College Library Donations Register 1843-44

Exegesis of the End: Limitations of Lollard Apocalypticism as Revealed in a Commentary on Matthew 24

The problem of universals and wyclif's alleged ultrarealism

John Wyclif

John Wyclif's Metaphysics of Scriptural Integrity in the De Veritate Sacrae Scripturae

FJ Furnivall's Last Fling: The Wyclif Society and Anglo-German Scholarly Relations, 1882-1922

Hess: The Missing Years

Introduction to applied mathematics

Diffraction effects in semiclassical scattering

Diffraction effects in semiclassical scattering

A guide to experiments in quantum optics

The historical, ethical, and legal background of human-subjects research

Globalised Ireland, or, contemporary transformations of national identity

Destination image analysis—a review of 142 papers from 1973 to 2000

Chuuk lagoon-the'Gibraltar of the Pacific

Mysteries of the Hopewell: astronomers, geometers, and magicians of the Eastern Woodlands

Physical model to investigate the effect of the thermal discharge on the mixing zone (Case Study: North Giza Power Plant, Egypt

How on Earth Could Places Become Holy?: Origins of the Christian Idea of Holy Places

The complete Sagas of Icelanders: including 49 tales

Horizons in nutritional science: The case for strategic international alliances to harness nutritional genomics for public and personal health

The economics and management of intellectual property

Knowledge management and the role of libraries

Computer ethics and Neoplatonic virtue: A reconsideration of cyberethics in the light of Plotinus' ethical theory

The Future

The Victorian Soldier in Africa

The Natal Native Contingent in the Anglo-Zulu War

Zulu Victory: The Epic of Isandlwana and the Cover-Up

Stanley Baker: a life in film

Category Archives: Mainwaring

Twelve-month use of mental health services in the United States: results from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication

Acceptability of child treatment techniques: The influence of treatment efficacy and adverse side effects

In two minds: dual-process accounts of reasoning

Focussing in reasoning and decision making

CHC theory and the human cognitive abilities project: Standing on the shoulders of the giants of psychometric intelligence research

Probabilistic theories of reasoning need pragmatics too: Modulating relevance in uncertain conditionals

A brief history of decision support systems

The goodness of fragility: On the prospect of genetic technologies aimed at the enhancement of human capacities

Moral enhancement, freedom and the god machine

Does religion make people moral

Embracing change with all four arms: Post-humanist defense of genetic engineering

The South African war and the historians

Boer guerrilla and British counter-guerrilla operations in South Africa, 1899 to 1902

The drinking patterns and problems of a national sample of college students, 1994


Lead isotope analysis as a new method for identifying material culture belonging to the Vázquez de Coronado expedition

An introduction to social constructionism

Lead isotope analysis as a new method for identifying material culture belonging to the Vázquez de Coronado expedition

Making the American berdache: Choice or constraint

Two Discoveries, Two Conquests, and Two V· zquez de Coronado

Embracing ambiguity: Native peoples and Christianity in seventeenth-century North America

Mexico in his head: Slavery and the Texas-Mexico border, 1810-1860

Practical and theoretical geoarchaeology

The common sense book of baby and child care

Working through environmental conflict: The collaborative learning approach

Parental experience of child protection intervention: A qualitative study

The artistic precariat

Virtuous cuts: female genital circumcision in an African ontology

Accounting and Business Management for Builders

Letters of credit and bank guarantees under international trade law

Shoes outside the door: Desire, devotion, and excess at San Francisco Zen Center

Mapping Land and Memory [Book Review

Experimental chemotherapy of dermatobiosis in laboratory animals

The importance of books, free access, and libraries as places—and the dangerous inadequacy of the information science paradigm

Networked Improv Narrative (Netprov) and the Story of Grace, Wit & Charm

The Political Katherine Mansfield

Sustainable Digitalization of Cultural Heritage—Report on Initiatives and Projects in Brandenburg, Germany

Paradigm shift in German pension policy: Measures aiming at a new public-private mix and their effects

Migrant readers and wordless books: visual narratives' inclusive experience

Three World Cuisines. Italian, Mexican, Chinese

Ta chòrta: wild edible greens used in the Graecanic area in Calabria, Southern Italy

Matthew Gream-Home-Italy

Explaining culture: A naturalistic approach

Is It a Book That You Would Even Wish Your Wife or Your Servants to Read? Obscenity Law and the Politics of Reading in Modern England


Forward Arming and Refueling Points for Fighter Aircraft❙ 5

After the greening: the browning of Australia

Italian Irish Filmmakers

Researching sensitive topics

Engaging young people in civic life

Power and participatory development: theory and practice

Criteria for evaluating roaming protocols

Potter-literacy: From book to game and back again; literature, film, game and cross-media literacy

Fab1p PtdIns (3) P 5-kinase function essential for protein sorting in the multivesicular body

Mutations causing familial biparental hydatidiform mole implicate c6orf221 as a possible regulator of genomic imprinting in the human oocyte

Manual of clinical laboratory methods

Tender? Friend? Wonderful? or Terrible? Enemy? Wild

The revolution that wasn't: a new interpretation of the origin of modern human behavior

Medical resources on the Internet

Goblin Market as a Cross-Audienced Poem: Children's Fairy Tale, Adult Erotic Fantasy

So, the Cold War Is Over

Constitutional law of Canada

La China de España: elaboración de un corpus digitalizado de documentos españoles sobre China de 1555 a 1900

Practice guidelines, a new reality in medicine: II. Methods of developing guidelines

The Politics of Contamination: Herbicides, Drug Control, and Environmental Law

Environmentality: technologies of government and the making of subjects

Cutting edge: pre-intermediate: student's book: with mini-dictionary

Lincoln Kirstein: Mosaic. Variety in'Rhymes of a PFC

Bibliography, Cultural Studies, and Rare Book Librarianship: Tennyson's Crossing the Bar and the Cultural Significance of Unauthoritative Texts

Shakespeare's Book of Genesis

Antiques and tourism in Australia

Our books of the year

The protean career: A quarter-century journey

Breast cancer multi-disciplinary teams in England: much achieved but still more to be done

In ricordo di Bruno Maier. Conversazioni inedite su uno scrittore di frontiera, Giani Stuparich

Lessons from brain mapping in surgery for low-grade glioma: insights into associations between tumour and brain plasticity

Social influences on foraging in vertebrates: causal mechanisms and adaptive functions

Do minds exist in species other than our own

Physiological substrates of mammalian monogamy: the prairie vole model

Presence and the revenge of writing: Re-thinking theatre after Derrida

Current practice in project management—An empirical study

Perspectives on experimental research in managerial accounting

Business model design: an activity system perspective

Legal foundations of international monetary stability

Oppida of Western France: an archaeological and proto-historical approach

Testimonies on the Ethno-Confessional Structure of Medieval Transylvania and Hungary (9th-14th centuries

The Camino de Santiago de Compostela (Spain) and The Via Francigena (Italy): a comparison between two important historic pilgrimage routes in Europe

«London in all its glory—or how to enjoy London»: guidebook representations of imperial London

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Mediating India: An analysis of a guidebook

Igniting a revolution: Voices in defense of mother earth

A time togive

The history of mobile augmented reality

The Breton Lai as protest, mirror and proverb

A Graduate Recital Report

The guitar music of Nathanael Diesel, lutenist to the Royal Danish court, 1736-1744: an analysis and transcription of the duets

Israelology: The missing link in systematic theology

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Epithelial or mesenchymal: where to draw the line

Velvet antler removal from red deer: a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Medicine at Massey University

The occurrence of strawberry black leaf spot caused by Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler in Korea

Financial innovation

Credit risk measurement: Developments over the last 20 years

Selves and brains

Deconstructing the seductive allure of neuroscience explanations

Ice hockey goaltending: physiological loading and game analysis

The Puck Stops Here: Evolving Social Norms of Helmet Usage in the National Hockey League

The form of the keyboard prelude

Enforcement of mouthguard use and athlete compliance in National Collegiate Athletic Association men's collegiate ice hockey competition

Present condition and future prospect of fusion food

The association between HLA DR, DQ antigens, and vulval lichen sclerosus in the UK: HLA DRB1* 12 and its associated DRB1* 12/DQB1* 0301/04/09/010

Cinema's First Flight

Osho Dynamic Meditation's Effect on Serum Cortisol Level

Neo-Baroque aesthetics and contemporary entertainment

A new kind of science

General introduction: clays, clay minerals, and clay science

Radiation biology in cancer research

The SWISS-PROT protein sequence data bank

Introduction to the theory of Gibbs point processes

Environmental humanities: why should biologists interested in the environment take the humanities seriously

Victory garden

Almost Gone: The World's Rarest Animals

Dripping Dry: Literature, Politics, and Water in the Desert Southwest by David N. Cassuto

Book as Mirror, Mirror as Book: The Significance of the Looking-glass in Contemporary Revisions of Fairy Tales

Examining the historical representation of the Holocaust within trade books

Transformations in Deuteronomistic and Biblical Historiography On» Book-Finding «and other Literary Strategies

Forgiveness: More than a therapeutic technique

Explaining the wind: How self-identified born again Christians define what born again means to them

Forgiveness: More than a therapeutic technique

Quality of life philosophy V. Seizing the meaning of life and becoming well again

Looking back: the Cotswolds and English national identity, c. 1890-1950

Rare and minority British sheep for meat production: the Shropshire and Ryeland as sires, and the Cotswold and primitive breeds as dams

Jews, monks and martyred children: the development of ritual murder narratives in twelfth and thirteenth-century England

Writing and identity

Science and the UFO phenomenon

Search for Life in the Universe

Language learner strategies: Thirty years of research and practice

Soul, seed and palingenesis in the Hippocratic de Victu

Effects of salinity on photosynthetic physiology and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of mulberry (Morus alba) seedlings

Erosion and deposition of cohesive soils

Uit in die kuberruim: enkele waardetoevoegings en uitdagings ten opsigte van Gay@ Litnet binne Suid-Afrikaanse konteks

The use of an improved Access Structure in Dictionaries

The great outdoors? Exploring the mental health benefits of natural environments

Destination choice models for rock climbing in the Northeastern Alps: a latent-class approach based on intensity of preferences

The Dieppe Raid: A Product of Misplaced Canadian Nationalism

Cluster analysis for applications

The Price of Discretion: Prostitution, Venereal Disease, and the American Military in France, 1944-1946

What the world's religions teach, applied to vaccines and immune globulins

Rights, Reductionism and Tort Law

Rhetorical features and disciplinary cultures: a genre-based study of academic book reviews in linguistics, chemistry, and economics

The women rewriting rock music's history. Anglo-American and Polish sequence

Efficient estimation of functionals with censored data

Toward a theory of automatic information processing in reading

Statistical methods for agricultural workers

Tecniche di analisi della fidatezza: FMEA:[FMECA]: Failure mode, effects and criticality analysis: parte 1

Step on a crack: a children's theatre production: an honors thesis (HONRS 499

The thief of womanhood': women's experience of polycystic ovarian syndrome

Participation motivation among wheelchair athletes

Using biography to counsel gifted young men

A Psychoanalytical Approach to Bich Minh Nguyen s Stealing Buddha s Dinner

Doll beauties and cosplay

A history of New Zealand

Obesity to pet dogs

Language, thought, and reality: Selected writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf

Playfulness in Lauren Child's picture books

The everyday

The Informe Body

documentary/Modernism: Convergence and Complementarity in the 1930s

The everyday

A Biographical Dictionary of English Court Musicians, 1485-1714

Understanding team resilience in the world's best athletes: A case study of a rugby union World Cup winning team

Fetus to Newborn: The Perinatal Period

English book titles in gerundial form

Yukio Mishima: thymos between aesthetics and ideological fanaticism

Imagery reduces children's post-operative pain

Seasonal and nocturnal domiciliary human landing/biting behaviour of Lutzomyia (Lutzomyia) evansi and Lutzomyia (Psychodopygus) panamensis (Diptera

The Anti-Scorbutic Value of Kaffir Beer

Stories of spiritual awakening: The nature of spirituality in recovery

Extraordinary Objects, Exceptional Subjects: Magic (al) Realism, Multivocality, and the Margins of Experience in the Works of Tom Robbins

I forgot to remember to forget: Elvis Presley in Texas-1955

Content Posted in 2017

HRM and service fairness: How being fair with employees spills over to customers

Alternative research paradigms in operations

Second-Generation Books on Service Quality

Mathematics for elementary teachers: A contemporary approach

accelerators of entrepreneurship in transitioning and developing economies: lessons learned and best practices from current development and business incubation

When people play people: development communication through theatre

Cross training and athletic skills developement in amateur and professional boxers

Why Women Need Sunzi's Book The Art of War

Devils and angels in almodóvar's talk to her

The evolution of synthetic oral drug properties

Supporting the global war on terror: a tale of two campaigns featuring the 250th Forward Surgical Team (Airborne

The challenge of managing drug interactions in elderly people

The governance of high performance sport

Social and psychological factors in stress

A randomised study of the effects of massage therapy compared to guided relaxation on well-being and stress perception among older adults

Frequency and comorbidity of social phobia and social fears in adolescents1

The role of Landcare group networks in rural Australia: exploring the contribution of social capital

Policy, people, and the new professional

The Nottingham Health Profile: subjective health status and medical consultations

Arboriculture: integrated management of landscape trees, shrubs, and vines

Equal subjects, unequal rights: Indigenous people in British settler colonies, 1830-1910

Long History, Deep Time. Deepening Histories of Place

Feminism and sporting bodies: Essays on theory and practice

The design of personal mobile technologies for lifelong learning

Judging Books by Their Covers: Adolescent Meaning Making from Newbery Book Jackets

the Story of Jo: Literary tomboys, Little Women, and the Sexual-textual Politics of narrative desire

Cross-country efficiency of secondary education provision: A semi-parametric analysis with non-discretionary inputs

Parents' interactions with their first-grade children during storybook reading and relations with subsequent home reading activity and reading achievement

Collins bird guide

In Search of The Word of the Other: Aboriginal Sign Systems and the History of the Book in Canada

Coming of age in Samoa

An African perspective on poverty provebs in the book of proverbs: an analysis for transformational possibilities

Ionising radiations, radioactive materials and the fire services

The Glasgow Outcome, APCR and Lipid (GOAL) Pregnancy Study: significance of pregnancy associated activated protein C resistance

Revaluing nature: toward an ecological criticism

Reconnaissance of reefs and fishing banks of the Texas continental shelf


Nature's investigator: the diary of Robert Brown in Australia, 1801-1805

Peoples against states: Ethnopolitical conflict and the changing world system: 1994 presidential address

Beyond the Battlefield: Gabriel Dumont and Métis Leadership (1837-1885

Food losses in food service institutions examples from Sweden

Individual travel time budgets

Electric Drive Study

The political economy of agricultural price policy: Volume 5, a synthesis of the political economy in developing countries

Power electronics and AC drives

Pedagogy first! making web-technologies work for soft skills development in leadership and management education

The joy of running

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

The joy of running

Primary Trainee Teachers' Choice of Mathematical Examples for Learning and the Relationship with Mathematical Subject Knowledge

Broiler Breeder Chickens: Their Misery Revealed

Imperial New York: destruction and disneyfication under Emperor Giuliani

Psyche: Inventions of the Other, Volume I

Balaam and the Ass

Asinus Philosophans : Platonic Philosophy and the Prologue to Apuleius' Golden Ass

Great is Diana of Shakespeare's Ephesus

Effects of game-based relaxation training on attention problems in anxious children

Quadrupole effects in nuclear magnetic resonance studies of solids

Literacy and science: Each in the service of the other

Using cognitive theory to explain entrepreneurial risk-taking: Challenging conventional wisdom

A model of behavioral self-regulation: Translating intention into action

Change the mind and you change the brain: effects of cognitive-behavioral therapy on the neural correlates of spider phobia

The general theory of employment

The Funk is on

Corinth 1862: Siege, Battle, Occupation by Timothy B. Smith

AIDS Africa: Continent in crisis

Determinants of financing pattern and access to formal-informal credit: the case of small and medium sized enterprises in Viet Nam


CommonRoots Health Centre

Effect of ambience on food intake and food choice

Beyond malnutrition screening: appropriate methods to guide nutrition care for aged care residents

Law and Technology at Crossroads in Cyberspace: Where Do We Go From Here

Fighting identity theft: The coping perspective

Evolutionary parasitologythe integrated study of infections, immunology, ecology, and genetics

On being a scientist: a guide to responsible conduct in research

Incorporating prenatal yoga into childbirth education classes

Guide to the Julia Morgan-Sara Holmes Boutelle Collection, 1877-1958

Multiple dimensions of residential environments, neighborhood experiences, and jogging behavior in the RECORD Study

How Social Networks Control Your Health

The lesbian body

The history of the cattle tick Boophilus microptus in Australia and achievements in its control

Cave man cinema: the silver screen on the cavern wall

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

To infinity, beyond and back again

The culture of poplars in Eastern North America

The importance of dry woodlands and forests in rural livelihoods and poverty alleviation in South Africa

Using multi-criteria cost surface analysis to explore past regional landscapes: a case study of ritual activity and social interaction in Michigan, AD 1200-1600

Relationships between vegetation, site type and stand structure in coniferous plantations in Britain

Formulation of work stress in 1960-2000: Analysis of scientific works from the perspective of historical sociology

Trauma and Children's Literature

Leadership development:: A review in context

Artificial intelligence: a modern approach

Fifteen years ago it was said that reversible dementia was significantly less prevalent than previously estimated. This prediction has been borne out by an

Be mindful of the future: information and knowledge management in Star Wars tie-in fiction

Games telling stories

Between the commemorative games and the descent to the Underworld in Books 5 and 6 of Vergil's Aeneid: a study of structure and narrative technique in the

Transverse coherence in rapid FLASH NMR imaging

Transverse coherence in rapid FLASH NMR imaging

Transverse coherence in rapid FLASH NMR imaging

Transverse coherence in rapid FLASH NMR imaging

Be mindful of the future: information and knowledge management in Star Wars tie-in fiction

Helmet optimisation based on head-helmet modelling

Sex and the children's book

The G-spot: a modern gynecologic myth

The tay bridge disaster—Faulty materials or faulty design

Battle for the North: The Tay and Forth Bridges and the Nineteenth-Century Railway Wars

The Victorian Engineers of University Square

The coefficient of resistance as a function of Reynolds number for solids of various shapes

Crash and Burn by Michael Hassan

Note on an ALGOL 60 Compiler for Pegasus I

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Talking animals: medieval Latin beast poetry, 750-1150

Development and risk factors of juvenile antisocial behavior and delinquency

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and the frontal lobe syndrome

Clinical efficacy of methylphenidate in conduct disorder with and without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Instability of sleep patterns in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Cycle tourism development in the Peak District National Park, United Kingdom

An investigation into processes influencing the morphodynamics of an intertidal mudflat, the Dollard Estuary, the Netherlands: I. Hydrodynamics and suspended

Imperial Gothic: Atavism and the occult in the British adventure novel, 1880-1914


臨界: 布拉姆• 史托克的《 吸血鬼--德古拉》 之研究


資本與行動者網路的運作──《 紅高粱家族》 英譯本生產及傳播之

Upton Bell Sinclair's The Jungle and Li Pao-chia's The Bureaucracy Exposed: A Parallel Study

Evaluating Preaching as a Communal and Dialogical Practice

First corinthians: An exegetical and explanatory commentary: A somewhat traditional interpretation plus contemporary application [Book Review

In the Absence of the Sacred

Application of general semi-infinite programming to lapidary cutting problems

Exquisite Chinese fossils add new pages to book of life

Adverse events following influenza A (H1N1) 2009 monovalent vaccines reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, United States, October 1, 2009

Adverse events following influenza A (H1N1) 2009 monovalent vaccines reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, United States, October 1, 2009

Adverse events following influenza A (H1N1) 2009 monovalent vaccines reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, United States, October 1, 2009

An Examination Of The Nature Of Science Presentation In High School Chemistry Textbooks Used In The United States and India

Evasion behaviors of exporters and importers: Evidence from the US-China trade data discrepancy

Advanced accounting

Inter-organizational controls and organizational competencies: episodes around target cost management/functional analysis and open book accounting

Different open book accounting practices for different purchasing strategies

Training the communicative recitalist: exercises inspired by Sanford Meisner's repetition exercise

A note on Dempster-Shafer recombination of confidence distributions

The journey of discovering skull base anatomy in ancient Egypt and the special influence of Alexandria

BACE-1 inhibitors part 1: identification of novel hydroxy ethylamines (HEAs

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Efficient nucleation of stardust silicates via heteromolecular homogeneous condensation

Cultural influences on consumer satisfaction with impulse and planned purchase decisions

Neoproterozoic stratigraphic comparison of the Lesser Himalaya (India) and Yangtze block (south China): Paleogeographic implications

Hope and suffering: sermons and speeches

Disease and Empire: The Health of European Troops in the Conquest of Africa

functional foods and nutraceuticals in Canada?: results of cluster analysis of the 2006 survey of Canadians' demand for food products supporting health and wellness

Reproducibility and validity of the secondary level School-Based Nutrition Monitoring student questionnaire

Abstinence and abstinence-only education: A review of US policies and programs

Evaluation ofSun-safe': a health education resource for primary schools

Noterlerin Hazırlanmasına Katılmış Oldukları Senetler Sebebiyle Zarar Gören Üçüncü Kişilere Karşı Hukuki Sorumluluğu

Christian-muslim relations in Africa: The cases of Northern Nigeria and Tanzania compared

Police interview techniques: Establishing truth or proof

The development dimension of Migrants Transfers

The making of Europe

Transnational religious connections

Toward democratic consolidation

Hot Off the Press Purchase 1 copy Quantity Discount Buy 10 Save Big To Kill A Rat E-book

An econometric model of the supply and control of recorded offences in England and Wales

Bell's orofacial pains: the clinical management of orofacial pain

Functional inequalities for Markov semigroups

Random-matrix theories in quantum physics: common concepts

Remarks on infinite-dimensional Lie groups

Random-matrix theories in quantum physics: common concepts

Topological field theory

Biology of insect eggs. Volume I, Volume II, Volume III

Biology of insect eggs. Volume I, Volume II, Volume III

Population biology of plants

Biology of insect eggs. Volume I, Volume II, Volume III

Finding the right words: An account of research for the Supplements to the Oxford English Dictionary

Framing abuse: Media influence and public understanding of sexual violence against children

Teaching evolution with the aid of science fiction

100 Bears by Magali Bardos

Neo-Baroque aesthetics and contemporary entertainment

Case 3723 — Bolitophagus cornutus Fabricius, 1801 (currently Bolitotherus cornutus) (Insecta: Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae): proposed conservation of the specific

Race, gender, and motivation for becoming a police officer: Implications for building a representative police department

Antonin Scalia's jurisprudence: Text and tradition

Don't bother me, Mom, I'm learning!: How computer and video games are preparing your kids for 21st century success and how you can help

Immigration law in the European Community

Colonies and colonization

Baroque, Allegory, Comedia: The Transfiguration of Tragedy in Seventeenth-Century spain. by Kluge, Sofie

Collected essays

The evolving narrator in the Spanish novel (1884-1958): La de Bringas, Niebla, and Entre visillos

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Refeeding pancreatitis in malnourished children

The effect of instruction on children's knowledge of marine ecology, attitudes toward the ocean, and stances toward marine resource issues

Context and content: Essays on intentionality in speech and thought

International violence against women: US response and policy issues

Pottery wall thinning as a consequence of increased maize processing: a case study from central New York

Hard evidence on soft skills

The effect of conceptual metaphors on learning idioms by l2 learners

Fixed expressions in English: reference books and the teacher

Word power: A new approach for content analysis

The accountability of policing

Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays

The Nordic Model. Embracing globalization and sharing risks

Mommie Dearest

Syntactic structure of ka-construction in Taiwanese Southern Min

The water-babies as catechetical paradigm

Multilingualism, modern metropolis and youth: a sociolinguistic profile of a section of students of Calcutta University

The Castles of the Rhine: Recreating the Middle Ages in Modern Germany by Robert R. Taylor

In Search of Alias Grace: On Writing Canadian Historical Fiction

Differences in the perception of national socialist and classicist architecture

Can Fur Traders Have Feelings? Sentiment in Samuel Hearne's Journey to the Northern Ocean (1795

Justice was Refused Me, I Resolved to Free Myself: John W. Lindsay. Finding Elements of American Freedoms in British Canada, 1805-1876

A rising tide of species and literature: a review of some recent books on biological invasions

Experiments on distant intercessory prayer: God, science, and the lesson of Massah

Finding the words to say it: the healing power of poetry

Moral implications of Divine Mercy in individual, ecclesial and social life of Nigerians

Romans: A commentary

Agnostos Dei: staging Catholicism and the anti-sectarian aesthetic in early-Stuart England

Detki v kletke: The Childlike Aesthetic in Soviet Children's Literature and Unofficial Poetry

Anti-Judaism and Care for the Poor in Aphrahat's Demonstration 20

Small, Not Insignificant: a Specification for a Conservation Pamphlet Binding Structure

Plastic bronchitis: an unusual bronchoscopic challenge associated with congenital heart disease repair

Promoting Youth Development Worldwide: The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award

The sense of the world

Shades of dark tourism: Alcatraz and Robben Island

The search for a more human face for Nelson Mandela: An urgent task

Linguistic imperialism: African perspectives

An investigation into the impact of investment appraisal techniques on the profitability of small manufacturing firms in the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Bay Area

The outlook for a democratic South Africa

The regeneration potential of the seed bank of an ephemeral floodplain in South Africa

South African solidarity with Palestinians: motivations, strategies, and impact

What colour is the South African rainbow?: The ANC's racial transformation

The Victorian Internet: The remarkable story of the telegraph and the nineteenth century's online pioneers

International term structures and real economic growth

The adoption of open educational resources by one community college math department

Money employment and inflation

Remembering Caldecott: The three jovial huntsmen and the art of the picture book

The Next Tsunami: Living on a Restless Coast

Mountain motivations: The high Andes and other endeavours

Financial impacts of enterprise resource planning implementations

Homeopathic use of modern medicines: utilisation of the curative rebound effect

vol. XIII.] (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1921. Pp. xii, 246.) and Jefferson and his Colleagues: a Chronicle of the Virginia Dynasty. By Allen Johnson. [Chronicles of America series

The library is a social institution

Theory of electroporation: a review

An Architecture of Belonging: Housing New Canadians

A framework for developing home automation systems: From requirements to code

Imagined interiors: representing the domestic interior since the Renaissance

Murder, espionage, and baseball: the 1934 all American tour of Japan

How language helps us think

A starting point for analyzing basketball statistics

Manufacturing engineering and technology

DO 690 Theology of John Wesley

The Exodus story: between historical memory and historiographical composition

CO2 injection for enhanced oil recovery in Bakken tight oil reservoirs

Recent technological advances in oral drug delivery-a review

Thistle on the Delaware: Edinburgh Medical Education and Philadelphia Practice, 1800-1825

Premature ejaculation: results from a five-country European observational study

Adolphe Quetelet (1796-1874)—the average man and indices of obesity

Randy Steven Kraft

Comparative study of the practice of product placement in Bollywood and Hollywood movies

Social embeddedness and relations of regard:: alternative 'good food'networks in south-west Ireland

Food rituals: an entrée into multiracial family culture

Chop Suey as imagined authentic Chinese food: the culinary identity of Chinese restaurants in the United States

A practice theoretical perspective on everyday dealings with environmental challenges of food consumption

Performing Multicultural Futures on Atlanta's Buford Highway

Boys will be boys: Gender, overconfidence, and common stock investment

Radio Canada International: History and Development by Arthur Siegel

An analysis of the finite element method

Stolen language, cosmic models: Myth and mythology in Tolkien

JRR Tolkien and the Matter of Britain

JRR Tolkien and the Matter of Britain

Tom Bombadil's Last Song: Tolkien's Once Upon A Time

The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth: Philology and the Literary Muse

Architectural modelmaking

Christian dogmatics

Stigma: the hidden burden of infertility

Consumer perceived healthiness and willingness to try functional milk desserts. Influence of ingredient, ingredient name and health claim

Density profiles and substructure of dark matter halos: converging results at ultra-high numerical resolution

War on democratic peace

Intimate death: how the dying teach us how to live

Responses of terrestrial ecosystems to Dansgaard-Oeshger cycles and Heinrich-events: A 28,000-year record of environmental changes from SE Hungary

Chemical immobilization of wild and exotic animals

Alternative diets

Lyme borreliosis in dogs and humans in the USA

Special treatment issues in lung cancer: ACCP evidence-based clinical practice guidelines

Outcome after discontinuation of immunosuppression in children with autoimmune hepatitis: a population-based study

Elementary statistics

Herd-level risk factors associated with Leptospira spp. seroprevalence in dairy and beef cattle in Spain

Veterinary public health: past success, new opportunities

A century of Leptospira strain typing

Leptospirosis: a zoonotic disease of global importance

Economic evaluation of natural gas hydrate as an alternative for natural gas transportation

Closure in Detective Fiction

How picture books mean: The case of Chris Van Allsburg

A semi-autonomous mobile robot for bridge inspection

Nature and etiology of hollow-organ abdominal injuries in frontal crashes

Verbal humor without switching scripts and without non-bona fide communication

The Cambridge dictionary of philosophy

Charles Brockden Brown's Biloquial Nation: National Culture and White Settler Colonialism in Memoirs of Carwin the Biloquist

Charles Brockden Brown's Wieland: A Family Tragedy

Mary Shelley's Reading: Publication Date List

Charles Brockden Brown's Biloquial Nation: National Culture and White Settler Colonialism in Memoirs of Carwin the Biloquist

The geochemistry of a recent marine sediment off northwest Africa. An assessment of source of input and early diagenesis

New genomic tools for molecular studies of evolutionary change in threespine sticklebacks

Rhapsodist in the wilderness: Brown's romantic quest in Edgar Huntly

Charles Brockden Brown's Biloquial Nation: National Culture and White Settler Colonialism in Memoirs of Carwin the Biloquist

Charles Brockden Brown's Wieland: A Family Tragedy

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

The visual and the visionary: art and female spirituality in late medieval Germany

Frye's Bible

A Brahmin Goes Dutch: John Lothrop Motley And The Lessons Of Dutch History In Nineteenth-Century Boston

Social contexts and urban adolescent outcomes: The interrelated effects of neighborhoods, families, and peers on African-American youth

National Cooperative Highway Research Program, NCHRP Synthesis 463, Pavement Patching Practices-A Synthesis of Highway Practice

The demand for transportation: models and applications

Project evaluation: an integrated financial and economic analysis

Rescaling regions in the state: the new regionalism in California


Abani, C

Craftwork Techniques of the Native Americans

Lapis Lazuli: Symbolism+ Meaning

The fabric of character: Aristotle's theory of virtue

Acute upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage in long-distance runners

Triathlon related musculoskeletal injuries: the status of injury prevention knowledge

Fast science: A history of training theory and methods for elite runners through 1975

Emergent models of sport development and delivery: The case of triathlon in Australia and the US

People of chance. Gambling in American society from Jamestown to Las Vegas


E-books in the classroom: A survey of students and faculty at a school of pharmacy

Do you hit girls?'Some striking moments in the career of a male martial artist

최근세한국식물학연구사-일제통치하 한국에 있어서의 식물학 연구에 관한 시설과 그 실태

La formación de los jugadores de fútbol de alta competición desde la perspectiva de los coordinadores de cantera

Taekwondo exercise protocols do not recreate the physiological responses of championship combat

Are thehard'martial arts, such as the Korean martial art, TaeKwon-Do, of benefit to senior citizens

Dimensions of market demand associated with Taekwondo schools in North America: Development of a scale

Studies at phase interfaces. I. The sliding of liquid drops on solid surfaces and a theory for spray retention

Born-again global'firms: An extension to the 'born global'phenomenon

Gardens or Graveyards of Scholarship? Festschriften in the Literature of the Common Law

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

The economic history of Italy 1860-1990

AS and A2 books and resources: deciding what to buy

First pictures, early concepts: Early concept books

Teaching materials for pediatric health professionals

Mickey Mouse as Teddy's Bear: The Political Cartoons of Clifford Berryman and the Origins of Disney's Iconic Character

How the new collection of the Ethnographic Museum came about

Customers' motivations for maintaining relationships with service providers

A data model for describing and exchanging Personal Achieved Learning Outcomes (PALO

Bioremediation. an overview

Advertising and Christmas

The influence of family in the preservation of Appalachian traditional music: From the front porch to performance

Eating Across Borders: Reading Immigrant Cookbooks

Managing racial diversity: Positional segregation in South African rugby union in the post-apartheid era

Power electronics and AC drives

Unfriendly fire: A mother's memoir

A real boy and not a sissy: Gender, childhood, and masculinity, 1890-1940

Fuel ethanol production from sugarcane and corn: comparative analysis for a Colombian case

Racial/ethnic diversity in doctoral programs of psychology: Challenges for the twenty-first century

Culturally embedded and path-dependent: peripheral alternatives to ECSC/EEC core Europe since 1945

Masters in Our Native Place: The politics of Latvian national parks on the road from Communism to Europe

Illiberal politics in neoliberal times: culture, security and populism in the new Europe

Harlem's queer dandy: African-American modernism and the artifice of blackness

Framing cruelty: The construction of duck shooting as a social problem

Lives in the balance: The ethics of using animals in biomedical research: The report of a working party of the institute of medical ethics

War and thanatourism: Waterloo 1815-1914

The creatures of the night: Vampires from books to films

Toward a functional analysis of self-injury

The Desert War of a Carolingian Monk

Yummy mummies: The clamor of glamour in advertising to mothers

Peter Thorsheim. Inventing Pollution: Coal, Smoke, and Culture in Britain since 1800. xii+ 307 pp., figs., bibl., index. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2006. $55

Mesoamerica's classic heritage: from Teotihuacan to the Aztecs

Leonardo da Vinci: the search for the soul

Children's adjustment in conflicted marriage and divorce: A decade review of research

This is a final research paper for my college English class

Reverberations: Disability and the new kinship imaginary

No! I'm not a refugee!'The poetics of be-longing among young Oromos in Toronto

What harm? Kenyan and Ugandan perspectives on khat

Democracy in divided societies

An introduction to the legal history of Ethiopia, 1434-1974

The Invention of Ethiopia: The making of a Dependent Colonial State in Northeast Africa

Promiscuous girls, good wives, and cheating husbands: Gender inequality, transitions to marriage, and infidelity in southeastern Nigeria

Metabolic and endocrine physiology. An introductory text

Witness Against War: Pacifism in Canada, 1900-1945

Analysis the effect of data mining techniques on database

Knowledge management systems

Fundamentals of public economics

The special case of Herculaneum

Contests for corporate control: Corporate governance and economic performance in the United States and Germany


Integrating Health Informatics Into Australian Higher Education Health Profession Curricula

Physician communication and patient adherence to treatment: a meta-analysis

Artificial intelligence: a modern approach

James Morison, Book Illustration and The Poems of Robert Burns (1812

A structural and practice-strategy analysis of Serge Rachmaninoff's Prelude Op. 23, No. 4 in D major from the pianist's perspective

Chopin's Prophet: The Life of Pianist Vladimir de Pachmann by Edward Blickstein and Gregor Benko

Assessment of muscle activity and joint angles in small-handed pianists

Microwave determination of the molecular structures and nuclear couplings of the methyl halides

Kinetic theory and quantum electrodynamics at high temperature

Nuclear and particle physics

Evolutionary history of the burnet moth genus Zygaena Fabricius, 1775 (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae) inferred from nuclear and mitochondrial sequence data: phylogeny

Massive swarm migrations of dragonflies (Odonata) in eastern North America

Butterfly diversity loss in Flanders (north Belgium): Europe's worst case scenario

phytochemistry of bryophytes-acetogenins, terpenoids and bis (bibenzyl) s from selected Japanese, Taiwanese, New Zealand, Argentinean and European liverworts

Reading and the non-academic learner: A mystery solved

General game playing: Overview of the AAAI competition

Whither Welfare

Thread: Monster ENCyclopedia: Remorhaz

Medical ethics through the Star Trek lens

Reading rooms: MR James and the library of modernity

The Golden Bough: a Study in Magic and Religion, vol. 3

Principles and practice in second language acquisition

Swedish Modernism: Architecture, Consumption, and the Welfare State

German capital ships of the second world war: The ultimate photograph album [Book Review

Urban planning: An 'undisciplined'discipline

Authority in the virtual sangat: Sikhism, ritual and identity in the twenty-first century

Deep Into That Darkness Peering: An Essay on Gothic Nature

Teaching in a digital age

E-government success factors: Mapping practical tools to theoretical foundations

Benford's Law: Textbook exercises and multiple-choice testbanks

On-line interaction and why candidates avoid it

State agendas, local sentiments: Vietnamese wedding practices amidst socialist transformations

Climate and environmental change in arid Central Asia: Impacts, vulnerability, and adaptations

Global political cities as actors in twenty-first century international affairs

Reconstruction in Aceh: Building whose capacity

Common ground: integrating social and environmental history

A rising tide of species and literature: a review of some recent books on biological invasions

Sword of Zen: Master Takuan and his writings on immovable wisdom and the sword Taie

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Mishima on Stage: The Black Lizard and Other Plays

Aesthetics in Gao's Soul Mountain

Gao Xingjian's Post-Exile Plays: Transnationalism and Postdramatic Theatre by Mary Mazzilli

Ze-Ami and His Theories of Noh Drama by Masaru Sekine

Wicked villagers and the mysteries of reproduction: an exploration of horror videos from Ghana and Nigeria

Community in the Upper Thames Valley Excavation of a Prehistoric, Roman and Post-Roman Landscape at Cotswold Community, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire

The Early River Thames: The Iron Age and Before

Folk physics for apes: The chimpanzee's theory of how the world works

The art of listening

Evaluation of a clinic-based program to promote book sharing and bedtime routines among low-income urban families with young children

Inclusive practice: A biographical approach

Dick Tracy's cityscape

Self, friends, and lovers: Structural relations among Beck Depression Inventory scores and perceived mate values

Applying XP ideas formally: The story card and extreme X-machines

Sexual activity and function in women more than 2 years after midurethral sling placement

This Side of the Mountain

The escapist: Fantasy, folklore, and the pleasures of the comic book in recent Jewish American holocaust fiction

Book of the Three Dragons

Weapons of Mass Instruction: Schoolbooks and Democratization in Multiethnic Central Europe

Introduction: the study and history of genocide

Studies in 3, 4-diaryl-1, 2, 5-oxadiazoles and their N-oxides: Search for better COX-2 inhibitors

Humour and Satire in Jonathan Swift and the Tradition of Comicall Satyre

The theory of nuclear explosives that Heisenberg did not present to the German military

Phytotoxic effects of red clover amended soils on wild mustard seedling growth

Fallout, A Study of Superbombs, Strontium 90, and Survival

Radiation dose associated with common computed tomography examinations and the associated lifetime attributable risk of cancer

Author's style and world-view in nuclear discourse: A quantitative analysis

Unstable atoms: 1896-1913

Ethical and regulatory aspects of clinical research: Readings and commentary

Allopathic medicine, profession, and capitalist ideology in India

Nuclear power reactor safety

Gallant Creoles: A History of the Donaldsonville Canonniers

Scattered thoughts on trauma and memory

Eutopic endometrium in women with endometriosis: ground zero for the study of implantation defects

State selective scattering angle dependent capture cross sections measured by cold target recoil ion momentum spectroscopy

New Orleans Dystopia

Two cathelicidin genes are present in both rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and atlantic salmon (Salmo salar

Motivations and satisfactions of Lake Ontario boating salmonid anglers

A river in common: the Columbia river, the salmon ecosystem, and water policy

Linking oceanic food webs to coastal production and growth rates of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), using models on three scales

The development of relations of production in the British Columbia salmon fishery

The Enchantments of Love

Levinas's Philosophy of Time: Gift, Responsibility, Diachrony, Hope

Use of in vivo-generated biofilms from hemodialysis catheters to test the efficacy of a novel antimicrobial catheter lock for biofilm eradication in vitro

Modifications of extrinsic pathway inhibitor (EPI) and factor Xa that affect their ability to interact and to inhibit factor Vila/tissue factor: evidence for a two-step model of

Twelve-step and mutual-help programs for addictive disorders

A passion for exploring new countries. Matthew Flinders and George Bass [Book Review

The Goddamn Bus of Happiness [Book Review

Banana leaf spot Mycosphaerella musicola, the perfect stage of Cercospora musae Zimm

Books for Laughing Out Loud

A Wyoming bighorn sheep study

Fluid-Dynamic Lift, Practical Information on Aerodynamic and Hydrodynamic Lift

Aphids on the world's crops: an identification and information guide

Database resources of the national center for biotechnology information

Avoiding the subject: Media, culture and the object

African literature in the literary market place outside Africa

Rambling in overdrive: travelling through Tasmanian literature

Neonatal death from pigmented coliform infection

Because she's a woman: Myth and Metafiction in Carol Shields's Unless

Attitudes towards faculty unions and collective bargaining in American and Canadian universities

Pluralistic Inclusivism and Christian-Muslim Dialogue: The Challenge of Moving beyond Polite Discussion toward Reconciliation and Peace

New public management and professionals in the public sector. What new patterns beyond opposition

Institutional environment and the mechanisms of governance: the impact of intellectual property protection on the structure of inter-firm alliances

The implementation of Ontario pay equity legislation

Preserving the global environment: the challenge of shared leadership

We want a strong promise: The Opposition to Indian Treaties in British Columbia, 1850-1990

Teaching English as an international language: Rethinking goals and perspectives

Plasma cortisol changes during hypnotic trance: Relation to depth of hypnosis

Complementary and alternative medicine treatments for children with autism spectrum disorders

New vector for efficient allelic replacement in naturally nontransformable, low-GC-content, gram-positive bacteria

The deadly life of logistics: Mapping violence in global trade

Bridging the gap: translating research into policy and practice

Symphony for the City of the Dead: Dmitri Shostakovich and the Siege of Leningrad by M. T Anderson

Maritime Space as Law and Light: Retrieving William Clark Russell's An Ocean Free-Lance (1882

List of Indiana Jones characters Redirected from Mutt Williams

Experimental study on solar-powered adsorption refrigeration cycle with activated alumina and activated carbon as adsorbent

Polydipsia in rhesus monkeys deficient in omega-3 fatty acids

Conference of State Legislatures (clip 5) Bill Gates at the National Conference of State Legislatures (clip 6) Bill Gates: How state budgets are breaking US

Historiographic Characteristics of Ezra-Nehemiah

Couples treatment of agoraphobia

Perceived parental rearing behaviour and anxiety disorders symptoms in normal children

Empirically supported treatments in psychotherapy: towards an evidence-based or evidence-biased psychology in clinical settings

Spin Art

A National Policy Study on Child Labour and Development in the Philippines

Using historical data, expert judgement and multivariate analysis in assessing reference conditions and benthic ecological status, according to the European Water

Country cooperation strategy: WHO

Overcoming the model minority myth: Experiences of Filipino American graduate students

Photometric nin-hydrin method for use in the ehromatography of amino acids

Fluorides and human health

Harvey Pekar: Mensch Author, Mensch Editor... and other Jewish Comic Stars

The meaningful life in Japan and the United States: Levels and correlates of meaning in life

Animals in the lives of children

Power surge. Guide to the coming energy revolution

Digital game-based learning in high school computer science education: Impact on educational effectiveness and student motivation

Is a hypertext a book or a space? The impact of different introductory metaphors on hypertext construction

Babies, television and videos: How did we get here

This Third Space: Real-and-Imagined Spaces in Turn-of-the-Century American Settlement Fiction

The Roman actor, metadrama, authority, and the audience

Cervantes and English literature of the seventeenth century

The COX-2/PGI2 receptor axis plays an obligatory role in mediating the cardioprotection conferred by the late phase of ischemic preconditioning

The Roman actor, metadrama, authority, and the audience

Base-on Cloud Computing A new type of distributed application server system design

An analysis of select beginning band method books and the level to which they address the national standards for music education

Review Section [Book Review

Faisal Devji. Muslim Zion: Pakistan as a Political Idea

Is the Islam in Islamophobia the same as the Islam in anti-Islam; or, when is it Islamophobia time

The nation in heterogeneous time

Gender and nationalism: the masculinization of Hinduism and female political participation in India

Cinema at the end of empire: A politics of transition in Britain and India

Bruce Chatwin. Anatomy of Restlessness. Selected Writings 1969-1989. Ed. Jan Borm and Matthew Graves. Harmondsworth, Middlesex; New York: Penguin

Chatwinesque, or Travel Writing as a Narrative Genre

Patterns in the modern decline of Western Australia's vertebrate fauna: causes and conservation implications

Critical science gaps impede use of no-take fishery reserves

Benefits beyond boundaries: the fishery effects of marine reserves

When can marine reserves improve fisheries management

Linking marine protected areas to integrated coastal and ocean management: a review of theory and practice

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Humor in the age of digital reproduction: Continuity and change in internet-based comic texts

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

In the Midst of Life: Affect and Ideation in the World of the Tolai

The issue of never-married motherhood in Britain, 1920-70

Equations of the end: teaching mathematical modeling using the zombie apocalypse

Ariel Sheen

Digression Personified: Whitman, The New York School, and the Drift of Poetry

Book Review: Brandeis and the Progressive Constitution: Erie, the Judicial Power, and the Politics of the Federal Courts in Twentieth-Century America. by Edward A

Retrospective: Bernays' doctrine of public opinion

The needs of strangers: Friendly societies and insurance societies in late eighteenth-century England

An analysis of the finite element method

Intergenerational discounting: a new intuitive approach

The term structure spread and future changes in long and short rates in the G7 countries: Is there a puzzle

The term structure of interest rates

On the determinants of bank interest margins under credit and interest rate risks

Interest-rate targeting

Estimation of diffraction effect in ultrasonic attenuation by through-transmission substitution technique

Coordinating informal and formal aspects of mathematics: Student behavior and textbook messages

Using web technologies to teach mathematics

The nature of design practice and implications for interaction design research

Sufism, mystics, and saints in modern Egypt

Speech-accommodation theories: A discussion in terms of second-language acquisition

Age before Beauty: A Comparative Study of Martyrs in American Disaster Movies and Their Medieval Predecessors

Felix the cat

Improving Made-in-China management research

Board meeting frequency and firm performance

Enterprise resource planning: Implementation procedures and critical success factors

Technology assessment for portfolio managers

Basil: a source of essential oils

The philosophical, cultural, and historical aspects of complementary, alternative, unconventional, and integrative medicine in the Old World

The Royal Horticultural Society encyclopedia of herbs & their uses

Made in Afghanistan: Rugs and Resistance, 1979-2005

A study on the traditional art of Jamdani fabric in Bangladesh

The Politics of Appropriation: Writing, Responsibility, and the Specter of the Native Informant

L. Track of His Majesty's armed brig Lion from England to Davis's Streights and Labrador, with observations for determining the longitude by Sun and Moon and error

The interpretation of advertisements

Time-inconsistent preferences and consumer self-control

From Sikwa to Swine: The Hog in Cherokee Culture and Society, 1750-1840

Endangered plant life

President of the United States

Taxonomy of Forestiera pubescens and Forestiera neomexicana (Oleaceae

Sweet trees, sour circumstances: The long search for sustainability in the North American maple products industry

New names of fossil Atadinus, Endotropis and Frangula (Rhamnaceae

Designing language courses: A guide for teachers

Linguistics and literature: Language in the verbal arts of the world

Nematode parasites of domestic animals and man

Biocenotic foundations of comparative parasitology

Veterinary helminthology

Helminths, arthropods and protozoa of domesticated animals

Manual of veterinary clinical pathology

Debating the great emancipator: Abraham Lincoln and our public memory

On financial contracting: An analysis of bond covenants

A Form in the Road: US Foreign Policy and the Path Toward Globalization in the Middle East, 1945-2014

The impact of motivational interviewing on client experiences of cognitive behavioral therapy for generalized anxiety disorder

Comics & sequential art


Using growing degree days, agrometeorological variables, linear regression, and data mining methods to help improve prediction of sweetpotato harvest date in

Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis, David W. Mount. Cold Spring Harbor, NY: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2004, 692 pp., $75.00, paperback

Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis, David W. Mount. Cold Spring Harbor, NY: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2004, 692 pp., $75.00, paperback

Principles of medical statistics

Practical clinical biochemistry

Twenty-One Countries, Millions of Native Speakers, and One Semester to Teach It All: Linguistic Variation in Entry Level College Textbooks for Spanish

The grammar of time reference in Yukatek Maya

Before You Were Here, Mi Amor

Deaf American poetry: an anthology

Novel duplication in the F12 gene in a patient with recurrent angioedema

Differential game models in management science

You See Your Culture Coming Out of the Ground Like a Power: Uncanny Narratives in Time and Space on the Northwest Coast

Aviation and airport security: terrorism and safety concerns

US-Vietnam Relations in 2010: Current Issues and Implications for US Policy

US unmanned aerial systems

Civilian Surge. Key to Complex Operations

The unified command plan and combatant commands: Background and issues for congress

UAV photogrammetry for topographic monitoring of coastal areas

Permaculture: a designer's manual

Roots, Tendrils, Sprouts and Shoots: A Case Study of Parkallen's Community Garden, a permaculture project

Mains water neutral gardening: an integrated approach to water conservation in sustainable urban gardens

In search of biological indicators for soil health and disease suppression

Conducted to Evaluate the Suppression of Phytophthora cinnamomi Activity on Rhododendron× PJMElite'by Different Composts Incorporated into Growing Media

De anima: books II and III (with passages from book I

Was Plato a feminist

An introduction to Plato's Republic

Early Greek philosophy and the Orient

Early Greek philosophy and the Orient

Aristotle On Eudaimonia (Book I. 1-5 [1-3] And 7-8 [5-6

The sexually sadistic serial killer

Vasovagal syncope in the Canon of Avicenna: the first mention of carotid artery hypersensitivity

The uncanonical Dante: The divine comedy and Islamic philosophy

Vasovagal syncope in the Canon of Avicenna: the first mention of carotid artery hypersensitivity

The uncanonical Dante: The divine comedy and Islamic philosophy

The Sicilian Vespers: A History of the Mediterranean World in the Later Thirteenth Century

XIII The Nineteenth Century: The Victorian Period

Dante's description of narcolepsy

Go to AfricaBib home African Women Go to database home

When The Animals Talked—: A Hundred Years of Uncle Remus

Whole body vibration exposures in metropolitan bus drivers: A comparison of three seats

The history of the countryside: the classic history of Britain's landscape, flora and fauna

Magna Carta and the holy grail

Touring Japan-As-Museum: NIPPON and Other Japanese Imperialist Travelogues

From plunder to preservation: Britain and the heritage of empire, c. 1800-1940

In search of lost leisure: The impact of caregiving on leisure travel

Inupiat youth suicide and culture loss: Changing community conversations for prevention

Omens of millennium: The gnosis of angels, dreams, and resurrection

The NHGRI GWAS Catalog, a curated resource of SNP-trait associations

A preliminary survey of modern yoga studies

The Power of Storytelling: An Interview with Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

Mysterious American Cat: The Mountain Lions of Los Angeles

Manufacturing engineering and technology

Manufacturing engineering and technology

Object-oriented programming in the BETA programming language

Clothed in Nature or Nature Clothed: Dress as Metaphor in the Illustrations of Beatrix Potter and CM Barker

Data mining solutions: methods and tools for solving real-world problems

Social Developement

The Development of Assistive Systems to Support Older People: Issues that Affect Success in Practice

When Titans Clashed: How the Red Army Stopped Hitler

Treasure Seekers and Invaders: E. Nesbit's Cross-Writing of the Bastables

Philip Gove's Formative Years: From Academe to the Editorship of Webster's Third

Fra Angelico at San Marco

The visual and the visionary: art and female spirituality in late medieval Germany

Aquinas and Franciscan nature mysticism

Witches, saints, and heretics: Heinrich Kramer's ties with Italian women mystics

Fort Shannon: An example of Irish coastal defence artillery during the second world war

The Coast Artillery Journal. Volume 65, Number 3, September 1926

Modern competitive analysis

Afghanistan: The Anatomy of an Ongoing Conflict

Developing Mature Ministers for Diverse Cultural Contexts

définition-darth sidious

Interactive Visual Data Analysis with Shiny Applications: Interactive Text Mining Suite and Language Variation Suite

List of Star Wars creatures

Space bitches, witches, and kick-ass princesses: Star Wars and popular feminism

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

En fallstudie i transmedialt berättande genom Mass Effect

The Holographic Self: Self-Representation and Logics of Digitality in Three Contemporary Narratives of Cosmopolitanism

The Holographic Self: Self-Representation and Logics of Digitality in Three Contemporary Narratives of Cosmopolitanism

Healthcare in the United States and the practice of laboratory medicine

Poor-quality antimalarial drugs in southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa

Contribution of world health organization in the global acceptance of Ayurveda

Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to Update the 2001 Guidelines for the Evaluation and Management of Heart Failure

Posts Tagged 'Cardiology

A textbook of radiology and imaging

Catecholamine cardiotoxicity

Evaluative criteria for qualitative research in health care: controversies and recommendations

From needs analysis to curriculum development: Designing a course in health-care communication for immigrant students in the USA

Phenomenological nursing research: methodological insights derived from Heidegger's interpretive phenomenology

Researching public health: behind the qualitative-quantitative methodological debate

Long-term care and a good quality of life: Bringing them closer together

A bibliography of the traditional games of Torres Strait Islander peoples

Involvement of the light-harvesting complex in cation regulation of excitation energy distribution in chloroplasts

Light-dependent changes of the Mg2+ concentration in the stroma in relation to the Mg2+ dependency of CO2 fixation in intact chloroplasts

LibGuides: African American Studies Research Guide: Music

Imagining Archaeology: Nature and Landscape in the work of Thomas Hardy and Richard Jefferies

Nanoscale Electronic Transport Studies of Novel Strongly Correlated Materials

Materials and manufacturing of advanced industrial gas turbine components

Recent american and international developments in the assessment of surface quality and their effect on the future

Thermal modeling of the metal cutting process: Part I—Temperature rise distribution due to shear plane heat source

Practical MEMS: Design of microsystems, accelerometers, gyroscopes, RF MEMS, optical MEMS, and microfluidic systems

The un-politics of air pollution: A study of non-decision-making in the cities

Solving of optimization and identification problems by the committee methods

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Semantic entailment and formal derivability

Invitation to fixed-parameter algorithms

Ethics and infinity

Well-being: Its meaning, measurement and moral importance

Naval Research Laboratory Fact Book 2012

Solar cells: operating principles, technology, and system applications

Re-considering the economics of photovoltaic power

High Concentrator PhotoVoltaics efficiencies: Present status and forecast

Conversion of sunlight to electric power by nanocrystalline dye-sensitized solar cells

The path to the building integrated photovoltaics of tomorrow

Robert Graves, war poems

New understanding physics for advanced Level

Evolution of the vertebrates. A history of the backboned animals through time

Intercellular junctions and cellular polarity: the PAR-aPKC complex, a conserved core cassette playing fundamental roles in cell polarity

The sublime figure of history: Aesthetics and politics in twentieth-century China

Research is ceremony: Indigenous research methods

Rethinking the socialist construction and international career of the concept Bourgeois feminism

Reasons for the lack of argumentation and debate in the Far East

The 'Basic Needs' approach to development vs the new international economic order: The significance of Third World industrialization

Legacy of the Principles of People's War in China's Military Modernization

Late Sophocles: The Hero's Evolution in Electra, Philoctetes, and Oedipus at Colonus by Thomas Van Nortwick

Vergil's Aeneid and the Roman self: subject and nation in literary discourse

Placing Human Constants within Literary History: Generic Revision and Affective Sociality in The Winter's Tale and The Tempest

Gilgamesh the Giant: The Qumran Book of Giants' Appropriation of Gilgamesh Motifs

Hardy and the Aesthetic Mythographers: The Myth of Demeter and Persephone in Tess of the d'Urbervilles

A 'wonderfull Order and Balance': Natural History and the Beginnings of Forest Conservation in America, 1730-1830

Manda: excavations at an island port on the Kenya coast

Vanek's tumor (inflammatory fibroid polyp). Report of 18 cases and comparison with three cases of original Vanek's series

Toward a more equitable society: Moving forward in the struggle for affirmative action

Curriculum leadership: Readings for developing quality educational programs

School finance reform, the distribution of school spending, and the distribution of student test scores

Taming monsters: The cultural domestication of new technology

Who will succeed in college? When the SAT predicts Black students' performance

Linking teacher and student learning to improve professional development in systemic reform

Albert Einstein: a biography

Sound effects; youth, leisure, and the politics of rock'n'roll

Immunological conditioning of bone marrow for autotransplantation in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

UCI machine learning repository

Verdi, Politics, and Va, pensiero: The Scholars Squabble

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Catalog of Venetian Librettos at the University of California, Los Angeles

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Music Library of Francesco Viani (1809-1877): The Reconstruction of a Gift to the Paganini Conservatory of Genoa

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dynamics of collective conflict: riots at the Bathurst'Bike Races

The politics of heroin: Cia complicity in the global drug trade, afghanistan, southeast asia, central america

AERONET—A federated instrument network and data archive for aerosol characterization

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

The effect of quartz, administered by intratracheal instillation, on the rat lung. I. The cellular response

change 2014: synthesis report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the fifth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

On a class of continuous coagulation-fragmentation equations

Flat back Posture-a leading poor posture type causing back pain

Atheroemboli to the brain: size threshold for causing acute neuronal cell death

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Room temperature haloaluminate ionic liquids. Novel solvents for transition metal solution chemistry

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Dispossession and Redemption in the Novels of Willa Cather

The Handmaid's Tale-Book Review

Author Archives: Gauri Kshirsagar

Getting Started With Knitting & Crocheting in the Library

Study on Technical Textile with reference to Home Textile

Craft as activism

Role playing and identity: The limits of theatre as metaphor

Cardenio and the Eighteenth-century Shakespeare Canon

Death by Publicity: US Freemasonry and the Public Drama of Secrecy

Secret printing, the crisis of 1640, and the origins of civil war radicalism

The Charismatic movement and the Reformed tradition

Unity and diversity in evangelical theology

Passage to Union: How the Railroads Transformed American Life, 1829-1929

Our Kind of People: Inside America\'s Black Upper Class

Of audiences, borderlands, and comparisons: Toward the internationalization of American history

The Artist as Observer: A Biography of Robert Gwathmey

Assessing the courts in Russia: parameters of progress under Putin

A short history of philosophy

Status without rights: African Americans and the tangled history of law and governance in the nineteenth-century US South

Cross-country variation in household access to financial services

A Note on the Characterization of Okeanos in the Prometheus Bound

Willetts. Vol. iv: Rhesus translated by Richmond Lattimore, Suppliant Women by Frank Jones, Orestes by William Arrowsmith, Iphigenia in Aulis by Charles R

Sophocles (496-406 BCE

Book Review: Learning and Rebuilding a Shattered Force: Memoirs of Pre-Yom Kippur War Egyptian Generals, 1967-1972: Strategic Insights: v. 4, issue 3 (March

Looking Forward to the Past: Black Women and Sexual Agency inNeo'Cultural Productions

Pure Black: Class, Color, and Intraracial Politics in Toni Morrison's Paradise

A Report on the Natural Duration of Cancer

The Mistress of Paris: The 19th-Century Courtesan Who Built an Empire on a Secret. By Catherine Hewitt

A Nice Little Thing, or a Cosmic Calamity?: The World of a Pulp-fiction Writer as Seen in the Bleeck Collection in the National Library of Australia

The Oera Linda Book and The Snow Queen: Two Destinies of One Myth

Epizootiology of Perkinsus marinus disease of oysters in Chesapeake Bay, with emphasis on data since 1985

Spasmus nutans: a mistaken identity

Description of Behçet's syndrome in the Hippocratic third book of endemic diseases

Basque clitics in morphosyntax

Represented perception': A study in narrative style

Introduction: conceptions of grammaticalization and their problems

Construction grammar

Deconstructing ergativity

Sierra Hotel: Flying Air Force Fighters in the Decade After Vietnam

How pink is the sky?: a cross-national study of the gendered occupation of pilot

Writing a research proposal: The role of library anxiety, statistics anxiety, and composition anxiety

The anatomy of major projects: A study of the reality of project management

Technology, growth, and development: an induced innovation perspective

War rations and the food politics of late modernism

Life cycle energy analysis of buildings: An overview

The promise of India's secular democracy

Discuss the importance of paganism and death in the Harry Potter series

Nelson Mandela and unitive leadership

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Homeless families and the housing crisis in the United States


Marriage Acts: Stages in the Transformation of Nuptial Culture

Trauma und der Zeroprozess

Wisconsin Card Sorting Test performance in patients with focal frontal and posterior brain damage: effects of lesion location and test structure on separable cognitive

The learning organization made plain

Inside Maine books piece on Edwin Arlington Robinson: A Poet's Life, a biogr

Cyanobacterial mats from Silurian black radiolarian cherts: phototrophic life at the edge of darkness

A Goodly Heritage: Essays in Honor of the Reverend Dr. Elton J. Bruins at Eighty

The National Marine Fisheries Service

Idle Employment and Dickens's Uncommercial Ruse: The Narratorial Entity in The Uncommercial Traveller

Substance abuse counseling: Theory and practice

Abortion: three perspectives

Drug treatment or alleviating the negative consequences of imprisonment? A critical view of prison-based drug treatment in Denmark

A life-span, life-space approach to career development

How Marvel comic books from the 1960's can be used by parents and therapists as positive role modeling for children

Service learning and student engagement: A dual language book project with young English language learners and the Faculty of Education

The international temperature scale of 1990 (ITS-90

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Oregon Law Review: Vol. 79, No. 4, p. 893-980: Tribes as Rich Nations

Is there a cost to faith-based investing: Evidence from FTSE Islamic indices

Empirical option pricing: A retrospection

Estimation and inference in econometrics

New directions in econometric practice

The struggle between the desert and the sown. Rise and fall of agriculture in the Levant

Where Is the Boy?: The Pleasures of Postponement in the Anne of Green Gables Series

Literary dollars and social sense: A people's history of the mass market book

Just and Reasonable: The Cornerstone of Energy Regulation

CO2 emissions from passenger transport: a comparison of international trends from 1973 to 1992

Inventing the Middle Ages: The lives, works, and ideas of the great medievalists of the twentieth century

First things first: meeting basic human needs in the developing countries

Look at me! Look at me! Self-representation and self-exposure through online networks

Emulation: making artists for revolutionary France

De democratisering van het religieus accessoire: van rozenkrans tot christelijke tatoeage

Affective computing: challenges

Correlation of duodenal histology with tissue transglutaminase and endomysial antibody levels in pediatric celiac disease

Strategy and dynamics in contests

Extraction of signals from noise

A role for poetry in consumer research

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Passport: an introduction to the travel and tourism industry

The Book of the Black Star

The taoist body

Reading Books in the Digital Age subsequent to Amazon, Google and the long tail

Religion and social change in West Africa: An introduction to the sociology of religion

An analysis of a broad selection of the poetry and philosophical prose of James Beattie within its eighteenth-century context

Artificial eggs: measuring heart rate and effects of disturbance in nesting penguins

Religion and Revelry in Shakespeare's Festive World

Spiritual values and practices related to leadership effectiveness

The IT leader as alchemist: Finding the true gold

National myths and self-na (rra) tions: Mustafa Kemal's Nutuk and Halide Edib's Memoirs and The Turkish Ordeal

Civil Disobedience Movement in Odisha

Political ecology: an emerging research agenda in Third-World studies

Power and poverty: Theory and practice

Free India in Asia

Congress Versus the Supreme Court, 1957-1960

Flux-corrected transport II: Generalizations of the method

John C. Putman San Diego State University San Diego, California

A Noval Security Model for Indic Scripts-A Case Study on Telugu

Information hiding techniques for steganography and digital watermarking

Bibliographic guide to the foundations of quantum mechanics and quantum information

Public-key cryptography for RFID-tags

A Bitslice Implementation of Anderson's Attack on A5/1

Ethical issues in death and dying

The future of music: Manifesto for the digital music revolution

Cinderella, Marie Antoinette, and Sara: Roles and Role Models in A Little Princess

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Viticulture and winemaking terminology and terminography: A review of resources

An analysis of songbook series for older adult populations

A Disney specialist's Walt Disney World travel guide:[an] honors thesis (HONRS 499

Il sistema costruttivo a colonne composte di tipologia CFT


Filosofia Della Matematica Numeri e Strutture

Dalla Passivhaus allo Zeb: nuovi metodi di prefabbricazione nell'ambito dell'edilizia residenziale

Jean Epstein: Critical essays and new translations

Here a Captive Heart Busted': Studies in the Sentimental Journey of Modern Literature

Historicizing the gender of emotions: changing perceptions in Dutch Enlightenment thought

Matter Matters

Gender, memory, trauma: women's novels on the Partition of India

Intellectual Property Law and Jewish Law: A Comparative Perspective on Absolutism

The role of politics in Pakistan's Economy

The Limits of Sympathy: International Feminists and the Chinese'slave girl'Campaigns of the 1920s and 1930s

The 1990 Archer Taylor Memorial Lecture. Personal Narratives: The Family Novel

Interacting supernovae and supernova impostors: SN 2009ip, is this the end

Feeding wildlife as a tourism attraction: a review of issues and impacts

Creative spirits: A resource repository

The escapist: Fantasy, folklore, and the pleasures of the comic book in recent Jewish American holocaust fiction

The Training of the Shrew: The Socialization and Education of Young Women in Children's Literature

The journalism of Neil Munro: fiction, criticism and cultural comment

Eponimizacija ideološke promjene u Hrvatskoj 1989-2005

Using student-generated comic books in the classroom

The atomic scientists, the sense of wonder and the bomb

The paradox of Mormon folklore

Forward pricing and efficiency in the silver market

Citywide biological monitoring as a tool for ecology and conservation in urban landscapes: the case of the Tucson Bird Count

Endemic bird areas of the world: priorities for biodiversity conservation

Animal Diversity Web

The Exegesis: a dissertation on the novel'Special risks'/Tony Bugeja

Advanced techniques in RF Power Amplifier design.(The Book End

Advanced techniques in RF Power Amplifier design.(The Book End

MEMS for wireless communications:'from RF-MEMS components to RF-MEMS-SiP

Computer-aided design of RF and microwave circuits and systems

Computer-aided design of RF and microwave circuits and systems

Computer-aided design of RF and microwave circuits and systems

Aristotle's ethics

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Social work with Muslims: Insights from the teachings of Islam

Annual Bibliography of Studies in Western American Literature

Towards a methodology for rigorous development of generic requirements patterns

Separation of leukocytes from blood and bone marrow

Key concepts in cinema studies

The appropriateness of recommendations for hysterectomy12

Sustainability and sustainable development: historical and conceptual review

Messing about in problems: an informal structured approach to their identification and management

Scouting for boys: A handbook for instruction in good citizenship

Reconfiguring environmental governance: Towards a politics of scales and networks

Obligations to future generations

The UN's Roles in International Relations

The European contribution to global environmental governance


Teaching for Conversion: A History of the Fundamentals, the Objective, and the Gospel Teaching and Learning Handbook for Seminaries and Institutes of Religion in

change 2014: synthesis report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the fifth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Why do adolescent girls watch their weight? An interview study examining sociocultural pressures to be thin

Leaders' personalities and the outcomes of democratic elections

21st century essentials-what should we be teaching our students

The kinematics and plasma properties of a solar surge triggered by chromospheric activity in AR11271

On the Causes of broken Wings of the House Fly

The gender politics of underbelly razor

Risk factors in early life as predictors of adult heart disease: the Bogalusa Heart Study


Baker Institute for Animal Health Annual Report 2005-2006

Economics and the law: From Posner to postmodernism and beyond

Essentials of entrepreneurship and small business management

Nature and Geography: Tragic Voids within Marketing Textbooks and the External Business Environment

Services marketing: Integrating customer focus across the firm

Nature and Geography: Tragic Voids within Marketing Textbooks and the External Business Environment

Nature and Geography: Tragic Voids within Marketing Textbooks and the External Business Environment

Nature and Geography: Tragic Voids within Marketing Textbooks and the External Business Environment

A dictionary of ecology, evolution and systematics

Linha vermelha

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

IT project management: Infamous failures, classic mistakes, and best practices

The adoption of children from public care: a prospective study of outcome in adolescence

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Art From Nature

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

William Wordsworth's' double awareness' of memory in Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway

Fibrin gel network characteristics and coronary heart disease: relations to plasma fibrinogen concentration, acute phase protein, serum lipoproteins and coronary


Toward a Post-Western IR: The Umma, Khalsa Panth, and Critical International Relations Theory

Race, periodicity, and the (neo-) Middle Ages

Male dolphin alliances in Shark Bay: changing perspectives in a 30-year study

Soldier photography of detainee abuse in Iraq: Digital technology, human rights and the death of Baha Mousa

Winning the story war: Strategic communication and the conflict in Afghanistan

Complex irregular warfare: the next revolution in military affairs

An Honorable Avocation for Ladies: The Work of the Mexico City Unión de Damas Católicas Mexicanas, 1912-1926

Spaces, Sites, and the Art of Memory

An Honorable Avocation for Ladies: The Work of the Mexico City Unión de Damas Católicas Mexicanas, 1912-1926

Local Baptists, Local Politics: Churches and Communities in the Middle and Uplands South by Clifford A. Grammich, Jr

On Mysticism, Latinas/os, and the Journey: A Reflection in Conversation with Mary Engel

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Censorship and the Changing Society: Noël Coward's Fallen Angels

Beverly Cleary, Ramona Quimby, and the Teaching of Reading

Developing young authors: Collaborating in a supportive community

How yoga, meditation, and a yogic lifestyle can help women meet the challenges of perimenopause and Menopause

The pursuit of happiness and successful translation: How to effectively translate sanaciones milagrosas, a self-help book, for the US market

Women Must Have Spunks: Jean Rhys's West Indian Outcasts

Independence in assisted living

Heavy metal contamination in little owl (Athene noctua) and common buzzard (Buteo buteo) from northern Italy

The emperor's real mind: Review of Roger Penrose's the emperor's new mind: Concerning computers, minds and the laws of physics

A brief history of decision support systems

Off the road? Reflections on transportation geography in the information age

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Faith in a Rational Age: A Dialogue with Climacus Annemarie van Stee

Asceticism and Society in Crisis: John of Ephesus and the Lives of the Eastern Saints

Mythical Trickster Figures

Food selectivity and sensory sensitivity in children with autism spectrum disorders

How theories of practice can inform transition to a decarbonised transport system

Freight generation and freight trip generation models

An RFID-based intelligent vehicle speed controller using active traffic signals

Fuzzy Clustering-Based Optimised Cell Formation Algorithm Considering Sequence of Operations, Alternative Routing and Part-Volume

Citizenship Tests in the Netherlands, Germany and the UK

Vocabularies of citizenship: a survey of British Columbian secondary students' experiences and understandings in the field of citizenship education

We have room for but one language here': Language and national identity in the US at the turn of the 20th century

Serendipity: Accidental discoveries in science

Halliday & Resnick Fundamentals of Physics

Halliday & Resnick Fundamentals of Physics

Halliday & Resnick Fundamentals of Physics

The Killing of a Court

Introduction to applied mathematics

Teaching on and off the Tenure Track: Highlights from the ADE Survey of Staffing Patterns in English

Rethinking Amalek in This 21st Century

Security and Self reflections of a fallen realist

Improving access, equity and transitions in education: Creating a research agenda

A new professional paradigm: whence and whither: The 2009 Presidential Address

Expression and Form: Principles of a Philosophical Aesthetics According to Hans Urs von Balthasar

Examining Islam and human rights from the perspective of Sufism

ACO Lightworkers & Truthseekers Workshops Study Groups GUIDE BOOK

Process Testing and Improvement of Tapping Machinery at Lisi Aerospace

Modelling flexible manufacturing systems using mean-value analysis

From uncertainty toward risk: The case of credit ratings

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Persian gold in Greek international relations

Shakespeare around the Globe: A guide to notable postwar revivals

Seasons of hunger: fighting cycles of quiet starvation among the world's rural poor

Infinity, an essay in metaphysics

Some historical dimensions of commonsense knowledge about depression and antidepressive behaviour


Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Medscape's 'War and Peace at the Dinner Table': Is MAKING Kids Eat the Only Way, and Other Points to Ponder

From dialectics to dancing: reading, writing and the experience of everyday life in the diaries of Frank P. Forster

The questions we ask and the questions we care about: reformulating some problems in entrepreneurship research

The Fall of the House of Warner: The Warner Brothers

Yummy mummies: The clamor of glamour in advertising to mothers

Financial decision-making in markets and firms: A behavioral perspective

Evaluation of the Bauer Kirby-Sherris-Turck single-disc diffusion method of antibiotic susceptibility testing

New Approaches to the Book of Mormon

Molly mormons, mormon feminists and moderates: Religious diversity and the latter day saints church

Cognitive and contextual factors in the emergence of diverse belief systems: Creation versus evolution

Set in the Convenientest Place for Us All': A Brief Consideration of the Meetinghouse in American Congregational Tradition

Richard Lyman Bushman, the story of Joseph Smith and Mormonism, and the new Mormon history

Drinking water arsenic in Utah: A cohort mortality study

Managerial accounting: creating value in a dynamic business environment

Ontology-Based Data Instantiation Using Web Service

The visitation of god?'The potato and the great Irish famine

The Paradox of being a wounded healer: Henri JM Nouwen's contribution to Pastoral Theology

Environmental Crisis and Transitional Phenomena: Brenda Hillman's Ecopoetic Playing

The Fall of Fort Eben Emael: Harbinger of Blitzkrieg

The return of the native: postcolonial smoke screen and the French postcolonial politics of identity

Judging a book by its cover: Jealousy after subliminal priming with attractive and unattractive faces

Probabilistic automata

Women's contribution to classical Islamic civilization: science medicine and politics

The Literary Cultures of the Scottish Reformation

The Small-Town Horror

Heavy metal: controversies and countercultures


Elder respect: Exploration of ideals and forms in East Asia

Complete idiot's guide to fitness

The emergence of S&T indicators: why did governments supplement statistics with indicators

西德成立作家聯會; 瑪歐連任聯合國文教組織總署長; 電腦與新約研究; 法蘭克福上演聖女貞德歌劇; 宇宙初期的大爆炸; 格羅庇烏斯逝世於波士頓; 國際兒童讀物展

The Prince and the Pauper: Mark Twain's Once and Future King

Mark Twain's Critique of Globalization (Old and New) in Following the Equator, A Journey Around the World (1897

Degradation and resegmentation: social and technological change in the east midlands hosiery industry 1800-1960

Gender and economics: the sexual division of labour and the subordination of women

Introduction to community-based SNMPv2

Homosexuality and the construction of Anglican orthodoxy: The symbolic politics of the Anglican communion

recovery of an emptied experience: el ruido de las cosas al caer and the fiction about drug trafficking/O resgate de uma experiencia esvaziada: el ruido de las cosas

La construcción social de la inmigración latinoamericana. Discursos, imágenes y realidades

Respuesta dinámica de edificaciones producida por campos de ondas incidentes considerando la interacción suelo-estructura

Soil erosion by water on the desertification of a semi-arid Mediterranean fluvial basin: the Segura basin, Spain

Ensayos de historia de la salud en Colombia: 1920-1990

Medicina vs mujer o la construcción social de una enfermadad imaginaria: el discurso mé dico sobre la clorosis

de instructivos de Seguridad Industrial para puestos de trabajo basados en un Estudio Aerobiológico del relleno sanitario de la Empresa Pública Municipal Gestión

Evolución territorial de los distritos electorales federales uninominales, 1977-2010

Innovación tecnológica, estrategia corporativa y competitividad en la industria cubana

Classification and value in a seventeenth-century museum: William Courten's collection

The Atomic Bomb: Reflections in Japanese Manga and Anime

The foreign policies of the George W. Bush Administration: Memoirs, history, legacy

Promoting emerging literacy skills of Malaysian indigenous children through shared-book reading

The Framingham Heart Study and the epidemiology of cardiovascular disease: a historical perspective

Financial markets and corporate strategy

Financial markets and corporate strategy

The performance relationship of effective risk management: Exploring the firm-specific investment rationale

Strategic risk management: the new competitive edge

Frogs into princes

Consumer socialization

Mothering children who have disabilities: A Bourdieusian interpretation of maternal practices

Egocentrism redux

Trade union activity, cultural, public and political life of Krasnoyarsk Polytechnic Institute in the second half of 1950s-1980

A resource guide for teachers to support at-risk students through their independent study experience

Principles of Christian theology

Television and religion: The shaping of faith, values, and culture

Charity and Evangelisation: The Melbourne City Mission 1854-1914

Transformative spirituality and missional leadership

Iranian Diaspora Christians in the American Midwest & Scotland: Historical Background, Present Realities, & Future Challenges

Misión integral and progressive evangelicalism: The Latin American influence on the North American emerging church

The fragments of Sophocles

Lacan, Irigaray, and Beyond: Antigones and the Politics of Psychoanalysis

Sophocles, poet and dramatist

The Spirit of Medieval Philosophy Gifford Lectures 1931-1932

South African social attitudes: changing times, diverse voices

Temporal and spatial distribution of Acanthaster planci population explosions in the Indo-West Pacific region

The geological history of Queensland: a stratigraphic outline

Holocaust Memoir Digest: A Digest of Published Survivor Memoirs with Study Guide and Maps., vols. 1-3, compiled and edited by Esther Goldberg, introduction and

Place, technology, and representation

Ethnic studies inside out

Competency mapping in project management: An action research study in an engineering company

A laboratory study of the effects of confining pressure on fracture flow and storage capacity in carbonate rocks

Disability history: Why we need another other

Using scripts and script-fading procedures to promote bids for joint attention by young children with autism

The evolution of greenways as an adaptive urban landscape form

Drop Those Pounds With Yoga—Studies Show Yoga Stimulates Weight Loss By Jennifer Van Pelt, MA Today's Dietitian Vol. 14 No. 3 P. 18

Relationship of obesity to diabetes: influence of obesity level and body fat distribution

The Xs and Os of preventing sports injuries in children

Lifestyle and pharmacological approaches to weight loss: efficacy and safety

Characterization of the severe asthma phenotype by the national heart, lung, and blood institute's severe asthma research program

The Messiah Who Comes and Goes: Franz Kafka on Redemption, Conspiracy and Community

The slaughterhouse of literature

Modern social imaginaries

Intimations of Mortality: Death in Children's Fantasy

Local histories in northern ireland

Maximum of wilderness: naturalists & the image of the jungle in American culture

Apples and applesauce

The Great Odd Socks Mystery and the Secret of the Universe

Profile of Camden illustrator Chris Van Dusen, who was born in Portland in 1960

Within classroom context [Book Review

Knowledge discovery in databases: An overview

Intertextuality revisited: Dialogues and negotiations in media studies

Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays

An interdisciplinary research approach to manpower planning and development-an Israeli case study

International Biophysics Congress (8th) Held in Bristol, United Kingdom on 29 July-4 August 1984. Final Programme and Book of Abstracts

Double-time Green functions in statistical physics

Statistical mechanics of driven diffusive systems

Kinetic equations and time correlation functions of critical fluctuations

Ionic polymer-metal composites: I. Fundamentals

Manufacturing engineering and technology

Little science, big science... and beyond

1 Enoch 2: a commentary on the Book of 1 Enoch, chapters 37-82

Mood disorders in stroke patients: importance of location of lesion

Living with the east Florida shore

Unilateral neglect of representational space

Research is ceremony: Indigenous research methods

The role of human metapneumovirus in upper respiratory tract infections in children: a 20-year experience

Hebrews: A Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews

Theology and Christian ethics

Skin cancer in solid organ transplant recipients: advances in therapy and management: part II. Management of skin cancer in solid organ transplant recipients

Breakfast habits, nutritional status, body weight, and academic performance in children and adolescents

What are we doing here? Analyzing fifteen years of energy scholarship and proposing a social science research agenda

Inward bound: of matter and forces in the physical world

Inward bound: of matter and forces in the physical world

Russian and CIS gas markets and their impact on Europe

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Measuring return on investment of outreach by community health workers

Finite-size effects in fine particles: magnetic and transport properties

Housing subsidies: Effects on housing decisions, efficiency, and equity

Effect of feeding fresh or conditioned red clover on milk fatty acids and nitrogen utilization in lactating dairy cows

Complex networks: Structure and dynamics

Contribution of main stem and tillers to durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) grain yield and its components grown in Mediterranean environments

Flora of West Tropical Africa, Volume 1, Part 1

Plant—carnivore mutualism through herbivore-induced carnivore attractants


Turfgrass management in the United States

Coming of age in Samoa

Modernization and legal reform in post-Mao China: the rebirth of socialist legality

Predicting Asian international students' sociocultural adjustment: A test of two mediation models

Principles and applications of geochemistry: a comprehensive textbook for geology students

Computation of solution equilibria: a guide to methods in potentiometry, extraction, and spectrophotometry

The electrochemical desorption of n-alkanethiol monolayers from polycrystalline Au and Ag electrodes

Inorganic chemistry of vitamin B12

The Society of Thoracic Surgeons 2008 cardiac surgery risk models: part 1—coronary artery bypass grafting surgery

Evaluation of a clinic-based program to promote book sharing and bedtime routines among low-income urban families with young children

The hi-tech gift economy

The role of the state in economic change

Essays on bioethics

Fundamentals of sustainable business: a guide for the next 100 years

Like a Roaring Lion: The Overland Trail as a Sonic Conquest

Fifty Years on the Mississippi

Spatiotemporal patterns and changes in Missouri River fishes

From borderlands to borders: Empires, nation-states, and the peoples in between in North American history

Flow and form in rehabilitation of large-river ecosystems: an example from the Lower Missouri River

Women pioneer diaries, 1820-1920: a selected annotated bibliography

Alabama in 1848: As Described by Traugott Bromme

Beyond analytical knowledge: The need for a combined theory of generation and explanation

Deconstructing clusters: chaotic concept or policy panacea

The influence of motivations and environment on business start-ups: Some hints for public policies

The feeds directory: branded products guide

Party rivalry and political change in Taisho Japan

Dual cryptograms

Team-based learning for health professions education: A guide to using small groups for improving learning

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Empirical shape function of limit-order books in the Chinese stock market

The time-series relations among expected return, risk, and book-to-market

Suppression of peripheral blood natural killer cell activity by excess thyroid hormone


Alchemy in selected plays of Shakespeare

Paperback Books--Boon or Bane

The thinking doctor: clinical decision making in contemporary medicine

Principles of Christian theology

Reformed theology for the 21st century: confessional, contextual and ecumenical

Rhetorical Invention and Lutheran Doctrine

The Heart's Bower: Emblematics in Gerard Manley Hopkins's The Wreck of the Deutschland (1876

Dr. Seuss

One kind of freedom: Poverty dynamics in post-apartheid South Africa

The e-learning revolution

Modern history of child sexual abuse awareness: Cycles of discovery and suppression

Come talk with me: Improving communication between nursing assistants and nursing home residents during care routines

Addressing multigenerational conflict: Mutual respect and carefronting as strategy

A review of spirituality as applied to nursing

Professional roles and communications in clinical placements: A qualitative study of nursing students' perceptions and some models for practice

The effect of predation (current and historical) by humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) on fish abundance near Kodiak Island, Alaska

Necessity and Practical Research of Integrating Piano Duet in Piano Teaching in Advanced Normal Schools

From the Bland Leading the Bland to the Mississippi Freedom Vote: William Sloane Coffin Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement at Yale University, 1958-1963

Lessons About Engaged Communication Scholarship: I Heard It Through The Grapevine

Sound bite news: Television coverage of elections, 1968-1988

An analysis of American foreign policy: a case study of the pipeline sanctions against the Soviet Union

Visual design for the user interface, Part 1: Design fundamentals

War and tourism: An American ethnography

History of biological warfare and bioterrorism

The 'National System of Innovation'in historical perspective

Sixteen days of glory: A critical-cultural analysis of Bud Greenspan's official Olympic documentaries

The medical history of waters and spas. Introduction

Panaceia's Daughters: Noblewomen as Healers in Early Modern Germany

Carcinoma Uteri and 'Sexual Debauchery'—Morality, Cancer and Gender in the Nineteenth Century

Heather R. Perry, Recycling the Disabled: Army, Medicine, and Modernity in WWI Germany

Principles and practice in second language acquisition

Building safety and human behaviour in fire: A literature review

Re-using qualitative research data: A personal account

The invisible wedding

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Talent management: A critical review

Reading electronic books as a support for vocabulary, story comprehension and word reading in kindergarten and first grade

Tell me more

Stage by stage: A handbook for using drama in the second language classroom

The theory of knowledge: A thematic introduction

Encyclopedia of Bioethics, 5 Volume Set

Summary of the Essence: A Commentary on investigation of the Percept

Early Madhyamika in India and China

Leadership with inner meaning: A contingency theory of leadership based on the worldviews of five religions

Landscape of discontent: Urban sustainability in immigrant Paris

Book piracy in Nigeria: Issues and strategies

Autumn Books: Dreams and destinations

The authoritarian personality

Bilingual education, the acquisition of English, and the retention and loss of Spanish

How to be a more successful language learner

Use of Phacelia tanacetifolia (Hydrophyllaceae) as a pollen resource to enhance hoverfly (Diptera: Syrphidae) populations in sweetcorn fields

Port and modal allocation of waterborne containerized imports from Asia to the United States

Problems in managing internal development projects in multi-project environments

Does humanity need an AI nanny

A tree of fireflies, a flock of boson clouds

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Labour and industry in Australia

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs): routes of exposure and effects on human health

The Factory Times Spring 2016

Invasion of the Road Weenies and Other Warped and Creepy Tales

Closure: The rush to end grief and what it costs us

Cover Stories: Enlightenment Libertinage, Postmodern Recyclage

Introduction (15 décembre 2006

Du tourisme et de la pauvreté en Afrique: duel ou duo

Views of Homeric Gods and Religion

La problématique bibliothèque de Robert Pinget dans L'Inquisitoire, L'Apocryphe, Cette Voix et Quelqu'un

The Wings of the Dove: Tracing the Phantom of the Palace

Arthur Machen: A Bibliography of Writings About Him

District magnitudes and the election of women to the Irish Dail

Present pasts: Media, politics, amnesia

Understanding governance: Policy networks, governance, reflexivity and accountability

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

New Approaches to Teaching Nicolae Batzaria's Adaptation The Story of Doctor Dolittle by Using Role-playing Technique

Gambling and the gambler: A review and preliminary findings

Six Months in Red Russia: An Observer's Account of Russia Before and During the Proletarian Dictatorship

Pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Continuity and Discontinuity in International Dispute Settlement: An Inaugural Lecture

Intellectual capital: realizing your company\'s true value by finding its hidden brainpower

Anzacs in Arkhangel: The untold story of Australia and the invasion of Russia 1918-19 [Book Review

A triangle of Russian federalism: Democratization,(de-) centralization, and local politics

The semantics of space: Integrating linguistic typology and cognitive neuroscience

Literature and art

Space physiology and medicine

Human and management factors in probabilistic risk analysis: the SAM approach and observations from recent applications

Congressional Requesters

Computerised analysis of liver texture with correlation to needle biopsy

Demographic methods and concepts

The potential of anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease

Physical activity and public health in older adults: recommendation from the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association

review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of cognitive behaviour therapy and behaviour therapy for chronic pain in adults, excluding headache

Risk factors for ischemic ocular motor nerve palsies

Fraternity saved in Knick of time

Britain's last line of defence: Miss Moneypenny and the desperations of filmic feminism

Cross-cultural adjustment: A theoretical perspective on social support

The development of Taiwanese folk religion, 1683-1945

Effects of exercise and stress management training on markers of cardiovascular risk in patients with ischemic heart disease: a randomized controlled trial

Conditional Goods and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies: How Literature (as a Whole) Could Matter Again

Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geography:[Julien Moreau: editing the questions of each chapter of the book

Eleven More Events that Have Shaped Sacramento's Human Landscape

Megacities in the coastal zone: Using a driver-pressure-state-impact-response framework to address complex environmental problems

Contemporary management of aberrant right subclavian arteries

My Father... Named Me William Tecumseh: Rebutting the Charge That General Sherman Lied About His Name

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

The future of glycerol

Grazing pressure and the measurement of pasture production

Dynamic modeling and simulation of a fluidized catalytic cracking process. Part II: Property estimation and simulation

of dairy and beef cattle (including techniques for goats, sheep, horses and swine). A handbook and laboratory manual for students, herd operators and

Deconstructing clusters: chaotic concept or policy panacea


Transfer continuities, generalizations of the Weierstrass and maximum theorems: a full characterization

A Common Understanding of Conflict: The Doctrinal Relationship of FM 100-5 (Coordinating Draft) and Joint Doctrine

A nursing historical perspective on the medical home: Impact on health care policy

The story of art

Biology of insect eggs. Volume I, Volume II, Volume III

The role of the subject specialist in British and American university libraries: A comparative study

Historical Dictionary of Taiwan

Herd immunity: a rough guide

Guides to understanding the aeromagnetic expression of faults in sedimentary basins: Lessons learned from the central Rio Grande rift, New Mexico

Herd immunity: a rough guide

Estimation of polymer compatibility from molecular mechanics calculations

Media effects on image: The case of Tibet

Guide to the ecological systems of Puerto Rico

Expert and novice performance in solving physics problems

OAC Review Volume 39 Issue 2, October 1926

Resistance to extended-spectrum β-lactamases in Salmonella from a broiler supply Chain

Enumeration of clostridia in goat milk using an optimized membrane filtration technique

Occurrence, fate and effects of pharmaceutical substances in the environment-A review

A new approach to the application of Mori-Tanaka's theory in composite materials

Sandwich structures

Compressive failure of composites, part I: testing and micromechanical theories

Application of photoelasticity to determine mode one and mode two orthotropic stress intensity factors

Manufacturing engineering and technology

Are natural fiber composites environmentally superior to glass fiber reinforced composites

Constitutive modeling of nanotube-reinforced polymer composites

War, Judgment, and Memory in the Basque Borderlands, 1914-1945

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Retour sur le problème historiographique de la conquête arabe de l'Andalus

La question de Dieu selon Aristote et Hegel

The Boundaries of Literariness: Image of the World as a Book in the European Prose of the late 20th Century (through the example of the novel by Christoph

the entire wiki with video and photo galleries find something interesting to watch in seconds

the entire wiki with video and photo galleries find something interesting to watch in seconds

A Clash of Cultures? The UNESCO Diversity Convention and International Trade Law

Addressing the State of the Union: The Evolution And Impact of the Presidents's Big Speech

Effectiveness of the Army mentorship program

Splendid Isolation as Trade Policy: Mercantilism and Crude Keynesianism in the Capaldo Study of TTIP

The Jacksonian Economy

Narrative matters: the power of the personal essay in health policy

Journal of the Royal Institute of Chemistry. September 1952

The centenary of discovery of radium

Fatty fish consumption and risk of prostate cancer

Radioisotope techniques in clinical research and diagnosis

Synthesis and characterization of amide-borohydrides: New complex light hydrides for potential hydrogen storage

Historic New Lanark: the Dale and Owen industrial community since 1785

The road to peace: The role of the Southern Sudanese church in communal stabilisation and national resolution

Wild Westerns: Stories from the Grand Pulps ed. by Bill Pronzini

Crystalline bacterial cell-surface layers

A happy blending'? Maori networks, anthrolpology and'Native'policy in New Zealand, the Pacific and beyond

Carving and tourism: A Maori perspective

Ngā reo o ngā niupepa: Māori language newspapers 1855-1863

Bibliographie de l'Océanie. 1950

Human evolution in Polynesia: A molecular biological study

Copyright Literature and Reading Communities in Eighteenth-Century St Andrews

Bringing our languages home

Beyond interpretation: The meaning of hermeneutics for philosophy

Inventing a modern sculpture garden in 1939 at the Museum of Modern Art, New York

Inventing a modern sculpture garden in 1939 at the Museum of Modern Art, New York

Instructional animations can be superior to statics when learning human motor skills

An annotated checklist of the vascular plants of Trinidad and Tobago with analysis of vegetation types and botanical 'hotspots

Raphignathoidea (Acari: Prostigmata

Late Holocene drought responsible for the collapse of Old World civilizations is recorded in an Italian cave flowstone

Insects on plants. Community patterns and mechanisms

Mary Dyer and the Monster Story

Glyndŵr in Medieval English Chronicles. Woodbridge, UK, and Rochester, NY: York Medieval Press in association with Boydell Press, 2014. Pp. xi, 273; 6 black-and

Endothelin receptor antagonists improve exercise tolerance and oxygen saturations in patients with Eisenmenger syndrome and congenital heart defects

Insects on plants. Community patterns and mechanisms

a route of evanescence: emily Dickinson and Japan

t he B ulletin

Loving Comrades: Lancashire's Links to Walt Whitman

Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Solids

A physical basis for life detection experiments

Physical properties of plant and animial materials. Vol. 1. Structure, physical characterisitics and mechanical properties

Nonlinear fluctuation-dissipation relations and stochastic models in nonequilibrium thermodynamics: I. generalized fluctuation-dissipation theorem

The novel as textbook

Sociodemographic factors in mental disorders associated with infertility in Nigeria

Serial collecting as leisure, and coin collecting in particular

Form and surface narrative: porcelain and politics in the twenty-first century

Collecting as luxury consumption: Effects on individuals and households

Measuring our ignorance, one book at a time: New indicators of technological change, 1909-1949

Graduate Performance Comparison: Instructional Systems Development-Type Graduates to Traditional Instruction Graduates

Building a robotic, LEO-to-GEO satellite servicing infrastructure as an economic foundation for 21st-century space exploration

Thermal sensors based on transistors

American civil law origins: implications for state constitutions

The siting impasse and a rational choice model of regulatory behavior: An agency for power plant siting

The influence of oxidation state on the electrical conductivity of olivine

Constitutional amendment and revision revisited

Location and land use

Connecting method and epistemology: A white women interviewing black women


Cumulative advantage/disadvantage and the life course: Cross-fertilizing age and social science theory

Changing geographies of care: employing the concept of therapeutic landscapes as a framework in examining home space

Simon Morelot (1751-1809), un pharmacien hors du commun

Queering the picture book

A Few Short Notes on Tropical Butterflies

Implementing precision agriculture in the 21st century

Implementing precision agriculture in the 21st century

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Implementing precision agriculture in the 21st century

Designing an intelligent ontological system for traffic light control in isolated intersections

Artificial intelligence: a modern approach

Phylogeography: the history and formation of species

Grazing pressure and the measurement of pasture production

Managing factory automation projects

A framework for a rule-based expert fixturing system for face milling planar surfaces on a CAD system using flexible fixtures

Robot safety and reliability: a review

Survey of collision avoidance and ranging sensors for mobile robots

The automated manufacturing research facility of the National Bureau of Standards

Microsimulations of freeway traffic including control measures

Benefits of the NEC ECC form of contract: A New Zealand case study

Selecting a delay analysis method in resolving construction claims

Placing trust, trusting place: on the social construction of offshore financial centres

Building Law Encyclopaedia

Application of EPC contracts in international power projects

Practical and theoretical geoarchaeology

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Black Gold: The Aboriginal and Islander sports hall of fame

Mysterious Medicine: The Doctor-scientist Tales of Hawthorne and Poe

Decimating Dewey: introducing a bookshop arrangement for shelving the nonfiction collection

Re-SET-ting heterochromatin by histone methyltransferases

The Familiar and the Fantastic A Study of Contemporary High Fantasy in George RR Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire and Steven Erikson's Malazan Book of the Fallen

The Christian Platonism of CS Lewis, JRR Tolkien, and Charles Williams

Stolen language, cosmic models: Myth and mythology in Tolkien

The Ice Dragon by George RR Martin

Rivaroxaban compared with warfarin in patients with atrial fibrillation and previous stroke or transient ischaemic attack: a subgroup analysis of ROCKET AF

The devil is in the e-tale: form and structure in the entrepreneurial narrative

Daniel: A commentary on the book of Daniel


The telling stories of novice teachers: Constructing teacher knowledge in book clubs

Filtering, segmentation and depth

Fiction Is the Poor Man's Cinema: An Interview with Junot Díaz

Different, not better: gender differences in mathematics learning and achievement

The tapestry of language learning: The individual in the communicative classroom

Neither monk nor layman: clerical marriage in modern Japanese Buddhism

A humble Spirit under Correction: Tracts, Hymns, and the Ideology of Evangelical Fiction for Children, 1780-1820

Devotion and domesticity: The reconfiguration of gender in popular Christian pamphlets from Ghana and Nigeria

Images of old age in poetry

Kindred Spirits: Kathleen Raine and Margaret Fay Shaw

Benevolent Brothers and Supervising Mothers: Ideology in the Children's Verses of Mary and Charles Lamb and Charlotte Smith

Spectrochemical analysis

Early Greek Poets' Lives. The Shaping of the Tradition (Mnemosyne Supplements-Volume 322

Monitoring the Past: DC Comics' Crisis on Infinite Earths and the Narrativization of Comic Book History

Risk and trust in the cultural industries

THE LIMITS OF THE SOVEREIGN STATEStrategies of Crime Control in Contemporary Society

Changing clothes: female dress and the widening sphere in the fiction of LM Montgomery

Work Stress. The Making of a Modern Epidemic. David Wainright and Michael Calnan. Buckingham, UK: Open University Press, 2002, pp. 240,£ 17.99 (PB) ISBN: 0

Developing 4-to 6-year-old children's figural creativity using a doodle-book program

Anita Loos: The Soubrette of Satire

A weird modernist archive: Pulp fiction, pseudobiblia, HP Lovecraft

Of Thee We Sing: Roots of the American Songbook

Mammy, can't you tell us sump'n'to play?: Children's Play as the Locus for Imaginative Imitation and Cultural Exchange in the Plantation Novels of Louise Clarke

The age of intelligent machines


Kate Wake

A history of experimental film and video

Taken on the spot': The visual appropriation of New France for the global british landscape

Frank Gehry on ArtStack-art online

Non-destructive testing of welds

Classic Records

I heanchor

Robert Hunter's Oral Poetry: Mind, Metaphor, and Community

Introduction: A Global History of Execution and the Criminal Corpse

A Tale of Two Cities: San Francisco and Gomorrah in Biblical Allusion and Unestimated Prophecy

By the Bomb's Early Noir

The argumentative ape

The effect of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea on the sleep quality of bed partners

Rhizoctonia solani damping-off and root rot in oilseed rape and canola

Frequency, severity, and duration of rhinovirus infections in asthmatic and non-asthmatic individuals: a longitudinal cohort study

Douglas MacArthur Upon Reflection

The Relationship between Cohesion and Casualty Rates: The 1st Marine Division and the 7th Infantry Division at Inchon and the Chosin Reservoir

Global Epidemiology. A Geography of Disease and Sanitation. Volume 1. Part 1: India and the Far East. Part 2: The Pacific Area

MacArthur's Eyes: reassessing military intelligence operations in the forgotten war, June 1950-April 1951

Allies of a Kind: Canadian Army-US Army Relations and the Korean War, 1950-1953

Duane's retraction syndrome

Knowledge-based expert systems in structural design

Finite element analysis of incompressible viscous flows by the penalty function formulation

Travails of the European Raj

Societies: evolutionary and comparative perspectives

Paralele med indijsko in slovensko mitologijo: sledovi skupne indoevropske dediščine Parallels in Indian and Slovene Mythology: Traces of a Common Indo

Usable pasts: traditions and group expressions in North America

An examination of Kant's treatment of transcendental freedom

Conflict Of Love Of Summer Lyndon In Nora Robert's Table For Two Novel (2002) An Individual Psychological Approach

Omens of millennium: The gnosis of angels, dreams, and resurrection

A practical guide for clinicians who treat patients with amiodarone: 2007

Happily Ever After... and After: Serialization and the Popular Romance Novel

International investment and international trade in the product cycle

A social history of American technology

The Collaborative Relationship between Professional Machine Quilters and Their Customers in the Contemporary Quilt Movement

The Collaborative Relationship between Professional Machine Quilters and Their Customers in the Contemporary Quilt Movement

Utilisation of cognitive map in modelling human error in marine accident analysis and prevention

All sorts of pitfalls and surprises: Competing Views of Idealized Girlhood in Lewis Carroll's Alice Books

Locating histories of crime: a bibliographical study

Backward-wave cancellation in distributed traveling-wave photodetectors

The Year's Work in Children's Literature Studies: 1987

Games telling stories

Video game violence: A review of the empirical literature

Beyond Nintendo: design and assessment of educational video games for first and second grade students

Human-level AI's killer application: Interactive computer games

Grain boundary segregation, chemical ordering and stability of nanocrystalline alloys: Atomistic computer simulations in the Ni-W system

Political risk, institutions and foreign direct investment

Why do Chinese firms tend to acquire strategic assets in international expansion

Economics of development

Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays

Comparative epidemiology of cancers of the colon, rectum, prostate and breast in Shanghai, China versus the United States

An Early Permian flora with Late Permian and Mesozoic affinities from north-central Texas

Testing ESL sociopragmatics: Development and validation of a web-based test battery

Türkçe ilk okuma yazma öğretimi

NMC horizon report: 2016 higher education edition

The use of scoring rubrics: Reliability, validity and educational consequences

Predictors of poor student performance at a single, Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education-accredited school of pharmacy

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of lansoprazole in children with gastroesophageal reflux disease

Sisters doin'it for themselves: Frozen and the evolution of the Disney heroine

The palaeoecology of the Upper Ndolanya Beds at Laetoli, Tanzania

The contemporary land mammals of Egypt (including Sinai

Southern African mammals 1758 to 1951: a reclassification

The social behaviour of anuran amphibians

Commented distributional list of the reptiles of Mauritania (West Africa

Evaluating ecotourism: the case of North Sulawesi, Indonesia

Identifying the pitfalls for social interaction in computer-supported collaborative learning environments: a review of the research

Emily Dickinson and Fidelia Hayward Cooke's Springfield Republican

Divorce in England 1700-1857

Environmental health engineering in the tropics: an introductory text

Promises, promises for neuroscience and law

Treatment and care for injecting drug users with HIV infection: a review of barriers and ways forward

Economics of development

Give My Regards to the Book

Developing attributes for a generic quality of life measure for older people: preferences or capabilities

Environmental Imaginaries of the Middle East and North Africa

Red Books for threatened Mediterranean landscapes as an innovative tool for holistic landscape conservation. Introduction to the western Crete Red Book case study

Faith, Identity, and Ambivalence

Gender and God's word: Another look at religious fundamentalism and sexism

Discussing religious and spiritual issues at the end of life: a practical guide for physicians

WT Stead: newspaper revolutionary

Writing in the San/d: Autoethnography among Indigenous Southern Africans

Strength and duration of priming effects in normal subjects and amnesic patients

Some Universities Are More Equal Than Others [Book Review

Performing Identity: Teaching Bicultural Theatre in Aotearoa

Caught Between Worlds: An Ethnography of Western Tibetan Buddhists in Toronto

Battlefield of Soul A Rereading of Symbols in the Bhagavad Gita

«Unio Mystica» as a Criterion: Some Observations on «Hegelian» Phenomenologies of Mysticism

Perceptions of leader charisma and effectiveness: The effects of vision content, delivery, and organizational performance

Collaborative communication in pediatric palliative care: a foundation for problem-solving and decision-making


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Economic policy

Unimaginable bodies: Intellectual disability, performance and becomings

The tapestry of language learning: The individual in the communicative classroom

Beyond Boundaries: Rereading John Steinbeck

Unimaginable bodies: Intellectual disability, performance and becomings

Going with the flow: the lives and work of three contemporary Canadian fibre artists

Lead-glazed pottery: a potential health hazard in the Middle East

Pollution prevention incentives and responses in Chinese firms

Power electronics and AC drives

Power electronics: a first course

Elements of X-ray Diffraction

Enterprise application system reengineering: a business component approach

Innovations in Software Engineering Education: An Experimental Study of Integrating Active Learning and Design-based Leaming

The busy coder's guide to Android development

Endogenous versus exogenous shocks in complex networks: An empirical test using book sale rankings

The varieties of ecstasy experience: An exploration of person, mind and body in Sydney's club culture

Tough times make tough bosses: A meso analysis of CEO leader behavior

Rationale, design, and methods of the systematic treatment enhancement program for bipolar disorder (STEP-BD

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Clear as Mud: Planning for the Rebuilding of New Orleans, by Robert B. Olshansky and Laurie A. Johnson

Evaluation of the nitrate drinking water standard with reference to infant methemoglobinemia and potential reproductive toxicity

Buffalo Bill Cody and Wyoming Water Politics

Balancing Democracy with Power: Responsibility, Order, and Justice in Reinhold Niebuhr's World View, 1940-1949

Schaum's outline of calculus

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Validation of a universal prehospital termination of resuscitation clinical prediction rule for advanced and basic life support providers

May Sinclair's Uncanny Stories as Metaphysical Quest

Medical Condition, Demon or Undead Corpse? Sleep Paralysis and the Nightmare in Medieval Europe

Can a patient educational book change behavior and reduce pain in chronic low back pain patients

Paternity Testing Commission of the International Society of Forensic Genetics: recommendations on genetic investigations in paternity cases

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Eternal God: A study of God without time

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Coral reef management in Belize: an approach through Integrated Coastal Zone Management

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Finding Florida: The Guide to the Southernmost State, Revised

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The foralgal crust facies of the deeper fore reefs in the Red Sea: a deep diving survey by submersible

Extreme Makeover for a Heian-Era Wizard

Postmodernism, feminism, and the body: The visible and the invisible in consumer research

bis plain habits and self-directed routine of living, Herbert Putnam on August 14th closed bis eyes to a world in which he had moved and worked äs nothing short of a


Nuclear power in New Zealand: Attitudes and prospects

The Sound of Salt Forming: Short Stories by the Post-80s Generation in China

Malay Comic Books Published In The 1950s

Diatomic ions of noble gas fluorides

Iron-sulfur proteins of the green photosynthetic bacterium Chlorobium

Beyond Mead: Symbolic interaction between humans and felines

Yusuf Eradam/My Life= A Haiku: The Transnational Eco-Ecesis of an Anatolian Boy via Creativity in the Age of the Anthropocene

Adapted approach for fruit disease identification using images

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True gardens of the gods: Californian-Australian environmental reform, 1860-1930

„Much book, little know -Enzyklopädie als Lederstrumpf

Returning Cycles: Contexts for the Interpretation of Schubert's Impromptus and Last Sonatas

The A♭-CE Complex: The Origin and Function of Chromatic Major Third Collections in Nineteenth-Century Music

Glycaemic control in acute coronary syndromes: prognostic value and therapeutic options

Heitor Villa-Lobos: A survey of his guitar music

Die» Reinmar-Lieder «Walthers von der Vogelweide

Prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in type 2 diabetic patients

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Swipe right: college, dating, and the digital world

The world beyond the hill: Science fiction and the quest for transcendence

Animating the War: The First World War and Children's Cartoons in America

Displays of the Red Bird-of-Paradise Paradisaea rubra and their significance, with a discussion on displays and systematics of other Paradisaeidae

Footprints of small mammals. A field method of sampling data for different species

High-precision temporal calibration of Late Permian vertebrate biostratigraphy: U-Pb zircon constraints from the Karoo Supergroup, South Africa

Symmetry Lie algebras of nth order ordinary differential equations

A comparison of sift, pca-sift and surf

Applied statistical decision theory

Applied statistical decision theory

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Vibrio splendidus

Russian Lyric Diction: A practical guide with introduction and annotations and a bibliography with annotations on selected sources

Interior Decorating in the Age of Historicism: Popular Advice Manuals and the Pattern Books of Édouard Bajot

Mountain sheep. A study in behavior and evolution

Cities: reimagining the urban

Walter Benjamin for historians

The leisure of serious games: A dialogue

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Between governance and discipline: The law and Michel Foucault

First Interview with Professor Len Sealy: Early Years and the Faculty-15 February 2013

Constitutional law of Canada

The library of Sir Owen Dixon

Ecos virgilianos en la Oda con motivo de la tempestad acaecida en la isla de Gran Canaria de Rafael Bento y Travieso

Sounding out the city: Personal stereos and the management of everyday life

Muertos, infectados y poseídos: el zombi en el cine español contemporáneo

Diálogo con Néstor García Canclini¿ Qué son los imaginarios y cómo actúan en la ciudad

Los delitos de odio contra las personas sin hogar

Extremismos de derecha y movimientos neonazis. Berlín, Madrid, Santiago. ISAAC CARO, Santiago, LOM ediciones, 2007

Patterns in game design (game development series

It depends on the fella. And the cat.: Negotiating humanness through the myth of Irish identity in the plays of Martin McDonagh

Students, faculty er IT jobs

A cultural history of association football in Scotland, 1865-1902: Understanding sports as a way of understanding society [Book Review

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Both praying and playing: Muscular Christianity and the YMCA in north-east county Durham

The haunted house of memory in the fiction of Stephen King

Orientalism and Amy Tan's Novel The Joy Luck Club

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Stories of the Amautalik: Fantastic Beings from Inuit Myths and Legends by N. Christopher

Families, households and society

Introduction: why another book on family care

Conservation and the changing urban landscape

I will learn you something if you listen to this song: southern women writers' representations of music in fiction

Transcending the particular in postsecular cities

Embedding ethics

Reinhold Niebuhr: His theology in the 1980s

Origin of carbon in fumarolic gas from island arcs

Monsters as (uncanny) metaphors: Freud, Lakoff, and the representation of monstrosity in cinematic horror

The Amazing Music of Truth: Nabokov's Sources for Godunov's Central Asian Travels in The Gift

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Dark side of the dream: Australian literature and the postcolonial mind

Rejecting the Colonial Politics of Recognition

Developing a reading programme through an action research in a secondary school

The Study of Teachers' Activity in Vocational Education as a Scientific Problem

The decorative scheme of the Royal Pavilion, Brighton: George IV's design ideas in the context of European colour theory, 1765-1845

Phase and compositional analysis of a Sèvres soft paste porcelain plate from 1781, with a review of early porcelain techniques

The essence of commodification: Caffeine dependencies in the early modern world

Reference to the index of papers of Robert Mather (1782-1855) and the Mather Family

Short-term temporal stability and factor structure of the revised experiences in close relationships (ECR-R) measure of adult attachment

Family values: costs and benefits of communal nesting in the moorhen

How to Read a Film: The World of Movies, Media, Multimedia: Language

A generalization of supermodularity

Regular and irregular inflection in the acquisition of German noun plurals

Disciplined by democracy: moral framing and the rhetoric of Red Letter Christians

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President Bush, Biblical faith, and the politics of religion

The Changing Image of Batman in Comic Books and Movies

The Changing Image of Batman in Comic Books and Movies

The Changing Image of Batman in Comic Books and Movies

The Changing Image of Batman in Comic Books and Movies

Dr. Fredric Wertham was an idiot: Reclaiming Batman and Robin in Michael Chabon

Dr. Fredric Wertham was an idiot: Reclaiming Batman and Robin in Michael Chabon

In-story information Alter ego

The Literature on Military Families, 1980: An Annotated Bibliography

Secrets of Your Leadership Success: The 11 Indispensable E's of a Leader

Negotiating the freshman year: Challenges and strategies among first-year college students

College Rules: How to study, survive and succeed in college

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Climate change and the global harvest: potential impacts of the greenhouse effect on agriculture

Divided We Stand: Watertown, Massachusetts, 1630-1680

Sad psychosurgery

The Attack at Taranto

Joseph Goebbels

Energy balance and obesity in man

Amazing Grace

Preparedness Now!: An Emergency Survival Guide

Novel materials for adsorptive heat pumping and storage: screening and nanotailoring of sorption properties

Twenty-four-hour patterns in human performance, subjective and physiological variables and differences between morning and evening active subjects

A 'wonderfull Order and Balance': Natural History and the Beginnings of Forest Conservation in America, 1730-1830

English in Business

Teaching English as a second or foreign language

Japanese gardens in Edwardian Britain: landscape and transculturation

Preaching as reframing of perspective

Gunslinger Girl by Lyndsay Ely

How to secure your husband's esteem. Accounting and private patriarchy in the British middle class household during the nineteenth century


Dehydration: evaluation and management in older adults

Luke 2: A commentary on the Gospel of Luke 9: 51-19: 27

Changes in the political economy of Vietnam and their impacts on the built environment of Hanoi

Bare Life: Political Order and the Specter of Antisocial Being in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar

È realmente esistita una polemica tra Arcesilao e la scuola epicurea

La Juive

Artificial intelligence: a modern approach

Daniel: A commentary on the book of Daniel

An exegetical analysis of the vision of peace in the Book of Isaiah (2: 1-5

Species delimitation: new approaches for discovering diversity

A Variant of Lawrence Durrell's Livia; or, Buried Alive and the Composition of Monsieur; or, the Prince of Darkness

Appropriate pedagogy

How to teach English

Engaging readers through language and pictures. A case study

The evolution of Australia's natural resource management programs: towards improved targeting and evaluation of investments

Tattoos defined

New age'healing in the US

The usage of eye-tracking technologies in rock-climbing

The mother lode

Nasal septal abscess

Star Trek fandom as a religious phenomenon

Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays

Smiling with blood on the tongue: Acceptable sacrifices and the annihilating feminine in Bharati Mukherjee's' Jasmine

British Columbia Historical News 1997 Item Metadata

Destination image representation on the web: Content analysis of Macau travel related websites

Which contractor selection methodology

Book Review: Merger Control in Post-communist Countries; EC Merger Regulation in Small Market Economies, by Jurgita Malinauskaite. (Routledge Research in

A sociocultural analysis of a Midwestern American flea market

Triterpenoids of the Gramineae

Time-dependent reliability of the primary ship structure

The Royal Road from Seville and Cadiz to Madrid

Indian Views of the Custer Fight: A Source Book

Pilar and Maria: Hemingway's feminist homage to the new woman of Spain in for whom the bell tolls

Method of dimensionality reduction in contact mechanics and friction: a users handbook. I. Axially-symmetric contacts

On Bullfights and Baseball: An Example of Interaction of Social Institutions1

An Emerging Synthesis? US-Latin American Relations since the Second World War

Right to food, right to the city: Household urban agriculture, and socionatural metabolism in Managua, Nicaragua

A Proxy War or A Struggle for National Liberation: The Ideological Motivations and Human Rights Considerations of the United States-Contra Alliance

US foreign relations in the twentieth century: from world power to global hegemony

Refugees of the south: Central Americans in the US Latino imaginary

Reaction-rate theory: fifty years after Kramers

A review of first aid treatments for burn injuries

Learning human skills

Living standards in black and white: Evidence from the heights of Ohio prison inmates, 1829-1913

Access to Space: The Space Shuttle's Evolving Role

Does electoral accountability affect economic policy choices? Evidence from gubernatorial term limits

Lithium abundances in the old open cluster NGC 3960 from VLT/FLAMES observations

Bukhara (Uzbekistan): A former oasis town on the Silk Road

Buzz Jones, Professor of Music

Introduction to wildland fire. Fire management in the United States

Nonfiction reviews [Book Review

Francesco Durante: the history of intracranial meningiomas and beyond


Filipino Folk Dance in the Academy: Embodied Research in the Work of Francesca Reyes Aquino, Sally Ann Ness, and Benildanze

Blog ambition: Fashion, feelings, and the political economy of the digital raced body

Life By the Water

The Chinese Cultural Influence on Filipino Cuisine

Thermal comfort. Analysis and applications in environmental engineering

Motion-based interaction in product design

Evaluating Domain-Driven Architectural Designs and Non-Functional Architectural Attributes for Windows Phone 8 Mobile Applications

Simultaneously accelerating OpenVG and SVG tiny with multimedia hardware

Mining and categorizing interesting topics in Twitter communities

It takes a village to raise a child: The role of social capital in promoting academic success for African American men at a Black college

European Economic Governance and Policies: Volume II: Commentary on Key Policy Documents

Fuel cells for portable applications

Behind the Face of Winter.(Book Reviews

The politics of money: towards sustainability and economic democracy

Fagidaboudit: the American Dream and italian-american gangster movies

Jack the Ripper, the dialectic of Enlightenment and the search for spiritual deliverance in White Chappell, Scarlet Tracings

Introduction to applied mathematics

Eulerian and Lagrangian predictions of particulate two-phase flows: a numerical study

Failure analysis of SCC and SRB induced cracking of a transmission oil products pipeline

Controversies in second language writing: Dilemmas and decisions in research and instruction

Adolescent sexual and reproductive behavior: a review of the evidence from India

Accidental death and disability in India: a stocktaking

Political agency, government responsiveness and the role of the media

Inventory of aerosol and sulphur dioxide emissions from India. Part II—biomass combustion

Traditional knowledge of kani tribals in Kouthalai of Tirunelveli hills, Tamil Nadu, India

Race, religion, and caste: Anthropological and sociological perspectives

The politics of demography: a study of inter-community fertility differences in India

Population and development: a survey

Introduction to wind energy systems

Delegative democracy

Alien concepts and South Asian reality: responses and reformulations

Co-victimization of African-American children who witness violence: effects on cognitive, emotional, and behavioral development

Emergency Management Training and Exercises for Transportation Agency Operations, MTI Report 09-17

Can I say 'Once upon a time'?: Kindergarten children developing knowledge of information book language

Corporate power and responsibility: Issues in the theory of company law

The role of the state in financial markets

Plant hybridization before Mendel

Initiation and evolution of gullies along the shoreline of Lake Huron

Tragedy and Laughter

Teresa de Avila, Lettered Woman

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Changing Marketing Strategies in the Canadian Housebuilding Industry: From Mass Production and Mass Markets Towards Niche Markets and Consumer

Selecting sites for rural health workers

International Criminal Law: Cases and Materials

James Carroll: a biography

S'mores and more: 4-H outdoor cooking and living basic skills guide

Management of duodenal injuries

European migration in the late twentieth century

Web sites of the Fortune 500 companies: facing customers through home pages

Portrait in paradox: Commitment and ambivalence in American librarianship, 1876-1976

Stay-cable vibration monitoring of the Fred Hartman Bridge (Houston, Texas) and the Veterans Memorial Bridge (Port Arthur, Texas

Relays: Literature as an Epoch of the Postal System

I am not a good teacher; I don't do all their paperwork': Teacher resistance to accountability demands in the English Skills for Life strategy

The physical fates component of the natural resource damage assessment model system

Lessons from the United States's antitrust history

Integrated water resources management: Concepts and issues

The Somali diaspora: A journey away

From Violence to Mobilization: War, Women, and Political Power in Rwanda and Bosnia-Herzegovina

Eclampsia in the University Teaching Hospital in Brazzaville, Congo

Structural causes of the global financial crisis: a critical assessment of the 'new financial architecture

Dissecting an Octopus

Germany between east and west

Review of Fields of Fire

Masculinity in video games: The gendered gameplay of Silent Hill

Brutal games: Call of duty and the cultural narrative of World War II

Writing next-effective strategies to improve writing of adolescents in middle and high schools

Consumer health information demand and delivery: implications for libraries

The Final Temple

Wading in the waters: Spirituality and older Black Katrina survivors

Poems to the child-god: structures and strategies in the poetry of Surdas

Omens of millennium: The gnosis of angels, dreams, and resurrection

A Study of Antichrist Typology in Six Biblical Dramas of 17th Century Spain

Revelatory Words and Images: William Blake and the Artist's Book

The physiological basis of medical practice

Useful Reading? Designing Information for London's Victorian Cab Passengers

Probiotic bifidobacteria protect mice from lethal infection with Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157: H7

Anarchism triumphant: Free software and the death of copyright

Analysis of the PINK1 gene in a large cohort of cases with Parkinson disease

Fire safety/prevention skills training to reduce involvement with fire in young psychiatric inpatients: Preliminary findings

Win one of five copies of the 2-Disc Collector's DVD Edition of Takashi Miike's cult thriller Audition

Are movie theaters doomed? Do exhibitors see the big picture as theaters lose their competitive advantage

Transforming rural hunters into conservationists: an assessment of community-based wildlife management programs in Africa

Profit-sharing versus fixed-payment contracts: Evidence from the motion pictures industry

Thermodynamics properties of individual substances. Volume 1-Elements O, H/D, T/, F, Cl, Br, I, He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn, S, N, P, and their compounds. Part 1-Methods

Spin electronics—a review

Ammonia and related chemicals as potential indirect hydrogen storage materials

The preparation and properties of tris (triphenylphosphine) halogenorhodium (I) and some reactions thereof including catalytic homogeneous hydrogenation of olefins


Theorizing musical meaning

Les ongulés en périgord et Nord-Ouest du Quercydurant le würm III. Chronoclimatologie, paléobiogéographie, palethnologie

The multifactor Illyrian firm revisited

Harold Nicolson

Commemorating and forgetting: challenges for the new South Africa

Developing a framework for sustainable development indicators for the mining and minerals industry

Global perspectives on e-waste

Economics of development

Mapping ecosystem services for policy support and decision making in the European Union

The collected dialogues of Plato

Robinson, George W.: The Life of Saint Severinus, by Eugippius

The Fragments of Parmenides: A critical text with introduction and translation, the ancient testimonia and a commentary

Socrates' last bath

Sense and Sentence Complexity. Sentence Structure, Sentence Connection, and Tense-aspect as Indicators of Narrative Mode in Thucydides' Histories

Modelling the Mekong: hydrological simulation for environmental impact studies

Non-invasive characterisation of binding media on painted glass magic lantern plates using mid-infrared fibre-optic reflectance spectroscopy

Clause structure, ellipsis and proper government in Irish

Spatial cognition in children. II. Visuospatial and constructional skills in developmental reading disability

Using an iPod touch to teach social and self-management skills to an elementary student with emotional/behavioral disorders

A self-approximating transluminal access technique for potential use in NOTES: an ex vivo porcine model (with video

Text, image, code, comment: Writing in Flash

RFID: New Technology on the Horizon for IT Majors

Gender politics and post-communism. Reflections from Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union

Labor supply of New York City cabdrivers: One day at a time

New business ventures and the entrepreneur

Natural links: naturalistic golf courses as wildlife habitat

Minimum wages and employment: A case study of the fast food industry in New Jersey and Pennsylvania

Do higher rents discourage fertility? Evidence from US cities, 1940-2000

Neverland: JM Barrie, the Du Mauriers, and the Dark Side of Peter Pan

Cognitive science and the problem of representation

Ancient Alexandria and the dawn of medical science

Levantamiento de Información del Sistema Vial Inca 2003-2004. Macro Región Centro

The first documented description of mountain sickness: the Andean or Pariacaca story

Seminario Regional «La Cuestión Urbana en América Latina: Panorama y Desafíos de la investigación y la formación». Quito, 24-25 de noviembre de 2015

Peru: Society and nationhood in the Andes

The Incas

Peruvian contributions to the study on human reproduction at high altitude: from the chronicles of the Spanish conquest to the present

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Addison Gallery of American Art

Grasping the world: the idea of the museum

A Performance Guide To Jake Heggie's From'The Book of Nightmares

Artists of Cape Ann: A 150 Year Tradition

The Federal Art Project in Provincetown, Massachusetts: The impact of a relief program on an established art colony

Determining transit service coverage by non-motorized accessibility to transit: Case study of applying GPS data in Cincinnati metropolitan area

Building a straight state: Sexuality and social citizenship under the 1944 GI Bill

Case study of risk management in the USAF B-1B bomber program

Product-Service Systems: reviewing achievements and refining the research agenda

IMSA360: Fall 2014

Estimation and inference in econometrics

Leadership development:: A review in context

The Vindications: The Rights of Men and The Rights of Woman

Leadership: The great man theory revisited

Methodological issues in researching the effects of US-German educational youth exchange: A case study

Harmonic decomposition of two particle angular correlations in Pb-Pb collisions at

Beyond the witch trials: Witchcraft and magic in Enlightenment Europe

Linguistics and Biblical Hebrew Ed. by Walter R. Bodine

Paramusicology: an investigation of music and paranormal phenomena

Beowulf before Beowulf: Anglo-Saxon anthroponymy and heroic legend

Cinema Fiction vs Physics Reality: Ghosts, Vampires and Zombies

Peasants; Pilgrims; and Sacred Promises: Ritual and the Supernatural in Orthodox Karelian Folk Religion

Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair—a prospective personal series of 542 children

Laparoscopic and open incisional hernia repair: a comparison study

Tensile strength comparison of small intestinal submucosa body wall repair

Maximizing appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis for surgical patients: an update from LDS Hospital, Salt Lake City

A surgical approach to the cavernous portion of the carotid artery: anatomical studies and case report

If You Read This Last Sentence, It Won't Tell You Anything: Postmodernism, Self-Referentiality, and The Stinky Cheese Man

Wedded to Books: Bibliomania and the Romantic Essayists

The Heart in Exile: Detachment and Desire in 1950s London

The Canadian maternity experiences survey: an overview of findings

Domesticity beyond sentiment: Edith Wharton, decoration, and divorce

Theories of practice—New inspiration for ecological economic studies on consumption

Plant stomata function in innate immunity against bacterial invasion

Heaviness vs. newness: The effects of structural complexity and discourse status on constituent ordering

Managing the Unions

ABC of interventional cardiology: Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction

Team-based strategy at Varian Australia: a case study

Irrational exuberance

The virtual incubator: managing human capital in the software industry

Accounting innovation beyond the enterprise: problematizing investment decisions and programming economic growth in the UK in the 1960s

The History of the Engineering Libraries Division, Part 2: 1960-2017

Balance and vertical impact in sports: role of shoe sole materials

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Game styles, innovation, and new audiences: An historical view

Booze and gunshots in a hot dry summer: an African childhood [Book review

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

The anthropic cosmological principle

Terrestrial plant ecology

Poverty and the planet: a question of survival

Critical Summary of Recent Journal Articles on Poetry for Children

The Foucault effect: Studies in governmentality

Geopolitics and visuality: Sighting the Darfur conflict

The Development of Corporate Governance in Toulouse: 1372-1946

Witnessing the Unwitnessed'in Steven Erikson's The Malazan Book of the Fallen

Foi et vision mystique dans les Confessions d'Augustin

Technology and mechanical properties of ceramic preforms for composite materials

Lexical-Functional Grammar: An Introduction ti parellel constraint based syntax

Who is 'behavioral'? Cognitive ability and anomalous preferences

Geography and resource analysis

Emergent properties of networks of biological signaling pathways

Adaptation to thermal environment. Man and his productive animals

Triggering and modulation of apoptosis by oxidative stress

Linking teacher and student learning to improve professional development in systemic reform

SOYBUG: An expert system for soybean insect pest management

Molecular cloning: a laboratory manual

Destructive and useful insects. Their habits and control

Fundamentals of applied entomology

Genetics and society

BioMEMS: state-of-the-art in detection, opportunities and prospects

The micropolitics of teacher induction. A narrative-biographical study on teacher socialisation

Key issues for IT executives 2007


A theological appraisal of the book of Malachi

A study of the conflicts within churches that lead to the termination of pastors within the Southern Baptist Convention, accompanied by a proposal of preventive and

A biblical and theological analysis of tithing: Toward a theology of giving in the new covenant era

The tithe of plant disease

The underestimated significance of practitioner knowledge in the scholarship on student success

Rewriting the African diaspora: beyond the Black Atlantic

Qualitative case study methodology: Study design and implementation for novice researchers

The Pastoral epistles: A commentary on the Pastoral epistles

Chocolate in the underworld space of death: Cacao seeds from an early classic mortuary cave

The technological specialization of Europe in the 1990s

Should entrepreneurs plan or just storm the castle? A meta-analysis on contextual factors impacting the business planning-performance relationship in small firms

A study on the historical changes and improvements in food and culture in the Korean Decimal Classification

The world's fare: food and culture at American World Fairs from 1893-1939

Kimchi; Korean fermented vegetable foods

Why mammals are called mammals: gender politics in eighteenth-century natural history

george bird grinnell's audubon society: bridging the GENDER DIVIDE IN CONSERVATION

Why mammals are called mammals: gender politics in eighteenth-century natural history

Special Issue: Children's Science Fiction

Impossible Fork

An analysis of subject-before-finite-verb clauses in the book of Genesis based on traditional grammarians

Fables of responsibility: Aberrations and predicaments in ethics and politics

Research methods in health: foundations for evidence-based practice

The Aegean Sea dispute: options and avenues

Soot formation

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Is It True What They Sing About Dixie

Confessions of a Net surfer: Net chick and grrrls on the Web

A one-minute live-dead sperm stain by means of eosin-nigrosin

Introduction: Wilson R. Bachelor, whys and wherefores

The Quest for the Lost Princess in Rabbi Nachman of Braslav's Book of Stories from Ancient Times

A new kind of science

Moral foundations theory: The pragmatic validity of moral pluralism

The Glorious Koran. A bi-lingual edition with English translation, introduction and notes, by Marmaduke Pickthall. Pp. xliv+ 826 English, 826 Arabic.£ 14.50

The lost museum: the Nazi conspiracy to steal the world's greatest works of art

Kangaroo Islanders [Book Review

The Rabbi Saved by Hitler's Jewish Soldiers: Rebbe Joseph Isaac Schneersohn and His Astonishing Rescue

History inquiry topics [series

Grazing pressure and the measurement of pasture production

Childhood obesity: public-health crisis, common sense cure

Recent advances in direct methanol fuel cells at Los Alamos National Laboratory

Public libraries in Ballarat: 1851-1900

Modelling fluctuating populations: reprint of first Edition (1982

The 'expert patient': empowerment or medical dominance? The case of weight loss, pharmaceutical drugs and the Internet

Oregon Quarterly: 2011, Vol. 90, No. 3 (Spring

Comparison of 5km Running Performance after 24 and 72 hours of Passive Recovery

Peak performance through nutrition and exercise

Maximising performance in triathlon: Applied physiological and nutritional aspects of elite and non-elite competitions

Maintenance and relapse after weight loss in women: behavioral aspects

Qualitative research methods in human geography

More people, less erosion: environmental recovery in Kenya

Statistical geography: Problems in analyzing areal data

Using questionnaires in qualitative human geography

The 'National System of Innovation'in historical perspective

The world is open: How web technology is revolutionizing education

Dinosaurs of Australia and New Zealand and other animals of the Mesozoic Era

Derek Mahon

Surgical management of first caudal nerve root foraminal compression secondary to intervertebral disc disease in a Cocker Spaniel

Understanding the dairy cow

Beckett by Pierre Mélèse

Self-management approaches for people with chronic conditions: a review

Challenges and Choices: Time Effectiveness—Prioritizing Your Time

Digital fabrication in architecture

A theoretical framework of design critiquing in architecture studios

Design and validation of an augmented book for spatial abilities development in engineering students

Evaluation of a pilot school-based physical activity challenge for primary students

An analysis of the operational efficiency of major airports in the United States

Writing history, writing trauma

9/11 and the terrorism industry

Self-esteem in a broad-spectrum approach for mental health promotion

Social capital and health: implications for public health and epidemiology

Prediction and prevention of child abuse and neglect

Continental philosophy since 1750: The rise and fall of the self

Improvement the Order of the Age': Historic Advertising, Consumer Choice, and Identity in 19th Century Roxbury, Massachusetts

Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays


Love You When You Whine

Tosa Mitsunobu and the Small Scroll in Medieval Japan

Fleshing out Political Theology: Santner's The Royal Remains

Only Make-Believe? Lies, Fictions, and Metafictions in Geraldine McCaughrean's A Pack of Lies and Philip Pullman's Clockwork

Understanding how overweight and obese emerging adults make lifestyle choices

Protecting adolescents from harm: findings from the National Longitudinal Study on Adolescent Health

Weighing the risks: A child's decision to disclose peer victimization

Gender and computer games: Exploring females' dislikes

In vitro meat production: Challenges and benefits over conventional meat production

Original copies: Architectural mimicry in contemporary China

Winston Churchill and the European Union

I. Allgemeines

For the boys over there! The Churchill auction of books and pictures in New Zealand, 1942

On the justice of roosting chickens: Reflections on the consequences of US imperial arrogance and criminality

Guarding the British Bible from Rousseau: Sarah Trimmer, William Godwin, and the Pedagogical Periodical

Cooper's Sea Fiction and The Red Rover

Love and Anxiety: Gender Negotiations in Chutney-Soca Lyrics

Making tortillas without lard: Latino parents' perspectives on healthy eating, physical activity, and weight-management strategies for overweight Latino children

Teachers' Work: Changing Patterns and Perceptions in the Emerging School Systems of Nineteenth-and Early Twentieth-Century Central Canada

International migration: the female experience

America's Patriotic Hymnal-Sweet Land of Liberty, Fruited Plains, and The Coming of the Lord

Lincoln's Gettysburg Address: Echoes of the Bible and Book of Common Prayer

A novel expression profile of the Loxosceles intermedia spider venomous gland revealed by transcriptome analysis

The possible meaning of the upper and lower alpha frequency ranges for cognitive and creative tasks

La Marche et les Boiteries. Étude des Marches Normales et Pathologiques.(A Study of Normal and Abnormal Gait.) By Robert, Jean and Pierre Ducroquet, with the

I think we sounded black!: space and community in Black drum and bugle corps

Comparison between the RSA cryptosystem and elliptic curve cryptography

Maintaining a Cybersecurity Curriculum: Professional Certifications as Valuable Guidance

Teaching writing across the curriculum

The historical argument for the resurrection of Jesus during the deist controversy

Wild law: A manifesto for earth justice

International Criminal Law: Cases and Materials

Magnetoresistance of an insulating amorphous nickel-silicon film in large magnetic fields

The neurobiology of social cognition

Cambodian Dance: Celebration of the Gods

Manoscritti visibili. Storia, vincoli e nuove proposte espositive

Magicians who endorsed psychic phenomena

Power trips: Making sacred space through new age pilgrimage

The voice of Florence Nightingale on advocacy

Mobilizing meanings of mobility: car users' constructions of the goods and bads of car use

Histological and histochemical methods-theory and practice

Prolegomena to any future Carver studies

Why Don't You Dance

Phenotypic relationship between test results of Swedish Warmblood horses as 4-year-olds and longevity

Implementation and prospects of linear profiling in the Warmblood horse

Nuclear magnetic resonance

A sea of good intentions: Native Americans in books for children

Cash for Genocide? The Politics of Memory in the Herero Case for Reparations

Curriculum change in Uganda: Teacher perspectives on the new thematic curriculum

Native and non-native teachers in the classroom

Artificial intelligence: a modern approach

Function of dreams: an integrated approach

The body unbound: Vestibular-motor hallucinations and out-of-body experiences

The history of phenotypic testing in thrombosis and hemostasis

On the regulation and control of fibrinolysis

Knowledge bases and regional innovation systems: Comparing Nordic clusters

Competition and Control at Work: A New Industrial Sociology

Creating customer knowledge competence: managing customer relationship management programs strategically

Business models for sustainable innovation: state-of-the-art and steps towards a research agenda

Toward a social context theory of the human resource management-organization effectiveness relationship

Developing global business leaders: Policies, processes, and innovations

Social networks and information: Non-utilitarian mobility among hunter-gatherers

Interworking between teletex and OSI systems

A protocol test generation procedure

The price of salt

The Haunted Puerto Rican Stage: Lucy Boscana in La carreta and Vejigantes

From the Student Side of the Ivory Tower

Adding some TEC-VARIETY: 100+ activities for motivating and retaining learners online

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

3D geometrical modeling of excavation units at the archaeological site of Tell 'Acharneh (Syria

orchestrates regulation of redox state and antioxidant responses to reduce the NaCl-induced oxidative damage in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea (L.) Czern

Uherce to takie miłe więzienie koło Leska: dziennik internowanego

A review of research on the impact of professional learning communities on teaching practice and student learning

Turbulent flows

Oscar Wilde and the interrelationships among critic, artist, and society

ZHUANGZI (Chuang-tzu)×¯× Ó

Risk, uncertainty, and heuristics

Probabilistic models of cognition: Conceptual foundations

Probabilistic models of cognition: Conceptual foundations

Shenzhen, zona económica especial: bisagra de la apertura económica y el desarrollo regional chino

Estructura y recomposición de la industria automotriz mundial. Oportunidades y perspectivas para México

Realizing the potential of the family business

New business ventures and the entrepreneur

Let Us Not Call Them Graphic Novels Comic Books as Biography and History

Encyclopedia> Che Guevara

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and the behavior of Che Guevara

The USS Los Angeles, a US Navy airship built in Germany by the Zeppelin Company

Shifting trends, segmented trends, and infrequent permanent shocks

Evolution and growth

Labor supply of men: a survey

Do tariffs matter for the extensive margin of international trade? An empirical analysis

Forecasting municipal solid waste generation in a fast-growing urban region with system dynamics modeling

Double exposure: assessing the impacts of climate change within the context of economic globalization

Financial intermediation: Delegated monitoring and long-term relationships

The US Department of Energy's National Hydrogen Storage Project: Progress towards meeting hydrogen-powered vehicle requirements

Assessing energy security: An overview of commonly used methodologies

From market driven to market driving

Hydrogenation and hydrogenolysis in synthetic organic chemistry

The first examples of cycloadditions of 2-diazo-1, 3-dicarbonyl compounds to aromatic thioketones

Small-firm formation in biotechnology: a comparison of France, Britain and Canada

Eminent Pearsonians: Britishness, Anti-Britishness, and Canadianism

Rehabilitation of the Knee: a Problem-Solving Approach

The role of possessions in constructing and maintaining a sense of past

Different, not better: gender differences in mathematics learning and achievement

Adventures Among the Trendies and Uglies: The Liberal Wars-a Cautionary Memoir [Book Review

Talking animals: medieval Latin beast poetry, 750-1150

Civil aviation regimes and leisure tourism in Europe

Services marketing: Integrating customer focus across the firm

The transport geography of logistics and freight distribution

Container shipping and ports: an overview

Introduction to error analysis, the study of uncertainties in physical measurements

Meat in the Middle: Converging Borderlands in the US Midwest, 1865-1900

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

American Seashells; The Marine Molluska of the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts of North America

The world is open: How web technology is revolutionizing education

Retinoic acid-induced blr1 expression requires RARα, RXR, and MAPK activation and uses ERK2 but not JNK/SAPK to accelerate cell differentiation

Vulnerable: HMS Prince of Wales in 1941

The Falklands war: Army field surgical experience

Coping with the Unexpected: Great Britain and the War in the South Atlantic

The Falklands war: Army field surgical experience

Coupled nonlocal complex Ginzburg-Landau equations in gasless combustion

Kinetic roughening phenomena, stochastic growth, directed polymers and all that. Aspects of multidisciplinary statistical mechanics

Statistical mechanics of equilibrium crystal shapes: Interfacial phase diagrams and phase transitions

Numerical analysis of convecting, vaporizing fuel droplet with variable properties

Boundary integral methods for multicomponent fluids and multiphase materials

Engineering: Cornell Quarterly, Vol. 05, No. 4 (Winter 1971): Understanding Our Atmosphere

The Bone Witch by Rin Chupeco

Rituals of Empowerment, Disempowerment, And Critical Transformative Leadership At A School In Transistion

Does corporate governance predict firms' market values? Evidence from Korea

New Age spirituality

Seekership, spirituality and self-discovery: Ayurveda trainees in Britain

Dancing the Old Enlightenment: Gould's Book of Fish, the Historical Novel and the Postmodern Sublime

The pedagogical content knowledge of teacher educators: A case study in a democratic teacher preparation program

Marketing management: A relationship approach

Making the most of your company's knowledge: a strategic framework

Doing research in business & management: An essential guide to planning your project

Angel City

A famished Empire [book review

The Many Faces of Hebrew סינפ אשנ› lift up the face‹

The Early History of Preventive Conservation in Great Britain and the United States (1850-1950

Images of Women's Power in Contemporary Canadian Fiction by Women

Integrating American Indian/Alaska Native culture into shared storybook intervention

Essentials of entrepreneurship and small business management

No business is an island: The network concept of business strategy

Modern competitive analysis

Prominent eye movements during NREM sleep and REM sleep behavior disorder associated with fluoxetine treatment of depression and obsessive-compulsive

Power to Save!?: The Role of the Spirit of the Lord in the Book of Judges

Evaluation of the FICA tool for spiritual assessment

Silicon-based molecular nanotechnology

Linear and nonlinear optical properties of N-4-nitrophenyl L-prolinol single crystals

Theory and application of photoelectron spectroscopy: V. The nature of bonding in vinyl-and allylsilanes: The effects of σ-π (hyperconjugation) and pπ-dπ conjugation

High resolution nuclear magnetic double and multiple resonance

Borane complexes of trivalent organophosphorus compounds. Versatile precursors for the synthesis of chiral phosphine ligands for asymmetric catalysis

The career reasons of nascent entrepreneurs

Literacy and Numeracy resources


Jazz Age Josephine

Epidemiology of gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep managed under traditional husbandry system in Kashmir valley

Effective Strategies for Teaching Young Children Critical Thinking Through Picture Book Reading: A Case Study in the New Zealand Context

Epidemiology of gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep managed under traditional husbandry system in Kashmir valley

Nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons and missiles: Status and trends

International Criminal Law: Cases and Materials

The Central European counter-revolution: paramilitary violence in Germany, Austria and Hungary after the Great War

The Kurdish Question in Turkey

Biological terrorism: preparing to meet the threat

Population dynamics and international violence

Predictable books in the children's EFL classroom

High-performance liquid chromatography of 13-cis-retinoic acid and of endogenous retinol in human plasma

This is a strange book: Re-Membering Local Democratic Agency in Bird's Sheppard Lee

Mouse genetics: concepts and applications

Cabaret: costume design: honors thesis (HONRS 499

Bibliotherapeutic literature: A key facet of whole language instruction for the at-risk student

Banks as patient fixed-income investors

Bibliotherapeutic literature: A key facet of whole language instruction for the at-risk student

Close encounters with the Third Reich

The Loch Ness Monster approach to bilingual language lateralization: A response to Berquier and Ashton

Position statement on physical activity and exercise intensity terminology

Receiving support when older: What makes it OK

The social structuring of mental health over the adult life course: advancing theory in the sociology of aging

International experiences with the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale-a review of validation data and clinical results

Child sexual abuse: Immediate and long-term effects and intervention

A randomized trial of physical rehabilitation for very frail nursing home residents

The fatigue damage mechanics of a carbon fibre composite laminate: I—development of the model

Interface property characterization and strengthening mechanisms in fiber reinforced cement based composites

The fatigue damage mechanics of a carbon fibre composite laminate: I—development of the model

Bleeding composites'—damage detection and self-repair using a biomimetic approach

An experimental study of the failure modes of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with prestressed carbon composite plates

Mechanical behavior of materials: engineering methods for deformation, fracture, and fatigue

The treatment received by American slaves: A critical review of the evidence presented in Time on the Cross

Colonial Latin America

American slavery in history and memory and the search for social justice

Air photo evidence of historical land cover change in the highlands: Wetlands and grasslands give way to crops and woodlots

An analysis of the literary structure of the book of Revelation according to textlinguistic methods

The Empire Illuminated: Electricity, ethical colonialism and enlightened monarchy in photographs of Dutch royal celebrations, 1898-1948

A clinical, pathological and genetic study of multiple neurofibromatosis

Diagonal competence conflicts between European competition law and national regulation—a conflict of laws reconstruction of the dispute on book price fixing

Interactional justice

Family context in pediatric psychology: A transactional perspective

Gesture as a tool of communication in the teaching of singing

The Vocal Music of Charles Ives: The Connections Between History, Style, and Performance Technique

From Air to Aria. Relevance of Respiratory Behaviour to Voice Function in Classical Western Vocal Art

A parental rearing style questionnaire for use with adolescents: Psychometric evaluation of the EMBU-A

Men women messages and media: understanding human communication

Making things perfectly queer: art's use of craft to signify LGBT identities

The moment of privacy has passed

The anti-Oedipus papers

The ethico-aesthetics of affect and a sensational pedagogy

Language, Madness, and Desire: On Literature

Space, time, and perversion: Essays on the politics of bodies

An introduction to continental philosophy


Marketing to Children-Issues & Remedies

What helps or inspires busy moms while grocery shopping

Textbooks free and online! What are our universities doing

The top five reasons for lurking: improving community experiences for everyone

Myopia, lifestyle, and schooling in students of Chinese ethnicity in Singapore and Sydney

Stock returns and beta, firms size, E/P, CF/P, book-to-market, and sales growth: evidence from Singapore and Malaysia

Economic impact of tourism in Singapore

Lee Kip Lin~ Recommendations~

Fragments of the Past: Political Prints of Post-war Singapore

The Narrative of Benjamin Morrell: Out of The Bucket and into Poe's Pym

Languages and tools for hybrid systems design

Death and injury rates of US military personnel in Iraq

The founding of Kamloops: A story of 100 years ago: A souvenir of the Kamloops Centenary Celebration September 17, 18 and 19, 1912

Hard lessons: lives and education of working class women in nineteenth century England

Alexander Monro primus and the moral theatre of anatomy

Banking on global markets: Deutsche Bank and the United States, 1870 to the present

Redefining translation competence in an electronic age. In defence of a minimalist approach

The design of a corpus of contemporary Arabic

Everyday life: Theories and practices from surrealism to the present

Cultural nationalism in Mashingaidze Gomo's A Fine Madness

Toward a Post-Western IR: The Umma, Khalsa Panth, and Critical International Relations Theory

Healing and cultural transformation: The Tswana of Southern Africa [1

Twenty years after Bellah: whatever happened to American civil religion

Shakespeare's Last Act: The Starry Messenger and the Galilean Book in Cymbeline

Self-management approaches for people with chronic conditions: a review

The inclusive practice project in Scotland: Teacher education for inclusive education

An island lies bleeding

Art of Self-Deception: Unreliable Narration and Its Motivation in Kazuo Ishiguro's An Artist of the Floating World and The Remains of the Day

Scissors and glue: Punk fanzines and the creation of a DIY aesthetic

Transparency in transcribing: Making visible theoretical bases impacting knowledge construction from open-ended interview records

Yellowcake towns: Uranium mining communities in the American West

White paper: the deep web: surfacing hidden value

Tudo, menos ser gorda: a literatura infanto-juvenil eo dispositivo da magreza

Islamic tourism: Rethinking the strategies of tourism development in the Arab world after September 11, 2001

Fasciation of sweet peas caused by Phytomonas fascians n. sp

The Durawall of faith: Pentecostal spirituality in neo-liberal Zimbabwe

Learning outcomes of leisure travel: Explorations towards the development of educational programs

Dialectical tensions and turning points of large-family communication: an honors thesis (HONRS 499

Consumer lifestyle approach to US energy use and the related CO2 emissions

Managerial and economic barriers and incentives to the commercialization of solar energy technologies

Energy and problems of a technical society

The diverging paths of German and United States policies for renewable energy: Sources of difference

Annie MG Schmidt: Dutch children's poet

Oxide ceramics

Evaluation of a medical emergency team one year after implementation

The Greening of America, Catholic Style, 1930-1950

A fiber optic biosensor: combination tapered fibers designed for improved signal acquisition

The American society During the Great Depression in John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath

Obituary: WK McNeil (1940-2005

Stamp Issuing Entities List

The friction of distance? Information circulation and the mails in early nineteenth-century England

The epidemiology of Mycobacterium bovis infections in animals and man: a review

Bell's orofacial pains: the clinical management of orofacial pain

Infant and young child feeding: model chapter for textbooks for medical students and allied health professionals

Family-centered care coordination for children with special needs across multiple settings

What role can child-care settings play in obesity prevention? A review of the evidence and call for research efforts

A leadership identity development model: Applications from a grounded theory

Human resource management: a guide to personnel practice in the hotel and catering industries

screening, nutrition, and early learning in 18 countries with low and middle incomes: data from the third round of UNICEF's Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (2005-06

Financing investments in renewable energy: the impacts of policy design

Octopus: Agile software development facing our imperfect world

Do dogs distinguish rational from irrational acts

A theory of medical ethics

Nuances, Narratives, and the 'Chemical Imbalance'Debate in Psychiatry

Life in the Ruins of Detroit

The Social History of the Archive: Record-Keeping in Early Modern Europe

St. Leonard's Forest: social and economic change from 1750 to 1914 and its impact on a forest landscape

Betrayed by Infamous Spies'? The Commemoration of Scotland's 'Radical War'of 1820

The role of Twitter in the world of business

leading to Inspiration and Persistence as Holy Books or Holy Sites or Evolved/Systematic Holy Ways of Life-A consequence of the Evolution of the Mind and the Heart

Adam Smith, the last of the former virtue ethicists

Antinovela negra: Cristina Rivera Garza's La muerte me da and the Critical Contemplation of Violence in Contemporary Mexico

A book reading intervention with preschool children who have limited vocabularies: The benefits of regular reading and dialogic reading

Talking animals: medieval Latin beast poetry, 750-1150

Temporal noise shaping, qualtization and coding methods in perceptual audio coding: A tutorial introduction

Conducting the reference interview: a how-to-do-it-manual for librarians

PRUF—a meaning representation language for natural languages

Multi-agent systems: an introduction to distributed artificial intelligence

The biology of parasitic flowering plants. University of California Press, Berkeley

gene of Arabidopsis thaliana, required for formation of a symmetric flat leaf lamina, encodes a member of a novel family of proteins characterized by cysteine repeats

The central executioners of apoptosis: caspases or mitochondria

Phenology and phylogeny of animal-dispersed plants in a Dry Chaco forest (Argentina

Ecological consequences and ontogeny of seed heteromorphism

Not to be circulated: The Response of children's librarians to dime novels and series books

Hormonal doping and androgenization of athletes: a secret program of the German Democratic Republic government

Brentham: a history of the pioneer garden suburb

Stranger than Friction: Learning and Teaching Literary Studies Using Text Book

High-frequency whole-body vibration improves balancing ability in elderly women

On being aeromobile: airline passengers and the affective experiences of flight

Bringing What Is Hidden to Light: Jane Addams and the 2006 Jane Addams Children's Book Award

The mind matters: Consciousness and choice in a quantum world

The effects of IMF programs in the third world: debate and evidence from Latin America

An exploration of centre-periphery interaction between the ICAEW and accounting associations in the self-governing colonies of Australia, Canada and South Africa

The challenge of good governance for the IMF and the World Bank themselves

Introduction to human resource management

Mary Austin's Disfigurement of the Southwest in The Land of Little Rain

Four Paradigm Transformations in Oral HistoryOral History ReviewFour Paradigm Transformations in Oral History

Give Earth a chance: the environmental movement and the Sixties

Samuel Beckett's Notes

Literacy, bilingualism, and gender in a Hasidic community

Stable isotope data from the early Christian catacombs of ancient Rome: new insights into the dietary habits of Rome's early Christians

Jewish Foodways and Religious Self-Governance in America: The Failure of Communal Kashrut Regulation and the Rise of Private Kosher Certification

Diet composition of syntopically breeding falcon species Falco vespertinus and Falco tinnunculus in south-western Slovakia

The Nez Perce Flight to Canada: An Analysis of the Nez Perce-US Cavalry Conflicts: Applying Historical Lessons Learned to Modern Counterinsurgency and Global

The chemical biology of fishes. With a key to the chemical literature

Mental and physical health effects of intimate partner violence on women and children

My greatest joy and my greatest heart ache: Parents' own words on how having a child in the autism spectrum has affected their lives and their families' lives

Economics of development

Jazyková charakteristika gibraltarské mluvy yanito/llanito

Early economic thought in Spain 1177-1740

Tantra of the Tachikawa Ryu: Secret Sex Teachings of the Buddha

Visions with Voices: The Rhetoric of Memory and Music in Liturgical Drama

Telling Children's Stories: Narrative Theory and Children's Literature

Apigenin, a component of Matricaria recutita flowers, is a central benzodiazepine receptors-ligand with anxiolytic effects

A mathematical programming model of a crop-livestock farm system

Interior-point methods

Price endogenous mathematical programming as a tool for sector analysis

Illness and culture: Maggie's Centres

Educating outdoors in a time of global crisis

Essential Ingredients

Minamata disease. The outbreak of a neurologic disorder in Minamata, Japan, and its relationship to the ingestion of seafood contaminated by mercuric compounds

Effect of salting and smoking-method on the keeping quality of chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus): biochemical and sensory attributes

Measurement of unscheduled synthesis by autoradiography

Practical pharmacology

Textbook of pharmacology

Screening and counselling for sickle cell disorders and thalassaemia: the experience of parents and health professionals

Global prevalence of dementia: a Delphi consensus study

Intensive care nurses' experiences of caring Part 2: Research findings

International retirement migration: Retired Europeans living on the Costa del Sol, Spain

The Word in Exile: A Phenomenology of Silence in the Holocaust Novel

Beyond the Orality/Literacy Dichotomy: James Joyce and the Pre-History of Cyberspace


A textbook of histology

A study of organic compound pervaporation through silicone rubber

Smart-Cut: a new silicon on insulator material technology based on hydrogen implantation and wafer bonding

Durability of Portland blast-furnace slag cement concrete

New processes for the production of solar-grade polycrystalline silicon: A review

General introduction: clays, clay minerals, and clay science

Synthesis of enantiomerically pure all cis-2, 3, 6-trisubstituted piperidine: a silicon mediated total synthesis of (+)-carpamic acid

Douglas A. Wissing. Pioneer in Tibet: The Life and Perils of Dr. Albert Shelton. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. xiii, 334 pp., illus. $29.95

The long and winding road: Implementing discovery at Indiana University Bloomington Libraries

The moral high ground in Albany: rhetorics and practices of an 'Olmstedian'park, 1855-1875

Molecular and crystal structure of the polynucleotide complex: polyinosinic acid plus polydeoxycytidylic acid

Frederick Haultain: Frontier Statesman of the Canadian Northwest by Grant MacEwan

Company Town/Labour Town: Local Government in the Cape Breton Coal Towns, 1917-1926

2 Chronicles: a commentary

Can we restore the Colorado River delta

Reshaping national water politics: The emergence of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986

The 1996 West Blackout and the 2003 Northeast Blackout

Reading from the wordless: A case study on the use of wordless picture books

Qualitative research on chronic illness: a commentary on method and conceptual development

Prophecy, Politics, and the Popular: The Left Behind Series and Christian Fundamentalism's New World Order

The Watch Tower Society and the End of the Cold War: Interpretations of the End-Times, Superpower Conflict, and the Changing Geo-Political Order

Ammon in the Hebrew Bible: a textual analysis and archaeological context of selected references to the Ammonites of Transjordan

Reinterpretación del Antiguo Testamento en el Nuevo: cristología teocéntrica en el Apocalipsis de san Juan

Brain Research and Education: Fad or Foundation

Initiation of sexual intercourse among middle school adolescents: The influence of psychosocial factors

Phantoms in the brain: Probing the mysteries of the human mind

Literacy and science: Each in the service of the other

Der vollkommene Pferdekenner, 1764: Jewish Horse Traders in the Margraviate of Brandenburg-Ansbach and their Language at the Threshold of Modernity

The Edith Lett Papers: The Federal Writers' Project, West Virginia, and the Everyman Writer

The lexical approach

Pragmemes (a study with reference to English and Italian

Enhancing ethics at workplace through emotional intelligence: An exploratory study on business organizations in India

Remedial education in colleges and universities: What's really going on

The vascular plants of Taylor County, Wisconsin

Flora and Field Guide References Supporting All US Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Regional Supplements

Effects of management burning on prairie insect species richness within a system of small, highly fragmented reserves

Bricks reveal recent history of heavy metal pollution in soil around a north Indian city

Culture or Trash?: a provocative view of contemporary painting, sculpture, and other costly commodities

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Cellular basis for tentacle adherence in the Portuguese man-of-war (Physalia physalis

The Many Meanings of D-Day

The war office: Everyday environments and war logistics

Technology uses in campus activism from 2000 to 2008: Implications for civic learning

Explicit reasoning, creativity and co-construction in primary school children's collaborative activities

Blogging & tweeting without getting sued: A global guide to the law for anyone writing online

Socratic citizenship

The influence of writing practice on letter recognition in preschool children: A comparison between handwriting and typing

Essentials of ecology

National ecosystem service indicators: Measures of social-ecological sustainability

Translation Agencies in Iran: A Brief Investigation of the Recruitment Criteria

Evolving market structure: An ACE model of price dispersion and loyalty

Musical echoes: South African women thinking in jazz

Missing the boat on drinking and boating

Effects of adaptive cruise control and highly automated driving on workload and situation awareness: A review of the empirical evidence

The protean career: A quarter-century journey

Does brief dynamic psychotherapy reduce the relapse rate of panic disorder

The relationship between testosterone and aggression: a meta-analysis

Gastrointestinal toxicity with celecoxib vs nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis: the CLASS study: a randomized

Dimensions in the confluence of futures studies and action research

Leadership development:: A review in context

The last imaginary place: A human history of the Arctic world

Yearly Archives: 2009

Health consequences of intimate partner violence

Documenting the health consequences of endemic warfare in three pastoralist communities of northern Kenya: a conceptual framework

Loving touch: the benefits of infant massage

Positive touch and massage in the neonatal unit: a British approach

Expectant first-time fathers' experiences of pregnancy

Parenting advice books about child sleep: cosleeping and crying it out

Expectant first-time fathers' experiences of pregnancy

Designing compelling interfaces: an exploration of the artist book and how its unique interactive experience can influence the graphical user interface

A Writer's Resource: A Handbook for Writing and Research, (Spiral

Developing communication skills in pharmacy: a systematic review of the use of simulated patient methods

Market ideology and the myths of Web 2.0

Crafting your way out of the recession? New craft entrepreneurs and the global economic downturn

Understanding pictures

The starflight handbook: a pioneer's guide to interstellar travel

Comic books, politics and readers: the influence of the 2000AD group of comics creators on the formation of Anglo-American comics culture

Childhood socialization and companion animals: United States, 1820-1870

Software reliability and cost models: Perspectives, comparison, and practice

Highlights from the early (and pre-) history of reliability engineering

Practical aspects of modelling of repairable systems data using proportional hazards models

CFAR: the principles of automatic radar detection in clutter

Mourning of Oblivion: describing Jacopo Pontormo and the gap between

Leonardo da Vinci's contributions to neuroscience

Eyewitness: reports from an art world in crisis

A compassionnate episode in Anglo-Ottoman history: British relief to'93 refugees (1877-1878

The rule of law under siege: selected essays of Franz L. Neumann and Otto Kirchheimer

Political dynamics in North Africa

Equal to Life: Tove Jansson's Moomintrolls

Environmental gerontology: Progress in the post-Lawton era

Collateral, debt capacity, and corporate investment: Evidence from a natural experiment

Reading in English and Chinese: Evidence for a universal phonological principle

Exploding Colonial American History: Amerindian, Atlantic, and Global Perspectives

US Catholic schools and the religious who served in them: Contributions in the 18th and 19th centuries

Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile based mainly on Material in the British Museum (Natural History). Part II-Fase. 4. Ceratopogonidae

Elaboration of a settlement system: The New England village in the federal period

Transforming traditional agriculture

Jack-in-the-Box Faith: The Religion Problem in Modern American History

Night Story

Longitudinal detection of dementia through lexical and syntactic changes in writing: a case study of three British novelists

The rural-urban divide: Economic disparities and interactions in China

Approaches to tourism history

On the run: in Burma's jungle hell

The Roles of Servant Characters in Restoration Comedy, 1660-1685

Matchcoats: Cultural conservatism and change in one aspect of native American clothing

Why are the Japanese living longer

Introduction to what are you optimistic about

Guidelines on the standards for the training of specialised health professionals dealing with breast cancer

waterlogged somewhere in mid-Atlantic. Why American Readers Need Intralingual Translation but don't often Get it1

Book review: Cold War ruins: transpacific critique of American justice and Japanese war crimes by Lisa Yoneyama

Rupert Bunny's symbolist decade: a study of the religious and occult images 1887-1898

Action and agency revisited

Max Weber and Thomas Mann: Calling and the shaping of the self

Effects on coronary artery disease of lipid-lowering diet, or diet plus cholestyramine, in the St Thomas' Atherosclerosis Regression Study (STARS

Aschenbach Crosses the Waters: Reading Death in Venice in America

Hans Castorp's journey-to-knowledge of disease and health in Thomas Mann's The Magic Mountain

Anselm on the Trinity

Max Weber and Thomas Mann: Calling and the shaping of the self

A fragile balance: the extraordinary story of Australian marsupials

Australia: A cultural history

Louis Kelso's binary economy

Ho Minfong~ Recommendations~

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Tears will bedew, if wigs do not bestrew

The Awareness of Conservation Reasons for Reorientation in Library Training

Hawk Hoof Tea

ldeus resignation mutual

Architettura e committenza nella Napoli del Quattrocento

The value of culture: On the relationship between economics and arts

The intensely sweet herb, Lippia dulcis Trev.: historical uses, field inquiries, and constituents

Blinde Mimesis. Über Ordo und Kontingenz in der literaturgeschichtlichen Traditionsbildung (Horaz und Petron

Mémoires diasporiques cubains-américains: l'exil en héritage

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Protocell architecture: architectural design

Missionaries, Cartwright, and Spalding: the development of baseball in nineteenth-century Hawaii

Trade books' historical representation of eleanor roosevelt, rosa parks, and Helen Keller

Clausewitz, Complexity, and Custer: An Analysis of Decision Making in a Nonlinear System

Second thoughts on socialization through literature for children

The Narnia Books of CS Lewis: Fantastic or Wonderful

The Theory and practice of sexual magic, exemplified by four magical groups in the early twentieth century

David Rankine

User perceptions of the reliability of library services at texas A&M university: a focus group study

Christian Sabbath-keeping as a spiritual and environmental practice

Matthew 1-7

MS 610 The Ministry of Evangelism

Maya Christians and their churches in sixteenth-century Belize

Moving mountains: Institutional culture and transformational change

From meat and potatoes to real-deal rotis: Exploring everyday culinary cosmopolitanism

Supplemental energy dissipation: state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice

City of the river: The Hai River and the construction of Tianjin, 1897-1948

The role of cacti (Opuntiaspp.) in erosion control, land reclamation, rehabilitation and agricultural development in the Mediterranean Basin

The colors of investors' money: The role of institutional investors around the world

Risk and return characteristics of Islamic equity funds

The Coasean analysis of lighthouse financing: myths and realities

Germany and the use of force: The evolution of German security policy 1990-2003

Did Dublin's Ben Lang Ever Die?: On the revival of rhyming slang in modern Dublinese

Did Dublin's Ben Lang Ever Die?: On the revival of rhyming slang in modern Dublinese

Book Reviews

Fast zombie/slow zombie: Food writing, horror movies, and agribusiness apocalypse

Association of physical activity and human sleep disorders

The impact of school choice on student outcomes: an analysis of the Chicago Public Schools

Erasmus of Christendom

A Solution to the Multitude of Books: Ephraim Chambers's Cyclopaedia (1728) as the Best Book in the Universe

Tourists' and travellers' social construction of Africa and Asia as risky locations

How Islam created the modern world

An Arab more than a Muslim democracy gap

Hindu nationalism: Origins, ideologies and modern myths

Diagnosis and management of rhinitis: complete guidelines of the Joint Task Force on Practice Parameters in Allergy, Asthma and Immunology

Effect of a problem based learning curriculum on students' perceptions of self directed learning

Hyperspectral imaging-an emerging process analytical tool for food quality and safety control

Why Americans eat what they do: taste, nutrition, cost, convenience, and weight control concerns as influences on food consumption

Cost control for the hospitality industry

Contract design and self-control: Theory and evidence

Jekka's complete herb book

Why Americans eat what they do: taste, nutrition, cost, convenience, and weight control concerns as influences on food consumption

Pleistocene evolution of the Solent River of southern England

A geological model of London and the Thames Valley, southeast England

Terrace reconstruction and long profile projection: a case study from the Solent river system near Southampton, England

GA-Gammon: A Backgammon Player Program Based on Evolutionary Algorithms

Programming backgammon using self-teaching neural nets

Two Wolves at the Dawn of Time: Kingcome Inlet Pictographs, 1893-1998 by Judith Williams

Not Marriage at All, but Simple Harlotry: The Companionate Marriage Controversy

Not Marriage at All, but Simple Harlotry: The Companionate Marriage Controversy

Is He Still Human? Are You?: Young Adult Science Fiction in the Posthuman Age

Business start-ups or disguised unemployment? Evidence on the character of self-employment from transition economies

International patent protection: 1960-2005

Economics of development

Causes, consequences, and deterence of financial statement fraud

Attachment as related to mother-infant interaction

Some Notes on cutaneous Myiasis in Animals in the Madras Presidency

Pulsed Light Sources

Oct‐4‐expressing cells in human amniotic fluid: a new source for stem cell research

The essential writings of Sri Aurobindo

Why do Chinese firms tend to acquire strategic assets in international expansion

Learning new languages: A guide to second language acquisition

Why international primacy matters

Gender and technology: empowering women engendering development

The SEMA referential framework: Avoiding ambiguities in the terms security and safety

Oops, Pounce, Quick, Run!: An Alphabet Caper

ALA User Menu

Search Results for Ann E. Michael

A complete checklist of the birds of the world

The North American species of Paspalum

African-American Folktales for Young Readers

The origin of the Juch'uypampa Cave mummies: strontium isotope analysis of archaeological human remains from Bolivia

Sparky! by Jenny Offill

Frost on the Apple

Analog and digital communication systems

Digital and analog communication systems

Error-control techniques for digital communication

Error-control techniques for digital communication

Digital and analog communication systems

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works


On the limits of liberal peace: Chiefs and democratic decentralization in post-war Sierra Leone

The lexical approach

Would to God I could tear the page from these memoirs and from my own memory: Co. Aytch and the Confederate Sensibility of Loss

How best to face the coming storm

The global decline of reptiles, Déjà Vu Amphibians: reptile species are declining on a global scale. Six significant threats to reptile populations are habitat loss and

The test

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Loggerhead Sea Turtles

Foreign acquisitions by Chinese firms: A strategic intent perspective


Models for interpretation of Scripture

Convinced that God had Called Us

Book Review: Johannine Studies 1975-2017. By Francis J. MoloneyJohannine Studies 1975-2017. By MoloneyFrancis J.. WUNT 372. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2017

Leagility: Integrating the lean and agile manufacturing paradigms in the total supply chain

Education 1, Baroque Arsenal nil?[Book Review

The Development of Consciousness in Lucy Boston's The Children of Green Knowe

What exactly has age got to do with it? My life in critical age studies

Possessions and the Sense of Past

Generalized linear models for insurance data

Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Econometrics

Generalized linear mixed models: a practical guide for ecology and evolution

An alternative for mixed model analyses of large, messy data sets (MTDFREML

Linear statistical models and related methods with applications to social research

Linear statistical models and related methods with applications to social research

Nonlinear regression analysis and its applications

Opening up BMJ peer review: A beginning that should lead to complete transparency

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Open Door

Why do we prove theorems

Computer and information literacy in post-qualifying education

Predictors of health and human services use by persons with dementia and their family caregivers

From pixel on a screen to real person in your students' lives: Establishing social presence using digital storytelling

Literacy at the crossroads: Crucial talk about reading, writing, and other teaching dilemmas

Performance measurement in construction logistics

Toward better models of the design process

Open-book management: Its promise and pitfalls

Haoles in Hawaii

Epidemiologic trends and geographic patterns of fatal opioid intoxications in Connecticut, USA: 1997-2007

The use of microwave FMCW radar in snow and avalanche research

Radar precision and resolution

Children's Book Update for 2010-2011

Toward a History of Access: The Case of Mary Church Terrell

Financial statement analysis and the prediction of financial distress

Cancer incidence in five continents, Volume IX

Democratization through the looking glass

The end of the transition paradigm

The end of the transition paradigm

Closing the gap in a generation: health equity through action on the social determinants of health

Professional interface with mutual-aid self-help groups: A review

Towards a Canadian model of integrated healthcare

Defining the New Age

Raising Native Plants in Nurseries: Basic Concepts by R. Kasten Dumroese, Thomas D. Landis, Tara Luna

Tension and time in Charles Olson's poetry

Can I say 'Once upon a time'?: Kindergarten children developing knowledge of information book language

Can I say 'Once upon a time'?: Kindergarten children developing knowledge of information book language

Art therapy: Using the creative process for healing and hope among African American older adults

The Wolf who Cried Boy

Tornadoes within the Czech Republic: from early medieval chronicles to the internet society

Pathoecology and the future of coprolite studies in bioarchaeology

Chalk rafts in Anglian till in north Hertfordshire

From barnyards to bedsides to books and beyond: the evolution and professionalization of registered psychiatric nursing in Manitoba 1955-1980

Fabricating heritage

Ethics, character, and authentic transformational leadership behavior

Organizational culture and women's leadership: A study of six catholic parishes

In Retrospect: George Nash's The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America Since 1945

Congregational analysis: A theological and ministerial approach

Reproductive health: a key to a brighter future: biennial report: 1990-1991

The Legal Effects of Resolutions of the UN Security Council and General Assembly in the Jurisprudence of the ICJ

Bullseye! Hitting Your Strategic Targets Through High-Impact Measurement

The cinema of Michael Bay: an aesthetic of excess

Occult powers and hypotheses: Cartesian natural philosophy under Louis XIV

Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays

Credit and village society in fourteenth-century England

Occult powers and hypotheses: Cartesian natural philosophy under Louis XIV

The absolutism of Louis XIV as social collaboration

Principles of textual criticism

Discussions in cytogenetics

A revision of New Caledonia's ceramic sequence

The way of Buddhism: Introducing the Buddhist experience

from Krabi, Southwestern Thailand, by Douglas D. Anderson; Pottery Function: A Use-Alteration Perspective, by James M. Skibo; Old Javanese Gold, by John Miksic

From self-defense to an instrument of war: Dutch privateering around the Malay Peninsula in the Early Seventeenth Century

Taiwanese offshore (distant water) fisheries in Southeast Asia, 1936-1977

Marine invasive alien species: a threat to global biodiversity

Critical research on eco-cities? A walk through the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City, China

Teachers' self-efficacy, personality, and teaching effectiveness: A meta-analysis

The keys to: Jacques Derrida as a proteus unbound

Laboratory techniques in biochemistry and molecular biology. Volume 1

Electronic books: content provision and adoption possibilities among users in Latvia

UF Business Library: Best Finance & Investment Books: Home

Business model: What it is and what it is not

Self-organizing innovation networks: implications for globalization

Some geographical and topographical miniatures in a fragmentary Trésor des Histoires

Book Dedications and the Death of a Patron: The Memorial Engraving in Chapman's Homer

Effects of early childhood psychosocial stimulation and nutritional supplementation on cognition and education in growth-stunted Jamaican children: prospective

Is disclosure an effective cleansing mechanism? The dynamics of compensation peer benchmarking

Industrial benchmarking for competitive advantage

Measuring corporate environmental performance

Prevention of venous thromboembolism: American College of Chest Physicians evidence-based clinical practice guidelines

Definability in axiomatic set theory II

Socratic method and critical philosophy

Preference, Belief, and Similarity: Selected Writings (Bradford Books

The effect of inquiry-based explorations in a dynamic geometry environment on sixth grade students' achievements in polygons

Constructing the self, constructing America: A cultural history of psychotherapy

A glossary of feminist theory

Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays

Impeccable Governesses, Rational Dames, and Moral Mothers: Mary Wollstonecraft and the Female Tradition in Georgian Children's Books

Modernist Bricolage, Postcolonial Hybridity

The impossibility of sympathy

Player Piano: poetry and sonic modernity

The collected poems of Wendell Berry, 1957-1982

Terrestrial Ecoregions of the World: A New Map of Life on EarthA new global map of terrestrial ecoregions provides an innovative tool for conserving biodiversity

Wyndham Lewis: Painter and Writer

Creative accounting: role-playing games, possible-world theory, and the agency of imagination

Asymmetric catalytic routes to chiral building blocks of medicinal interest

Dynamic programming and optimal control

Theory of games and economic behavior

Fuzzy sets in approximate reasoning, Part 1: Inference with possibility distributions

Fellow Tribesmen: The Image of Native Americans, National Identity and Nazi Ideology in Germany

The nations of Britain

Wales and the romantic imagination

Introduction to philosophy: Classical and contemporary readings

British central government and the mercantile system of double entry bookkeeping: a study of ideological conflict

The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham: Deontology. Together with a Table of the Springs of Action and the Article on Utilitarianism

The western Comanche trade center: Rethinking the plains Indian trade system

Obamacare: cautionary lessons from the Tennessee prequel

Late Middle and early Late Ordovician history of the Cincinnati arch province, central Kentucky to central Tennessee

Indian Warriors and Pioneer Mothers: American Identity and the Closing of the Frontier in Public Monuments, 1890-1930

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Studying the language and structure in non-programmers' solutions to programming problems

On matching programmers' chunks with program structures: An empirical investigation

The programming language standards scene, ten years on Paper 4: Cobol

On Applying Design Pattern Approach to Reengineering COBOL Programs

Profiling drug-like properties in discovery research

Delivery of peptide and protein drugs over the blood-brain barrier

Strategies for dealing with metabolite elucidation in drug discovery and development

Profiling drug-like properties in discovery research

Animal models of epilepsy for the development of antiepileptogenic and disease-modifying drugs. A comparison of the pharmacology of kindling and post-status

The Turk in America: The Creation of an Enduring Prejudice

Threshold concepts within the disciplines

Green inheritance: the World Wildlife Fund book of plants

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Home Spheres

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Wilfrid Wilson Gibson: people's poet; a critical and biographical study of WW Gibson 1878-1962

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Violent Russia, Deadly Marxism? Russia in the Epoch of Violence, 1905-21

Tattoo history: A source book

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Life changing experiences: Film and tourists in the Australian outback

Ethical considerations surrounding first time procedures: a study and analysis of patient attitudes toward spinal taps by students

What is popular on Wikipedia and why

Patients, practitioners, & medical care: aspects of medical sociology

I just want permission to be ill': towards a sociology of medically unexplained symptoms

Whither the almshouse? Overutilization and the role of the emergency department

Health, illness, and the social body: A critical sociology

Beneath a Northern Sky: A Short History of the Gettysburg Campaign, and: Gettysburg: A Testing of Courage

Retreat from Gettysburg: Lee, Logistics, and the Pennsylvania Campaign

Jonah as a Philosophical Book

Mount Sinai and Mount Zion: Discontinuity and continuity in the book of Hebrews

Spiritual Literacy in John Wesley's Methodism: Reading, Writing, and Speaking to Believe

The skin of a writer

Particularly valuable regarding the social, economic and cultural life of Minas Gerais

Desert Wood: An Anthology of Nevada Poets ed. by Shaun T. Griffin

The Enchanted Garden or The Red Flag: Eastern Europe in Late Nineteenth-Century British Travel Writing

Cosmology and the Expansion of the Iranian Empire, 502-628 ce

Urban spaces and working-class expressions across the Black Atlantic: tracing the routes of Ska


The child sexual abuse accomodation syndrome

The historical Jesus: The life of a Mediterranean Jewish peasant

Reconstructing the shape of a tree from observed dissimilarity data

Global recommendations on physical activity for health

A case of precision timing in ordinary conversation: Overlapped tag-positioned address terms in closing sequences


Long-term effect of bone-marrow transplantation for childhood-onset cerebral X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy

Physiologic dysfunction of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in schizophrenia: I. Regional cerebral blood flow evidence

Policy is personal: Sex, gender and informal care

Planet place

Story of Evolution-Spring 2005 Forum

Occupational exposure to bloodborne viruses in the Amsterdam police force, 2000-2003

The Science Dog

The encyclopedia of philosophy

The Book of Mormon in Latter-day Saint Hymnody

Constructionism and culture in research: Understandings of the fourth Buddhist Festival, Wutaishan, China

OpenCourseWare, Global Access and the Right to Education: Real access or marketing ploy

Tibet and China's 'National Minority'Policies

Briefings: 1. Keating's Precarious Balance 2. Media on Media 3. Taxing Women 4. Party A-Go-Go

What Mr. Mattero Did

The lost daughters of China: Abandoned girls, their journey to America, and the search for a missing past

A Comment on the Antiquity of Traditions praising Jerusalem

Evolutionary parasitologythe integrated study of infections, immunology, ecology, and genetics

Suffering, ethics, and the body of Christ: anointing as a strategic alternative practice

Why people don't go to Church

flfosjntal ilttfStng 4ttivvoi\

Village Law and the Book of the Covenant

The Johannine concept of the overcomer

Devout Pedagogies: A Textual Analysis of Late Nineteenth Century Christian Women

The Military Landscape: Why US Military Installations Are Located Where They Are

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Motown blues: What next for Detroit

God must love galectins; he made so many of them

Structures of cage, prism, and book isomers of water hexamer from broadband rotational spectroscopy

The energy and greenhouse-gas implications of internet video streaming in the United States

Waylon Jennings

Introduction to Fourier optics

Elusive signs: Bruce Nauman works with light

Janice Neri. The Insect and the Image: Visualizing Nature in Early Modern Europe, 1500-1700. xxvii+ 233 pp., illus., index. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press

On Saracen enjoyment: Some fantasies of race in late medieval France and England

Irrational exuberance

Gift receipt and the reformulation of interpersonal relationships

Rationality, meaning, and self-management: Success manuals, 1950-1980

Reflections 1988

Experiencing Reality through Cookbooks: How Cookbooks Shape and Reveal Our Identities

Fried Walleye and Cherry Pie

Gift-giving as a metaphor for understanding new products that delight

Designing and implementing a parenting resource center for pregnant teens

More than man's best friend: A look at attachment between humans and their canine companions

Economic analysis of agricultural projects

Principles and techniques of electron microscopy. Biological applications

Accounting education in India

Exploring Processes and Dynamics of Mystical Contemplative Meditation: Some Christian-Buddhist Parallels in Relation to Transpersonal Theory

The Body Politic: A Conversation with Paula Meehan

Practical pharmacology

Principles of drug disposition in domestic animals: the basis of veterinary clinical pharmacology

A primer of conservation biology

Prosecutorial Discretion v. Judicial Activism at the International Criminal Court

Advocacy Scholarship and Affirmative Action

Health law: cases, materials and problems

Civilizing cyberspace: Policy, power, and the information superhighway

Social and economic drivers shaping the future of biological control: a Canadian perspective on the factors affecting the development and use of microbial

The Empowerment of Teaching Modern English and American Literary Texts to EFL Emirati University Students: New Pedagogical Approach

Idiom comprehension and metapragmatic knowledge in French children

Les animaux comme partenaires de chasse. Réciprocité chez les Cris de la baie James Traduit de l'anglais par Jacques Jeudy

Global Epidemiology. A Geography of Disease and Sanitation. Volume 1. Part 1: India and the Far East. Part 2: The Pacific Area

Towards a cross-linguistic pedagogy: Biliteracy and reciprocal learning strategies in French immersion

Media ecology: Exploring the metaphor to expand the theory

Flipping the classroom

Mobile learning: A framework and evaluation

The effect of simulation learning on critical thinking and self-confidence when incorporated into an electrocardiogram nursing course

Personal Learning Environments, social media, and self-regulated learning: A natural formula for connecting formal and informal learning

Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus

Ben Sira's teaching on friendship

Shifting Contexts: Reinterpreting Samson Agonistes


Long Haulers: Notes on Filming and Trucking

Pragmatism: A reader

Secular Spirituality

The measure of American religion: Toward improving the state of the art

The technical writer's handbook: writing with style and clarity

Mammoths: Giants of the Ice Age (revised edition

Writing and identity

Library Catalog Analysis as a tool in studies of social sciences and humanities: An exploratory study of published book titles in Economics

A Narrative of the Interesting Origins and (Somewhat) Surprising Developments of African-American Print Culture

Functions of innovation systems: A new approach for analysing technological change

Promoting Change through the African American Church and Social Activism

The impact of shopbot use on prices and price dispersion: Evidence from online book retailing

The mechanisms of vesicle budding and fusion

Peroxisome biogenesis disorders: genetics and cell biology

Induction of apoptotic program in cell-free extracts: requirement for dATP and cytochrome c

An introduction to urban geographic information systems

Exploring spatial data representation with dynamic graphics

A comparison of methods for monitoring multitemporal vegetation change using Thematic Mapper imagery

Introduction to computer graphics

On Bazaars and Battlefields: Recent Scholarship on Mediterranean Cultural Contacts

What have you done for Anatolia today?: Islamic archaeology in the early years of the Turkish Republic

Cold hearths and barren slopes: the woodfuel crisis in the third world

Writing next-effective strategies to improve writing of adolescents in middle and high schools

Peer relationships in physical activity contexts: A road less traveled in youth sport and exercise psychology research

The Dutchman in the Attic: Claiming an Inheritance in The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon

Witches across time: the image of the witch in Katherine Howe's The physick book of Deliverance Dane (2012


Care of the Muslim patient

Horace and Neoptolemus CO Brink: Horace on Poetry: Prolegomena to the Literary Epistles. Pp. xi+ 300. Cambridge: University Press, 1963. Cloth, 45s. net

The Jaded Traveller: John Jasper's Failed Psychic Quest in Charles Dickens's The Mystery of Edwin Drood

The Jaded Traveller: John Jasper's Failed Psychic Quest in Charles Dickens's The Mystery of Edwin Drood

Some Pioneer Medical Books: Abstract of an Address delivered at the Pupils' Physical Society, Guy's Hospital

Genetic algorithms are NOT function optimizers


Reading rooms: MR James and the library of modernity

Aggressive maxillary squamous odontogenic tumour in a child: histological dilemma and adaptative surgical behaviour

Forever and Again: Necessary Conditions for Quantum Immortality and its Practical Implications

Legal ethics and human dignity

Ovarian tissue banking for cancer patients: fertility preservation, not just ovarian cryopreservation


Encyclopedia of Bioethics, 5 Volume Set

Chitosan application for active bio-based films production and potential in the food industry

Addressing the State of the Union: The Evolution And Impact of the Presidents's Big Speech

DERVISH an office-navigating robot

Changes in the provision of physical education for children under twelve years. 1870-1992

A Comprehensive Listing of Dictionaries Published in the United States and Great Britain during 1978

Working at the crossroads: Statute Labour, Manliness, and the Electoral Franchise on Victorian Prince Edward Island1

Body betrayer

The Safavids under western eyes: seventeenth-century european travelers to Iran

Shengtai luyou: Cross-cultural comparison in ecotourism

Dangerous Masculinities: Conrad, Hemingway, and Lawrence

An Analysis and Critique of Neil T. Anderson's Approach to Spiritual Warfare in Evangelism and Discipleship

Discovering the Vision in Beth Moore's Breaking Free Message: Applying Bormann's Fantasy Theme Analysis to Evaluate the Message

Healing connections: on moving from suffering to a sense of well-being

The power of powerlessness: The role of spiritual surrender and interpersonal confession in the treatment of addictions

The lost museum: the Nazi conspiracy to steal the world's greatest works of art

Living philosophies

Fiction: The 1930s to the 1960s

Living autoethnography: Connecting life and research

The impact of tourism on the physical environment

Trying to find the quickest way: employed mothers' constructions of time for food

Omens of millennium: The gnosis of angels, dreams, and resurrection

Kant's social and political philosophy

Husserl: An analysis of his phenomenology

Advanced upper limb prosthetic devices: implications for upper limb prosthetic rehabilitation

Focus groups in feminist research: Power, interaction, and the co-construction of meaning

Nelson, Whitman, Medill and Saxer's Contemporary Property

Kijken naar natuur

Students' evaluations of university teaching: Research findings, methodological issues, and directions for future research

Uncovering Formula One driver performances from 1950 to 2013 by adjusting for team and competition effects

A method for the non-covalent immobilization of heparin to surfaces

Shared Stories and Religious Rhetoric: R. Judah the Pious, Peter the Chanter and a Drought

1 Enoch 2: a commentary on the Book of 1 Enoch, chapters 37-82

Posted in Culinary Medicine & 7 Tags Myth: Candy Makes Your Kids Hyper

Mapping time. The calendar and its history

Fourth Ezra: A Commentary on the Books of Fourth Ezra

Understanding sales force automation outcomes: A managerial perspective

Applying text-mining to personalization and customization research literature-Who, what and where

Extending the reach of vocational psychology: Toward an inclusive and integrative psychology of working

concerning the employment and employability of disabled people in UK accounting firms: An analysis of the views of human resource managers as employment

Guam in US government publications

Here for good: Western Europes new ethnic minorities

Essentials of canine and feline electrocardiography

Reducing the costs of work-related musculoskeletal disorders: targeting strategies to chronic disability cases

The battle to define the future of the book in the digital world

Tag Archives: Piedmnt

Bastardising the waterfront dispute: production and critical reception of the Bastard Boys mini-series

An Imam in Paris: Al-Tahtawi's visit to France (1826-31

Old communication, new literacies: Social network sites as social learning resources

Teaching and learning in the language classroom

Tracking or Detracking

Varieties of healing. 1: medical pluralism in the United States

Changing patterns of pharmaceutical practice in the United States

The vigilant parent: Parental role salience affects parents' risk perceptions, risk-aversion, and trust in strangers

Good government in the tropics

Observations upon a scene in the Bayeux Tapestry, the Battle of Hastings and the military system of the late Anglo-Saxon state

A comparison of preschool and kindergarten teacher expectations for school readiness

Sexuality, schooling, and teacher identity formation: A critical pedagogy for teacher education

Jewish Ritual Washing and Christian Baptism

The ubiquity of contract in the merchant of venice

A monopolistic competition model of spatial agglomeration: Differentiated product approach

Local amenities and life-cycle migration: Do people move for jobs or fun

International Criminal Law: Cases and Materials

Exacting resort developers to create non-tourism jobs

Dynamics of carbon abatement in the Second Generation Model

Convergence with IFRS in an expanding Europe: progress and obstacles identified by large accounting firms' survey

Developing intellectual capital at Skandia

Versuch einer mathematischen Theorie der Koagulationskinetik kolloider Lösungen

A synopsis to the avifauna of China

The Use of Facebook Fanpage as Promotional Media for the Novel Book fans by using the Model of SMCR Berlo

Facebook marketing in contemporary orthodontic practice: A consumer report

Participation without representation? Senior opinion, legislative behavior, and federal health reform

Origins of the European economy

Yan Zhao. Second Language Creative Writers: Identities and Writing Processes. Multilingual Matters. Bristol, UK (2015). 200 pp. Paperback $39.95

A manifesto for the creative economy

influences of Arabic-Islamic culture on the reflective practices proposed for an education degree at the Higher Colleges of Technology in the United Arab Emirates

Research on psychosocial aspects of epilepsy in Arab countries: a review of literature

Heterosexism and homophobia in Scottish school sex education: exploring the nature of the problem

Seduction of the Innocent

Seduction of the Innocent

Mass Marketing and the Toys Children Like

Evaluating the impact of reforming the food subsidy program in Egypt: a mixed demand approach

Retrospects and prospects of the rice economy of Bangladesh

Foundations of farm policy

Institutional incentives and sustainable development: infrastructure policies in perspective

Agricultural commercialization: impacts on income and nutrition and implications for policy

The Green Revolution reconsidered: the impact of high-yielding rice varieties in South India

In search of higher persistence rates in distance education online programs

An integrative model of shared decision making in medical encounters

Through the glass darkly: New paradigms for counselors, courage, and spirituality in contemporary education

Carbon dioxide disposal in carbonate minerals

Enhanced Landfill Mining in view of multiple resource recovery: a critical review

Cost analysis of solar thermal power generators based on parabolic dish and micro gas turbine: Manufacturing, transportation and installation

Engineered antibodies take center stage


Degas and Seurat and Magritte! Oh My! Classical Art in Picturebooks

A Female Orientalist in the Near East: Emelene Abbey Dunn

Using a guided inquiry approach in the traditional vertebrate anatomy laboratory

Biological anthropology: the natural history of humankind

Survey: learner training in EFL course books

Teaching and learning in the language classroom

A comparative content analysis of five spelling programs in the 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade

Constrained dynamics with applications to Yang-Mills theory, general relativity, classical spin, dual string model

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Photons and Atoms-Introduction to Quantum Electrodynamics

Constrained dynamics with applications to Yang-Mills theory, general relativity, classical spin, dual string model

The Infernal Machine: The Use of Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) against US Forces

Pagans and Philosophers: The Problem of Paganism from Augustine to Leibniz, by John Marenbon

Early medieval grammar

Abelard on Atonement: Nothing Unintelligible, Arbitrary, Illogical, or Immoral about It

The periphery of care: Emergency services for homeless people in rural areas

Highly available intrusion-tolerant services with proactive-reactive recovery

Long-term assessment of economic plug-in hybrid electric vehicle battery lifetime degradation management through near optimal fuel cell load sharing

Transport: an economics and management perspective

A survey of intrafamilial sexual abuse treatment centers: Implications for intervention

Really, Though Secretly, a Papist': GK Chesterton's and J. Meade Falkner's Rewritings of the Gothic

Chesterton: The Nightmare Goodness of God

Evolution: A Museum of Entomology for Roosevelt Island

Managing change: an overview

Prescription of teratogenic medications in United States ambulatory practices

Higher Education and Bad Practice

Computer mediated communication and the online classroom: distance learning

Standards for library education in Burma, Ceylon, India and Pakistan

Closing the 95 percent gap: Library resource sharing for people with print disabilities

Effectiveness of computer-based education in elementary schools

Elevated ethnocentrism in the first trimester of pregnancy

Colonialism, Institutional Change, and Shifts in Global Labour Relations

Sir De Villiers Graaff Papers (1913-1999

The tormented triangle: The regionalisation of conflict in Sudan, Chad, and the Central African Republic

Nutritional aspects of infection

Zimbabwe's maize-based green revolution: Preconditions for replication

Marzipan at the Holiday Inn

Neutron diffraction. 3

Knowledge management technologies and applications—literature review from 1995 to 2002

Contrasting female identities: Women in coal mining communities in Northumberland, England, 1900-1939

A songster, a sketcher and the Chinese on central Victoria's Mount Alexander diggings: case studies in cultural complexity during the second half of the nineteenth

Religion and mediation: The role of faith-based actors in international conflict resolution

Sustainability and sustainable development: historical and conceptual review

The spiritual dimension of hospice: the secularization of an ideal

Reduced risk of colorectal cancer up to 10 years after screening, surveillance, or diagnostic colonoscopy

Conceptual problems in the assessment of psychopathy

Pets, attachment, and well-being across the life cycle

The anatomy of inquiry: Philosophical studies in the theory of science

Suicide‐bereaved children and adolescents: A controlled longitudinal examination

Confessionalization and Social Discipline in the Iberian World

Sweet mothers and gangbangers: Managing crime in a black middle-class neighborhood

Re-Membering for a Common Future: Lutherans and Catholics Commemorate the Reformation, 2017

Army drawdown and restructuring: Background and issues for Congress

The military pension promise: autonomous policy subsystems, blue ribbon defense commissions, and the twenty-first century all-volunteer force

US unmanned aerial systems

Army drawdown and restructuring: Background and issues for Congress

Defining and measuring cyberbullying within the larger context of bullying victimization

Old Wine in Old Bottles

Developing organized information displays for voluminous works: a study of user clustering behavior


Perception gaps between IS academics and IS practitioners: an exploratory study

Economics of development

Gulliver as pet and pet owner: conversations with animals in book 4

Field Guide to Marine Mammals of the Pacific Coast: Baja, California, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia

Computational Fluid Dynamic Study of Heaving-to

Resource Materials

Coralline algae from the Miocene Mahakam Delta (East Kalimantan, Southeast Asia

Origin and spread of the cat, Felis catus, on mainland Australia, with a discussion of the magnitude of its early impact on native fauna

Enchantment and disenchantment: the role of community in natural resource conservation

Sleep medicine content of major medical textbooks continues to be underrepresented

High dose pulsatile dexamethasone therapy in children with opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome

Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's principles and practice of infectious diseases

Training and distribution of neurologists worldwide

The Image of the Child in Chinese Folktales


The International Children's Digital Library: Description and analysis of first use

A New Structural View Of The Holy Book Based On Specific Words: Towards Unique Chapters (surat) And Sentences (ayat) Characterization In The Quran

The Whole Harmonium: The Life of Wallace Stevens by Paul Mariani


Go spy out the land: intelligence preparations for World War I in South West Africa

Rethinking project management: researching the actuality of projects

Organ donation breakthrough collaborative increasing organ donation through system redesign

Phantoms in the brain: Probing the mysteries of the human mind

From the page to the stage: teaching literature through drama: an honors thesis (HONRS 499

The battle to define the future of the book in the digital world

A Rough Guide to Astronomy

On reading Isaac Newton's Principia in the 18th century

Rhetorical Agency as Haciendo Caras and Differential Consciousness Through Lens of Gender, Race, Ethnicity, and Class: An Examination of Dolores Huerta's

Limits to evolution at range margins: when and why does adaptation fail

Alternative states and positive feedbacks in restoration ecology

Does participation in common pool resource management help the poor? A social cost-benefit analysis of joint forest management in Jharkhand, India

Real-Time Forecasting/Control of Water Resource Systems; Selected Papers from an IIASA Workshop, October 18-21, 1976

Linked data: The story so far

Understanding travel expenditure patterns: a study of Japanese pleasure travelers to the United States by income level

Ernst Karner/Ken Oliphant (eds), Loss of Housekeeping Capacity (De Gruyter, 2012) ISBN: 978-3-89949-814-1. xiii+ 337.€ 109.95 (hardback

Mind and nature: A necessary unity

Building and sustaining profitable customer loyalty for the 21st century


Dedications and the Reception of the Musical Score, 1785-1850

The world is open: How web technology is revolutionizing education

Dermatoethics: a curriculum in bioethics and professionalism for dermatology residents at Brown Medical School

The centrofacial approach for correction of facial aging using the transblepharoplasty subperiosteal cheek lift

Thought in the Act: Passages in the Ecology of Experience

Reduction of lipoplasty risks and mortality: An ASAPS survey

Acne scarring: a classification system and review of treatment options

Impact of Comprehensive, Minimally Invasive, Multimodal Aesthetic Treatment on Satisfaction With Facial Appearance: The HARMONY Study

River current energy conversion systems: Progress, prospects and challenges

Review of injectable materials for soft tissue augmentation

How I Do It-Peri-orbital rejuvenation using HA fillers

Design, fabrication and testing of microlens arrays for sensors and microsystems

Naval Postgraduate School Research. Volume 9, Number 2, June 1999

Optical design of reflectors. Part 2

Optical design of reflectors. Part 2

Toward a comprehensive model of physical activity

Estimation and inference in econometrics

A comparative analysis of computer literacy education for nurses

El engaño del sentido ocular en la Novela del celoso extremeño: Pigmalión y Narciso

Light: A Masterful Symbol

Reassessing authorship of the Book of Mormon using delta and nearest shrunken centroid classification

The measure of American religion: Toward improving the state of the art

The Pastoral epistles: A commentary on the Pastoral epistles

Refraction and recognition: Literary multilingualism in translation

We Ought to Obey God Rather Than Men: Obedience and the Development of Spiritually Inspired Independence in the Elsie Dinsmore Series

Thinking the unthinkable [electronic resource]: God as enemy: an image of God in the Book of Job and other books of the Hebrew Bible

Meier, miracle and multiple attestation

The historical Jesus: The life of a Mediterranean Jewish peasant

Children of incarcerated parents: Challenges and resiliency, in their own words

Babrius and Phaedrus

Cleaning Up the Wedding

Hebrews: A Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews

Practical realization of the definition of the metre (1997

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Introduction to special relativity. 2

Cactus and succulent plants: status survey and conservation action plan

The succulents of James Donn's 'Hortus Cantabrigiensis

Aeonium in habitat and cultivation

Cactus and succulent plants: status survey and conservation action plan

Life zone ecology

Interest rates and insurance price cycles

Management of risks, uncertainties and opportunities on projects: time for a fundamental shift

Linguistic borrowing in the English language of economics

Die Flüchtlingskrise als Herausforderung für das Konzept einer supranationalen „Integration durch Recht

Country location choices of service multinationals: An empirical study of the international hotel sector

Big dam era: A legislative and institutional history of the Pick-Sloan Missouri basin program

Plastics in agriculture

Technology, Military Advantage, and World War I: A Case for Military Entrepreneurship

Rehearsing for murder: The beginning of the Final Solution in Lithuania in June 1941

Fifth Air Force Light and Medium Bomber Operations During 1942 and 1943: Building Doctrine and Forces That Triumphed in the Battle of the Bismarck Sea and the

Shockwave: Countdown to Hiroshima

More a medicine than a beverage:Demon Rum and the Canadian Trench Soldier of the First World War

Anti-vaccination movements and their interpretations

An Interactive Model to Foster Family Literacy

Comfort, cleanliness and convenience: The social organization of normality (New Technologies/New Cultures

You Know Where I Stand: Moral Framing of the War on Terrorism and the Iraq War in the 2004 Presidential Campaign

Returns to investment in education: A global update

1 Enoch 2: a commentary on the Book of 1 Enoch, chapters 37-82

Social science and salvation: risk society as mythical discourse

The moral gap: Kantian ethics, human limits, and God's assistance

Reference Librarianship and the Bible: Are Researchers Following God's Methods to Understand God's Book

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Law, language, and legal determinacy

You say you want a revolution? Hypertext and the laws of media

Gender differences in graffiti: A semiotic perspective

The cultural politics of food and eating: a reader

Band-aid pedagogy, celebrity humanitarianism, and cosmopolitan provincialism: A critical analysis of global citizenship education

The foundations of spelling ability: Evidence from a 3-year longitudinal study

Mapping a course for improved student learning: How innovative schools systematically use student performance data to guide improvement

Moderate and severe traumatic brain injury in adults

Modification of surface properties of carbon-based and polymeric materials through fluorination routes: From fundamental research to industrial applications

A review of critical experimental facts in electrical relaxation and ionic diffusion in ionically conducting glasses and melts

Family scholarly culture and educational success: Books and schooling in 27 nations

The relationships between service-learning, social justice, multicultural competence, and civic engagement

The Adolescent Rebellion against Panoptical Society: A Foucauldian Analysis of Adolescent Development in Contemporary Young Adult Novels

What Is a Black Author?: A Review of Recent Charles Chesnutt Studies

Gothic passages: Racial ambiguity and the American Gothic

Charles W. Chesnutt, The Conjure Woman, and the Racial Limits of Literary Mediation

All over the map: Rethinking American regions

Charles W. Chesnutt, The Conjure Woman, and the Racial Limits of Literary Mediation

The Pernicious Effects of Novel Reading: The Methodist Episcopal campaign against American fiction, 1865-1914

Essentials of entrepreneurship and small business management

The grammar book: An ESL/EFL teacher's course

The development of scientific reasoning skills

DDN (Defence Data Network) Protocol Implementations and Vendors Guide

Molly—a language for typesetting molecular structure diagrams

Sluggish giants, sticky cultures, and dynamic capability transformation

Black star: Ghana, information technology and development in Africa

Pierre Gassendi

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Locke: His philosophical thought

Locke's man

Early modern information overload

Locke: His philosophical thought

Discourse on metaphysics and other essays

Learning from Six Philosophers: Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Volume 1

Provenance research in book history: a handbook

Does chatter matter? The impact of user-generated content on music sales

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Social support, disability and depression: A longitudinal study of rheumatoid arthritis


34, and: 35, and: 36

Teaching English as a second or foreign language

LibGuides: Native American Studies Research Guide: Native American Feature Films

Anticipating artistic success (or, how to beat the art market): lessons from history

Youth on the Road: Reflections on the History of Tramping

Qualitative research methods in human geography

Developing legal writing materials for English second language learners: Problems and perspectives

Integrating information literacy into the higher education curriculum: Practical models for transformation

Prime minister, cabinet and core executive

Place, policy and practitioners: on rehabilitation, independence and the therapeutic landscape in the changing geography of care provision to older people in the UK

The experience of sleep deprivation in intensive care patients: findings from a larger hermeneutic phenomenological study

White matter microstructure and cognition in adolescents with congenital heart disease

Fundamentals of nursing

A systematic review of randomized trials of disease management programs in heart failure

Is emergency department resuscitative thoracotomy futile care for the critically injured patient requiring prehospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation? 1

No man's land

The struggle to teach English as an international language

Diversity of Saccharomyces and non-Saccharomyces yeasts in three red grape varieties cultured in the Serranía de Ronda (Spain) vine-growing region

The Pied Piper of Neo Liberalism Calls the Tune in the Republic of Ireland: An Analysis of Education Policy Text from 2000-2012

Marketing masculinity, branding the book: Current gender trends in the presentation of selected boys' adventure novels

Confederate Arkansas: The People and Policies of a Frontier State in Wartime

More than just a good book: Employing US Department of Education guidelines to teach character education using literature

Narcissism and the Empty Self: To Have or To Be

The Language of Inner Experience in Christian Mysticism

Jewish-Buddhist Meetings: Review Essay

CMOS analog circuit design

CMOS analog circuit design

Why people don't go to Church

Effect of spiritual well-being on end-of-life despair in terminally-ill cancer patients

The child's adaptation to parental medical illness: Theory and clinical implications

Silk Bedcoverings in the Early Chesapeake Region: Interpreting Documentary Evidence

Intuitive eating: a recovery book for the chronic dieter: rediscover the pleasures of eating and rebuild your body image

Book Review of Thomas Hallock, Ivo Kamps, and Karen L. Raber (eds.). Early Modern Ecostudies (New York and Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008

Teaching culture: Perspectives in practice

Sex after life: Essays on extinction, Vol. 2

European guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice: third joint task force of European and other societies on cardiovascular disease

Magnetic resonance imaging of the spine in multiple myeloma

MR Imaging of the Body

Neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus: correlation of brain MR imaging, CT, and SPECT

Building up safe havens all around the world': users' experiences of living in the community with mental health problems

Manual of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of Death. Vol. 1

Social determinants of health inequalities

Journal writing as a social support strategy for parents of premature infants: a pilot study

Easy-to-read consumer communications: a missing link in Medicaid managed care

Proceedings of the seventeenth annual meeting of the Mineralogical Society of America at Cincinnati, Ohio

The Continental Army

Oxytocin administration, salivary testosterone, and father-infant social behavior

Economics of development

Masculinity and undocumented labor migration: injured Latino day laborers in San Francisco

Quantum key distribution and 1 Gbps data encryption over a single fibre

Ukulele Mekulele: balancing sole authorship and devised approaches to performance making

Nineteenth-Century Banjos in the Twenty-First Century: Custom and Tradition in a Modern Early Banjo Revival

Poetry Survey [Book Review

A guide to selected alternate guitar tunings for music therapists

Photonic-delay technique for phase-noise measurement of microwave oscillators

Participatory music making and affinity in Washington, DC Irish sessions

Perceptions of Guitar Use and Training in Music Therapy: A Survey of Clinicians

A continuity theory of normal aging

The social construction of frailty: an anthropological perspective

Vision and Terrorists or Freedom Fighters? Reflections on the Liberatio of Animals. His latest book, co-edited with Anthony J. Nocella II, is Igniting a Revolution: Voices

Further investigations on the control of Clematis vitalba (Old Man's Beard

If the Moon Kept Goats: The Veteran's Tale, and: The Moment before a Change

Entering the church-porch: Herbert and wisdom poetry

Liberty's Prisoners: Carceral Culture in Early America

The wide mouth of bone: Original poetry

A pharmacy discharge plan for hospitalized elderly patients—a randomized controlled trial

Domestic Intelligence: Newspaper Advertising and the Eighteenth-Century Novel

The role of animal seed dispersal in accelerating native forest regeneration on degraded tropical lands

Encontros civilizacionais no Oriente: visões sobre a alteridade nas obras de Duarte Barbosa e de Tomé Pires

Eocene magmatism: The heat source for Carlin-type gold deposits of northern Nevada

Relationism and relational developmental systems: A paradigm for developmental science in the post-Cartesian era

Lost at sea: where is all the plastic

Measurements of variable chlorophyll fluorescence using fast repetition rate techniques: defining methodology and experimental protocols

Indirect expropriation and the right to regulate: revisiting proportionality analysis and the standard of review in investor-state arbitration

The transit dimension of EU energy security: Russian gas transit across Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova

Review of Russia! Nine Hundred Years of Masterpieces and Master Collections by James Billington, Lidia Iovleva, and Robert Rosenblum

Contemporary painting in Russia

Looking Jewish: The State of Research on Modern Jewish Art


Recent developments in undercover policing

The Intern Blues: The Private Ordeals of Three Young Doctors

Alexander von Humboldt and the concept of animal electricity

The organizational behavior reader

Organizational mission statement guidelines revisited

The reading cure: Books as lifetime companions

Aristotle On Eudaimonia (Book I. 1-5 [1-3] And 7-8 [5-6

Negotiating Primitivist Modernisms: Louis Armstrong, Robert Goffin, and the Transatlantic Jazz Debate

Jazz Icons: Heroes, Myths and the Jazz Tradition

Jazz Icons: Heroes, Myths and the Jazz Tradition

Effects of end-of-life education on baccalaureate nursing students

African American Boys' Critical Literacy Development

Salman Rushdie. An Anthology of Critical Essays in New Millennium

Hydroxyapatite-supported copper (II)-catalyzed azide-alkyne [3+ 2] cycloaddition with neither reducing agents nor bases in water

Globalisation of poverty: impacts of IMF and World Bank reforms

The IMF in a changing world, 1945-85

Society, state and market: A guide to competing theories of development

China's Growth and Integration into the World Economy; Prospects and Challenges

The challenge of good governance for the IMF and the World Bank themselves

Neoliberalism: A critical reader

Closing small open economy models

Effect of carbon dioxide on yeast growth and fermentation

The yeasts-a taxonomic study

The prevalence and control of spoilage yeasts in foods and beverages

Confirmation of the distinct genotype groups within the form species Candida parapsilosis

The art of listening

The beet queen: a novel

General fiction [Book Review

The art of listening

Learning, innovation and cluster growth: A study of two inherited organizations in the Niagara Peninsula wine cluster

Vom Gerstenkorn zum Wasser des Lebens

Use of grape marc compost as substrate for vegetable seedlings

Forensic geoscience: applications of geology, geomorphology and geophysics to criminal investigations

Forensic geoscience: applications of geology, geomorphology and geophysics to criminal investigations

Education and the social order: 1940-1990

From Colonial Animal to Imperial Edible: Building an Empire of Sheep in New Zealand, ca. 1880-1900

Population ageing, migration and social expenditure

United States synthetic fuels corporation: its rise and demise

Maritime shipping container security and the Defense Transportation System: problems and policy in the 21st century

My Heart Beats in Two Places': Immigration Stories in Korean-American Picture Books

Why have philosophers?[Book Review

Biomaterial microarrays: rapid, microscale screening of polymer-cell interaction

Listening to Chekhov: Narrative approaches to depression

Soil microbiology: an exploratory approach

Urban land and property ownership patterns in the UK: trends and forces for change

Texture in hot rolled austenite and resulting transformation products

Recrystallization of alumina dispersion strengthened copper strips

Transverse jets and their control

Research and development of gas induced semi-solid process for industrial applications

Self-propagating exothermic reactions: the synthesis of high-temperature materials by combustion

Civil Non-State Actors in Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding in West Africa

Transitional justice and peacebuilding after mass violence

Attitudes, practices, and concerns about child feeding and child weight status among socioeconomically diverse white, Hispanic, and African-American mothers

Picture book exposure elicits positive visual preferences in toddlers

Caveat Emptor! The Rhetoric of Choice in Food Politics

The Royal Navy's New-Generation Type 45 Destroyer. Acquisition Options and Implications

A wider accountability? The audit office and New Zealand's bureaucratic revolution

The Communist insurgent infrastructure in South Vietnam: a study of organization and strategy

Height and weight as a reflection of the nutritional situation of school-aged children working and living in the streets of Jakarta

The genetic response to short-term interventions affecting cardiovascular function: rationale and design of the Heredity and Phenotype Intervention (HAPI) Heart Study

Contagion and bank failures during the Great Depression: The June 1932 Chicago banking panic

Knowing places. The Inuinnait, landscapes and the environment

Get 101 free 3D building models

Aquatic insect ecology. 1. Ecology and habitat

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Partisan mail and voter turnout: Results from randomized field experiments

Handbook of common methods in limnology

Relendo o último capítulo de Understanding media. Um tributo a Marshall McLuhan no centenário de seu nascimento

Imperialism in Asterix

Deviation in The League: an exploration of deviation in classic characters and Victorian norms in the graphic novel The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

Vulnerability, Longing, and Stigma in Hélène Cixous's: The Day I Wasn't There

The empire bites back: Sherlock Holmes as an imperial immune system

Aporetic Australia in The White Tiger, The Boat and The Hamilton Case

Development of the art of glassblowing in Ghana: Prospects and challenges of selected glassblowing units

A new dictionary of Christian theology

Positioning yoga: Balancing acts across cultures

The world's wisdom: Sacred texts of the world's religions

From best evidence to best practice: effective implementation of change in patients' care

Interactional justice

Outcomes after thrombus aspiration for ST elevation myocardial infarction: 1-year follow-up of the prospective randomised TOTAL trial

Why is big Pharma getting out of antibacterial drug discovery

Suggested objective performance goals and clinical trial design for evaluating catheter-based treatment of critical limb ischemia

The effect of educational gifts from pharmaceutical firms on medical students' recall of company names or products

The Night Side: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and the Illness Experience

An adaptive control scheme for systems with unknown actuator failures

Optimal and nonlinear decoupling control of systems with sandwiched backlash

Parameter adaptive control algorithms—A tutorial

An extended direct scheme for robust adaptive nonlinear control

Adaptive neural network control for strict-feedback nonlinear systems using backstepping design

Mary Pickford as Shakespearean Shrew: Redefining the Image of America's Sweetheart

Shared book experiences in kindergarten: Helping children come to literacy

Pregnancy in women with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: data from the European Society of Cardiology initiated Registry of Pregnancy and Cardiac disease (ROPAC

The domain of language

Determination of endurance capacity and prediction of exercise intensities for training and competition in marathon runners

Sensitive detection and identification of mycoplasma-like organisms in plants by polymerase chain reactions

Intracellular DNA replication and long-term survival of pathogenic mycoplasmas

Mycoplasma protocols

Survey of mycoplasma infections in cell cultures and a comparison of detection methods

Laboratory Diagnosis of Viral, Bedsonial and Rickettsial Diseases: A Handbook for Laboratory Workers

Differential response of chlamydial and ureaplasma-associated urethritis to sulphafurazole (sulfisoxazole) and aminocyclitols

Hemodynamic phenotype of the failing Fontan in an adult population

On steady and pulsatile flow of blood

Cardiovascular risk factors and hemorheology: physical fitness, stress and obesity

The rheology of red blood cell aggregates

Treatment with chitosan enhances resistance of tomato plants to the crown and root rot pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici

The role of commerce in the growth of towns in central highland Ecuador 1750-1920

The character of demand in mature organic food markets: Great Britain and Denmark compared

Herbs, an indexed bibliography, 1971-1980

Rural sociology and rural development. Its application in Kenya

New energies for an old idea: reworking approaches tocommunity'in contemporary rural studies

Principles of systematic zoology

Introduction to mathematical statistics

Responses of Plants to Environmental Stress, Volume 1: Chilling, Freezing, and High Temperature Stresses

Internet dictionaries and lexicography

Abnormal influences of passive limb movement on the activity of globus pallidus neurons in parkinsonian monkeys

Principles of cultivar development: theory and technique

Methods of wood chemistry. Volumes I & II

Manual of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of Death. Vol. 1

Myths, models, and paradigms: A comparative study in science and religion

On the evolution of Thorstein Veblen's evolutionary economics

Chesterton: The Nightmare Goodness of God

The kiss of death: a severe allergic reaction to a shellfish induced by a good-night kiss

The moral self and the indirect passions

Pathology of the lung

Herbert spencer

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

The United States Army in the War of 1812

The United States Army in the War of 1812

The Co-optation of Tecumseh: The War of 1812 and Racial Discourses in Upper Canada

The social context of commemoration: A study in collective memory

Malraux's Quest: Fraternity and Evil In The Walnut Trees Of Altenburg

A Soviet Heretic

Establishing the cultural identity of the west in the early Cold War: a conceptual approach


Performance art: From futurism to the present

No man's land

Quản lý những thay đổi trong tổ chức

Quản lý những thay đổi trong tổ chức

Một số vấn đề về công tác lý luận, tư tưởng và tổ chức của Đảng trong thời kỳ đổi mới


On Eldridge Cleaver

Worlds apart? The reception of genetically modified foods in Europe and the US

Ecotourism in Costa Rica: a conceptual framework

El Salvador. Landscape and society

Trade and commerce in improved crops and food: an essay on food security

Awakening to the politics of food: Politicized diet as social identity

Beyond organic: defining alternatives to USDA certified organic

Imagining an everyday nature

Celebrity and the internet: Twitter edition

Emerging infectious diseases of wildlife--threats to biodiversity and human health

Teaching the Harry Potter Generation

The dynamics of family controlled firms: The good and the bad news

Supply chain management: an analytical framework for critical literature review

A brief history of decision support systems

Is the force awakening

Robert Schumann's Song Cycle Frauenliebe und Leben (A Woman's Life and Love): An Interpretive Guide for Singers

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays

Efficacy and safety of low-carbohydrate diets: a systematic review

People in Glass Houses: An Insider's Story of a Life in and Out of Hillsong [Book Review

Epidemiological and psychosocial perspectives on adolescent drug use

Vonnegut's duty-dance with death-theme and structure in Slaughterhouse-five

Para-Infectious Encephalomyelitis and Related Syndromes. A Critical Review of the Neurological Complications of certain Specific Fevers

Changes in Type of Contagious Disease. With Special Reference to Smallpox and Scarlet Fever. The Fourth Sedg-wick Memorial Lecture

An environmental narrative of inland northwest United States forests, 1800-2000

The Culture of Poverty, Crack Babies, and Welfare Cheats: The Making of the Healthy White Baby Crisis

Systematic review of nursing simulation literature for use of learning theory

Safe conduct: Women, crime, and self in public places

Locals on local color: Imagining identity in Appalachia

Liberal Ironists and the Gaudily Painted Savage: On Richard Rorty's Reading of Vladimir Nabokov

Third world multinationals: The rise of foreign investments from developing countries

Autoantibodies to nuclear antigens (ANA): their immunobiology and medicine

Russia and Europe

Alternatives for landmine detection

Cultivating Mary: The Victorian Secret Garden

Comparison of meaning and graphophonemic feedback strategies for guided reading instruction of children with language delays

Hope Leslie by Catharine Maria Sedgwick--Clean Text Version

Lay perspectives on global climate change

Dynamics of polymeric liquids. Vol. 1: Fluid mechanics

The future of glycerol

Instrumental methods of analysis

Ministering to the Recovering Alcoholic: Understanding Alcoholics Anonymous and Making Soul-Saving Connections

A second gaze at Little Red Riding Hood's trials and tribulations

Reading the shards and fragments: Holocaust literature for young readers

Waiting for Spiritual Atheists

Inciting sociological thought by studying the Deadhead community: Engaging publics in dialogue

Reality and Metaphor in Jane Howell's and Julie Taymor's Productions of Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus

Psychology: Integrated sildenafil and cognitive-behavior sex therapy for psychogenic erectile dysfunction: a pilot study

Is context everything to the definition of clinical depression? A test of the Horwitz and Wakefield postulate

The thyroidectomy story: comic books, graphic novels, and the novel approach to teaching head and neck surgery through the genre of the comic book

James Thurber's Little Man and the Battle of the Sexes: The Humor of Gender and Conflict

Nappy edges and goldy locks: African-American daughters and the politics of hair

Book Reviews

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Discerning geological and geographical sources of Belgian Upper Paleolithic fluorites by rare earth elements and Sr-isotopic geochemistry

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

The silk road in world history: a review essay

South Korea

Identification and quantification of dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate in saliva

Author country: Longfellow, the Brontës, and Anglophone homes and haunts

Women Workers in the British Industrial Revolution

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Inventing the Middle Ages: The lives, works, and ideas of the great medievalists of the twentieth century

Twentieth-century French philosophy

Linked data: The story so far

Industrial Accident Prevention. A Scientific Approach

Travel industry world yearbook. The big picture-1985

ORAL DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT (ORAL MEDICINE): —A Textbook for Students and Practitioners of Dentistry and Medicine

Architectural modelmaking

Patient adherence to skin self-examination: effect of nurse intervention with photographs

Upstream database and digital asset management in variable data printing

The rise of the photobook in the twenty-first century

Social Media Blogs-to-Books: Changes in Content and the Editorial Process

When is restoration not?: Incorporating landscape-scale processes to restore self-sustaining ecosystems in coastal wetland restoration

Jones polynomials, volume, and essential knot surfaces: a survey

Natural operations in differential geometry

Cope's rule in the evolution of marine animals

The intelligent pediatric cardiologist's guide to resource allocation between high technology and primary care

The role of cytokines in osteoarthritis pathophysiology

Random data analysis and measurement procedures

Structure of exocellular polymers and their relationship to bacterial flocculation

A Treatise on Acoustic Radiation. Volume 1

Toward a Feminist Reading of the Disability Memoir: The Critical Necessity for Intertextuality in Marya Hornbacher's Wasted and Madness

Evolution of the plow over 10,000 years and the rationale for no-till farming

Practicing food democracy: a pragmatic politics of transformation

Nanotechnologies in food

Agroecology: the science of natural resource management for poor farmers in marginal environments

Ecology, economics, ethics: the broken circle

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Islam in Java: Normative piety and mysticism in the sultanate of Yogyakarta

Electricity reform in developing and transition countries: A reappraisal

Saying the unsayable: Monarchy and democracy in Thailand

Nineteenth-century English politeness: Negative politeness, conventional indirect requests and the rise of the individual self

Atlas of Texas

Food for healing: Convalescent cookery in the early modern era

Language-learning tasks: Teacher intention and learner interpretation

TV cook shows: Gendered cooking

Four-year COBE* DMR cosmic microwave background observations: maps and basic results

Man-of-action heroes: The pursuit of heroic masculinity in everyday consumption

The story of the years: a history of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist Church, Canada, 1906-1916. Vol. III

State of the field: Sports history and the cultural turn

Building a sports brand

The conspiracy of the NBA draft

Implicit religion and the highly-identified sports fan: An ethnography of Cleveland sports fandom

Design Study about the Parking lot as an Urban Park

Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays

Rational dictators and the killing of innocents: Data from Stalin's archives

Toward a general theory of hierarchy: Books, bureaucrats, basketball tournaments, and the administrative structure of the nation-state

Collectives, communes, and incentives

Managerial decision making in Soviet collective agriculture 1952-1963

Groundwater fluxes in the global hydrologic cycle: past, present and future

The innovation decision in Soviet industry

The gravity of thought

Wave mechanics applied to semiconductor heterostructures

Mathematical foundations of thermodynamics

Free will This is a featured page

of Book: Anthropology beyond culture

An leabhar Mor: the great book of Gaelic

Greening the urban frontier: Race, property, and resettlement in Detroit

The Heliograph, A Bibliography

The rush hour: The character of leisure time and gender equity

A textbook example of international price discrimination

Living the Brand': Nationality, Globality, and the Identity Strategies of Nation Branding Consultants

The website design and Internet site marketing practices of upscale and luxury hotels in Turkey

Establishing a Freelance Communication Design Business in Colombia

Pelvic floor myofascial trigger points: manual therapy for interstitial cystitis and the urgency-frequency syndrome

The cryobiology of cryosurgical injury

ABC of urology: Urological evaluation

What every graduating medical student should know about urology: the stakeholder viewpoint

The wild and scenic river act: problems of implementation in Oregon

Racism in College Athletics ed. by Dana Brooks, Ronald Althouse


Ten years of the leadership quarterly: Contributions and challenges for the future

What boys and girls learn through song: A content analysis of gender traits and sex bias in two choral classroom textbooks

The evolution of a social construction: the case of male homosexuality

Jean Langlais: The Man and His Music

Graduate Course Contract Law Deskbook (54th). Volume 1

Comfort, cleanliness and convenience: The social organization of normality (New Technologies/New Cultures

Contemporary states of emergency. The politics of military and humanitarian interventions

The public health and social impacts of drug market enforcement: A review of the evidence

Confronting the challenges of participatory culture: Media education for the 21st century (part one

On the meaning and measurement of output and efficiency in the provision of urban police services

The Spiritual Journey of Alejandro Jodorowsky: The Creator of El topo

How corporate social responsibility pays off

Estrategias metodológicas para mejorar los hábitos lectores en los estudiantes de cuarto año de educación básica, de la Unidad Educativa Alicia Marcuard de

Propuesta de un plan y programas de estudio a la Academia Panamericana de Arte Culinario para la creación de un Instituto de Educación Superior especializado

Escuela Osteopatía

The interpretation of nature and the psyche

The Merchant of Venice

Festive comedy in the widdow ranter: Behn's clowns and Falstaff

Measuring achievement motivation: tests of equivalency for English, German, and Israeli versions of the achievement motivation inventory

Studien zur Geschichte der Juden im mittleren Rheingebiet während des hohen und späten Mittelalters Studies on the History of the Jews in the Central Rhine Area

„ jhre alte Muttersprache unvermengt und unverdorben : Zur Rezeption der taciteischen Germania im 17. Jahrhundert

AMS radiocarbon investigation of the African baobab: Searching for the oldest tree

Plant-water relationships and growth strategies of Jatropha curcas L. seedlings under different levels of drought stress

Teaching/learning: The yin and yang of language development from home through school

AMS radiocarbon investigation of the African baobab: Searching for the oldest tree

Communicating African spirituality through ecology: Challenges and prospects for the 21st century

Industrial symbiosis networks and the contribution to environmental innovation: the case of the Landskrona industrial symbiosis programme

Integrating the voice of customers through call center emails into a decision support system for churn prediction

Manufacturing engineering and technology

Atlas of infrared spectroscopy of clay minerals and their admixtures

Biomedical and agricultural applications of energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy in electron microscopy

Mechanisms, models and methods of vapor deposition

Applications of focused ion beam microscopy to materials science specimens

What has Europe been doing

Islamic critique and alternative to financial engineering issues

The Personal Budget Project: A practical introduction to financial literacy

Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays

Examining the theology of the word-faith movement

You, too, can be an international medical traveler: reading medical travel guidebooks

Economics as a moral science

Editorial Setting new agendas: critical perspectives on Corporate Social Responsibility in the developing world

Ubuntu as a moral theory and human rights in South Africa

Independent inventors and public support measures: insights from 33 case studies in Finland

Intellectual Property: Cases and Materials on Trademark, Copyright and Patent Law

Figures of invention: a history of modern patent law

Protecting new ideas and inventions in nanomedicine with patents

Evolution of simulation use in health care education

Traditional west coast native medicine

A History of the Royal College of Nursing 1916-90: A Voice for Nurses

The influence of authentic leadership on newly graduated nurses' experiences of workplace bullying, burnout and retention outcomes: A cross-sectional study

The Theory and practice of sexual magic, exemplified by four magical groups in the early twentieth century

Blue books and the Victorian reader

Loggerhead Sea Turtles

Dark Letters, Illuminated: Establishing a Catalogue and Initiatory Analysis for the Icelandic Post-Medieval Cryptographic Corpus

Breeding (and) reading: Lesbian knowledge, eugenic discipline, and The Children's Hour

Students' evaluations of university teaching: Research findings, methodological issues, and directions for future research

Dynamics of polymeric liquids. Vol. 1: Fluid mechanics

A content analysis of programming examples in high school computer textbooks in Taiwan

Ten lectures on wavelets

Matrix structural analysis

Greenway planning in the United States: its origins and recent case studies

Greenway planning in the United States: its origins and recent case studies

Automated recognition of railroad infrastructure in rural areas from LiDAR data

Greenway planning in the United States: its origins and recent case studies

Bicycle Tourism Plan for Economic Development: A Template for Rural Agricultural Towns and a Case Study for the City of Winters, California

How strategy maps frame an organization's objectives: in an excerpt from their new book, two noted authors on corporate management outline how organizations can

Investment science

Venture capitalists and the appraisal of investments

Appointments of outsiders to Japanese boards: Determinants and implications for managers

Private Industrial Investment in Pakistan

Development of digestive tract and proteolytic enzyme activity in seabass (Lates calcarifer) larvae and juveniles

Helping learners adapt to unfamiliar methods

Which way to go? Defence technology and the diversity of 'dual-use'technology transfer

Bill Clinton's New Partnership anecdote: Toward a post-Cold War foreign policy rhetoric

The peaceful purposes principle in outer space and the Russia-China PPWT Proposal

Style: Toward clarity and grace

Overcoming the barriers through literal and descriptive translations: Examples of Kanga names


Nuclear Implosions: The Rise and Fall of the Washington Public Power Supply System. By Daniel Pope. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. xx, 282 pp

Public Schooling in English Canada: Addressing Difference in the Context of Globalization

Knowledge capitalism: Business, work, and learning in the new economy

The Unknowing of Psychoanalytic Art

Aspects of Jaina Philosophy: Lectures Delivered Under the Auspices of Annual Lecture Series 1994-95 at the Department of Jainology, University of Madras, Madras

Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays

Sylloge Fungorum Sinicorum

Impeccable Governesses, Rational Dames, and Moral Mothers: Mary Wollstonecraft and the Female Tradition in Georgian Children's Books

Bouncing back

By Sara Gottfried MD

Plight of the Beta Male

Aaron Wildavsky, Incrementalism, and Defense Budgeting: A Bibliographic Essay

The relationship of legal coercion to readiness to change among adults with alcohol and other drug problems

Alcohol dependence: provisional description of a clinical syndrome

Mandated server training and reduced alcohol-involved traffic crashes: a time series analysis of the Oregon experience

The neurocognitive effects of alcohol on adolescents and college students

La responsabilité du travailleur, de l'employeur et de l'assuré social

Being heard: The experiences of young women in prostitution

A textbook of jurisprudence

Radionuclide distribution and transport in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. A critical review of data. Volume 3

Patterns and impressions: an investigation into the copying of British furniture designs, the cabinetmaker's pattern book and trade catalogue in New Zealand 1820

Little Red and Black Books: Black's and Murray's Guidebooks to Scotland, 1850-1914

Research is ceremony: Indigenous research methods

Comparisons, and: Instructions, and: From the Book of Rope, and: One of Those Days, and: Aunts, and: In the Neighborhood

Fashion's world cities

Flora of the South West

Irish historical statistics: population, 1821-1971

Women's satisfaction with birth control: a population survey of physical and psychological effects of oral contraceptives, intrauterine devices, condoms, natural family

Complications of use of intrauterine devices among HIV-1-infected women

Adolescent sexuality and parent-adolescent processes: Promoting healthy teen choices

Intrauterine contraceptive device-associated actinomycotic abscess and Actinomyces detection on cervical smear

The family book about sexuality

WHO analysis of causes of maternal death: a systematic review

Post-partum intrauterine contraception in Singapore

Special effects: the history and technique

Avatar Mirrors: an inquiry into presence in facial motion capture animated avatars

Potter-literacy: From book to game and back again; literature, film, game and cross-media literacy

Special effects: the history and technique

Quantitative analysis of culture using millions of digitized books

The structure of the Exeter book codex (Exeter, Cathedral Library, MS. 3501

Old English Poetic Diction and the Interpretation of The Wanderer, The Seafarer and The Penitent's Prayer

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Portable monuments: Literature, cultural memory, and the case of Jeanie Deans

On the importance of being earnest about measurement, or, how can we be sure that what we know is true

On the importance of being earnest about measurement, or, how can we be sure that what we know is true

Oscar Wilde, the science of heredity, and the picture of Dorian Gray

Oscar Wilde's Aesthetic Gothic: Walter Pater, Dark Enlightenment, and The Picture of Dorian Gray

Projections on the number of individuals with atrial fibrillation in the European Union, from 2000 to 2060

Developing salt-tolerant crop plants: challenges and opportunities

Bureaucrats, ayatollahs, and Persian politics: explaining the shift in Iranian nuclear policy

The decision to use the Bomb: A Historiographical Update

Recent literature on Truman's atomic bomb decision: a search for middle ground

War for Peace: The Question of an American Preventive War against the Soviet Union, 1945-1955

The decision to use the Bomb: A Historiographical Update

Public opinion and foreign policy: Challenges to the Almond-Lippmann consensus

Cohesive explicitness and explicitation in an English-German translation corpus

Rock Modulation and Narrative

Effect of character size and lighting on legibility of electronic papers

Exile and Return from the Far North of Scotland from the Reformation to the Revolution

The de Morton Mobility Index (DEMMI) provides a valid method for measuring and monitoring the mobility of patients making the transition from hospital to the

Nineteenth-century English By Richard W. Bailey

Yiddish in Israel: A case-study of efforts to revise a monocentric language policy

Queer notions: new plays and performances from Ireland by Fintan Walsh

Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution

To Establish a More Effective Supervision of Banking: How the Birth of the Fed Altered Bank Supervision

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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Hungry earth and vengeful stars: soul loss and identity in the Peruvian Andes

Traditional instruction in advanced mathematics courses: A case study of one professor's lectures and proofs in an introductory real analysis course

Search Results for De

A symplectic framework for field theories

Approximation of functions of several variables and embedding theorems

Symmetries and curvature structure in general relativity

The effects of radiation on electronic systems

The formation of precious opal: clues from the opalization of bone

Exploratory Play in Simulation Sandbox Games: A Review of What We Know About Why Players Act Crazy

Picture books and big books [Book Review

Silhouette: the art of the shadow

Patient preferences for uterine preservation and hysterectomy in women with pelvic organ prolapse

Encryption quality analysis and security evaluation of CAST-128 algorithm and its modified version using digital images

The mobile commerce value chain: analysis and future developments

Addressing cloud computing security issues

A survey of security issues in wireless sensor networks

Introducing International Development as Cosmic Battle

Cynhaeaf: customs, practices and folklore associated with the traditional harvest in Wales

Peer response in second language writing classrooms

Flux-corrected transport II: Generalizations of the method

Public opinion and foreign policy: Challenges to the Almond-Lippmann consensus

Picture Book Update, 2006-2007

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flexible work arrangements and 21st century worker's guilds

Dinny Gordon, Intellectual: Anne Emery's Postwar Junior Fiction and Girls' Intellectual Culture

Postlicensure surveillance for pre-specified adverse events following the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in children

Politics and the Stages of Growth

Magical Growth and Moral Lessons; or, How the Conduct Book Informed Victorian and Edwardian Children's Fantasy

Observations on the goat

Gorilla society: conflict, compromise, and cooperation between the sexes

Theory Building in Sociology Assessing Theoretical Cumulation

Developing the therapeutic alliance in child—adolescent psychotherapy

Getting the British back on bicycles—The effects of urban traffic-free paths on everyday cycling

Satellite-monitored movements of humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean

Teaching second language reading

Language learner strategies: Thirty years of research and practice

The Concise Encyclopedia of Modern Surgery

Social media: The new hybrid element of the promotion mix

Hydrologic, Sediment, and Biological Data Associated with Irrigation Drainage in the Middle Green River Basin, Utah and Colorado, Water Years 1991-2000

Robert E. Brislawn, Sr.: Preservation of the Colonial Spanish Mustang

Aspetti simbolici dei templi e luoghi di culto del Vicino Oriente Antico

The man− nature relationship and environmental ethics

The History of the British Petroleum Company

British Geological Survey Annual Report 2008-09

A Guide to the Production of Broadway Musicals in High School in a Selected Geographical Area

Contemporary mainstream Latinidad: Disney tales and spitfire endurance

Adventures in the classroom creating role-playing games based on traditional stories for the high school curriculum

Portrait of a Cult Film Audience: The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Integer powers of real odd order skew-persymmetric anti-tridiagonal matrices with constant anti-diagonals (antitridiagn (a, c,− a), a∈ R⧹{0}, c∈ R

The musical brain: brain waves reveal the neurophysiological basis of musicality in human subjects

Microbial skin inhabitants: friends forever

Traduttore/Traditore: Motivated Mistranslation and the Unsettlement of America

Homecoming, and: Aubade: For A Dancer

Elements of Cartography: Tracing fifty years of academic cartography

Young children's ability to use aerial photographs as maps

The role of social networks in emergency management: A research agenda

Basic mapping principles for visualizing cancer data using geographic information systems (GIS

Censorship and A Farewell to Arms

Contexts which shape and reshape new teachers' identities: A multi-perspective study

Complicity, critique and methodology

Patients' awareness of their rights in a developing country

Quality and safety education for nurses

The late Roman gold and silver coins from the Hoxne treasure

Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays

Textile manufacture in the northern Roman provinces

Queen Caroline's Library and its European Contexts

Birdman of Assisi: Art and the Apocalyptic in the Colonial Andes

Gothic: New directions in media and popular culture

Poppies: a guide to the poppy family in the wild and in cultivation

Road Ditch Flowers of Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota

Clinical chemistry as scientific discipline: historical perspectives

William Pulteney Alison, the Scottish philosophy, and the making of a political medicine

Third-wave missionary leaders in contemporary Yakland: an analysis of six malfeasance and leadership formation cases using a maturity-support approach

The rise and decline of the Jewish quota in medical school admissions

The collected works of florence Nightingale

The Media and the Military: An Historical and Cultural Examination

The struggle for wholeness: addressing individual and collective trauma in violence-ridden societies

Determining the adulteration of natural milk with synthetic milk using ac conductance measurement

Historical Atlas of India [Book Review

Incorporating local and international cuisines in the marketing of tourism destinations: The cases of Hong Kong and Turkey

Sources of Internal Self-Regulation with a Focus on Language Learning

The journey of discovering skull base anatomy in ancient Egypt and the special influence of Alexandria

Cyclostationarity in communications and signal processing

Radar foundations for imaging and advanced concepts

Towards a Pentecostal ecclesiology: Participation in the missional life of the triune God

The Rise of Marvel and DC's Transmedia Superheroes: Comic Book Adaptations, Fanboy Auteurs, and Guiding Fan Reception

Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays

Revisiting the Ocucaje Opened Tunic from the Textile Museum; Washington, DC: Textile Models and the Process of Imitation

Rainbow Stars—Multi-Color Laser Emission for Science and Art

Things Not Seen in the Frescoes of Giotto: An Analysis of Illusory and Spiritual Depth

Psychiatric disorders in children with autism spectrum disorders: prevalence, comorbidity, and associated factors in a population-derived sample

An aggregate study of single-case research involving aided AAC: Participant characteristics of individuals with autism spectrum disorders

Parenting education for parents with intellectual disabilities: A review of outcome studies

Food habits: A selected annotated bibliography: Cultural and environmental factors (nutritional anthropology

Energy Drinks-A Quick Fix Cover Up

Braised Brussels Sprouts with Sweet Mustard Dressing

Books in Action: Armed Services Editions

Graphic wounds: the comics journalism of Joe Sacco

World of My Own: Joe the Barbarian and the Cathartic Power of Fantasy

Girls in a goldfish bowl: Moral regulation, ritual and the use of power amongst inner city girls

Color atlas and text of surgical pathology of the dog and cat. Volume 1: Dermatopathology and skin tumors

The ideological uses of early Islam

Creep damage simulation of thick-walled tubes using the Θ projection concept

ULibraries Subject Guides: Reference: Graduate School Test Prep (GRE/GMAT/MAT

Recurring Dilemmas in a Recurring Conflict: Evaluating the UN Mission in Liberia (2003-2006

Flora Wilson: London, Paris, New York: Opera's global networks c. 1890

Engaging diasporas in truth commissions: lessons from the Liberia Truth and Reconciliation Commission Diaspora Project

Slaves No More: Letters from Liberia 1833-1869

Synthesizing Narrative Analysis with Peace and Conflict Studies: The Case of African Child Soldier Autobiographies

Career program for first-generation non-traditional Middle Eastern college women

Career workshop curriculum for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Employment Resource Services

The protean career: A quarter-century journey

Ezekiel 1: A commentary on the book of the Prophet Ezekiel, chapters 1-24

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Macrohistory and macrohistorians: Perspectives on individual, social, and civilizational change

International tables for crystallography

Hotshot* herbicide-a new weapon for Lantana camara control

Culture and prosperity: Why some nations are rich but most remain poor


Nonradial oscillations of stars

The value of museum collections for research and society

Creating Anoka County Library on the Go

Ausência de associação entre os polimorfismos do gene interleucina-18 e artrite reumatoide

Surveying the Field: Recent Scholarship on Superheroines

Revelation and the Politics of Apocalyptic Interpretation

Prickles under the Frock

Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays

The Trial Continues: New Directions in the Study of the Origins of the First World War

Seattle, Washington

Women in Science-Maria Merian and her Summer Birds

Henry Hobson Richardson Henry Hobson Richardson

Parish versus fresh expressions [Book Review

An evaluation of a high-resolution operational wave forecasting system in the Adriatic Sea

Assessing elemental mercury vapor exposure from cultural and religious practices

Cinematherapy with preadolescents experiencing parental divorce: A collective case study

Global food safety: keeping food safe from farm to table

Mirabilia Coralii. Capolavori barocchi in corallo tra maestranze ebraiche e trapanesi

Case Study of The Divine Shepherdess Painting. Historical Significance, Conservation Issues and Treatment for Fungal Attack

Impacts of ski-development on ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus) at Cairn Gorm, Scotland

Birds Britannia: why the British fell in love with birds

The impact of changes in irrigation practices on the distribution of foraging egrets and herons (Ardeidae) in the rice fields of central Japan

Book Review, Sharon Hatfield, Never Seen the Moon: The Trials of Edith Maxwell

A century of population change in Australia

Book Review, Sharon Hatfield, Never Seen the Moon: The Trials of Edith Maxwell

Identification of negotiation tactics and strategies of Army negotiators

A case study in Byzantine dragon-slaying: Digenes and the serpent

Industrial Accident Prevention. A Scientific Approach

The impact of organizational climate on safety climate and individual behavior

Vasospastic diseases: a review

Regulating workplace safety: systems and sanctions

The effectiveness of occupational health and safety management system interventions: a systematic review

The use of incentives/feedback to enhance work place safety: A critique of the literature

Risk, Instrumentalism and the Humane Project in Social Work: Identifying the Informal Logics of Risk Management in Children's Statutory Services

A meta-analysis of intensive family preservation programs: Placement prevention and improvement of family functioning

The third wave

Rehabilitation and community care

Evaluating the visual field effects of blepharoptosis using automated static perimetry

The value of culture: On the relationship between economics and arts

Whiteness, space and alternative food practice

Social support, accommodation to stress and adjustment to breast cancer

Alternative tourism: A social movement perspective

Artificial intelligence: a modern approach

L2 writing in the post-process era: Introduction

Climate change 2014: synthesis report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the fifth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate

Growing-up in the countryside: children and the rural idyll


The potential and prospect for global cities in China: in the context of the world system

Doing research in business & management: An essential guide to planning your project

E-Commerce Adoption and an Analysis of the Popular E-Commerce Business Sites in Malaysia

Creativity and Web Design: Designing and Producing a Successful Site on Creativity and Leadership

Retrieval time from semantic memory

Inspections for contraband in a shipping container using fast neutrons and the associated alpha particle technique: Proof of principle

Henri Matisse: a retrospective

Joint book-reading strategies in working-class African American and White mother-toddler dyads

Risk prediction is improved by adding markers of subclinical organ damage to SCORE

Created from animals

Historical foundations

The one best way: Frederick Winslow Taylor and the enigma of efficiency

The World Wide Web as a public relations medium: The use of research, planning, and evaluation in Web site development

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works


The Muslim Federalist Debate in Revolutionary Russia

The reinvention of populism: Islamist responses to capitalist development in the contemporary Maghreb

Real freedom for all: What (if anything) can justify capitalism

The United States and the discipline of international relations:hegemonic country, hegemonic discipline

Political economy of large natural disasters: with special reference to developing countries

Worlds of political economy: knowledge and power in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries

Why is there no Chinese international relations theory

Some Reflections on Manuel Castells' Book Networks of Outrage and Hope. Social Movements in the Internet Age

Application of solvation equations to chemical and biochemical processes

Theory of brain function, quantum mechanics and superstrings

Managing the other side of the water cycle: Making wastewater an asset

Unconditional care: a study of professional practice with high risk adolescents

Garden cities 21: creating a livable urban environment

Christiaan Barnard and his contributions to heart transplantation

Pulsatility index in internal carotid artery in relation to transdermal oestradiol and time since menopause

An army of warriors, these Anzacs': legend and illusion in the first AIF

The German spring reprisals of 1917: Prisoners of war and the violence of the Western Front

The institutional sources of military doctrine: Hegemons in peripheral wars

Defining Victory in Victorian Warfare, 1860-1882

Welcome to The Library

An incremental procedure for three-dimensional contact problems with friction

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Six Sigma: The role of goals in improvement teams

Onboarding: How to Get Your New Employees Up to Speed in Half the Time

Voting rules in insolvency law: a simple-game theoretic approach

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

The Children's Literature Association Proudly Announces the Recipient of The 1986 Phoenix Award Queenie Peavy

Fundamentals of sustainable business: a guide for the next 100 years

Nancy Reagan: On the White House Stage

The natural environment as a playground for children: Landscape description and analyses of a natural playscape

Natural dynamics, endogenous structural change and the theory of demand: A comment on Pasinetti

Governments, globalization, and international business

Governments, globalization, and international business

Services marketing: Integrating customer focus across the firm

Poverty, sustainability and human wellbeing: a social wellbeing approach to the global fisheries crisis

Determination of pH: theory and practice

International versus domestic entrepreneurship: new venture strategic behavior and industry structure

International business

Book Review: Surviving the Intrigues

Voyager by Srikanth Reddy

Fire monitoring: effects of scorch in Louisiana's pine forests

The story of art

Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays

Millennial capitalism: First thoughts on a second coming

Strategic business nets—their type and management

Working dogs of the world

Elizabeth Vesey and the Art of Educating Oneself, Between London and Lucan

Classroom management: Models, applications, and cases

Finding balance: Impact of classroom management conceptions on developing teacher practice

A review of research on the impact of professional learning communities on teaching practice and student learning

India: Economic development and social opportunity

An Introduction to Optimal Control Problems in Life Sciences and Economics: From Mathematical Models to Numerical Simulation with MATLAB

The First World War: An Agrarian Interpretation

Urban public finance in developing countries


Methanol: Occurrence

Collection and organisation

Lost Cove, North Carolina: The Life and Death of a Thriving Community (1864-1957

Classic cult fiction: a companion to popular cult literature

Flucht oder Widerstand? Der mittlere Weg in Martin Walsers Ein fliehendes Pferd

Where Are We Really Going? Always Home: Thomas Merton and Hermann Hesse

La empresa familiar en España. Fundamentos económicos y resultados

El coaching empresarial como herramienta para la administración del cambio organizacional de la empresa familiar Grupo Eléctrico

Luis Antonio Robles sombra y luz: con la sombra en la epidermis y la luz en el alma


Dirección y organización del trabajo en México: la visión transnacional

Modelos de gestión en las empresas de economía solidaria (EES) en el área metropolitana de Medellín-Antioquia-Colombia

Amenazas y oportunidades El reto de emprender en la empresa familiar

Thomas Hacket and the Ventures of an Elizabethan Publisher

The ineffectiveness of lordship in England, 1200-1400

Skunk River Review Autumn 1994, vol 6

Paul R. Josephson. Lenin's Laureate: Zhores Alferov's Life in Communist Science. 313 pp., illus., figs., index. Cambridge, Mass./London: MIT Press, 2010. $29.95

A call to character: A family treasury of stories, poems, plays, proverbs, and fables to guide the development of values for you and your children

The Booker Prize and the legacy of empire

Private passions:: the contemplation of suffering in medieval affective devotions

Task-based language teaching and English for academic purposes: An investigation into instructor perceptions and practice in the Canadian context


Loggerhead Sea Turtles

The loggerhead turtle in the eastern Gulf of Mexico

Loggerhead Sea Turtles

X. Country/Region Reports

Identification manual for traded turtles in China

Status, distribution, and the future of Bald Eagles in the Chesapeake Bay area

Turtle conservation

User developed applications and information systems success: A test of DeLone and McLean's model

An economic modelling approach to information security risk management

The health effects of major organisational change and job insecurity

Using IT governance and COBIT to deliver value with IT and respond to legal, regulatory and compliance challenges

Aleister Crowley on drugs

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Alternative Politics: The German Green Party

Republican learning: John Toland and the crisis of Christian culture, 1696-1722

Intertextuality and Subversion: Poems by Ana Rossetti and Amparo Amorós

The gospel of Christian atheism

for the diagnosis and treatment of non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes: The Task Force for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Non-ST

Prophecy, Politics, and the Popular: The Left Behind Series and Christian Fundamentalism's New World Order

Stolen language, cosmic models: Myth and mythology in Tolkien

The organization of industry

Developing serious games (game development series

Words about war for boys: Representations of soldiers and conflict in writing for children before World War I

By the book: Assessing the place of textbooks in US survey courses

Jack-in-the-Box Faith: The Religion Problem in Modern American History

Three psychologies: perspectives from Freud, Skinner, and Rogers

Worthington George Smith (1835-1917

SOE: The Scientific Secrets

The Fall and Rise of Prague's Marian Column

Great-Power Rivalries, Tibetan Guerrilla Resistance, and the Cold War in South Asia: Introduction

Subjugating the Beast and the Angel: Suggestions of Dante's Inferno in Altarwise by owl-light


Dairy cattle feeding and management

Ol'Mama Squirrel by David Ezra Stein

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Situational effects on meal intake: A comparison of eating alone and eating with others

Sweet-talking the fourth branch: The influence of interest group comments on federal agency rulemaking

Introduction: the study and history of genocide

Enemies of the State: Methodists, Secession, and the Civil War in Western Virginia, 1845-1872

Internal parasites and animal production

Bovine viral diarrhea virus: its effects on estradiol, progesterone and prostaglandin secretion in the cow

Volume 27 Spring-Summer

The Oxford Children's Corpus: using a children's corpus in lexicography

Experiments in automatic extracting and indexing

False Summit

Bonfire of the Avant-Garde: Cultural Rage and Readerly Complicity in The Day of the Locust

Optimization of direct conversion of wet algae to biodiesel under supercritical methanol conditions

Regulation of nucleic acid and protein formation in bacteria

South Uist: archaeology and history of a Hebridean island

Otherwordly others: racial representation in fantasy literature

Joycean Body-Building and Midnight Charades (Not Stripped Naked) in the Piazza: A Review of the Twelfth Annual Trieste Joyce School, 29 June-5 July 2008

Il mirabile nel mito di Medea: i draghi alati nelle fonti letterarie e iconografiche

The conceptual framework of psychology

Consumer profiling of Scotch whisky

Current issue in tourism: The authentic tourist

An Early Voice of the Vietnamese Diaspora in Vietnamese-American Literature

Tim O'Brien's True Lies

Political Stories: The Individual in Contemporary Fiction

Radiology education 2.0—on the cusp of change: part 2. eBooks; file sharing and synchronization tools; websites/teaching files; reference management tools and note

Enlighten Others

Milton Gendel. Un fotografo, critico d'arte e scrittore tra avanguardia e tradizione.(1949-1962

Increased levels of soluble adhesion molecules in type 2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes mellitus are independent of glycaemic control

Abstract Art (Movements in Modern Art Series

Learning your lines: Negotiating language and content in subject English

The tale of Beryn and the siege of Thebes: alternative ideas of the Canterbury Tales

Pride against prejudice: Transforming attitudes to disability

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The physician as storyteller

A perceptual mapping of online travel agencies and preference attributes

A perceptual mapping of online travel agencies and preference attributes

Criança hospitalizada eo impacto emocional gerado nos pais

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La déduction transcendentale dans l'oeuvre de Kant

Les forêts sacrées de l'aire Ouatchi au sud-est du Togo et les contraintes actuelles des modes de gestion locale des ressources forestières

Infinitely small quantities in Cauchy's textbooks

Pierre Didot the Elder and French book illustration, 1789-1822

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Oeuvres et lettres

An economic history of modern Britain

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Telling the Collective Story: Symbolic Interactionism in Narrative Research

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Oregon Quarterly: 2013, Vol. 92, No. 4 (Summer

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Canada's Hunt for the Harmsworth Technology and Nationalism (1934-1961

Hydrographic survey methods for determining reservoir volume

Distribution and abundance of the Japanese snail, Viviparus japonicus, and associated macrobenthos in Sandusky Bay, Ohio

Power electronics and AC drives

Power electronics and AC drives

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

The beet leafhopper-transmitted virescence agent causes tomato big bud disease in California

The medieval machine: The industrial revolution of the Middle Ages

Republicanism and the French Revolution: An intellectual history of Jean-Baptiste Say's political economy

Essays in Philosophy with a Memoir of the Author

Ironies of social control: Authorities as contributors to deviance through escalation, nonenforcement and covert facilitation

Conflict and Consensus in the Designation of Deviance

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Alternative strategies of opiate detoxification: evaluation of the so-called ultra-rapid detoxification

Guide to GPS positioning

Getting institutions right for women in development

Beatrice Wood Center for the Arts

Visualizing public address

Beatrice Wood Center for the Arts

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Galilean idealization

A caroteneprotein complex isolated from green leaves

Underwriter warrants, underwriter compensation, and the costs of going public

Senior management perceptions of project management competence

Interest-rate modelling in collateralized markets: multiple curves, credit-liquidity effects, CCPs

Value-relevance of banks' derivatives disclosures

An introduction to risk and return from common stocks

Computational science and engineering

Performance-only measurement of service quality: a replication and extension

Somewhere over the rainbow: the nationstate, democracy and race in a globalising South Africa

Efficacy and effectiveness of an rVSV-vectored vaccine expressing Ebola surface glycoprotein: interim results from the Guinea ring vaccination cluster-randomised trial

Veld types of South Africa

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Israel's Sojourn in the Wilderness and the Construction of the Book of Numbers

The re-entry experiences of international music therapy professionals from the Asia Pacific Rim area

The influence of ethnic identity on self-authorship: A longitudinal study of Latino/a college students

Basic principles of organic chemistry

Application of electronic circular dichroism in configurational and conformational analysis of organic compounds

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New approaches to the dynamic interpretation and prediction of NMR relaxation data from proteins

Determinants of environmental innovation—New evidence from German panel data sources

Evidence-based health policy: three generations of reform in Mexico

the Microtheory of innovative entrepreneurship

Vertical antitrust policy as a problem of inference

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Dynamic programming and optimal control

Semi-smooth Newton methods for state-constrained optimal control problems

Self in Grief and Other Poems [Book Review

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Using narrative picture books to build awareness of expository text structure

Assessing building performance: Its evolution from post-occupancy evaluation

The impact of open spaces on property values in Portland, Oregon

A league of her own

Nifedipine, hypotension, and myocardial injury

A study on group works-a technique used in teaching speaking skill for the 2nd-year English major students at HPU

Carving the Complete Edition': Self-commentary, Poetry, and Illustration in the Early-Qing Erotic Novel Romance of an Embroidered Screen (1670

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Bearing Witness to my Creativity: Exploring my Artist Identity Through a Practice of A/r/tography

Picture Book Update, 2006-2007

Mind and nature: A necessary unity

Checklist of the Coleopterous Insects of Mexico, Central America the West Indies, and South America. Part 3

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The Book of Diogenes Laertius; Its Spirit and its Method

Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays

Birds in Greek life and myth

Darwin's debt to philosophy: an examination of the influence of the philosophical ideas of John FW Herschel and William Whewell on the development of Charles

An introduction to continental philosophy

A glossary of feminist theory

Creating the landscape symbol vocabulary for a regional image: the case of the Kentucky bluegrass

Catholic Southerners, Catholic Soldiers

Space, Time, and Freedom: The Quest for Nationality and the Irrepressible Conflict, 1815-1861

Memorial text narratives in Britain, c. 1890-1930

Integrated approaches towards drug development from Ayurveda and other Indian system of medicines

Posts in category Health Coaching

An online prepurchase intentions model: the role of intention to search: best overall paper award—the sixth triennial AMS/ACRA retailing conference, 2000☆ 1

The gender balance of physics textbooks: Caribbean and British books, 1985-91

Carrying your long tail: Delighting your consumers and managing your operations

Vandalism (Miami Style): Graffiti as a Tool in Preserving the Marine Stadium

Ecology. Trees

Hydrogen absorption and desorption properties of AB2 Laves-phase pseudobinary compounds

More Than Spelling: Widening the Lens on Emergent Writing

Biology and ecology of Platypus sulcatus

Trouble in the Farm Yard: Labor Relations and Politics in Doreen Cronin's Duck Books

Biology and ecology of Platypus sulcatus

Predictors of maternal language to infants during a picture book task in the home: Family SES, child characteristics and the parenting environment

The Cold War Comes to Main Street: America in 1950

The picturesque and landscape appreciation the development of tourism in the Yorkshire dales & county durham 1750-1860

Addition of simultaneous heat and solute transport and variable fluid viscosity to SEAWAT

East Meets West in Lafcadio Hearn

Challenges of reducing fresh produce waste in Europe—From farm to fork

The experience of old age as depicted in contemporary novels

Thomas Cook: 150 years of popular tourism

Book Review: Eat Drink Delta: A Hungry Traveler's Journey Through The Soul of the South

Birth and childhood among the Arabs: studies in a Muhammadan village in Palestine

The Generative Power of Nursery Rhymes

Quaker Beliefs: diverse yet distinctive

Betty and Cheryl

Book Review: The Inquiring Mind

Journalism, Letters, and Nation: The Newspaper Letters of Samuel Bowles's Across the Continent (1865

Town of Braintree-Monatiquot River Watershed Study

The Tourist Experience in Boston, 1848-1910: American History, Middle-Class Leisure and the Development of Urban Tourism

Security, two diplomacies, and the formation of the US Constitution: Review, interpretation, and new directions for the study of the early American period

Colonial gravestones and demography

A survey of knowledge acquisition techniques and their relevance to managerial problem domains

The psychology of human sexuality

Some mechanical properties and decay resistance of wood impregnated with environmentally-friendly borates

Migrating foreign body into the common carotid artery and internal jugular vein-A rare case

Hurricane names: A bunch of hot air

Gary Milton Smith Photograph Collection,(1960-1988) P0106 (USU Special Collections

Hide-and-seek and other search games

Therapeutic landscapes and First Nations peoples: an exploration of culture, health and place

Sociology hesitant

Beyond the domestication of Islam in Europe: A reflection on past and future research on Islam in European societies

Secret dossiers: Sexuality, race, and treason in Proust and the Dreyfus Affair

Harlem's queer dandy: African-American modernism and the artifice of blackness

Womanist propaganda, African-American great war experience, and cultural strategies of the Harlem Renaissance: plays by Alice Dunbar-Nelson and Mary P. Burrill

Technology transfer in transitional economies: a test of market, state and organizational models

Policy uncertainty and the conduct of stem cell research

Finding Fate's Father: Some Life History Influences on Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Competition, race, and professionalization: African healers and white medical practitioners in Natal, South Africa in the early twentieth century

The new secret language of symbols: an illustrated key to unlocking their deep and hidden meanings

Pataphysics: A Useless Guide

Echolalias: On the forgetting of language

Looking back, moving forward in the digital age: A review of the collection management and development literature, 2004-8

Brazil through the Eyes of William James: Letters, Diaries, and Drawings, 1865-1866

A narratological analysis of Mark 12: 1-12: The plot of the Gospel of Mark in a nutshell

Interpreting the parables of the Galilean Jesus: A social-scientific approach

Equestrian culture in France from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century

Analysis of diversity and population structure in the Lipizzan horse breed based on pedigree information

Human-Animal Studies

Changes in cortisol release and heart rate and heart rate variability during the initial training of 3-year-old sport horses

Hawthorne's Nonsexist Narrative Framework: The Real Wonder of A Wonder Book

Metafeminism and Post-9/11 Writing in Canada and Québec

Remittances from international migration: a review in perspective

Roles and responsibilities of the problem based learning tutor in the undergraduate medical curriculum

Understanding and assessing preservice teachers' reflective thinking

Teacher behaviour and student outcomes: Suggestions for research on teacher training and professional development

Teaching/learning resources and academic performance in mathematics in secondary schools in Bondo District of Kenya

Excerpt from Tell about Night Flowers: Eudora Welty's Gardening Letters, 1940-1949

Individuazione di corridoi di sicurezza anatomici sulla faccia laterale di corpi vertebrali del tratto toracico e lombare nel cane. Valutazione preliminare finalizzata alla


Quality assurance of the EORTC trial 22911. A phase III study of post-operative external radiotherapy in pathological stage T3N0 prostatic carcinoma: the dummy run

Ureteric obstruction and hydronephrosis in baladi goats: Topographical anatomy, ultrasonographical, hematological and pathological findings

Social media: The new hybrid element of the promotion mix

The influence of level of performance on managerial style: An experimental object-lesson in the ambiguity of correlational data

Effie Louise Power: librarian, educator, author

José María Vigil y la recuperación del pasado colonial en la primera historia de la literatura mexicana

La reforma energética mexicana

Perspectiva pedagógica de los textos escolares de ciencias sociales en la primer mitad del siglo XX

Boletín de la Real Academia de Ciencias, Bellas Letras y Nobles Artes de Córdoba, n. 61 (1949

Las amistades apasionadas y la homosociabilidad en la primera mitad del siglo XIX

Robust pole location with experimental validation for three-phase grid-connected converters

Book Reviews

A global survey of the stable isotope and chemical compositions of bottled and canned beers as a guide to authenticity

City guides

Bill Owens: A US Craft Beer Pioneer, 1982-2001

Survey Research of the Canned Craft Beer Industry

Stories from our past: Making history come alive for children

Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays

Thinkers and Dreamers: Historical Essays in Honour of Carl Berger

What is past is prologue: a history of archival ideas since 1898, and the future paradigm shift

Images of the Surreal: Contrived Photographs of Native American Indians in Archives and Suggested Best Practices

Games of Idealized Courtship and Seduction in the Paintings of Antoine Watteau and Jean-Honoré Fragonard and in Laclos' Novel, Dangerous Liaisons

Letters to Léontine Zanta

Henry James in the palace of art: a survey and evaluation of James' aesthetic criteria as shown in his criticism of nineteenth century painting

Between the acts

Applied analysis of lacquer films based on pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry

Survey of Theileria lestoquardi antibodies among Sudanese sheep

Painting and history during the French Restoration: abandoned by the past

Part 1: Abhorrence to Alone. Volume III: Commentaries of Heaven, Part 2: Al-Sufficient to Bastard. Volume IV: Church's Year Book, Meditations and Devotions from

Emily Dickinson's Books

Looking for an echo: the oral tradition in Anglo-Saxon literature

Digital history: A guide to gathering, preserving, and presenting the past on the web

Disability culture poetry: The sound of the bones. A literary essay


Solutions applicable by local administrations for urban logistics improvement

Self-remembering: Georges Ivanovitch Gurdjieff (1870-1949) & his legacy

The Foucault effect: Studies in governmentality

South-East Asia: a political profile

The fight against domestic violence in East Timor. Forgetting the perpetrators

Beauty Secrets: Fight Fat: Black Women's Aesthetics, Exercise, and Fat Stigma, 1900-1930s

Does AIDS'cure'rheumatoid arthritis

Traditional therapeutic uses of animals among tribal population of Tamil Nadu

Proximity of supermarkets is positively associated with diet quality index for pregnancy

Why Anglos Run the World: A Taste for War [Book Review

The Apple Speaks: Poems. By Becca JR Lachman

Step into the Real Texas: Associating and claiming state narrative in advertising and tourism brochures

Nighty night

Blessings, strength, and guidance: Prayer frames in a hospital prayer book

Perhaps I Must Leave You: Pieces of a Memoir

Reading reluctant readers

The Chronotope and Australian Children's and Young Adult Books

TAP: A semantic web test-bed

Pat Mora: Transcending the Continental Divide One Book at a Time

Genetic Variability in the Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus

Impeccable Governesses, Rational Dames, and Moral Mothers: Mary Wollstonecraft and the Female Tradition in Georgian Children's Books

A Kierkegaard anthology

A Kierkegaard anthology

Det langsomme spejl: Den billedskabte erindring i familien

Kierkegaard's Remarks on Philosophy

Color atlas and synopsis of pediatric dermatology

Protecting adolescents from harm: findings from the National Longitudinal Study on Adolescent Health

Towards an inclusive education for all

Hand of fire: the comics art of Jack Kirby

How to Read a Book: Irenaeus and the Pastoral Epistles Reconsidered

Fear of death

A guide for health professionals working with Aboriginal peoples: health issues affecting Aboriginal peoples

Role for estradiol in female-typical brain and behavioral sexual differentiation

Services marketing: Integrating customer focus across the firm

Print and Manuscript

The First Literary Hamlet and the Commonplacing of Professional Plays

History of beauty

Homoerotic Desire and Renaissance Lyric Verse

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works


Human Anatomy

Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: improved survival with paramedic services

On the interrelations between accounting and the state

On the interrelations between accounting and the state

Inter-organizational controls and organizational competencies: episodes around target cost management/functional analysis and open book accounting

Financial Accounting: An Introduction 3e

Grazing pressure and the measurement of pasture production

ABC of work related disorders. Stress at work

Evidence-based public health: an evolving concept

Efficacy trial of malaria vaccine SPf66 in Gambian infants

Portrayal of disabilities in Caldecott books

The Quilt as (Non-) Commodity in William S. Yellow Robe Jr.'s The Star Quilter

Books Make the Best Christmas Gifts

The Fundamental Constants of Physics, Vol. 1 of Interscience Monographs in Physics & Astronomy [book review

Language and media: A resource book for students

Materials development and corrosion problems in nuclear fuel reprocessing plants

Study on hydro-forming technology of manufacturing bimetallic CRA-lined pipe

Load carrying capacity of concrete structures with corroded reinforcement

Climate change and health: a Pacific perspective

Mose Rager Kentucky's Incomparable Guitar Master

Quantitative analytical chemistry

Explore This Article

The Cambridge Companion to the Singer-Songwriter ed. by Katherine Williams and Justin A. Williams

Histological studies of the monkey neurovirulence of group B arboviruses. II. Selection of indicator centers

the entire wiki with video and photo galleries find something interesting to watch in seconds

Java reflection in action

Screening A Christmas Carol (Dickens, 1843): Adaptation as Completion

Time-since-fire and inter-fire interval influence hollow availability for fauna in a fire-prone system

Insect sting allergy: clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment

Morals and politics in the ideology of neo-liberalism

Verily, the White Man's Ways Were the Best: Duncan Campbell Scott, Native Culture, and Assimilation

Pot Pope Imprisoned

Chicago Outfit

The Collected Poetry of Robinson Jeffers, vol. 2: 1928-1938 ed. by Tim Hunt

New York City's Spanish Shipping Agents and the Practice of State Power in the Atlantic Borderlands of World War II

Contours of Care: The Influenza Pandemic, Public Health, and Asian American Communities in southern California, 1918-1941

A Great Disturbance in the Force:'Thematic Dissonance Between the Two Star Wars Trilogies

Minding minds

Thinking through the Anthropology of Experts

Singing off the Charnel Steps: Soldiers and Mourners in Emily Dickinson's War Poetry

Irish Literature in English: The Year's Work, Autumn 1988-Autumn 1989

Short story theory at a crossroads

The hidden costs of cause marketing

Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays

Jewelry from the environment

Teaching solitude: Sustainability and the self, community and nature while alone

Race, Rhetoric, and Emancipation: The Election of 1862 in Illinois


The Beat of My Heart


E-book use by students: Undergraduates in economics, literature, and nursing

Big data: enabler or challenge for Enterprise 2.0

The northern Levant (Lebanon) during the Middle Bronze Age

Interactional justice

Donkeys in the biblical world: ceremony and symbol

The notion of Jerusalem as a holy city

General purpose technologies

First words and second thoughts: Margaret Cavendish, Humphrey Moseley, and the Book

The Pedagogy Princess

P is for Patriarchy: Re-imaging the Alphabet

A study of critical attitude across English and Spanish academic book reviews

Using'The Sing Book

The effects of two direct instruction teaching procedures to basic skills to two students with disabilities

Critical academic writing and multilingual students

Caribbean Security on the Eve of the 21st Century

Geopolitics, Security, and US Strategy in the Caribbean Basin

In need of new environmental ethics for tourism

Abolitionist Geographies

Transnational Security Threats and State Survival: A Role for the Military

Bottom pressure observations in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea

Jamaican maritime security. What are the capability gaps that limit the Jamaica Defence Force in the execution of it roles in maritime security


Acatamiento: Living in an Attitude of Affectionate Awe—An Ignatian Reflection on the Unitive Way

The roots of the Focolare movement's economic ethic

Konieczność edukacji katechetów w medialny projekt Youcat

Christian dogmatics

Religion vs. spirituality: A contemporary conundrum

A survey of injuries to the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee in female basketball players

How Teachers Perceive their own Efficacy towards Teaching Social Studies

Machiavellian encounters in Tudor and Stuart England. Remarks on Machiavelli's fortune in England

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

The Wandering Heretics of Languedoc

The theory underlying concept maps and how to construct and use them

Are attitudes and practices regarding mainstreaming changing? A case of teachers in two rural school districts

Legal negotiation: theory and applications

Reimagining the university press: A checklist for scholarly publishers

How picture books mean: The case of Chris Van Allsburg

Spectrochemical analysis

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Dialogue in focus groups: Exploring socially shared knowledge

Evolution and institutions

The Australian home-front novel of the Second World War: genre, gender and region

The influence of the environmental status of Casa Caiada and Rio Doce beaches (NE-Brazil) on beaches users

Population dynamics in benthic invertebrates. A virtual handbook

Competition conditional on recruitment and temporary escape from predators on a tropical rocky shore

Temporal and spatial distribution of dissolved oxygen in the Pearl River Estuary and adjacent coastal waters

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Memories are made of this: The effects of time on stored visual knowledge in a case of visual agnosia

Novel assembly properties of recombinant spider dragline silk proteins

The Way the Cookie Crumbles? A Study of the Relationship Between Gender and Corruption in Ghana

The Martaban trade: An examination of the literature from the seventh century until the eighteenth century

Sexual Encounters: Pacific Texts, Modern Sexualities

Magic Realism in Louis de Bernières's Novels

Re-Os sulfide geochronology of the red dog sediment-hosted Zn-Pb-Ag deposit, Brooks Range, Alaska

Love: An unromantic discussion

A Listening Wind


I Got the Horse Right Here: New Directions in Horseracing Scholarship

Tag Archives: foal

Virgil's Double Cross: Chiasmus and the Aeneid

Kentucky Horse Park

Learning to work virtually: Conversational repair as a resource for norm development in computer-mediated team meetings

The history of miniature books

Mollie Skinner: DH Lawrence's Australian Catalyst

The maritime economy of north west England in the later eighteenth century

The pearl frontier: Indonesian labor and indigenous encounters in Australia's northern trading network

Behavior of ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete columns under pure axial loading

Design optimisation for a low energy home in Sydney

Hybrid Zero Energy Houses (zeh) For Florida's Hot, Humid Climate

Class by the Glass: The Significance of Imported Wine Consumption in America, 1750-1800

Designing differently: the self-build home

A first course in probability

Introduction to applied mathematics

Artificial intelligence: a modern approach

Bayesian theory

Investment science

Contrasts in mathematical challenges in A-level Mathematics and Further Mathematics, and undergraduate mathematics examinations

Recent history of fractional calculus

Are textbook references to Darwin close to extinction

Dynamic programming and optimal control

Computational science and engineering

Nocturnal oxyhemoglobin desaturation in COPD patients with arterial oxygen tensions above 60 mm Hg

Religious Fanatics That Became Political Heroes: The Historical Distortions of the Bulhoek Massacre

Film music: the synthesis of two art forms-a case study of themes and characters in Alfred Hitchcock's and Bernard Herrmann's Vertigo

of Book: Handbook of Thin Film Process Technology

Moving pictures: A new theory of film genres, feelings, and cognition

Film and theory: an anthology

Mammoths: Giants of the Ice Age (revised edition

Aspects of cultural diffusion in medieval England: The early romances, local society and Robin Hood

Human lectins and their roles in viral infections

Reflections on the Anopheles gambiae Genome Sequence, Transgenic Mosquitoes and the Prospect for Controlling Malaria and Other Vector Borne Diseases

The translationally controlled tumour protein (TCTP

Fabrication of porous chitosan films impregnated with silver nanoparticles: a facile approach for superior antibacterial application

Improved diagnosis of Trichomonas vaginalis infection by PCR using vaginal swabs and urine specimens compared to diagnosis by wet mount microscopy, culture

The Life-cycle of Babesia bigemina (Smith & Kilbourne) of Texas Cattle-fever in the Tick Margaropus annulatus (Say) with Notes on the Embryology of Margaropus

Fiji before the storm: Elections and the politics of development

In the eye of the storm: Jai Ram Reddy and the politics of postcolonial Fiji

The 2006 military takeover in Fiji: a coup to end all coups

An Elusive Dream: Multiracial Harmony in Fiji 1970-2000

Electoral systems for divided societies

The significance of ambiguity in accounting and everyday life: The self-perpetuation of accounting

The 2006 military takeover in Fiji: a coup to end all coups

Overhearing Ireland: Mediatized personae in Irish accent culture

outcome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest by strengthening weak links of the local Chain of Survival; quality of advanced life support and post-resuscitation care

Luke 1: A commentary on the Gospel of Luke 1: 1-9: 50

The historical Jesus: The life of a Mediterranean Jewish peasant

Micah: A commentary on the book of the prophet Micah

Lessons from the Administrative Conference of the USA

Semi-quantitative risk assessment of commercial scale supply chain of hydrogen fuel and implications for industry and society

Tracing dissolved organic matter in aquatic environments using a new approach to fluorescence spectroscopy

Iron biogeochemistry across marine systems-progress from the past decade

The characterization of algal and microbial mucilages and their aggregates in aquatic ecosystems

From the forest to the sea: the ecology of wood in streams, rivers, estuaries, and oceans

Near-future levels of ocean acidification reduce fertilization success in a sea urchin

Defining success in fisheries and conflicts in objectives

There and Back Again: The Creation of the British Blues, and the American Blues Revival

The dynias

A taste for pop: pop art, gender, and consumer culture

A Comprehensive Listing of Dictionaries Published in the United States and Great Britain during 1977

A taste for pop: pop art, gender, and consumer culture

A taste for pop: pop art, gender, and consumer culture

Queer/migration: An unruly body of scholarship

Planar antennas for wireless communications

Microstrip and printed antenna design

CTS United States experiments—A progress report

CTS United States experiments—A progress report

Wuhan Ionospheric Oblique Backscattering Sounding System and Its Applications—A Review

Environmental economics: an elementary introduction

strategy for entrepreneurship education: outline of key concepts and lessons learned from a comparative study of entrepreneurship students in France and the US

Toward legalization of poker: The skill vs. chance debate

Service science, management, engineering, and design (SSMED): An emerging discipline-outline & references

Are you ready for mobile learning

Cerebrospinal fluid 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid and homovanillic acid in psychiatric patients

Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Econometrics

It's a Book

Rap and Hip Hop Culture. 2014. Fernando Orejuela. New York: Oxford University Press. 272pp., 17 Listening Guides

The unexamined life

Mothers, monsters, and morals in Victorian fairy tales

Korean pop music: Riding the wave

How does civil society thicken? The political construction of social capital in rural Mexico

Recent changes in the trends of teen birth rates, 1981-2006

Evangelizing Lebanon: Baptists, Missions, and the Question of Cultures

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

N-acetylcholinesterase-induced apoptosis in Alzheimer's disease

Beryllium, cadmium, mercury, and exposures in the glass manufacturing industry

The new solar system

Mission to Jupiter: a history of the Galileo project

The new solar system

For We See and Know in Part: An Examination of the Portrayal of African-American Female Athletes on the covers of Sports Illustrated

Before Earth Day: The Origins of American Environmental Law, 1945-1970

Radiation therapy for pituitary adenoma: treatment outcome and prognostic factors

Greatest moments

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Middle grades MATH thematics

Five Biblical Portraits

Making Arthur Protestant: Translating Malory's Grail Quest into Spenser's Book of Holiness

Perspectives On... Professional development opportunities for new academic librarians

Development of the career exploration survey (CES

Changes in the relative structure of wages and employment: A comparison of the United States, Canada, and France

Daughters of the goddess, daughters of imperialism African women struggle for culture, power and democracy

Classic Ground: Britain, Italy, and the Grand Tour

Tradition and transition in English language teaching methodology1

The common sense book of baby and child care

The effects of the use of interactive whiteboards on student achievement

Some preliminary thoughts on democratic style

Gotcha! How Alan Abel Breaks the News

Impossible Missions? German Economic, Military, and Humanitarian Efforts in Africa

The proportion of symmetric and asymmetric IgG antibody molecules synthesized by a cellular clone (hybridoma) can be regulated by placental culture supernatants

Curious parallels and curious connections—phylogenetic thinking in biology and historical linguistics

Power of Place: The Religious Landscape of the Southern Sacred Peak (Nanyue 南嶽) in Medieval China (Harvard East Asian Monographs

An Extract from Carmel Bird‟ s Introduction to: The Stolen Children-Their Stories

Acculturation of Mexican-American mothers influences child feeding strategies

A study of critical attitude across English and Spanish academic book reviews

Why should you be scientifically literate

A Comprehensive Listing of Dictionaries Published in the United States and Great Britain during 1978

including Roget's Thesaurus, and: Velocities: New and Selected Poems, 1966-1992, and: The Bingo Palace, and: The Angel of History, and: Julip, and: The Storm

Novel phenolic impregnated 3-D Fine-woven pierced carbon fabric composites: Microstructure and ablation behavior

A novel algorithm for marine strapdown gyrocompass based on digital filter

Validation of a novel sleep-quality questionnaire to assess sleep in the coronary care unit: a polysomnography study

The Songs of the Maniacs: Four Books on Madness and Creativity

Derechos sexuales y reproductivos: los más humanos de todos los derechos

Notes & News

Nab-paclitaxel versus solvent-based paclitaxel in neoadjuvant chemotherapy for early breast cancer (GeparSepto—GBG 69): a randomised, phase 3 trial

Sport in society: issues & controversies

Some Reflections on Manuel Castells' Book Networks of Outrage and Hope. Social Movements in the Internet Age

The book of the dog

Genetic structure of the purebred domestic dog

Prevalence of aggression and fear-related behavioral problems in a sample of Argentine Dogos in Italy

Moral reasons


The appearance and disappearance of objects in the presence of Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sandplay & symbol work: Emotional healing & personal development with children, adolescents, and adults

The appearance and disappearance of objects in the presence of Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Conventional and unconventional petroleum orderly accumulation: Concept and practical significance

Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays

Transforming for stabilization and reconstruction operations

Why the modest harvest

In Buddha's company: Thai soldiers in the Vietnam War

The national security strategy of the United States of America

Operation enduring analogy: World War II, the war on terror, and the uses of historical memory

A Menu of Activities in Different Intelligence Areas to Differentiate Instruction for Upper Elementary Students Related to the Book Because of Winn-Dixie

Coherent J/ψ photoproduction in ultra-peripheral Pb-Pb collisions at sNN= 2.76 TeV

Roadworks: Medieval Britain, Medieval Roads, ed. Valerie Allen and Ruth Evans

Spider-Man, Superman-: What's the Difference

An intercomparison of neutron field dosimetry systems

The Approach to Adaptation of Classical Sources in Shakespeare's Work

Sufi Narratives of Intimacy: Ibn'Arabī, Gender, and Sexuality

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

English literature

English literature

Risk ranking and analysis in target cost contracts: Empirical evidence from the construction industry

Public perceptions of predators, particularly the wolf and coyote

Selecting landscape plants: Boxwoods

Salvation Means Creation Healed: Creation, Cross, Kingdom and Mission

Quel avenir pour la luzerne en France et en Europe

Making things public

Artificial neural network analysis of an automobile air conditioning system

Tactical combat casualty care in special operations


Prescribing by numbers: drugs and the definition of disease

The war within a war: Women nurses in the union army

The complete guide to teaching vocal jazz

Occupy Wall Street, Racial Neoliberalism, and New York's Hip-Hop Moguls

Sir Walter and Mr. Jones: Walter Hagen, Bobby Jones, and the Rise of American Golf. Chapter 8: The Atlanta Golf Machine and the Lion-Tamer, 1928-1929

Scrappage and survival rates of passenger cars and light trucks in the US, 1966-1977

Howling Dog Farm and Other Stories

Allergic rhinitis: definition, epidemiology, pathophysiology, detection, and diagnosis

Allergic rhinitis: definition, epidemiology, pathophysiology, detection, and diagnosis

Finding Self, Forming Virtue: The Treatment of Narcissistic Defenses in Marriage Therapy

Growth following adversity: Theoretical perspectives and implications for clinical practice

Sacred cows and sleeping dogs: Therapists in mourning

Zoology Library Services-Oxford University Library Services

Was the AD 1607 coastal flooding event in the Severn Estuary and Bristol Channel (UK) due to a tsunami

Teaching critical thinking in an introductory leadership course utilizing active learning strategies: A confirmatory study

Sport in society: issues & controversies

The de facto US mental health services system: a public health perspective

Gender planning in the Third World: meeting practical and strategic gender needs

A Generic Synopsis Ojf the Ceratopogonidae (Heleidae) of the Americas, a Bibliography, and a List of the North American Species

Statistical methods in cancer research. Vol. 1. The analysis of case-control studies

Diagnosis of bone and joint disorders. Volumes 1-6

The role of cytokines in osteoarthritis pathophysiology

Hemodynamic patterns of age-related changes in blood pressure: the Framingham Heart Study

The anatomy of the laboratory mouse

Hemipenial morphology of the South American xenodontine snakes: with a proposal for a monophyletic Xenodontinae and a reappraisal of colubroid hemipenes

Newe country: Environmental degradation, resource war, irrigation and the transformation of culture on Idaho's Snake River plain, 1805--1927

The protean career: A quarter-century journey

The physiological demands of table tennis: a review

Ping-pong amplification of a retroviral vector achieves high-level gene expression: human growth hormone production

Not fallen, but flooded: the war department supply bureaus in 1917

The playground of the peritext

Adverse events after discontinuing medications in elderly outpatients

An interpretation of Michelangelo's Creation of Adam based on neuroanatomy

Heparin binding to plasma proteins, an important mechanism for heparin resistance

The influence of user-generated content on traveler behavior: An empirical investigation on the effects of e-word-of-mouth to hotel online bookings

Statistics: difficult concepts, understandable explanations

Teaching speaking: Activities to promote speaking in a second language

Transduction: host DNA transfer by bacteriophages

Papers in microbial genetics, bacteria and bacterial viruses

The modern concept of the procaryote

Visualizing chromosome dynamics with GFP

Making things public

Aristotle's poetics

Effects of milking on dairy cow gait

Israel's dead soul

A problem-solving formulation of depression: A literature review and proposal of a pluralistic model

A laboratory task for induction of mood states

The whats, whys, hows and whos of content-based instruction in second/foreign language education

Teaching English as a second or foreign language

Antenna engineering handbook


Pruitt-Igoe: Survival in a Concrete Ghetto

The Virtue of Thoreau: Biography, Geography, and History in Walden Woods

Factors affecting food choice in relation to venison: A South African example

Friluftsliv: The Scandinavian philosophy of outdoor life

Mining Archaeology in the American West

Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, and Pb isotope systematics of pyrite: Implications for the age and genesis of lode gold deposits

Faraday force magnetometer for high-sensitivity magnetization measurements at very low temperatures and high fields

Quantum annealing and computation: a brief documentary note

Theory of Bose-Einstein condensation in trapped gases

Laser-induced molecular alignment probed by a double-pulse experiment

A study on cultural and environmental basics at formal elements of Persian gardens (before & after Islam

Encyclopedia of Bioethics, 5 Volume Set

Triple Cross: How bin Laden\'s Master Spy Penetrated the CIA, the Green Berets, and the FBI--and Why Patrick Fitzgerald Failed to Stop Him

Is happy better than sad even if they are both non-adaptive? Effects of emotional expressions of talking-head interface agents

Consumer value systems in the age of postmodern fragmentation: The case of the natural health microculture

Adolescent screen time and rules to limit screen time in the home

Encyclopedia> Tutankhamun

Economic and environmental threats of alien plant, animal, and microbe invasions

HOSTS―a Database of the World's Lepidopteran Hostplants

Lucid dreaming: Psychophysiological studies of consciousness during REM sleep

The adaptation and function of myth in a Neopagan congregation

Lucid dreaming: Psychophysiological studies of consciousness during REM sleep

Dangerous Subjects: James D. Saules and the Enforcement of the Color Line in Oregon

Traditional birth attendants and maternal mortality in Ghana

Victorian spectacle: Julia Pastrana, the bearded and hairy female

A Transliteration and Translation of the Pahlavi Treatise'Wonders of Sagastān'A Transliteration and Translation of the Pahlavi Treatise'Wonders of Sagastan

African Musicology: A Bibliographical Guide to Nigerian Art Music (1927-2009

Nano-structured particles production using pulsed laser ablation of gold plate in supercritical CO2

Implementing corporate strategy:: From Tableaux de Bord to balanced scorecards

Development of CHARM Pad: a Multi-viewpoint Knowledge Browsing System Towards Goal-oriented Learning of Nursing Actions and its Practical Use in

Mind Reading: The Interactive Guide to Emotions


The american prose poem

Two-photon annihilation into octet meson pairs: Symmetry relations in the handbag approach

Medicinal plants and traditional medicine in Africa

The extraterritoriality of the literature for our planet

Mimicry, Spatial Captation, and Feng Shui in Han Ong's Fixer Chao

Nathan Bedford Forrest: A Case Study of Operational Leadership

The Messy Birth of The Stonewall Brigade with Dennis Frye

A documentary survey of a one block parcel in downtown Chattanooga, Tennessee: Broad to Chestnut, Third to Fourth Streets

Lee's Tigers: The Louisiana Infantry in the Army of Northern Virginia

One-pot synthesis of penta-and hepta-saccharides from monomeric mannose building blocks using the principles of orthogonality and reactivity tuning

and direct synthesis of saccharidic 1, 2-ethylidenes, orthoesters, and glycals from peracetylated sugars via the in situ generation of glycosyl iodides with I2/Et3SiH

Clinical applications of chemiluminescence

Mass spectrometry and proteomics

Dimensions of the eco-city

Comparisons of asset pricing models in the Egyptian stock market

Daniel Barenboim Plays Bach Goldberg Variations Directed by Christopher Nupen

Rural Reading in Northwest England: The Sedbergh Book Club, 1728-1928

Aircraft and birds

Climate Related Risks and Opportunities for Agricultural Adaptation in Semi-Arid Eastern Kenya

The new complete guide to beekeeping

Influence of citrus orchard ground cover plants on arthropod communities in China: a review

Passion flowers and passion fruit

War, aggression and state crime: A criminological analysis of the invasion and occupation of Iraq

Sovereignty as responsibility

Selected list of books and journals in allied health

Vital signs and estimated blood loss in patients with major trauma: testing the validity of the ATLS classification of hypovolaemic shock

Classic cult fiction: a companion to popular cult literature

Engineers have more sons, nurses have more daughters: an evolutionary psychological extension of Baron-Cohen's extreme male brain theory of autism

Analysing Accounting Statements and Information for the Financial Management of a Company XY

Investment science

Neo-liberal urban planning policies: A literature survey 1990-2010

Modern western magic and Theosophy

Ethics for Accountants & Auditors

Alternative states and positive feedbacks in restoration ecology

Considerazioni intorno al rapporto fra Eliade e Jung alla luce della corrispondenza

Alzheimer's disease normative cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers validated in PET amyloid-β characterized subjects from the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle

Alzheimer's disease normative cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers validated in PET amyloid-β characterized subjects from the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle

Alzheimer's disease normative cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers validated in PET amyloid-β characterized subjects from the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle

Alzheimer's disease normative cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers validated in PET amyloid-β characterized subjects from the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle

Alzheimer's disease normative cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers validated in PET amyloid-β characterized subjects from the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle

Alzheimer's disease normative cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers validated in PET amyloid-β characterized subjects from the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle

Alzheimer's disease normative cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers validated in PET amyloid-β characterized subjects from the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle

Extended theories of gravity

Probing additional dimensions in the universe with neutron experiments

Strong-field tests of gravity using pulsars and black holes

The impossibility of a universal relativistic temperature transformation

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Worrying about emotions in history

Role of TBX1 in human del22q11. 2 syndrome

The historical Jesus: The life of a Mediterranean Jewish peasant

Scaling law of the biological evolution and the hypothesis of the self-consistent Galaxy origin of life

Matthew 1-7

Christ and Time the Primitive Christian Conception of Time and History

Yeast and yeast derivatives in feed additives and ingredients: Sources, characteristics, animal responses, and quantification methods

An Atmosphere of Uncertainty'The Struggle Over Mormon Polygamy in 1850s Utah

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Extensions of TOPSIS for multi-objective large-scale nonlinear programming problems

Process analysis and simulation: deterministic systems

A survey of several finite difference methods for systems of nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws

Process heat transfer

Mechanics and thermodynamics of propulsion

Art with wit, and deeper meanings

The effect of extensive listening on developing L2 listening fluency: Some hard evidence

Progress towards wheat varieties with resistance to Fusarium head blight

Longitudinal detection of dementia through lexical and syntactic changes in writing: a case study of three British novelists

Myelodysplastic syndrome

Sulfide oxidation and distribution of metals near abandoned copper mines in coastal environments, Prince William Sound, Alaska, USA

Decision making in Greek and English registered nurses in coronary care units

The value of role modelling: perceptions of undergraduate and diploma nursing (adult) students

Decision making in Greek and English registered nurses in coronary care units

True gardens of the gods: Californian-Australian environmental reform, 1860-1930

True gardens of the gods: Californian-Australian environmental reform, 1860-1930

Student midwives' views of 'learning to be a midwife'in Ireland

Food allergy. Provocative testing and injection therapy

Chemicals in War. A Treatise on Chemical Warfare

The new perspective on Paul

An Annotated Bibliography of Information Resources Chronicling The Jewish Experience In New Zealand: From 1828 to 2012

People's Padre: An Autobiography (1954), by Emmett McLoughlin

The knowledge toolbox:: A review of the tools available to measure and manage intangible resources

El maravilloso mundo de El Tesoro de la Juventud: apuntes históricos de una enciclopedia para niños

La espiritualidad y el yo como bases de una militancia en la vida

Hábitos alimenticios, peso y metabolismo

Exercise physiology: Human bioenergetics and its applications

Introduction to research in health, physical education, recreation, and dance

Secondary prevention through cardiac rehabilitation: position paper of the Working Group on Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Physiology of the European Society

Resistive training and selected effects

Applied multivariate statistical analysis

Applied multivariate statistical analysis

Managing dying residents

HIV/AIDS-related stigma and discrimination: Accounts of HIV-positive Caribbean people in the United Kingdom

A new approach for crew pairing problems by column generation with an application to air transportation

A Concordance of the Qur'an

Transforming frameworks of accountability: the case of water privatization

Membership in the CFA Zone: Odyssean journey or Trojan horse

Banishing the Coercion of Despair: Le Chambon-Sur-Lignon and the Holocaust Today

Global public-private partnerships: part Ia new development in health

CMB-S4 science book

Lloyd George and Winston Churchill's Appeasement Articles in Britain's Inter-War Local Newspapers

Introduction to fireworks algorithm

Judging a book by its cover: Publishing trends in young adult literature

Introduction to fireworks algorithm

The influence of cam-follower motion on elastohydrodynamic film thickness

Effect of nozzle orifice geometry on spray, combustion, and emission characteristics under diesel engine conditions

Low-tech industries and the knowledge economy: state of the art and research challenges

Test-access mechanism optimization for core-based three-dimensional SOCs

Dancing with the Bag Lady

Writing in the Dark, and: Voc Rehab, and: A Good Day (1), and: Company, and: Lonely in the House of Love

T he B ulle T in

The sociology of financial markets

Regions, globalization, and the knowledge-based economy

Improved bridge evaluation through finite element model updating using static and dynamic measurements

Orientalism's Corporeal Dimension: Tattooed Bodies and Eighteenth-Century Oceans

Art history: The basics

Key concepts in cinema studies

Lambda Calculi: a guide for the perplexed

The art of listening

The death (and life) of American theater criticism: Advice to the young critic

Illustrations, text, and the child reader: what are pictures in children's storybooks for

EIS adoption, use, and impact: the executive perspective

Things and the Qing: Mongol Culture in the Visual Narrative

Individual interests and collective action: Studies in rationality and social change

The American Solidier—An Expository Review

Chiral Lagrangians as a tool to probe the symmetry breaking sector of the SM at LEP

The effect of income and collateral constraints on residential mortgage terminations

Assessing building performance: Its evolution from post-occupancy evaluation

Knowledge, skills and abilities of information systems professionals: past, present, and future

Vocational cognition: Accuracy of 3rd-, 6th-, 9th-, and 12th-grade students

Macroforces driving change into the new millennium—major challenges for the hospitality professional

Vocational cognition: Accuracy of 3rd-, 6th-, 9th-, and 12th-grade students

Vocational cognition: Accuracy of 3rd-, 6th-, 9th-, and 12th-grade students

Labor-management cooperation in the public sector: changing the workplace culture for the 21st century: an honors thesis (HONRS 499

Territorial shock: toward a theory of change

Texts Memorized, Texts Performed: A Reconsideration of the Role of Paritta in Sri Lankan Monastic Education

Contributions of leisure studies and recreation and park management research to the active living agenda

Two hearts in three-quarter time: How to waltz the social media/viral marketing dance

International Criminal Law: Cases and Materials

International Criminal Law: Cases and Materials

Adolescent antecedents of high-risk driving behavior into young adulthood: substance use and parental influences

Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches

A consumers' republic: The politics of mass consumption in postwar America

Function-analysis and valuation as a tool to assess land use conflicts in planning for sustainable, multi-functional landscapes

The land use—transport connection: An overview

Some Reflections on Manuel Castells' Book Networks of Outrage and Hope. Social Movements in the Internet Age

Land-use change in the 'edgelands': Policies and pressures in London's rural-urban fringe

Understanding Creationism after Kitzmiller

Restless legs syndrome: diagnostic criteria, special considerations, and epidemiology: a report from the restless legs syndrome diagnosis and epidemiology workshop

Practical and theoretical geoarchaeology

Protesting at the crossroads: Framing 'in-between places' in spatial analyses of contention

Positron emission tomography and autoradiography: principles and applications for the brain and heart

New solvent-free organic synthesis using focused microwaves

Wanted: new multicomponent reactions for generating libraries of polycyclic natural products

Computational chemical synthesis analysis and pathway design

Polymers of intrinsic microporosity (PIMs): organic materials for membrane separations, heterogeneous catalysis and hydrogen storage

Recent developments in carbon dioxide utilization for the production of organic chemicals

Carbon-carbon bond formation via hypervalent iodine oxidations

Microwaves in organic synthesis. Thermal and non-thermal microwave effects

Catalytic C-H amination: recent progress and future directions

Open-book management: Its promise and pitfalls

Positive affect, cognitive processes, and social behavior

Geographically weighted regression: the analysis of spatially varying relationships

A Rhetorical Analysis of the Preaching of Asahel Nettleton in The Second Great Awakening

Moose Jaw's Great Escape: Constructing Tunnels, Deconstructing Heritage, Marketing Places

Unsentimental ethics: Towards a content-specific account of the moral-conventional distinction

Brain norepinephrine and stomach ulcers in rats exposed to chronic conflict

Encyclopedia of the Human Brain, Four-Volume Set

Chronic use of opioid analgesics in non-malignant pain: report of 38 cases

Footprints on the land: an assessment of demographic trends and the future of natural lands in the United States

Mortality and morbidity: the Matlab experience

Population and development: a survey

Coming of age in Samoa

Mothering children who have disabilities: A Bourdieusian interpretation of maternal practices

Childless Mothers and Motherless Children: Fantasies of Postcolonial Reproduction in The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency

The Sistrum-and How to Make One

Intersections of music and science in experimental violins of the Nineteenth Century

Fuel properties and calculation of higher heating values of vegetable oils

The cyborg mermaid (or: how Technè can help the misfits fit in

In Exile Imprisonment'in Russia

Early Madhyamika in India and China

Does electoral accountability affect economic policy choices? Evidence from gubernatorial term limits

Environmental impacts of a North American free trade agreement

From NAFTA to hemisphere free trade

EDICAM fast video diagnostic installation on the COMPASS tokamak

Mix smart: Pro audio tips for your multitrack mix

3D and VR models in Civil Engineering education: Construction, rehabilitation and maintenance

The Christian Brothers in Tasmania: a portrait, 1911-1988

Aestheticism's Afterlife: Wallace Stevens as Interior Decorator and Disruptor

Risk management in a dynamic society: a modelling problem

Quantitative analysis of culture using millions of digitized books

War and memory in the twentieth century

Association between a novel human coronavirus and Kawasaki disease

The Study of Piano Concerto for Left-Hand in Single Movement

Aleister Crowley: His Story and Legacy

Philosophy, Science and Exegesis in Greek, Arabic and Latin Commentaries; Vol. 1

The Strange Happiness of Being Abroad: Dorothy Richardson's Oberland

An eleventh century gospel book from Le Cateau

Diagnostics and protection of Hagia Sophia mosaics

Audience diversity, participation and interpretation

The Gospel of the Acts of John: Its Relation to the Fourth Gospel

Atrocity, codes of conduct and the Irish in the British Civil wars 1641-1653

earl of Clarendon

From Peacemaking to Peacebuilding: The Multiple Endings of England's Long Civil Wars

The Grand Tour and the Great Rebellion: Richard Lassels and The Voyage of Italy in the Seventeenth Century

Early language learning with and without music

An unexplored domain of nonlocality: Toward a scientific explanation of instrumental transcommunication

Revisión de manuales de español para extranjeros

De padres, filiaciones y malas memorias.¿ Qué historia de qué antropología

Un currículo interdisciplinario de base teórica para enseñar inglés como segunda lengua

El Brand Book como herramienta clave para adaptar la comunicación de una marca extranjera en el mercado colombiano

Factorial invariance and latent mean differences of scores on the achievement goal tendencies questionnaire across gender and age in a sample of Spanish students

EAP: Issues and directions

Aportaciones y retos de la investigación en la didáctica de las ciencias sociales

Waterfalls resources for tourism

Using Young Hoosier Book Award winners to teach language arts: a curricular guide for elementary teachers: an honors thesis (HONRS 499

A house performs

A new and stranger sight: allegory, emblems, and interactive images in a seventeenth-century Puritan toy book

Not One Looks like My Daughter!: How American Girl Makes History Hegemony

Research Fellow with the IPPR which published her 'True Colours' on the role of government on racial attitudes. Tony Blair launched the book in March 1999

The Victorian Internet: The remarkable story of the telegraph and the nineteenth century's online pioneers

Observations: changes in snow, ice and frozen ground

Guarding the guardians: Civilian control of nuclear weapons in the United States

Species-area curves and populations of large mammals in African savanna reserves

The Cambridge illustrated history of astronomy

The floating pound and the sterling area

Re-charting the present: feminist revision of canonical narratives by contemporary women writers

Effect of a participatory intervention with women's groups on birth outcomes in Nepal: cluster-randomised controlled trial

The Moral Economy of Trade: ethnicity and developing markets

First aid for failing flaps

Fethullah Gulen: spiritual leader in a global Islamic context

Jews and Judaism in Classical Sufi Literature

I Was a Hidden Treasure'. Some Notes On a Commentary Ascribed to Mullā Ṣadrā Shīrāzī: Sharḥ Ḥadīth:'Kuntu Kanzan Makhfiyyan


Introduction: the study and history of genocide

Gender and the priesthood of Christ: a theological reflection

A scanning electron microscopy study of the growth and attack on wood by three white-rot fungi and their cellulase-less mutants

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Emotion science cognitive and neuroscientific approaches to understanding human emotions

the Law

Untangling the effects of shared book reading: Multiple factors and their associations with preschool literacy outcomes

Mission in the New Testament: An evangelical approach

The Social Justice Debates in Psychology and Theology: Thoughts on Turning the World Upside Down

China and the global market for forest products: Transforming trade to benefit forests and livelihoods

The environmental competitiveness of small modular reactors: A life cycle study

The Constitution Follows the Flag...but Doesn't Quite Catch Up with It: The Story of Downes v. Bidwell

Hello Mrs. Scribbles: Storytelling, identity and teacher research in the kindergarten


Lexicography and the Evolution of Consciousness: A study of Owen Barfield's History in English Words

Phenolic profile and antioxidant activity of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) during fruit maturation and ripening

Thermochemical hydrogen production: past and present

Altruistic World Online Library

Helping smokers make decisions: the enhancement of brief intervention for general medical practice

The mediating influence of trust in the adoption of the mobile wallet

Relationship Selling

Robot-assisted movement training compared with conventional therapy techniques for the rehabilitation of upper-limb motor function after stroke

A comparison of outcomes in osteoarthritis patients undergoing total hip and knee replacement surgery

Self-recovery and the similia principle: an experimental model

Health communication: lessons from family planning and reproductive health

What we know and don't know about online word-of-mouth: A review and synthesis of the literature

The silencing of Simone de Beauvoir guess what's missing from the second sex

Preparation et caracterisation des polymeres tete-a-tete—VI. Proprietes physicochimiques du polystyrene tete-a-tete en solution diluee. Comparaison avec des

Integrated high-precision analyses of Holocene relative sea-level changes: lessons from the coast of Maine

Japanese tourists in Finland, Estonia and Latvia-a literature review

Promoting Cultural Tourism

A short history of nearly everything

Training for transformation: a handbook for community workers. Book 2

The Energy-Climate Literacy Imperative: Why Energy Education Must Close the Loop on Changing Climate

Cyberpunk, War, and Money: Neal Stephenson's Cryptonomicon

The relationship of social context of drinking, perceived social norms, and parental influence to various drinking patterns of adolescents

Death in the dark: Midnight executions in America

Effects on violence of laws and policies facilitating the transfer of juveniles from the juvenile justice system to the adult justice system: a systematic review

On preventing drunk driving recidivism: An examination of rehabilitation and punishment approaches

Industry funding and university professors' research performance

Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus

The nature of thought, vol. 2

Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus

80-square Chess

How to beat Capablanca

The Chess Problem in Chaucer's Book of the Duchess

Using patterns and plans in chess

the entire wiki with video and photo galleries find something interesting to watch in seconds

Blazing an evaluation pathway: Lessons learned from applying utilization-focused evaluation to a conservation education program

Social competence with peers in young children: Developmental sequences

Investigation of the effects of a model of physical therapy on mother-child interactions and the motor behaviors of children with motor delay

Nonmaternal care and family factors in early development: An overview of the NICHD Study of Early Child Care

Field Marshal Montgomery's Role in the Creation of the British 21st Army Group's Combined Arms Doctrine for the Final Assault on Germany

Humor as a coping mechanism: Lessons from POWs

Defining military culture

The Indian Army in Africa and Asia, 1940-42: Implications for the Planning and Execution of Two Nearly-Simultaneous Campaigns

Military loyalty in the colonial context: A case study of the Indian army during World War II

Camps; Depopulation of Memphis; Epidemics, 1878 and 1879

Pattern and diversity in the Early Neolithic mortuary practices of Britain and Ireland: contextualising the treatment of the dead

The changing American college student: Thirty-year trends, 1966-1996

Ghosts of Premodernity: Butoh and the Avant-Garde

Embeddedness, the new food economy and defensive localism

Pre-industrial cities and technology

Fragments from a medieval archive: the life and death of Sir Robert Constable

The Social Entrepreneur's Handbook

The development and diffusion of customer relationship management (CRM) intelligence in business-to-business environments

Development of Key Competences in CRM Field and E-learning

Comparisons of disparities and risks of HIV infection in black and other men who have sex with men in Canada, UK, and USA: a meta-analysis

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS): The Next Hype of Cloud Computing


Oxidation protection of ultra-high temperature ceramic ZrxTa1− xB2-SiC/SiC coating prepared by in-situ reaction method for carbon/carbon composites

A braze system for sealing metal-supported solid oxide fuel cells

Manufacturing engineering and technology

Measuring Situation Awareness in complex systems: Comparison of measures study

CVD diamond detectors

The Bike Kitchen business plan

Eating identities: reading food in Asian American literature

The Dalai Lama's secret temple: tantric wall paintings from Tibet

The Guernica Effect: The Power and Legacy of Picasso's Guernica

Seed security in Badakshan, Afghanistan

Programming Ruby: the pragmatic programmers' guide

An introduction to Object-oriented programming with Java

Object-oriented programming using C

Use and abuse of reusable learning objects

An introduction to Object-oriented programming with Java

An encounter with grounded theory: Tackling the practical and philosophical issues

Read me first for a user's guide to qualitative research

Grounded theory and social process: A new direction for leadership research

Constructivist grounded theory

Behavioural adaptations of intertidal molluscs from a tropical sandy beach

My game book

The operational imperative: sense and nonsense in operationism

Speak Silence: Rhetoric and Culture in Blake's' Poetical Sketches

Mood disorders in stroke patients: importance of location of lesion

Politics and Pleasure at the Iowa Straw Poll: A Participant Observation

Tiger tales

Arts & Crafts

E-commerce: the role of familiarity and trust

The emergence of econophysics: A new approach in modern financial theory

Contemplating delivery: futures trading and the problem of commodity exchange in the United States, 1875-1905

Predicting financial crashes using discrete scale invariance

Trade policy and economic welfare

Reciprocity and retaliation in US trade policy

Endogenous tariffs and trade adjustment assistance

The World Bank and the persistence of poverty in poor countries

Does bilateralism promote trade? Nineteenth century liberalization revisited

Toward an integrative view of strategic human resource management

Globalization strategy in the hotel industry

Total quality-oriented human resources management

The changing psychological contract: the human resource challenge of the 1990s

Sexual Economics, Chaucer's Wife of Bath, and The Book of Margery Kempe

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Closed gastroschisis: total parenteral nutrition-free survival with aggressive attempts at bowel preservation and intestinal adaptation

Why Write Fantasy? A Mythopoeic Conference XIV Panel

Messages from a mountain


High sensitivity of future global warming to land carbon cycle processes

Amino acids in animal nutrition

GPCRDB information system for G protein-coupled receptors

Signaling through G proteins and G protein-coupled receptors during platelet activation

Structure-based drug design: progress, results and challenges

Structural insights into adrenergic receptor function and pharmacology

Signaling through G proteins and G protein-coupled receptors during platelet activation

Pain and stress in a systems perspective: reciprocal neural, endocrine, and immune interactions

Muscarinic control of airway function

Left OutAfro-Latinos, Black Baseball, and the Revision of Baseball's Racial History

Changing racial labels: From colored to negro to Black to African American

STRATEGY# 2 Best Seats in the House

When East Meets West: A Sweet and Sour Encounter in Ang Lee's The Wedding Banquet

Responses of photosynthesis, chlorophyll fluorescence and ROS-scavenging systems to salt stress during seedling and reproductive stages in rice

The antibacterial compound sulphoglycerolipid 1-0 palmitoyl-3-0 (6′-sulpho-α-quinovopyranosyl)-glycerol from Sargassum wightii Greville (Phaeophyceae

Outdoor algal mass cultures—II. Photosynthetic yield limitations

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Molecular evolution

Fast computation of close-coupling exchange integrals using polynomials in a tree representation

Colorful Language of the Rural Midwest, with special emphasis on Missouri and Missourians

Knowledge acquisition and knowledge representation with class: the object-oriented paradigm

Use case driven object modeling with UML

Use case driven object modeling with UML

Queer country: Rural lesbian and gay lives

The Secret Lives of Alexandra David-Neel: a Biography of the Explorer of Tibet and its Forbidden Practices

Complete idiot's guide to fitness

Vertigo's Archival Impulse as Memorious Discourse by Christophe Dony

Hogwarts, Muggles and Quidditch: A Study of the Translation of Names in JK Rowling's Harry Potter Books

Daily hydrological modeling in the Amazon basin using TRMM rainfall estimates

Using evidence of household income diversification to inform study of the rural nonfarm labor market in Africa

The political economy of slums: Theory and evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa

How does financial pressure affect firms

Who will watch (over) me? Humane monitoring in dementia care

Ancient woodland, its history, vegetation and uses in England

Assurance of security in maritime supply chains: Conceptual issues of vulnerability and crisis management

Trustworthiness in electronic commerce: the role of privacy, security, and site attributes

Ultrasonographic femur-tibial length ratio: a marker of Down syndrome from the late second trimester

Spatial patterns of package tourism in Europe

Guarding authenticity at literary tourism sites

Package mountaineer tourists holidaying in the French Alps: An evaluation of key influences encouraging their participation

Freedom and Ballgowns: Elizabeth Keckley and the Work of Domesticity

Ralph Ellison and the problem of cultural authority

Magical Realism in Literary Quest for Afro-American Identity


Cinema at the end of empire: A politics of transition in Britain and India

Excessive daydreaming: A case history and discussion of mind wandering and high fantasy proneness

A spatial analysis of multiple airport cities

Failures and complications in 92 consecutively inserted overdentures supported by Brånemark implants in severely resorbed edentulous maxillae: a study from

Principles of Christian theology

Screen Printing Technology Hand Book

Gideon's Response and Jotham's Fable: Two Anti-Monarchial Texts in a Pro-Monarchial Book

Kinetics of the reactive sintering of kaolinite-aluminum hydroxide extrudate

US Department of State

The Neal Dawkins Story: Gideon's Dew

The taoist body

Direct reference: From language to thought

Amino acids in the neuronal microenvironment of focal human epileptic lesions

Functional maturation of hPSC-derived forebrain interneurons requires an extended timeline and mimics human neural development

Incidence and risk factors of central nervous system recurrence in aggressive lymphoma—a survey of 1693 patients treated in protocols of the German High

The avian embryo: structural and functional development

Neurodegenerative diseases and oxidative stress

Centrality, rapidity and transverse momentum dependence of J/ψ suppression in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN= 2.76 TeV

Using Teacher Dialogue to Bring Nature Based Learning to Kindergarten: The Hippo Inquiry

Identity in the Siyagruva Series of novels: Toward an intercultural

When the Old World Unraveled

The Unspeakable Girl

The grouping of affect terms according to the situations that elicit them: A test of a cognitive theory of emotion

Time series analysis

The Will to Orthodoxy: A Critical Genealogy of Northern Chan Buddhism

Social movement theory and the sociology of religion: Toward a new synthesis

The Dhammapada--The Buddha's Path of Wisdom

The Hīnayāna Fallacy

Buddha philosophy and western psychology

Epistemic relativism and the problem of the criterion

Jane Addams

Essays in self-criticism

Facilitating development: The role of business groups

Complex business models: Managing strategic paradoxes simultaneously

Sleeping Beauty

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in a 19th century children's book

The Illustrated Treasury of Children's Literature

Tikkun Leil Shavuot

Statistical methods in cancer research. Vol. 1. The analysis of case-control studies

Religion and place attachment: A study of sacred places

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Journey Through Genius: The great theorems of mathematics

Comic Romance

The shudder of a cinephiliac idea? Videographic film studies practice as material thinking

La dimensión política de la demonología cristiana en el Fortalitium Fidei de Alonso de Espina (Castilla, siglo XV):'A facie inimici

Performing the surplus, making a spectacle: male street dance crews on television talent shows

Brexit: understanding the socio-economic origins and consequences

Taxonomies of User-Authentication Methods in Computer Networks

Are physicians ready for patients with Internet-based health information

The SEMA referential framework: Avoiding ambiguities in the terms security and safety

Beyond best practice road safety thinking and systems management-a case for culture change research

Consoling Heliodorus: A Commentary on Jerome Letter 60



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After words: The personal in gender, culture, and psychotherapy

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HA Welker and Pedagogical Lexicography

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Malaria and Culieldae In the Philippine Islands: History and Critical Bibliography, 1898 to 1933

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Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works


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Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

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Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

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Effective advice in decisions for war: beyond objective control

War and thanatourism: Waterloo 1815-1914

The Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green, or an Idea in Need of a Publisher

Algebraic theory of processes

Invitation to fixed-parameter algorithms

A qualitative meta-analysis of computer games as learning tools

The Problem of Magic and Monotheism in the Book of Leviticus

Reality pawns: The new money TV

Multiple murder and criminal careers: A latent class analysis of multiple homicide offenders

Derived emergence of WH question-answers in children with autism

Writing across the curriculum: Putting theory into practice in animal science courses

19th century Germany: politics, culture and society 1780-1918

Parent-child interactions during traditional and computer storybook reading for children's comprehension: implications for electronic storybook design

Reading electronic books as a support for vocabulary, story comprehension and word reading in kindergarten and first grade

Terror in the Name of God

The world's wisdom: Sacred texts of the world's religions

Oedipus and Akhnaton

The natural rate of unemployment

Structural funding and employment in the European Union

Systems analysis of adverse drug events

Participatory networks: the library as conversation

Health information literacy and competencies of information age students: results from the interactive online Research Readiness Self-Assessment (RRSA

Not in love, or not in the know? Graduate student and faculty use (and non-use) of e-books

Undergraduate student-faculty research partnerships affect student retention

E-books and new library service models: An analysis of the impact of ebook technology on academic libraries

Instructional support for enhancing students' information problem solving ability

A Model for the Future

Public diplomacy

Working together to rebuild health care in post-conflict Somaliland

Misfinancing global health: a case for transparency in disbursements and decision making

Trade interdependence and direct foreign investment between ASEAN and China

The challenge of cooperation: regulatory trade barriers in the transatlantic trade and investment partnership

Idiosyncratic dialects and error analysis

Developing legal writing materials for English second language learners: Problems and perspectives

International Criminal Law: Cases and Materials

International Criminal Law: Cases and Materials

International human rights litigation in US courts

Fixed expressions in English: reference books and the teacher

Sleep paralysis in medieval Persia-the Hidayat of Akhawayni (?-983 AD

Effects of rabbit gastrointestinal mucins and dextran on hydrochloride diffusion in vitro

Darius Milhaud: modality & structure in music of the 1920s

Darius Milhaud: modality & structure in music of the 1920s

The late choral works of Igor Stravinsky: a reception history

The language of music

Exceptional creativity across the life span: The emergence and manifestation of creative genius

The other Stravinsky

Subcategories within the emerging genre of the verse novel

The role of urban parks for the sustainable city

Subcategories within the emerging genre of the verse novel

Framing abuse: Media influence and public understanding of sexual violence against children

Selection Criteria for Using Commercial Off the Shelf Games (COTS) for Learning

Social-emotional learning and students' transition from kindergarten to primary school in Italy

Measurement and correction of linear optics and coupling at tevatron complex

The story of law

Environment, disease and mortality in early Virginia

Emergence of a free press

Tell Atrib 1985-1995 IV. Faience Objects. PAM Monograph Series 5

Merenptah's Confrontations In The Western Desert And The Delta

Francophone North African Literature

Francophone North African Literature

The Hello, Goodbye Window

The Illustrated Treasury of Children's Literature

Cognitive mobilization and electoral support for the Democratic Party in Hong Kong

Migration, gender and social justice: connecting research and practice networks; final technical report (October 2010 to March 2013

Male access and success in higher education

Transport Together with the Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee relating to the Report, Written Submissions, Memoranda and the Minutes of Evidence

Meaning in work and emerging work identities of housing support workers: A quest for a comprehensible plot

School-age children talking about humor: Data from focus groups

Teachers' sense of efficacy and their beliefs about managing students

Quality of language and literacy instruction in preschool classrooms serving at-risk pupils

Family influences on pediatric asthma

Personal concerns and their causes: Perceptions of Hong Kong Chinese adolescent students

Philo of Alexandria: An annotated bibliography 1997-2006

Conversation at home: A case study of a young deaf child's communication experiences in a family in which all others can hear

Chinese students' perceptions of ESL peer response group interaction

A Treatise of the Pleas of the Crown

18 chapters in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

A Treatise of the Pleas of the Crown

The geography of biography, the biography of geography: rewriting the Dictionary of National Biography

A Treatise of the Pleas of the Crown

The geography of biography, the biography of geography: rewriting the Dictionary of National Biography

Diaspora, identity and the media: Diasporic transnationalism and mediated spatialities

Patricia Highsmith

Kansas Honor Flight-Wamego High School: service and sacrifice, promise and potential

Multimodal Composing with GoAnimate

Reading Development across Linked Stories: Anna Fienberg's Tashi Series and The Magnificent Nose and Other Marvels

The role and symbolism of the dragon in vernacular saints' legends, 1200-1500

Hamster Princess: Harriet the Invincible by Ursula Vernon

Competing on the Internet:: The case of Amazon. com

Account Book Style of Narrative and Textual Construction of Ancient Chinese Novels

Women in VajrayĀna Buddhism--the Embodiment of Wisdom and Enlightenment in Traditionally Male-oriented Buddhism

The Best of None! Spinsterhood in Nineteenth-Century New England

A study on the comprehensive indicator of indoor environment assessment for occupants' health in Taiwan

Cultivating resiliency in youth

Benign Anarchy: Alcoholics Anonymous in Ireland

Truth and DARE: Tracking Drug Education to Graduation and as Symbolic Politics

Predictors of alcohol use during the first year of college: Implications for prevention

The legacy of 'normalisation': The role of classical and contemporary criminological theory in understanding young people's drug use

The culture of knitting

Teacher induction and elementary science teaching: Enhancing self-efficacy

Altitude training for improving swimming performance at sea level

No habrá cambio social sin revisar el poder desde el feminismo

En busca de un nuevo El Dorado: Análisis del fenómeno migratorio

Las hijas de Ana Frank. Diarios íntimos y adolescencia

Diseño de un Plan de Marketing para la Empresa Librería Clásica y Moderna en la Ciudad de Quito

Las bandas sonoras como base de la audición activa: experiencias educativas para el desarrollo musical infantil[Music for films as a basis of active listening

Nueva lectura de Niebla: Kierkegaard y el amor

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Hand of fire: the comics art of Jack Kirby

Una mujer con la cabeza llena de palabras: Gioconda Belli: escribir como testiga

Auckland-New Zealand

The US-Canada softwood lumber trade dispute: What we know and what we need to know

A new dawn for citizen science

Financial markets and corporate strategy

Renewable resource economists and policy: What differences have we made

Not Yet Democracy: reforming land tenure in Tanzania

Environmental ethics

Structural levels of mental illness stigma and discrimination

Inquiring into the temporary organization: new directions for project management research

Abstract settings for tangential boundary stabilization of Navier-Stokes equations by high-and low-gain feedback controllers

Controller design for Markov jumping systems subject to actuator saturation

Exponential stabilisability of finite-dimensional linear systems with limited data rates

Continuous nonsingular terminal sliding mode control for systems with mismatched disturbances

Neural networks for control systems—a survey

A review on the design and optimization of interval type-2 fuzzy controllers

Robust stabilization of linear systems with norm-bounded time-varying uncertainty

Robust constrained model predictive control using linear matrix inequalities

Blogs and Book Promotion: Measuring Success

Fusarium species: their biology and toxicology

Christmas Poems

Singing in the Ice

The'atmosphere of the place and the spirit of the people': why historians visit battlefields when writing operational history.[A version of this paper was presented at the

Intermediate Environmental Economics: International Edition

An exercise in course-book evaluation: Strengths, weaknesses, and recommendations regarding New English file: Elementary

Jahn-Teller distortions in solid C20 and other fullerene structures

Street fight: the politics of mobility in San Francisco

Baseball and television origins: The case of the Cubs

John M. Rosenfield (1924-2013

Isaianic Traditions in the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha

Principles and practice in second language acquisition

Patterns of language learning strategy use

Synthetic fibres for fishing gear


Letter knowledge predicts Grade 4 reading fluency and reading comprehension

Reading motivation and reading comprehension growth in the later elementary years

Effectiveness of a wheelchair skills training program for powered wheelchair users: a randomized controlled trial

Tied Up in Tehran

Navigating ambivalence

The praeger handbook on stress and coping

Tag: nonfiction

Short story theory at a crossroads

New literacies: Everyday practices and classroom learning

Banishing words and stories: censorship in Banda's Malawi

Ocr Religious Ethics for as and A2

Art, biography, and philosophy three aspects of John McGahern's short fiction as exemplified by Gold watch, Like all other men, and The white boat

It's time there was an app for that too: A usability study of mobile timebanking

Recruiting strangers and friends: Moral shocks and social networks in animal rights and anti-nuclear protests

Hydride formation during cathodicpolarization of Ti—I. Effect of current density on kinetics of growth and composition of hydride

Determination of corrosion rates by electrochemical DC and AC methods

4-Amino-3-butyl-5-mercapto-1, 2, 4-triazole: a new corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in sulphuric acid

Mechanical properties of jute-reinforced plastics

Ceramic materials for thermal barrier coatings

English Literature of the 1920s

Corrosion engineering: principles and practice

Seychelles: A case study of community involvement in the development of whale shark ecotourism and its socio-economic impact

Weed management in established tall creole coconut groves

A New Bibliography of Elizabeth Colson

Political theologies in late colonial Buganda

Economic botany in the Indian Ocean: official and unofficial botanical gardens on Ile de France and Ile de Bourbon under the French regime, 1735-1810

Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) on Fregate Island, Seychelles: the invasion; subsequent eradication attempts and implications for the island's fauna

Amphibians and reptiles of Madagascar and the Mascarene, Seychelles, and Comoro Islands

Power, slavery, and spirit possession in East Africa: a few reflections

Psychopaths: cheaters or warrior-hawks

French for cats—All the French your cat will ever need to know

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Identity: community, culture, difference

Numéro Cinq

Anomalies of vertebrae and ribs: Jarcho Levin syndrome. Description of a case and literature review

The making of saudade. National identity and ethnic psychology in Portugal

Anne McPherson family fonds, 1852-2011 [non-inclusive

Norman Ächtler, Generation in Kesseln. Das Soldatische Opfernarrativ im westdeutschen Kriegsroman 1945-1960, Göttingen: Wallstein 2013, 456 S., EUR 29, 90

Missionarischen Konzepte der Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten in Deutschland unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Jahre 1992-2005= The understanding of mission

Total Rhetoric, Limited War: Germany's U-Boat Campaign 1917-1918


Die Besiedlungsgeschichte Polynesiens

Analyzing the benefits of lean manufacturing and value stream mapping via simulation: A process sector case study


Grundlegende Überlegungen zum adäquaten Detaillierungsgrad von Geschäftsprozessmodellen

All posts by shawntnorris@ aol. com

Three Ways of Interpreting Jesus

Disadvantaged children: Health, nutrition and school failure

Breast cancer narratives as public rhetoric: genre itself and the maintenance of ignorance

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays

Everyday economics: ideas new and old from lay theories of economic life

Yeast spoilage of foods and beverages

The Globalisation of Macrobiotics as Culinary Tourism and Culinary Nostalgia

Accessing the food systems in urban and rural Minnesotan communities

19980213 163A

Simulating the impact of new industries on the economy: The case of biorefining in Australia

The end of Irish history?: Reflections on the Celtic Tiger

Multiple cerebral de novo aneurysms

Mr. America: The Tragic History of a Bodybuilding Icon by John Fair

David Lurie's Fall of Honor in JM Coetzee Disgrace

Think Muscle Newsletter# 27 March, 2004

Effect of Al doping on structural, electrical, optical and photoluminescence properties of nano-structural ZnO thin films

Fluehr-Lobban, Carolyn. Agitation for Change in the Sudan. In Schlegel, Sexual Stratification (1977). Freedman, Jim. Nyabingi: The Social History of an African

How to Build a Villain: Aurangzeb, Temple Destruction, and His Modern Reputation

Nicolò Manuzzi (1639-1717) and the first report of the Indian Rhinoplasty1

Identifying critical areas and habitat preferences of bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus

Food, culture, and human health in Alaska: an integrative health approach to food security

Media images of the urban landscape: The South Bronx in film

Coping better with current climatic variability in the rain-fed farming systems of sub-Saharan Africa: An essential first step in adapting to future climate change

Thermal conductance in mammals and birds: its dependence on body size and crcadian phase

Soils of the polar landscapes

The representation of ninja assasin film

Fragile watermarking scheme using a hierarchical mechanism

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Image processing of airborne scanning laser altimetry data for improved river flood modelling

Thread: Monster ENCyclopedia: Otyugh

Is AMORC Rosicrucian

Early Medieval Ireland AD 400-1100

Chinese religion: An anthology of sources

Partnership made painless: A joined-up guide to working together

Working hard for the money? Efficiency wages and worker effort

The Rise and Fall of Theological Enlightenment: Jean-Martin de Prades and Ideological Polarization in Eighteenth-Century France

Persistent resistance: Commitment and community in the Plowshares movement

The Appalachian Oral History Project: Then and Now

Visible and Visitable: The Role of History in Gita Mehta's Raj and Rohinton Mistry's A Fine Balance

Transmission of light through birefringent and optically active media: the Poincaré sphere

Vegetation alteration along trails in Shenandoah National park, Virginia

EU development cooperation: from model to symbol

Numerical model for storm surges in Galveston Bay

The lexical approach

The case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: a kinematic study on social intention

User diversity as a challenge for the integration of medical technology into future smart home environments

Capital Fictions: The Literature of Latin America's Export Age

Oeconomicus: A Social and Historical Commentary, with a New English Translation

Medical image fusion by wavelet transform modulus maxima

Personality as a Methodological Riddle

The inveterate paradox of dreaming

Perceptions of violence and fear of school attendance among junior high school students in Israel

Genre and Generation in the Odyssey

The link between artistic creativity and psychopathology: Salvador Dalí

Contemporary documentary film and Archive Fever: history, the fragment, the joke

The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered

Pandemic fear and literature: observations from Jack London's The Scarlet Plague

Gender differences in the risk for delinquency among youth exposed to family violence☆,☆☆

A walking tour through the children's books of Catharine Parr Traill

Narrative Stance in Kate Chopin's The Awakening

Energy backcasting A proposed method of policy analysis

Water and conflict: Fresh water resources and international security

Sustainability of photovoltaics: The case for thin-film solar cells

The mechanical design process: Part 1

The Olympians and Us

Songs of healing: Songwriting with an abused adolescent

Knitting as a Vehicle of Personal Transformation

Just for You to Know

Retrieving nature: Education for a post-humanist age

Oz and Beyond: The Fantasy World of L. Frank Baum

The Penguin atlas of African history

Augmented reality and mobile learning: the state of the art

The Popperian legacy in economics: Papers presented at a symposium in Amsterdam, December 1985

Radiation and human health

Touchstone for ethics, 1893-1943

Essentials of entrepreneurship and small business management

E-Commerce in China: The case of travel

Of battered wives, self-defense and double standards of justice: A research note

Offshore pariahs? Small island economies, tax havens, and the re-configuration of global finance

Bringing the party back in: the CCP and the trajectory of market transition in China

The grammar book: An ESL/EFL teacher's course

Applied multivariate statistical analysis

Pragmatics of conversation and communication in noisy settings

Pragmatics of conversation and communication in noisy settings

Pragmatics of conversation and communication in noisy settings

Signs and regimes: Rereading feminist work on welfare states

Electoral systems for divided societies

Tide Edition 10

Comparing democratic systems

Reformism vs. Populism in the Philippines

Hurricane Katrina storm surge distribution and field observations on the Mississippi Barrier Islands

African American kindergartners' spoken narratives: Topic associating and topic centered styles

Destination image analysis—a review of 142 papers from 1973 to 2000

Nine week insect unit:[an honors thesis](HONRS 499

and the creation of a virtuous cycle between R&D, market growth and price reduction: The case of photovoltaic power generation (PV) development in Japan

Towards a framework for tourism disaster management

Causes of death after the modified Norwood procedure: a study of 122 postmortem cases

Gene expression profiling in the post-mortem human brain—no cause for dismay

Canada's foremost pathologist of the nineteenth century--William Osler

Clinical, educational, and epidemiological value of autopsy

Effect of postmortem treatments on the tenderness of meat from Hereford, Brahman and Brahman-cross beef cattle

Low-tech autopsies in the era of high-tech medicine: continued value for quality assurance and patient safety

Post-mortem MRI as an adjunct to fetal or neonatal autopsy

Energy production system management-renewable energy power supply integration with building automation system

Social evaluation of the user interface: Who does the work and who gets the benefit

Normalized performance ratio—a measure of the degree to which a man-machine interface accomplishes its operational objective

Style'for historians and philosophers

International perspectives on international leadership

Secrets of the Chinese herbalists

Particle counts and infectivity titrations for animal viruses

Tissue cultures and mycoplasmas

Viruses and parasitism in insects

The Re-Orientation of Buddhism in North America

The Nature and Practice of Compassion: Integrating Western and Eastern Positive Psychologies

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

The Chronographiae of Julius Africanus and its Jewish Antecedents

Empire to commonwealth: consequences of monotheism in late antiquity

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

Rochester Connectionist Papers. 1979-1985

On requirements for programming exercises from an e-learning perspective

Fiction: Lower to Middle Secondary

Eleventh Month, Eleventh Day, Eleventh Hour: Armistice Day, 1918, by Joseph E. Persico

The greening of Gaia: Ecofeminist artists revisit the Garden

Modelling tourism in the Galápagos Islands: an agent-based model approach

Reading stories

Listening for a life: A dialogic ethnography of Bessie Eldreth through her songs and stories

Theravada Buddhism: the view of the elders

A Lighter Footprint: A Practical Guide to Minimising Your Impact on the Planet [Book Review

DaTrypsin, a novel clip-domain serine proteinase gene up-regulated during winter and summer diapauses of the onion maggot, Delia antiqua

The value of retrofitting carbon-saving measures into fuel poor social housing

Green identity, green living? The role of pro-environmental self-identity in determining consistency across diverse pro-environmental behaviours

Existing buildings-Users, renovations and energy policy

The Little Veggie Patch Co

A comparative analysis of renewable electricity support mechanisms for Southeast Asia

Green chemistry: principles and practice

Health care policy in an aging Canada: The Alberta 'experiment

Disaster studies: The consequences of the historical use of a sociological approach in the development of research

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Detection of the book isomer from the OH-stretch spectroscopy of size selected water hexamers

Physiology of long pranayamic breathing: neural respiratory elements may provide a mechanism that explains how slow deep breathing shifts the autonomic nervous

Brutal games: Call of duty and the cultural narrative of World War II

Theological Investigations. Vol. XI: Confrontations I

The Sacred Community: Art, Sacrament, and the People of God

Part 1: Manuscripts, First Editions and Rare Printed Works of Hannah More Part 2: Gift Books, Memoirs, Pamphlets and the Cheap Repository Tracts Part 3

Written on Their Hearts: Thinking with Luther About Scripture, Natural Law, and the Moral Life

Framing Social Protest: The Exodus Narrative in Martin Luther King's Montgomery Bus Boycott Rhetoric

Books, Reform and the Reformation

Essays on church, state, and politics


Reading and writing from multiple source documents in history: Effects of strategy instruction with low to average high school writers

Knowledge discovery in databases: An overview

Refining composition skills: Rhetoric and grammar

Contrasts in mathematical challenges in A-level Mathematics and Further Mathematics, and undergraduate mathematics examinations

Biological shape and visual science (Part I

Effect of cultivar and harvest date on nitrate (NO3) and nitrite (NO2) content of selected vegetables grown under open field and greenhouse conditions in Jordan

mac os x in the news

What in the Wordle? Tips, tricks, and techniques to make the most out of word clouds

Disruptive product innovation strategy: the case of portable digital music player

MacBook: Teach Yourself VISUALLY

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Tone and Emotion in Helen Vendler's Dickinson and Stevens

Diagnosing suffering: a perspective

Care of the dying patient: the last hours or days of life

Coping, meaning and symptom experience: A narrative approach to the overwhelming impacts of breast cancer in the first year following diagnosis

Complementary and alternative medicine use among adults: United States, 2002

Can DSM Diagnoses Be Other Than Pejorative

A versatile and compact experimental apparatus for the on-line spectroscopic study of liquid-phase heterogeneous catalytic systems

Four African-American proprietary medical colleges: 1888-1923

The ties that bind: reimagining memory in Armenian identity formation

Iran: Regional Stability


The Bible and lay people: An empirical approach to ordinary hermeneutics

The Legal Framework of the Church of England: a critical study in a comparative context

Increasing physical activity among church members: community-based participatory research

Introduction: Religious authority and religious authorities in Muslim societies. A critical overview

Privatizing conditions of production: trade agreements as neoliberal environmental governance

Growth, carcasss composition, and taste of rainbow trout of different strains fed diets containing primarily plant or animal protein

Cockfight nationalism: Blood sport and the moral politics of American empire and nation building

Climate change and waterborne disease risk in the Great Lakes region of the US

Cumulative impact assessment in environmental planning: A coastal wetland watershed example

Intellectual capital: realizing your company\'s true value by finding its hidden brainpower

Sustainable environmental management: principles and practice

The Process of Urbanization in the Countryside: A Study of Huron and Bruce Counties, 1891-1981

Treating open space as an urban amenity

Housing supply and the effects of stochastic development control

Medieval English prose for women: selections from the Katherine Group and Ancrene Wisse

Object-oriented programming in the BETA programming language

Computer illustrated texts (CITs) for teaching numerical analysis

Ion channel screening-automated patch clamp on the rise

Flight-to-quality or flight-to-liquidity? Evidence from the euro-area bond market

Occupational stress in nursing

Pilgrimage at contested sites

Sustainable Transport Together with the Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee relating to the Report, Written Submissions, Memoranda and the Minutes of

Arterial incident detection using fixed detector and probe vehicle data

Accounting, management and organizational change: A comparative study of local government

Political ecology: an emerging research agenda in Third-World studies

Energy security and climate change concerns: Triggers for energy policy change in the United States

Germany and the United States in the age of terror: ideas, domestic politics, and the international system of states

Industrializing Malaysia: policy, performance, prospects

The business of international business is culture

Models of political risk for foreign investment and trade: An assessment of three approaches

International capital flows and US interest rates


Sierra Leone's child soldiers: war exposures and mental health problems by gender

Introduction to international criminal law

Türk Ceza Muhakemesi Sisteminde Silahların Eşitliği İlkesini Gerçekleştirebilmek için bir Reform Önerisi

International Criminal Law: Cases and Materials

Transitional justice, interdisciplinarity and the state of the 'field'or 'non-field

Case management in long-term care: Options and opportunities

Responding to the global human resources crisis

Honest work: A business ethics reader

Back to square zero: The post-corporate career

Corporate entrepreneurs and privatized firms in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus

Beasts Within and Beasts Without: Colonial Themes in Lothar Meggendorfer's Children's Books

Energy consumption in Canada since confederation

Out of America: ancient DNA evidence for a new world origin of late quaternary woolly mammoths

panied by any impairment of his general health, which was tolerably good

Howl and Other Poems: Is There Old Left in These New Beats

Records of early english drama and the computer

A do-it-yourself membrane-activated auditory feedback device for weight bearing and gait training: a case report

Simultaneous analysis of different classes of phytohormones in coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) water using high-performance liquid chromatography and liquid

The occurrence of travertine in churches of the London Basin

Longer mean colonoscopy withdrawal time is associated with increased adenoma detection: evidence from the Bowel Cancer Screening Programme in England

Autism spectrum disorders in the DSM-V: better or worse than the DSM-IV

Language endangerment and language revitalization: An introduction

Inverted pendulum systems: rotary and arm-driven-a mechatronic system design case study

Cross-cultural pragmatics

Lunatique Satire: Jonsonian Audacity, Lunar Astronomy, and Anne of Denmark in Donne's Ignatius His Conclave

Prehistory of the Indo-Malaysian Archipelago: revised edition

New Essays on Clint Eastwood

Created from animals

China in international society: Is 'peaceful rise'possible

Factors that enable or complicate end-of-life transitions in critical care

A study of homosexual women

From the kaleidoscope to the x-ray: Urban spectatorship, Poe, Benjamin, and Traffic in Souls (1913

Human Anatomy

Phantoms in the brain: Probing the mysteries of the human mind

The counting abilities of children with specific language impairment: A comparison of oral and gestural tasks

Memristor-based information gathering approaches, both ant-inspired and hypothetical

Let's Hear It: Stories by Texas Women Writers ed. by Sylvia Ann Grider, Lou Halsell Rodenberger

Coronary heart disease multiple risk factor reduction: providers' perspectives

The shorter Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology

Lazy virtues: Teaching writing in the age of Wikipedia

Shakespeare's Grand Deception: The Merchant of Venice—Anti-Semitism as Uncanny Causality and the Catholic-Protestant Problem

Translational genetic research of complex diseases

Hidden History Journal

Skywatching in the ancient world: new perspectives in cultural astronomy

Role loss and emotional adjustment in chronic pain

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Anthropology and photography, 1860-1920

Mabberley's plant-book: a portable dictionary of plants, their classifications and uses

Low incidence of acquired cytomegalovirus infection in neonates transfused with washed red blood cells

Quantitative analysis of culture using millions of digitized books

Selected list of books and journals in allied health

Telling stories about illness and disability: the limits and lessons of narrative

Honest work: A business ethics reader

Field Conference on the Tertiary and Pleistocene of Western Nebraska (Guide Book for the Ninth Field Conference of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology

Geology and Ground-water Resources of the Upper Niobrara River Basin, Nebraska and Wyoming

Human Growth Hormone Injections in West Virginia Written by admin, Published on December 4th, 2016

Australia: A cultural history

Corporate elearning: Exploring a new frontier

The Impact of the Merger Transaction as Acquisition on Governance and the Performance Payment: Case of the Tunisian Society of Banks and of Attijari Bank

Acquisition of physician group practices by for-profit and not-for-profit organizations

The common feature of leukemia-associated IDH1 and IDH2 mutations is a neomorphic enzyme activity converting α-ketoglutarate to 2-hydroxyglutarate

Genetic analysis: A history of genetic thinking

Ultrastructural differences between the preterminal nerve fibres and their endings in the mechanoreceptors, with special reference to their degeneration and mode of

Gas entry into unconfined clay pastes at water contents between the liquid and plastic limits

Journey to the ants: a story of scientific exploration

Somewhere in the double rainbow: Representations of bisexuality in post-apartheid novels [Book Review

The manufacture and Lingua-facture of Ballad-Making: broadside ballads in long eighteenth-century ballad discourse

Transformations in Kenyan Children's Prose Fiction

The genesis of professional organisation in English accountancy

Law, finance, and economic growth in China: an introduction

Privatization in East European Transformation

Trade and industrial policy reform

Empowerment: the politics of alternative development

Edward Burne-Jones and Nineteenth-Century Fear of Women

Pocket cathedrals: Pre-Raphaelite book illustration

The Bedtime Story and Language Development

Animals in circuses and zoos: Chiron's world

Family caregiving of persons with dementia: prevalence, health effects, and support strategies

Effects of self-help post-myocardial-infarction rehabilitation on psychological adjustment and use of health services

Is there evidence that palliative care teams alter end-of-life experiences of patients and their caregivers

The effect of aging on carbohydrate metabolism: a review of the English literature and a practical approach to the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus in the elderly

Look how far we've come: How American Indian history changed the study of American history in the 1990s

The Gateway to History

The philosophies of science

Scientific writing and communication: papers, proposals, and presentations

A meta-analytic review of the relationships between the five-factor model and DSM-IV-TR personality disorders: A facet level analysis

Dsm-iv and Its (many) Derivatives

Mental illness and psychology

Functional gastroduodenal disorders

personality disorder examination: The World Health Organization/Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration international pilot study of personality

Globalization, institutions, and regional development in Europe

Michael A. Cummings: Art work

All Honor to Jefferson? The Virginia Slavery Debates and the Positive Good Thesis. By Erik S. Root.(Lanham: Lexington, 2008. viii, 255 pp. Cloth, 75.00,ISBN978-0

Medical Greek and Latin at a glance

Essential clinical anatomy

Introduction to Game Theory: A Behavioral Approach: International Edition

Are Indian libraries VIP-friendly? Information use and information seeking behaviour of visually impaired people in Delhi libraries

Environmental safety of biological control: policy and practice in New Zealand

Missionaries, Cartwright, and Spalding: the development of baseball in nineteenth-century Hawaii

Tables of composition and nutritional value of feed materials: pigs, poultry, cattle, sheep, goats, rabbits, horses and fish

Ain't IA woman? Revisiting intersectionality

Ye Gave Them a Stone: African American Women's Clubs, the Frederick Douglass Home, and the Black Mammy Monument

Building expert system

The Angela Y. Davis Reader

Economic production quantity models for deteriorating items with price-and stock-dependent demand

High frequency stimulation of the basal ganglia for the treatment of movement disorders: current status and clinical results

Modulation and rehabilitation of spatial neglect by sensory stimulation

Coffee-drinking and cancer of the lower urinary tract

Motor cortex stimulation for central pain and peripheral deafferentation pain: Report of eight cases

Translational musculoskeletal pain research

Adversaries of consumption: Consumer movements, activism, and ideology

Folk physics for apes: The chimpanzee's theory of how the world works

On the Shoulders of Giants: The Debate between Moderns and Ancients in Medieval and Renaissance Jewish Thought.('Al kitfei'anaqim: Toldot ha-pulmus bein

Buddhism: A concise introduction

Three Prospects to the Balkan Identities

Anatolii Remnev and the Regions of the Russian Empire

Creating a Creole Estate in early nineteenth-century Russian America

Russia's internal border

Between empire and revolution: new work on Soviet Central Asia

Soviet Central Asia on the periphery


Los cuentos de José Luis Acquaroni

French literature after censorship

Lack of analgesic efficacy of oral Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in postoperative pain

Christina Sharpe, In the Wake: On Blackness and Being

Rainer Maria Rilke: the ring of forms

Heterosexism, Misogyny, and Mother-Hatred in Rilke Scholarship: The Case of Sophie Rilke-Entz (1851-1931

The bounds of reason: Game theory and the unification of the behavioral sciences

Toward a general theory of hierarchy: Books, bureaucrats, basketball tournaments, and the administrative structure of the nation-state

Sulfur isotope studies in early Archaean sediments from Isua, West Greenland: implications for the antiquity of bacterial sulfate reduction

Talking with Texas Writers: Twelve Interviews by Patrick Bennett

The Odd Couple: Language and Life Lessons in'The King's Speech

Soccer Fields of Cultural [Re]-Production?: An Ethnographic Explication of the Soccer Mom

Simple standardized patient handoff system that increases accuracy and completeness

Football hooligans: knowing the score

Meeting planners' use and evaluation of convention and visitor bureaus

The impact of technological support on groups: An assessment of the empirical research

Processing of indium: a review

Safety is everyone's job: The key to safety on a large university construction site

Determination of carbonate and organic matter in calcareous sediments and sedimentary rocks by loss on ignition; comparison with other methods

Ultimate strength and ductility of state-of-the-art concrete-filled steel bridge piers in Japan

Determination of carbonate and organic matter in calcareous sediments and sedimentary rocks by loss on ignition; comparison with other methods

Conceptual physical science

Use of aggregates from recycled construction and demolition waste in concrete

The great stink of London: Sir Joseph Bazalgette and the cleansing of the Victorian metropolis

The sailing ship effect: Reassessing history as a source of insight on technical change

GnRH-agonist induction of fertile estrus with either natural mating or artificial insemination, followed by birth of pups in gray wolves (Canis lupus

Management practices for minimising nitrate leaching after ploughing temporary leguminous pastures in Canterbury, New Zealand

Christmas Books and Victorian Book Reviewing

Evolutionary parasitologythe integrated study of infections, immunology, ecology, and genetics

Forest of time: a century of science at Wind River Experimental Forest

Estimation and inference in econometrics

Back to the Garden: Pastoralism, Whiteness and Authenticity in the US Counterculture, 1968-1970

The Impossible Fossil-Revisited

Molecular Phylogeny, Historical Biogeography, and Divergence Time Estimates for Swallowtail Butterflies of the Genus Papilio (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae

Mary Anning: She's More Than Seller of Sea Shells at the Seashore

Fossil in situ spores and pollen grains: an annotated catalogue

Facies distribution in the Woolwich and Reading beds of the London Basin, England

Collective intelligence for competitive advantage: crowdsourcing and open innovation

Man & Environment in Valencia Island

Monitoring the world economy, 1820-1992

New tools in comparative political economy: The database of political institutions

The Hidden War: Crime and the Tragedy of Public Housing in Chicago

Preliminary psychometric properties of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II: A revised measure of psychological inflexibility and experiential avoidance

The Mountaineer's Daughter, and: The Second Moon Colony Will Not Fail

Elizabeth Enright and the Family Story

Quality of care for children and adolescents: A review of selected clinical conditions and quality indicators

Why some countries have national health insurance, others have national health services, and the US has neither

Adult pornography, male peer support, and violence against women: The contribution of the dark side of the internet

Evidence-based medicine: Fifteen years later. Golem the good, the bad, and the ugly in need of a review

Wired for Sound

Changes in salivary nitrophorin profile during the life cycle of the blood-sucking bug Rhodnius prolixus

Open Journal Systems Folklore v. Fakelore, the Epic Battle (2014 Butler Lecture

Vladimir Nabokov's King, Queen, Knave and the Commedia dell'Arte

The Book of Exodus

Portrayals of bullying in children's picture books and implications for bibliotherapy

Best practices for preventing or reducing bullying in schools

The compleat academic: A career guide

Adultery by the book: Lysias I (On the murder of Eratosthenes) and comic diegesis

Postcommunist, Postmodern, Postmortem: Images of Dogs, Women, and Children in the Drama of Biljana Srbljanović

The Oxford book of gothic tales

The realization of large-scale photonic integrated circuits and the associated impact on fiber-optic communication systems

The estimation of the relative frequencies of mammalian species: Khirokitia 1972

Furs, fish, and ivory: Medieval Norsemen at the Arctic fringe

The Letter to Sardis and Eternal Security

Present choices, future outcomes: anticipated regret and HPV vaccination

The prophet Jeremiah, Aung San Suu Kyi, and U2's All that you can't leave behind: on listening to Bono's jeremiad

The economics of transaction costs

Toward a neo-Schumpeterian theory of the firm

Weighing lives

Technological evolution, variety and the economy

Historical land use and environmental determinants of nonnative plant distribution in coastal southern New England

Marine Boundaries: States and the United States

X-ray tomography in material science

Bowett's law of international institutions

Denitrifying bioreactors—an approach for reducing nitrate loads to receiving waters

Piracy, law of the sea, and use of force: developments off the coast of Somalia

Publishing your doctorate: Realities and processes

The Pene Haare manuscript and issues associated with the translation of historical texts written in indigenous languages

Tourism and cultural proximity: Examples from New Zealand

The Neo-Classics:(Re) Publishing the Great Books in the United States in the 1990s

Books in Action: Armed Services Editions

The male in the head: Young people, heterosexuality and power

The South Needs Encouragement: The Irish Republican Campaign in the American South and Southern Irish American Identity, 1919-20

Swiss contributions to chemistry: five hundred years of progress, from alchemy to a modern science

Managing non-profit organisations: Towards a new approach

An introduction to pragmatics: Social action for language teachers

The Rhetoric of Suffering: Reading the Book of Job in the Eighteenth Century

The impact of instructional practices in grades 1 and 2 on reading and spelling achievement in high poverty schools

Peter Handke and the postmodern transformation: the goalie's journey home

TL versus SL implied reader: Assessing receptivity when translating children's literature

Everyday life: Theories and practices from surrealism to the present

The Neo-Classics:(Re) Publishing the Great Books in the United States in the 1990s

Theories of the Archive from Across the Disciplines

The chocolate tree: a natural history of cacao

Resveratrol prolongs lifespan and retards the onset of age-related markers in a short-lived vertebrate

The third wave

A History of Livestock Raising in the United States, 1607-1860

The causal dependence of present plant knowledge on herbals—contemporary medicinal plant use in Campania (Italy) compared to Matthioli (1568

Hawthorns and medlars

Montage intertextuel et formes contemporaines du remploi dans le cinéma expérimental

Terminal trajectories of functional decline in the long-term care setting

Endemic bird areas of the world: priorities for biodiversity conservation

Montezuma oropendolas modify a component of song constrained by body size during vocal contests

The field guide to the birds of New Zealand

American Bittern

Functional Reconstructive Nasal Surgery, 943 Illustrations & 23 Tables

Urgent endoscopic drainage for acute suppurative cholangitis

Book: Surgical Emergencies

Six years of surgical wound infection surveillance at a tertiary care center: review of the microbiologic and epidemiological aspects of 20,007 wounds

Tax compliance costs of small and medium enterprises in Malaysia: policy implications

Mobile commerce product recommendations based on hybrid multiple channels

Early phonics instruction: Its effect on literacy development

Biogasification performance of anaerobic co-digestion of kitchen residues and cattle manure

Breakdown of the blood-brain barrier precedes symptoms and other MRI signs of new lesions in multiple sclerosis: pathogenetic and clinical implications

Pierre Janet

Catalogue of the Orthoptera of Greece

NMC horizon report: 2016 higher education edition

An Inventory of the Public Land Surveys Records for Minnesota: The Special Instructions

and perceived neighborhood environment, individual SES and psychosocial factors, and self-rated health: An analysis of older adults in Cook County, Illinois

Allergic contact dermatitis to white pine sawdust

Phylogeography: the history and formation of species

Student motivation, school culture, and academic achievement: What school leaders can do

Lafayette, Hero of Two Worlds: The Art and Pageantry of His Farewell Tour of America, 1824-1825: Essays

Popular music and youth culture: Music, identity and place

Encyclopedia> Chinua Achebe

The Book of Wonders

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Stylistic use of phraseological units in discourse

Using conceptual metaphor and functional grammar to explore how language used in physics affects student learning

The growth of membrane technology

The Maxwell-Stefan approach to mass transfer

Modeling heat and mass transfer in immersion frying. I, model development

Formation of semi-permeable polyamide skin layers on the surface of supported liquid membranes

Manufacturing engineering and technology

The advanced theory of statistics

Heroic Ideology and the Children's Beowulf

The Electronic Beowulf and digital restoration

The Electronic Beowulf and digital restoration

Saxophone Virtuosity: Manifestation and Effect in the Classical Saxophone Repertoire

The development of columnar grain and single crystal high temperature materials through directional solidification

Middle stone age bone tools from the Howiesons Poort layers, Sibudu Cave, South Africa

Blended learning: Uncovering its transformative potential in higher education

The Bible and mission in faith perspective: J. Hudson Taylor and the early China Inland Mission

Why do brands cause trouble? A dialectical theory of consumer culture and branding

The state of the poor

Studies in the History of Geodesy and Cartography in Bulgaria

Lŷg and Leuca: Elven-Latin, Archaic Languages, and the Philology of Britain

Texts, Lives, and Bellybuttons: Philip Roth's Operation Shylock and the Renegotiation of Subjectivity

Helping children learn mathematics

WWII US General of the Army Officers: A Selective Bibliography

Arnhem: The Battle Remembered

The Airborne Force Role in Operational Maneuver

Evolution of near vertical incidence skywave communications and the Battle of Arnhem

Desperate Times, Desperate Measures: German Oppression, Dutch Resistance, and the Tragedy at De Woeste Hoeve

Pegasus Unbound? The Challenge of Sustainment and Endurance in Airborne Joint Forcible Entry Operations

The Bergische Land as a nearby leisure area. Structure and problems of local leisure traffic with special reference to day trips and leisure homes

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Rural tourism in southern Germany

Anatomic crown width/length ratios of unworn and worn maxillary teeth in white subjects

The Spirits of'76: Diplomacy Commemorating the US Bicentennial in 1976

Sex and relationships education: A step-by-step guide for teachers

Capturing business intelligence required for targeted marketing, demonstrating value, and driving process improvement

Positive psychological capital: Beyond human and social capital

The one hundred-year debate: Social reform versus individual treatment

Adverse events following influenza A (H1N1) 2009 monovalent vaccines reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, United States, October 1, 2009

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

The icons of their bodies: saints and their images in Byzantium

Blast from Byzantium: The Alexiad on Crusader-Byzantine relations during the First Crusade

Evoking landscape practices through ethnographic fiction

The Languishing of the Falling Man: Don Delillo and Jonathan Safran Foer's Photographic History of 9/11

A textbook example of the Christian right: The National Council on Bible curriculum in public schools

The Tribunal of Zaragoza and Crypto-Judaism, 1484-1515

UF Business Library: Business Books: Core Collections: 2010

Independent readers [Book Review

The management of perceived risk in the food supply chain: a comparative study of retailer-led beef quality assurance schemes in Germany and Italy

Here is my honey-machine': Sylvia Plath and the Mereology of the Beehive

Hypotheses on the appearance of life on Earth

Classes of materials used in medicine

Damage mechanics

Mechanical behavior of materials: engineering methods for deformation, fracture, and fatigue

Resilience and survivability in communication networks: Strategies, principles, and survey of disciplines

Defoe's journal and the English plague writing tradition

The new perspective on Paul

The Boy Who Lived: From Carroll's Alice and Barrie's Peter Pan to Rowling's Harry Potter

There is a beast in everyone

Ezekiel 1: A commentary on the book of the Prophet Ezekiel, chapters 1-24

Bioinorganic chemistry

Review and Thinking of Piano Teaching in China's Higher Normal School

Theology in the flesh-a model for theological anthropology as embodied sensing

Borderline Modernism: Paul Robeson and the Femme Fatale

Remembering Carey McWilliams

Nationalism, democracy and development: state and politics in India

Terror in the Name of God

An enemy old and new: The Dönme, anti-Semitism, and conspiracy theories in the Ottoman Empire and Turkish Republic

Parallel image transformation and its VLSI implementation

A syntactic approach to fingerprint pattern recognition

The use of context in pattern recognition

Computer vision system for on-line sorting of pot plants using an artificial neural network classifier

Bayesian face recognition

Unsupervised texture segmentation using Gabor filters

Cheating in online student assessment: Beyond plagiarism

Hacking Exposed 5th Edition (Hacking Exposed

By order of the president: The use and abuse of executive direct action

Criminalising hacking tools

CIW: exam 1D0-470

Get in

Unconditional Surrender, Demobilization, and the Atomic Bomb

The decision to use the Bomb: A Historiographical Update

The US Army in the Occupation of Germany, 1944-1946

Imprinting Mortality: Updike Reading Books

Altar media's living word: televised charismatic christianity in Ghana

To Suffer and Never to Die': The Concept of Suffering in the Cult of Padre Pio Da Pietrelcina

The Student City. Strategic planning for student communities in EU cities

Reconstruction of gender in Islamic thought: Iqbal's vision of equal opportunity

Life/history/archive: identifying autobiographical writing by Muslim women in South Asia

Islam in the modern national state

Cinema at the end of empire: A politics of transition in Britain and India


Pulp Fictions: Reading Pakistani Domesticity

Julie of the Wolves and Dogsong: The Cultural Conflict Between the Inuits and the Dominant American Culture

Not drowning, waving!: safety management and occupational culture in an Australian commercial fishing port

The Ebb-Tide and The Coral Island

Grain refinement of cast titanium alloys via trace boron addition

Einstein's unfinished symphony: listening to the sounds of space-time

Contemporary debates in cognitive science

Judicial intervention in accounting behavior: A reevaluation of the nineteenth century experience

The European Constitution and national constitutions: ratification and beyond

Why Africa matters: evolution of Old World Salvia (Lamiaceae) in Africa

Between 'dirty money'and 'development capital': Somali money transfer infrastructure under global scrutiny

Does the source of capital affect capital structure

Death of a language: the history of Judeo-Spanish

Modafinil for the treatment of cocaine dependence

The Sounds That Know: Synaesthesia, Sexual Trauma, and a Musicological Confession

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Dynamic programming and optimal control

Dynamic programming and optimal control

A short history of philosophy

The 'China model'and the global crisis: from Friedrich List to a Chinese mode of governance

Beauty and Belief: Aesthetics and religion in Victorian literature

Willi Fels: collector and patron

Willi Fels: collector and patron

UK children go online: Surveying the experiences of young people and their parents

Tibetan book of the dead

A short history of philosophy

A man must be himself-The political style of Charles de Gaulle, Richard Nixon and Tony Blair

Inventing the Middle Ages: The lives, works, and ideas of the great medievalists of the twentieth century

Arnold Bennet, transportation and urban development

Snapshot versions of life

A new era of minimal effects? The changing foundations of political communication

Race and IQ

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon migration from creosote-treated railway ties into ballast and adjacent wetlands

Handbook for methane control in mining

The effect of desliming by sedimentation on paste backfill performance

Concrete, timber and metals. The nature and behaviour of structural materials

The lexical approach

Perceived and realized benefits of paste and thickened tailings for surface deposition

What does it mean to be a donor offspring? The identity experiences of adults conceived by donor insemination and the implications for counselling and therapy

The common sense book of baby and child care

Black Freedom: The Non-Violent Abolitionists from 1830 Through the Civil War

Introduction: the study and history of genocide

Power, distortions, revolt and reform in agricultural land relations

Mixed cement containing fly ash for masonry and plastering work

The history of tuberculosis

The extraordinary educational attainment of Asian-Americans: A search for historical evidence and explanations

Environmental and social impact assessment: an introduction

Recent developments in life cycle assessment

An analysis of the implications for stock and futures price volatility of program trading and dynamic hedging strategies

Adaptive environmental assessment and management

International security studies: a report of a conference on the state of the field

Use of sedating drugs and neuromuscular blocking agents in patients requiring mechanical ventilation for respiratory failure: a national survey

Apprendere la lingua giapponese con i videogiochi. Una ricerca sul campo

Didattica 2.0: studiare ed apprendere la matematica con le nuove tecnologie

Come addomesticare il mostro. Il problema della folla e la cultura reazionaria tra Otto e Novecento

Apprendere la lingua giapponese con i videogiochi. Una ricerca sul campo

Il Pensiero Algoritmico con Oggetti Interattivi Va a Scuola= Algorithmic thinking with interactive objects goes to school

Poly (organophosphazene) s and related compounds: synthesis, properties and applications

The solubility of (UO2) 3 (PO4) 2· 4H2O (s) and the formation of U (VI) phosphate complexes: their influence in uranium speciation in natural waters

Traditional medicine and health care coverage: a reader for health administrators and practitioners

Deciding together: bioethics and moral consensus

Ethics in the public domain: essays in the morality of law and politics

Maya creation myths: Words and worlds of the Chilam Balam

A Buddhist Leader in Ming China: The Life and Thought of Han-Shan Te-Ch'ing

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act at fifty: Aspirations, effects, and limitations

Enhancing academic performance and social and emotional competence with the RULER feeling words curriculum

Putting women in place: Feminist geographers make sense of the world

Handbook of sociology

Is frequent religious attendance really conducive to better health?: Toward an epidemiology of religion

Religious violence in Nigeria: Causal diagnoses and strategic recommendations to the state and religious communities

Introduction: philosophy and psychoanalysis

The economics and management of intellectual property

Introduction to wildland fire. Fire management in the United States

Eternal God: A study of God without time

The Miracles of Forgiveness, Prophecy & Free Will

Billows in Loch Ness

The organisation of purposeful dialogues

Personality in ancient astrology

Brooks and Warren in Heaven: A Short Story with Endnotes

to match the man's vow. The modernized version of the BCP was voted down by British Parliament, but later alternative texts, including a separate book

Prime Time Sister Circles: evaluating a gender-specific, culturally relevant health intervention to decrease major risk factors in mid-life African-American women

The grammar book: An ESL/EFL teacher's course

Homem-Objeto: o lugar da antropologia no pensamento de Kant

Improving instruction of future teachers: A multimedia approach that supports implementation of evidence-based vocabulary practices

Dreams of trespass: Tales of a harem girlhood

Studies on lignocellulosic fibers of Brazil. Part I: Source, production, morphology, properties and applications

Poisonous plants

Uniaxial and biaxial mechanical properties of ETFE foils

Improvement of livestock production in warm climates

Cloning, sequencing, and expression of a human brain ecto-apyrase related to both the ecto-ATPases and CD39 ecto-apyrases1

Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and Trichoderma harzianum on three species of balcony plants

Waters and forests: from historical controversy to scientific debate

Entangled histories, entangled worlds: the English-speaking Atlantic as a Spanish periphery

Ye Gave Them a Stone: African American Women's Clubs, the Frederick Douglass Home, and the Black Mammy Monument

Evolutionary parasitologythe integrated study of infections, immunology, ecology, and genetics

Alan Ayckbourn: Grinning at the Edge

Timing utility of daily activities and its impact on travel

Lost encyclopedias: before and after the Enlightenment

The Mayflower Sails Again: A study on film, history and early Americans

Enhancing emerging literacy in a language preschool

Souvenirs of the Old South: Northern tourism and Southern mythology

A pilgrim in Aquarius

Interactional justice

God, guilt, and death: an existential phenomenology of religion

TRANSMISSION BY STORY TELLING Malaria Education of School-Aged Children in the Kwahu-Eastern Region, Ghana ANANSI TRICKS MRS. MOSQUITO

Revolutions in Warfare: Theoretical Paradigms and Historical Evidence--The Napoleonic and First World War Revolutions in Military Affairs

Discovery of a mass grave of Napoleonic period in Lithuania (1812, Vilnius

High and low policing in post-9/11 times

An Historical Examination of International Coalitions

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Voices from the Margin

Wildlife, forests, and forestry. Principles of managing forests for biological diversity

Old Masters Repainted: Wu Zhen (1280-1354): Prime Objects and Accretions

The transmission of Chinese idealist painting to Japan: notes on the early phase (1661-1799

The Great Gatsby: A Contrastive Study of Its Two Chinese Versions

Sumptuous re-past: The 1964 Tokyo Olympics arts festival

The transcultural roots of modernism: Imagist poetry, Japanese visual culture, and the western museum system

Shunga: Erotic Art in Japan

To evade taxes or not to evade: that is the question

Why people pay taxes: The case of the development levy in Tanzania

Economics of development

The economics of corporate tax selfishness

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Household factors influencing participation in bird feeding activity: a national scale analysis

Irrational exuberance

Mastery at Misselthwaite Manor: Taming the Shrews in The Secret Garden

Irrational exuberance

Economics of development

The risk-reward nexus in the innovation-inequality relationship: who takes the risks? Who gets the rewards

Erotic journeys: Mexican immigrants and their sex lives

Lessons for ecological policy design: a case study of ecosystem management

Historical reflections on the causes of financial crises: Official investigations, past and present, 1873-2011

You are what you can access: Sharing and collaborative consumption online

Easy to byte, harder to chew: the second generation of electronic records archives

Education for fullness: A study of the educational thought and experiment of Rabindranath Tagore

Cerebrospinal fluid monoamine metabolites, aggression, and impulsivity in disruptive behavior disorders of children and adolescents

Viral infections of the nervous system

Environmental interventions to promote vegetable and fruit consumption among youth in school settings

The new public health

Happy Cows,''Happy Beef': A Critique of the Rationales for Ethical Meat

European welfare futures

Use and abuse of reusable learning objects

General fiction [Book Review

Considerations for social network site (SNS) use in education

Social Media Programs

Teaching second language reading

Teaching English as a second or foreign language

Invitations: Changing as teachers and learners K-12

Learning problems reported by college students: are they using learning strategies

Toward opening book learning

For al them that delight in Cookery: The Production and Use of Cookery Books in England, 1300-1600

Alexander III and the twelfth century

The common sense book of baby and child care

Proust and the Phenomenology of Memory

Picasso paintings, moon rocks, and hand-written Beatles lyrics: Adults' evaluations of authentic objects

Utilizing Karaoke in the ESL Classroom: The Beatles

Children's problem finding and creative responses in and between reading and art

Kaleidoscope: shifting scenes from east to west

Thou shalt worship no other gods—unless they are celebrities: The relationship between celebrity worship and religious orientation

Collective memory and cultural history: Problems of method

The group interview in social research

How languages are learned

Early diagenesis in a reducing fjord, Saanich Inlet, British Columbia—I. Chemical and isotopic changes in major components of interstitial water

Plankton production and year-class strength in fish populations: an update of the match/mismatch hypothesis

A re-examination of fish estuarine dependence: evidence for connectivity between estuarine and ocean habitats

Short story theory at a crossroads

Happy and Other Stories

Animated multimedia 'talking books' can promote phonological awareness in children beginning to read

James Farrell's Studs Lonigan Trilogy and the Anxieties of Race

Trudeau by Patrick Gossage, and: Mr. Speaker by James Jerome, and: Up the Hill by Donald Johnston, and: Honourable Mentions: The Uncommon Diary of an MP by

Henry James's The Ambassadors: the promise to lonely adolescents that there will be a future

Limehouse blues: looking for Chinatown in the London docks, 1900-40

Centaurs and Amazons: Women and the Pre-history of the Great Chain of Being

Teaching and learning in the language classroom

Teaching and learning in the language classroom

Personal Learning Environments, social media, and self-regulated learning: A natural formula for connecting formal and informal learning

Social identity and social emotions: Toward new conceptualizations of prejudice

Reevaluating the IRF sequence: A proposal for the articulation of theories of activity and discourse for the analysis of teaching and learning in the classroom

3D modelling of forest canopy structure for remote sensing simulations in the optical and microwave domains

Forest biomass from combined ecosystem and radar backscatter modeling

Computational electrodynamics: the finite-difference time-domain method

Greek sophists in the Roman Empire

Theatricalizing Fernando Pessoa and his heteronyms: research, writing, rehearsal, and performance of The Last Seven Words of Fernando Pessoa

Mental health and survivors' movements and context

Reflections on South Asian Women's/Gender History: Past and Future

Gold in early Southeast Asia

Dancing at Halftime: Sports and the Controversy over American Indian Mascots

Great white High Hopes: race, masculinity, and the 1993 Philadelphia Phillies

Public Opinion in Colonial America: Content Analyzing the Colonial Press

In Search of Korean Traditional Opera: Discourses of Changguk

Muriel spark at eighty: An appreciation

Early disaster recovery: a guide for communities


Changes in the value-relevance of earnings and book values over the past forty years

Object-oriented programming in the BETA programming language

Enhancement of learning process in Web-based courses using combined media components

VolatileCalc: a silicate melt-H2O-CO2 solution model written in Visual Basic for excel

Enhanced immunogenicity and protective effect conferred by vaccination with combinations of modified vaccinia virus Ankara and licensed smallpox vaccine

Mexico's Southern Flank: The Third US Border

Forest inventory and analysis: a national inventory and monitoring program

school pre-service teachers' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) for meaningful learning with information and communication technology (ICT

Picture Book Animals: How Natural a History

Wealth Accumulation Status

Racism, sexism, and social class: implications for studies of health, disease, and well-being

Mental health issues of gay and lesbian adolescents

Reflection for Tuesday, March 31, 2009: 5th week in Lent

Aquinas's Ethics: Metaphysical foundations, moral theory, and theological context

The Failure of Fatherhood: Maleness and Its Discontents in Charles Kingsley

The ostrich: biology, production and health

Guide to the dissection of the horse

Guide to regional ruminant anatomy based on the dissection of the goat

The pathology of development: a study of inherited skeletal disorders in animals

His and hers: male and female anatomy in anatomy texts for US medical students, 1890-1989

His and hers: male and female anatomy in anatomy texts for US medical students, 1890-1989

Imaging of the Canine Heart Using Non ECG-Gated and ECG-Gated 64 Multidetector Computed Tomography


Progetto Cell Spotting: citizen science per le scuole superiori: parola agli studenti

Environmental Science Earth as a Living Planet 9th Edition

Environmental Science Earth as a Living Planet 9th Edition

Volcanoes. A planetary perspective

Haunted Screens and Spiritual Scenes: Film as a Medium in the Cinema of Carl Theodor Dreyer

Medieval Abraham: between fleshly patriarch and divine father

A Polymath in the 10th Century

Michael Vick: An analysis of press coverage on federal dogfighting charges

Study of solute-solvent and solvent-solvent interactions in pure and mixed binary solvents

An inquiry into job satisfaction habits among private secondary school teachers in Kenya

Assessment of Quality of Life from HIV Counselling and Social Support among PLWHA Clinic Attendees in Specialist Hospital Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria

Newspaper Poems: Material Texts in the Public Sphere

Is One Style of Early Behavioral Treatment for Autism'Scientifically Proven

Essential fatty acids and the brain: from infancy to aging

Dictionary of economic plants

The mathematical theory of infectious diseases and its applications

Frank Sinatra and the Hoodlum Priest

What makes women sick: Gender and the political economy of health

Chemistry of the solid-water interface: processes at the mineral-water and particle-water interface in natural systems

South African Red Data Book-Reptiles and Amphibians

Apophatic bodies: Negative theology, incarnation, and relationality

Nonviolent resistance and conflict transformation in power asymmetries

Chinese traditional thought and practice: lessons for an ecological economics worldview

From Discos to Jungles: Circuitous Queer Patronage and Sex Tourism in Jessica Hagedorn's Dogeaters

The adoption of shamanic healing into the biomedical health care system in the United States

Distilling wisdom from practice: Finding meaning in PDS stories

Unterrichtsstunde in einer 5. Klasse im Fach Englisch

Cooking pot markets: an economic model for the trade in free goods and services on the Internet (originally published in March 1998

The Foucault effect: Studies in governmentality

As by Fire

Far Above Our Poor Power to Add or Detract: National Park Service Administration of the Gettysburg Battlefield, 1933-1938

Does teacher testing raise teacher quality? Evidence from state certification requirements

How open is open enough?: Melding proprietary and open source platform strategies

The affective tutoring system

The philosophy of Schopenhauer

The american prose poem

Literary places, tourism and the heritage experience

The male in the head: Young people, heterosexuality and power

Sex stratification in the workplace: Male-female differences in economic returns to occupation

Racism, sexism, and social class: implications for studies of health, disease, and well-being

Income inequality, social cohesion and the health status of populations: the role of neo-liberalism

The unfinished revolution: How a new generation is reshaping family, work, and gender in America

Linked data: The story so far

A book reading intervention with preschool children who have limited vocabularies: The benefits of regular reading and dialogic reading

Measuring the accuracy of diagnostic systems

Dirt Angels

The Importance of Being Esther: Rabbis, Canonicity, Problems and Possibilities

Food economy crysis

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Learning from the first operations management textbook

Descriptive Catalogue, 2. Agricola Check List, a Short-Title Inventory of Some Printed Editions and Printed Compendia of Rudolph Agricola's Dialectical Invention (De

Descriptive Catalogue, 2. Agricola Check List, a Short-Title Inventory of Some Printed Editions and Printed Compendia of Rudolph Agricola's Dialectical Invention (De

Quid Tacitus...? The Germania and the Study of Anglo-Saxon England

Descriptive Catalogue, 2. Agricola Check List, a Short-Title Inventory of Some Printed Editions and Printed Compendia of Rudolph Agricola's Dialectical Invention (De

Descriptive Catalogue, 2. Agricola Check List, a Short-Title Inventory of Some Printed Editions and Printed Compendia of Rudolph Agricola's Dialectical Invention (De

Descriptive Catalogue, 2. Agricola Check List, a Short-Title Inventory of Some Printed Editions and Printed Compendia of Rudolph Agricola's Dialectical Invention (De

John's Dialogus De Oratoribus P. Cornelius Tacilus, Dialogus de Oratoribus, Erklärt Dr. Constantin von John: Berlin, Weidmannsche Buchhandlung 1899. Pp. vii+ 164

Hypnosis and related states

ABC of complementary medicine: hypnosis and relaxation therapies

Design of treatment trials for functional gastrointestinal disorders

Converging technologies-shaping the future of European societies

The making of modern mysticism

Microsystems in health care: Part 1. Learning from high-performing front-line clinical units

Six essential principles of Iranian traditional medicine for maintaining health from the Quran's point of view

Situation-based measurement of the full range of leadership model—Development and validation of a situational judgment test

Assessing depressive symptoms in five psychiatric populations: a validation study

Severe decrements in cognition function and mood induced by sleep loss, heat, dehydration, and undernutrition during simulated combat

Ethical and legal issues related to the use of computer programs in clinical medicine

Building an automated SOAP classifier for emergency department reports

of the superfamily PLATYSCELOIDEA Bowman & Gruner, 1973 (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Hyperiidea), together with keys to the families, genera and species

Skelton P, Smith A. 2002. Accompanying booklet written by Monks N. Cladistics: a practical primer on CD‐ROM

A new Burgess Shale-type assemblage from the thin Stephen Formation of the southern Canadian Rockies

The nature and management of geotourism: A case study of two established iconic geotourism destinations

Passage to Union: How the Railroads Transformed American Life, 1829-1929

The amphibians and reptiles of Illinois

Birds of Mexico and central America

SIGNS OF THE HOUR: Eschatological Imagery in Islamic Book Arts

Characteristics of spring waters in Budapest: A short review

The future of food: biotechnology markets and policies in an international setting

Questions of evidence: Proof, practice, and persuasion across the disciplines

International Criminal Law: Cases and Materials

Australian civil procedure

Patterns of communication breakdowns resulting in injury to surgical patients

Complex litigation: injunctions, structural remedies and contempt

Fostering multi-cultural awareness: Books for young children

How safe do you feel?: James Bond, Skyfall, and the politics of the secret agent in an age of ubiquitous threat

Their Own Story: Literature for African-American Children

Fostering multi-cultural awareness: Books for young children

Cristina Udelsmann Rodrigues, O Trabalho Dignifica o Homem: Estratégias de Sobrevivência em Luanda. Lisbon, Edições Colibri («Tempos e Espaços

Vaccination with three inactivated pathogens of cobia (Rachycentron canadum) stimulates protective immunity

English language teaching in Spain: Do textbooks comply with the official methodological regulations? A sample analysis

Back to the future?: the challenge of the past for courthouses of tomorrow

Ya Heard Me? Rhoticity in Post-Katrina New Orleans English

Partition of India and its Leading Figures

On the interrelations between accounting and the state

Basic animal nutrition and feeding

Integrated food science and technology for the tropics

A randomised study in healthy volunteers to investigate the safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of idarucizumab, a specific antidote to dabigatran

Evaluation of evidence-based nursing pain management practice

of an integrated pharmacology and medicines management curriculum for undergraduate adult nursing students on the acquisition of applied drug/pharmacology

Not-for-profit entrepreneurs

Empowerment: the politics of alternative development

Value and fluidity in collaborative heritage research planning: Perspectives from the memory, meaning-making and collections project

Measuring self-management of patients' and employees' health: further validation of the Patient Activation Measure (PAM) based on its relation to employee

The charism of 21st-century Catholic schools: Building a culture of relationships

Excess dietary tyrosine and corneal lesions

Religion, agency, restitution: the Wilde lectures in natural religion 1999

Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays

Interferon alfa-2a in Japanese encephalitis: a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial

The daily practice of painting: writings and interviews, 1962-1993

Exploring place perception a photo-based analysis

Software failure, management failure: amazing stories and cautionary tales

Global turns in US art history

Information asymmetry, corporate disclosure, and the capital markets: A review of the empirical disclosure literature

Linking teacher and student learning to improve professional development in systemic reform

Toward an integration of cognitive and motivational perspectives on social inference: A biased hypothesis-testing model

Empirically supported treatments in pediatric psychology: regimen adherence

Anne Nothof, ed. Ethnicities: Plays from the New West

Slow and steady: Lost in translation

The Norton Shakespeare: based on the Oxford edition

Global environmental change, sociology, and paradigm isolation

International Criminal Law: Cases and Materials

Hugo Grotius

Grotius and the Origin of the Ruler's Right to Punish

Imperium in Imperio?'Sovereign Powers of the First Dutch West India Company

Mare Liberum vs. Mare Clausum: Grotius, Freitas, and Selden's debate on dominion over the seas

Socinianism Truly Stated': John Toland, Jean Leclerc and the Eighteenth-Century Reception of Grotius's De Veritate

Recent history of fractional calculus

American Political Writing During the Founding Era: Two Volume Paperback Set

Berkeley County

Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays

American Political Writing During the Founding Era: Two Volume Paperback Set

The decision to allow military women into combat positions: A study in policy and politics

Radical gardening: politics, idealism & rebellion in the garden

Writing Chinese America into words and images: Storytelling and retelling of the song of Mu Lan

Reporting standards in venous disease: an update

Hector Berlioz and his Vesuvius: an analysis of historical evidence from an epileptological perspective

Guo Xuebo-Una voce in difesa di una terra e delle sue tradizioni

An outpatient program in behavioral medicine for chronic pain patients based on the practice of mindfulness meditation: Theoretical considerations and preliminary

Unix Philosophy and the real World: control software for humanoid robots

Computational environment and software configuration management of the 1996 performance assessment for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant

The Imaginary of Borders: From a Coloring Book to Cézanne's Paintings

Logic and Aristotle's Rhetoric and Poetics in medieval Arabic philosophy

Sufism Shat'h versus Surrealism Literature and Art

Cities of words: Recent studies on urbanism and literature

How Africans pursue low-end globalization in Hong Kong and mainland China

Nostalgia, Arab Nationalism, and The Andalusian Chronotope in the Evolution of the Modern Arabic Novel

Mobile communication and new sense of places: a critique of spatialization in cyberculture

Mabberley's plant-book: a portable dictionary of plants, their classifications and uses

Understanding language: A thumbnail sketch

Plant protection in India

How to make and use compost: the ultimate guide

A straightforward synthesis of (±) 5-amino-5, 6-dideoxyallose, of its bisulfite β-anomer, and of its 1-deoxy derivative

Role of radiotherapy in cancer control in low-income and middle-income countries

Rome's World Pride: making the eternal city an international gay tourism destination

Learning how to mean

Anatomy of a quilt: the Gee's Bend freedom quilting bee


Marketing for nonprofit organizations

Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, In 1926. Living at the Edge of Time

Introduction to computer graphics

Advanced surface fitting techniques

A survey of computer vision-based human motion capture

East Asian latecomer firms: learning the technology of electronics

Corporate governance, regulatory changes, and corporate restructuring in Korea, 1993-2004

Crisis in regional economic cooperation (integration) among developing countries: A survey

British Capitalism at the Crossroads, 1919â€1932

North Korea and Support to Terrorism: An Evolving History

Gender planning in the Third World: meeting practical and strategic gender needs

National Register nomination for the George and Eliza Withington House

Lead Paint Regulations: An Update of Best Practices

From Baghdad to Paris: 1897; Journal of a Journey to Europe by Land via Damascus and Beirut. PDF Book-March 4, 2013

Christian idiom and style in Abam Arikpo's The womankind of man

Environmental history in the Mediterranean world: cross-disciplinary investigation of cause-and-effect for degradation and soil erosion

Political Prattle in James Fenimore Cooper's Favorite Book: Reciprocal Readings of the ABC Letters and The Monikins

Little science, big science... and beyond

The Craft of Philip Larkin

Autoexoticizing: Asian American youth and the import car scene

Leadership and administration: An emerging field in practical theology

Man-of-action heroes: The pursuit of heroic masculinity in everyday consumption

From Vernacular Humor to Middlebrow Modernism: Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and the Creation of Literary Value

Asymmetric Synthesis

The 'National System of Innovation'in historical perspective

Biography/memoir [Book Review

The great infidel: a life of David Hume

Later Greek Religion

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Hellenism and historiography: Gregory of Nazianzus and Julian in dialogue

Oeconomicus: A Social and Historical Commentary, with a New English Translation

Endangered freshwater fishes of Greece

Theurgy and the soul: The neoplatonism of Iamblichus

Shifting the foundations: Descartes's transformation of ancient geometry

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

The (Un) happy Romance of Curleo and Liliet'. Xenophon of Ephesus, the Cyropaedia and the birth of the'anti-tragic'novel

Academic writing for graduate students: Essential tasks and skills

The book in the Renaissance

The introduction of variolation 'A La Turca'to the West by Lady Mary Montagu and Turkey's contribution to this

The story of art

Ladies in Peril: Sarah Waters on neo-Victorian narrative celebrations and why she stopped writing about the Victorian era

Playing with fire: Feminist thought and activism through seven lives in India

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Short story theory at a crossroads

Estimation of timber volume and stem density based on scanning laser altimetry and expected tree size distribution functions

Eudora Welty's The Golden Apples: Abjection and the Maternal South

What makes stock exchanges succeed? Evidence from cross-listing decisions

The history of ecosystem services in economic theory and practice: from early notions to markets and payment schemes

Annual Bibliography: vol. 11-20 (1995-2004)(Contemporary German Literature Collection

Stigma starts early: Gender differences in teen willingness to use mental health services

The definition of blended learning in higher education

Teens speak out about HIV/AIDS: focus group discussions about risk and decision-making

Cognitive tools: Exploring linear and exponential growth

Unipolarity without hegemony

Atheism from the Reformation to the Enlightenment

The economic effects of the Protestant Reformation: testing the Weber hypothesis in the German lands

Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus

Micro-blogging as generator of market insights and competitive intelligence

Military aptitude testing: The past fifty years

Stages of change profiles in outpatient alcoholism treatment

Can parents choose the best schools for their children

Private choices, public consequences: Magnet school choice and segregation by race and poverty

Children's blood lead and standardized test performance response as indicators of neurotoxicity in metropolitan New Orleans elementary schools

Australian Aboriginal geomythology: eyewitness accounts of cosmic impacts

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Dissociating pain from its anticipation in the human brain

Judging a book by its cover: Publishing trends in young adult literature

Arabic cluster: a bridge between East and West

Microwaves in extractive metallurgy: Part 2-A review of applications

Principles of the Extraction of Metals

Architectural modelmaking

An analysis of consumer power on the Internet

Rediscovering the teaching of Jesus

The promised land of weight loss

Private Piety in Seventeenth-century Germany and the Devotional Compilations of Caspar Stieler

The art of hearing God: Absorption, dissociation, and contemporary American spirituality

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Entrepreneurial small business

Legal Problems of International Economic Relations: Cases Materials and Text on the National and International Regulation of Transnational Economic Relations

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Market models: A guide to financial data analysis

Hedge funds

Share restrictions and asset pricing: Evidence from the hedge fund industry

A primer on finance-led capitalism and its crisis. Introduction

Gender and coping: The parents of children with high functioning autism

Splitting up value: A critical review of residual income theories

Psychological stress and anxiety in middle to late childhood and early adolescence: manifestations and management

Bubble-wrapped children and Safe Books for Boys: The politics of parenting in Harry Potter

Monthly Archives: April 2012

Abrasive jet deburring of jewellery models built by stereolithography apparatus (SLA

Amplifying the Ghanaian Bead through Publication Design

Dominance relationships and agonistic behavior of Canada geese in winter

The impact of a radio program on adolescents

Turkeys: a guide to management

Poultry health and management: chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese, quail

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Conceituação do gênero zuihitsu: análise comparativa de textos de Makura no sôshi e Tsurezuregusa

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works


Elementary number theory in superstrings, loop quantum mechanics, twistors and E-infinity high energy physics

General, organic, and biological chemistry: structures of life

After the greening: the browning of Australia

Ginseng abuse syndrome: problems with the panacea

Career adaptability development in adolescence: Multiple predictors and effect on sense of power and life satisfaction

Handfuls of heroes on desperate ventures: When do Special Operations succeed

The biology of Phoronida

Creative accounting: role-playing games, possible-world theory, and the agency of imagination

T he B ulle T in

Light and electron microscopy of plant virus inclusions

Seasonal concentration of the hotel demand in Costa del Sol: A decomposition by nationalities

Great streets

Collective Memory in Contemporary Poland and Pre-Independence (1918) Warfare: An Early 21st Century Foreign Traveler's Observations concerning Polish

Tip and whorl morphogenesis in Acetabularia by calcium-regulated strain fields

Paleoecology of the Cenozoic reefal foraminifers and algae—a brief review

ONR Tokyo Scientific Bulletin. Volume 4. Number 3, July-September 1979

Temporal patterns in distributions of tropical fish larvae on the North West Shelf of Australia

Enhancing young people's social competence and health behavior: An important challenge for educators, scientists, policymakers, and funders

Disadvantaged children: Health, nutrition and school failure

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Migratory patterns of mountain lions: implications for social regulation and conservation

The 132 Ma Comei-Bunbury large igneous province: Remnants identified in present-day southeastern Tibet and southwestern Australia

Appartenenza e separazione nelle terapie del lutto: da un tempo bloccato alla presenza di un'assenza

Der Roman des Lebens. Die Aktualität unserer Bildung und ihre Geschichte im Bildungsroman

Antioxidant activities and polyphenolic contents of fifteen selected plant species from the Amazonian region

Teresa e le altre. Una tavola rotonda virtuale

The Huguenot Diaspora

Agriculture in Georgia: Overview

Smartphone medication adherence apps: potential benefits to patients and providers

Next to the color line: gender, sexuality, and WEB Du Bois

mac os x in the news

The university against itself: The NYU strike and the future of the academic workplace

Re) i-magining identity: plural subjectivities in Beryl Gilroy's Frangipani House and Michelle Cliff's No telephone to heaven

Alan Garner's Red Shift and the Shifting Ballad of Tam Lin

We are Not the Language: An Interview with Ed Roberson (Part 2

Writing a Thirty Minute Television Script

Eating disorders

The Letters of Dolly and Zane Grey

Policies, decisions and information sources for modeling

Bureaucracy and public economics

Incentive-based budgeting systems in public universities

The principle of normalization in human services

Energy Policies of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries—possibilities and limitations of ecological modernization in rentier states

for government: Integrating Activity Based Costing, the Balanced Scorecard, and Total Quality Management with the Planning, Programming and Budgeting System

Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays

Here's one I made earlier: making and living with home craft in contemporary Britain

An exploration into biomimicry and its application in digital & parametric [architectural] design


Honest work: A business ethics reader

Parental incentives and early childhood achievement: a field experiment in Chicago heights

Ernie Tucker on books

Opportunist dealing in the UK pig meat supply chain: Trader mentalities and alternatives

Library Guides: Nevada Writers Hall of Fame: Virginia Coffman

Geomorphological mapping with a small unmanned aircraft system (sUAS): Feature detection and accuracy assessment of a photogrammetrically-derived digital

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Capitalising upon political opportunities to reform drug policy: a case study into the development of the Australian Tough on Drugs-Illicit Drug Diversion Initiative

Talanoa: matala'oe fonua

I Thought of Archimedes [Book Review

Chemistry of the solid-water interface: processes at the mineral-water and particle-water interface in natural systems

An introduction to radiation chemistry

Postanarchism in a Nutshell

Changing anarchism: anarchist theory and practice in a global age

Colin Ward and the New Left

Postanarchism in a Nutshell

Security management for prevention of book thefts in university libraries. A case study of benue state university library, Nigeria


Epidemiology, co-morbidity, and impact on health-related quality of life of self-reported headache and musculoskeletal pain-a gender perspective

Central sensitization: implications for the diagnosis and treatment of pain

Metabolic toxicity and neuromuscular pain, joint disorders, and fibromyalgia

Systematic review of prevalence, correlates, and treatment outcomes for chronic non-cancer pain in patients with comorbid substance use disorder

The neural basis of drug craving: an incentive-sensitization theory of addiction

Indirect, out-of-pocket and medical costs from influenza-related illness in young children

Categorical and gradient properties of assimilation in alveolar to velar sequences: evidence from EPG and EMA data

The structure of English causatives

The importance of morphological awareness in Korean-English biliteracy acquisition

The phonetics and phonology of stop lenition in Korean

Trends in cardiovascular mortality in patients with rheumatoid arthritis over 50 years: a systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies

The long QT syndrome: a transatlantic clinical approach to diagnosis and therapy

Diastolic function of the heart in clinical cardiology

CT of the heart and the great vessels. Experimental evaluation and clinical application

Relationship of blood pressure, serum cholesterol, smoking habit, relative weight and ECG abnormalities to incidence of major coronary events: final report of the

Heart disease

Framing abuse: Media influence and public understanding of sexual violence against children

A free book online. Hosted by

The Comedies of Aristophanes. Vol. 10: Ecclesiazusae [Book Review

A bibliography of succulent plant periodicals

Scuffing-a review

The role of SME entrepreneurs' innovativeness and personality in the adoption of innovations

Dirichlet L-Series

tion-O. Trdtscher

Encyclopedia of modern China

Speech Acts Analysis in the Slogan of Car Advertisements in Jawa Pos Newspaper

Occupational communities: Culture and control in organizations

Mind activity in teaching and mentoring

A Rite of Passage: The Transformation of Anglo-American Comic Books in the Post-World War II Era

My Arts-Informed Narrative Inquiry into Homophobia in Elementary Schools as a Supply Teacher

Genetics for cat breeders

Media Adaptations of Children's Literature: The Brave New Genre

Informal Children's Literature Inventory: Test Yourself

Science story telling in TV documentaries

Role of yoga therapies in psychosomatic disorders

Love, Mother

The management of perceived risk in the food supply chain: a comparative study of retailer-led beef quality assurance schemes in Germany and Italy

High Rates of Suicide and Violence in the Lives of Girls and Young Women in Bangladesh: Issues for Feminist Intervention

Oxford dictionary

Other lives in accounting: critical reflections on oral history methodology in action

Tracing the history of grounded theory methodology: From formation to fragmentation

Reading and Internet Use Activities of Undergraduate Students of the University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria

Funeral monuments in post-Reformation England

Reframing the National Football League: An organizational analysis of the construction of a modern spectacle

The seventh data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

The Oklahoma City Plunder: Turner's Social Drama and Team Relocation

Balancing the intellectual capital books: intangible liabilities

Popular Culture and the Rituals of American Football

Primary Menu

Spatial patterns in China's rural industrial growth and prospects for the alleviation of regional income inequality

Pictures for Use and Pleasure: Vernacular Painting in High Qing China

Globalization and urban change: Capital, culture, and Pacific Rim mega-projects

An economic geography of China

Urban planning in socialist China: Theory and practice

Beyond 'dragon in the bush': the study of China-Africa relations

China's regional inequality, 1952-1985

Economics of development

Adaptation from standing genetic variation

Measurement theory

An investigation of the effects of massage on quadriceps performance after exercise fatigue

Worshipping the Enterprising Self: The Oprah Empire's Brand of Spiritual Self-Governance

Living with television: The violence profile

Economic integration, industrial specialization, and the asymmetry of macroeconomic fluctuations

Limits to the use of threatened species lists

American slavery in history and memory and the search for social justice

Race, medicine, and health care in the United States: a historical survey

An Agrarian Republic: Farming, Antislavery Politics, and Nature Parks in the Civil War Era by Adam Wesley Dean

Meta Warrick's 1907 Negro Tableaux and (Re) Presenting African American Historical Memory

New tools in comparative political economy: The database of political institutions

John Burroughs--Naturalist of West Park

Ribtickling literature: Educational implications for joke and riddle books in the elementary classroom

Art, religion, and material culture: some reflections on method

Interpreting Catastrophe: Disasters in the Works of Pseudo-Joshua the Stylite, Socrates Scholasticus, Philostorgius, and Timothy Aelurus

The good tourist: a worldwide guide for the green traveller

Worksite health promotion

Qualitative analysis of patients' work during mechanical ventilation and weaning

Physical activity and public health: a recommendation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American College of Sports Medicine

Methods to persuade higher management to invest in health promotion programmes in the workplace

Worksite health promotion

The role of the business model in capturing value from innovation: evidence from Xerox Corporation's technology spin‐off companies

Relationality/territoriality: Toward a conceptualization of cities in the world

Origin and theoretical basis of New Public Management

Bureau men, settlement women: constructing public administration in the progressive era (studies in government & public policy

Optoelectronics-an introduction

MSOH processor for STM-0/STS-1 to STM-4/STS-12: component of a SDH/SONET library

Sightline ColonoSight system for a disposable, power-assisted, non-fiber-optic colonoscopy (with video

Low frequency plasmons in thin-wire structures

Optical fiber communications

Outage capacity optimization for free-space optical links with pointing errors

Negotiating local autonomy

Immune complexes in clinical and experimental medicine

Social media framework for the destination Usedom: How to create awareness and dialogue by using social media for the destination Usedom taking into account the

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Differentiation and identification of White Riesling clones by genetic markers

Eine schlagfertige Antwort

Wine: The Illiquid Liquid Investment Asset

The hospital prayer book: A partner for healing

The Cuckoo

How do young people find out about their parent's cancer diagnosis: A phenomenological study

The development and validation of the Children's Hope Scale

Women's health care work in comparative perspective: Canada, Sweden and Czechoslovakia/Czech Republic as case examples

Five years experience with recombinant human growth hormone treatment of children with chronic renal failure

The pesticide manual: A world compendium

Why is assortment planning so difficult for retailers? A framework and research agenda

Innovation in food service technology and its strategic role

Economic Education in England

Economic Education in England

Economic Education in England

Developing subject knowledge and creativity in business and economics teachers

Essentials of entrepreneurship and small business management

Accounting standards and debt covenants: Has the balance sheet approach led to a decline in the use of balance sheet covenants

Czech Intellectuals and Post-Communism

Pořady věnované divadlu na obrazovce České televize od roku 2000-2010

Chalcone synthase expression and pigments deposition in wheat with purple and blue colored caryopsis

Zur Typologie und kulturellen Funktion von Václav Havels Dopisy Olze (Briefe an Olga

Apel a absurdita v textech Václava Havla

Lessons from China's economic reform

Searching for culture—high and low

The Book of Kells: its function and audience

Motherhood in Ireland, Creation and Context

Soul brothers: a memoir

Pilot study of a commercialized human papillomavirus (HPV) genotyping assay: comparison of HPV risk group to cytology and histology

The book in the Renaissance

Omega-3/6 fatty acids: alternative sources of production

The importance of us: A philosophical study of basic social notions

Global brain: The evolution of mass mind from the big bang to the 21st century

Folk physics for apes: The chimpanzee's theory of how the world works


The chemical biology of fishes. With a key to the chemical literature

The insect societies

Does electoral accountability affect economic policy choices? Evidence from gubernatorial term limits

When Clothes Don't Make the Man: Sartorial Style, Conspicuous Consumption, and Class Passing in Lothar Meggendorfer's Scenes in the Life of a Masher

Sex sells: Sex, taste, and class in commercial gay and lesbian media

From Petitions for Gratuities to Claims for Damages: Personal Injuries and Railroads During the Industrialization of the United States

No Little Plans: Envisioning the Bay Area Rapid Transit System and the Renewal of Rapid Transit in the United States

The role of the physician: Eugene Sanger and a standard of care at the Elmira prison camp

Solar cells: operating principles, technology, and system applications

Solar cells: operating principles, technology, and system applications

An assessment of interactions between global health initiatives and country health systems

How should MDG success and failure be judged: Faster progress or achieving the targets

Nonfarm income diversification and household livelihood strategies in rural Africa: concepts, dynamics, and policy implications

Livelihoods and rural poverty reduction in Tanzania

Fiscal Rules in Response to the Crisis

Poverty reduction strategy papers: a new convergence

Can policy intervention beat the resource curse? Evidence from the Chad-Cameroon pipeline project

How citizens participate in macroeconomic policy: International experience and implications for poverty reduction

Supergay: A Queer Analysis of the CW's Supergirl

Foreign Exchange in Denis Johnson's The Stars at Noon

Happy Isles in Crisis: The historical causes for a failing state in the Solomon Islands, 1998-2004

The Autobiography of a Goddess

Alternative instructional strategies for creative and critical thinking in the accounting curriculum

Quantification of live aboveground forest biomass dynamics with Landsat time-series and field inventory data: A comparison of empirical modeling approaches

Existence, location, possession and transitivity

Approaching the historical phonology of three highly eroded Sino-Tibetan languages: Naxi, Na and Laze

Quantitative analysis of culture using millions of digitized books

Characterization and modeling of mechanical behavior of polymer/clay nanocomposites

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Donnie Darko

100 ways to make a Japanese house

The Grammar of Television Production by Desmond Davis

The book in the Renaissance

Star in the East: Krishnamurti, the Invention of a Messiah

Conflicting Expectations in Nineteenth-Century British Matrimony: The Failed Companionate Marriage of Effie Gray and John Ruskin

Mathematics for elementary teachers: A contemporary approach

Transformations in Deuteronomistic and Biblical Historiography On» Book-Finding «and other Literary Strategies

Ordained and other ministries: Making a difference

The Three Dimensions of Scriptures

Blessings, strength, and guidance: Prayer frames in a hospital prayer book

Đố tục giảng thanh và giai thoại chữ nghĩa

Blood and Wine: The Unauthorized Story of the Gallo Wine Empire

Microbial quality, Phytoestrogen levels and nutritional content of locally produced soymilk/powder in the Kumasi Metropolis, Ashanti Region, Ghana

Deadly charm: The story of a Deaf serial killer

It's complicated: The social lives of networked teens

Fusion cubes: towards self-service business intelligence

Essentials of entrepreneurship and small business management

Encyclopedia of physical science

Science instruction in the middle and secondary schools

Current status, opportunities and challenges of augmented reality in education

State of the science of endocrine disrupting chemicals 2012: an assessment of the state of the science of endocrine disruptors prepared by a group of experts

Using an inquiry-based teaching approach to improve science outcomes for students with disabilities: Snapshot and longitudinal data

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

A study of deaths involving oxycodone

The Journey To Baba Yaga: An Uncertain Landscape Into Light and Dark

Introduction: the study and history of genocide

Motives and methods for leaving the gang: Understanding the process of gang desistance

Epidemiology of child homicide in Jefferson County, Alabama

Expert systems at stage IV of the knowledge management technology stage model: The case of police investigations

Police (canteen) sub-culture. An appreciation

Race and attitudes toward the police: Assessing the effects of watching reality police programs

Past Revolutions, Future Transformations. What Can the History of Revolutions in Military Affairs Tell us about Transforming the US Military

General Kenney Reports: A Personal History of the Pacific War

The Cooperative Engagement Capability CEC Transforming Naval Anti-air Warfare

Doolittle Raid

Mathematical foundations of thermodynamics

Race and gender in the labor market

Depressive symptoms among working women in rural North Carolina: a comparison of women in poultry processing and other low-wage jobs

The Enchanted Screen: The Unknown History of Fairy-Tale Films

Fight Club—Book Review

Magic as Metaphor in Anime: A Critical Study

Effect of intentional bias on agency attribution of animated motion: an event-related fMRI study

The multiplanar image

Public intellectuality: academies of exhibition and the new disciplinary secession

Psychosocial interventions in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Physical activity and public health: a recommendation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American College of Sports Medicine

Mental health consequences of war: a brief review of research findings

Utilizing 3D games development tool for architectural design in a virtual environment

Modding to the big leagues: Exploring the space between modders and the game industry

Developing serious games (game development series

Conceptual play spaces

The design, play, and experience framework

Network gaming: performance and traffic modeling

Plant-based diets: A physician's guide

The Dragon Children: The Prophecy by Hannah Byrnes# YA# Fantasy

El estudio del árabe marroquí en España durante el siglo XIX. La obra de Pedro María del Castillo y Olivas,¿ árabe marroquí o árabe argelino

«Me quedaré con lo positivo»: Análisis de blogs de mujeres con cáncer de mama

Pragmatic markers in translation

The Prophet and the Fly

Estructuras narrativas folclóricas presentes en Génesis 2, 4-3, 24

New literacies: Everyday practices and classroom learning

El uso de la literatura infantil en la enseñanza del conocimiento del entorno

Puerta de Atocha-Estación de los Desamparados

Some aspects of the spread of English in China since 1949

What is a Chinese dialect/topolect?: Reflections on Some Key Sino-English Linguistic Terms

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Power and authority in the production of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325

General principles of law in the decisions of international criminal courts and tribunals

The trinity archetype in the Jungle Books and the Wizard of Oz

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

The evolution to 4G cellular systems: LTE-Advanced

The evolution to 4G cellular systems: LTE-Advanced

The evolution to 4G cellular systems: LTE-Advanced

Wireless internet access: 3G vs. WiFi

Making decisions about US-Japan security relations: toward a limited forward-deployment in the 21st century

can be induced by a Peptidoglycan/NOD2 mediated pathway in primary monocytic cells and is deficient in Crohn's patients with homozygous NOD2 mutations

God's love, Mother's milk

A picture identification test for hearing-impaired children

Bible and Yoga: Toward an Esoteric Reading of Biblical Literature

Using deferred compensation to strengthen the ethics of financial regulation

Writers into Intellectuals, Culture into Politics: Grappling with History in the NRF, 1920-1940

Reading the French new wave: critics, writers and art cinema in France

The risk management of nothing

Measuring the wealth of nations: The political economy of national accounts

The third wave

Organizational psychology in elite sport: Its emergence, application and future

Traditional games of a timeless land: Play cultures in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

Developing measures of time-based manufacturing

Doctor Faustus and the Printer's Devil

Doctor Faustus and the Printer's Devil

Doctor Faustus and the Printer's Devil

Doctor Faustus and the Printer's Devil

From Faust to Strangelove: Representations of the scientist in western literature

Doctor Faustus and the Printer's Devil

Doctor Faustus and the Printer's Devil

When did Marlowe Write Dido, Queen of Carthage

Numerical taxonomy. The principles and practice of numerical classification

Generalized impulse response analysis in linear multivariate models

Optimal use of biplots in analysis of multi-location variety test data

Teaching English as an international language: Rethinking goals and perspectives

Making it: Manufacturing techniques for product design

Bodily Charm: Living Opera by Linda Hutcheon, Michael Hutcheon

Man-of-action heroes: The pursuit of heroic masculinity in everyday consumption

Monthly Archives: November 2012

Projective geometry for machine vision

Evaluation of learning objectives in Iranian high-school and pre-university English textbooks using Bloom's taxonomy

Projective geometry for machine vision

Fundamentals of linear state space systems

Fractional coverings, greedy coverings, and rectifier networks

Exact online string matching bibliography

All That Is by James Salter

The Myths of Fiction: Studies in the Canonical Greek Novels

No-pill no-risk birth control

River in Late Period of the Ming Dynasty--A Discourse of Stilly Explanation of Kalima Sahada Criticized by Wang Daiyu in his The Real Commentary on the True Tea

A review of latest research findings on the health promotion properties of tea

Seven Pieces of Wisdom on Consumer Research From Sandy, Quarter, Tommy, Matthew, Paul, Dave, and Dolly: a Love Letter to ACR

The wound, the knot, and the book: Marie de France and literary traditions of love in the Lais

Aboriginal Fables and legendary tales

Doctor Knew Best

Power and pleasure around the stove: The construction of gendered identity in middle-class south Indian Hindu households in urban Malaysia

Doing an Alexander':: Lessons on Leadership by a Master Conqueror

Italian cuisine

Evolution, selection and cognition: From learning to parameter setting in biology and in the study of language

Vision as Bayesian inference: analysis by synthesis

A survey of moment-based techniques for unoccluded object representation and recognition

A survey of advances in vision-based human motion capture and analysis

Knowledge-based image understanding systems: A survey

From the rubble: Improving community and school engagement

Litigation: Evidence and procedure

Interchurch Families as Domestic Church

A People's Parliament/A Citizen Legislature

Rethinking the privilege against self-incrimination

Journey to the ants: a story of scientific exploration

Therapeutic Measures: The Hydra and Wilfred Owen at Craiglockhart War Hospital

Transit fact book, 1974-1975

The Enlightened economy an economic history of Britain 1700-1850

Racial and gender discrimination: risk factors for high blood pressure

A comparison of androgynous, masculine sex-typed, and undifferentiated males on dimensions of attitudes toward rape

A feminist confronts ageism

Anciennes influences islamiques à Madagascar

Teaching Women and Gender in France d'Outre-Mer: Problems and Strategies

Outcome and long-term growth after extensive small bowel resection in the neonatal period: a survey of 87 children

Three decades of writing on manifesto: the making of a genre

How will China democratize

Local governance and public goods provision in rural China

Expansion and fragmentation: internationalization, political change and the transformation of the nation-state

Authoritarian resilience

Facing up to the democratic recession

Democracy as a universal value

The great disappearing act: difficulties in doing leadership

Who is the king

Collecting the Empire: Andrew Lang's Fairy Books (1889-1910

Innovazione sociale e strategie di connessione delle reti alimentari alternative

Rural industries and water pollution in China

Telling time for archaeologists

The Indian Ocean Through the Ages

London: world city, 1800-1840

Medical tourism: crossing borders to access health care

An assessment of the impact of counterfeiting in international markets: the piracy paradox persists

On the autonomy of language and gesture: Evidence from the acquisition of personal pronouns in American Sign Language

Oscar Wilde, Salome, and the German Press 1902-1905

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

The future's eve: Reparative reading after Sedgwick

André Gide Among the Parisian Ghosts in the Anglo-Irish

Liraglutide once a day versus exenatide twice a day for type 2 diabetes: a 26-week randomised, parallel-group, multinational, open-label trial (LEAD-6

Isolation and identification of drugs in Pharmaceuticals, body fluids, and post-mortem material. Vol. 2

The growing problem of obesity

Correlation of paraquat toxicity with tissue concentrations and weight loss of the rat

Fuel To Perform: Carbohydrate Nutrition for Strength and Power

Change in the health promoting lifestyle behaviour of Turkish University nursing students from beginning to end of nurse training

Critical thinking and evidence-based practice

Quality and safety education for nurses

A nursing informatics research agenda for 2008-18: Contextual influences and key components

Essentials of maternity, newborn, & women's health nursing

Cooking in the Books: Cookbooks and Cookery in Popular Fiction

Dietary pattern analysis and biomarkers of low-grade inflammation: a systematic literature review

Food legume processing and utilization (with special emphasis on application in developing countries

Lexical collocations: a contrastive view

Teaching talk: should students learn'real German

The Unlucky, the Bad and the Ugly: Categories of Monstrosity from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment

Jerry Muller,Capitalism and the Jews

How Difficult It Is to Be God: Shining Path's Politics of War in Peru, 1980-1999

Two Notes on the Identification of Two Anonymous Hebrew Commentaries on the Physics

Synthesis and properties of two series of heavy metal hexacyanoferrates

Ethics, character, and authentic transformational leadership behavior

Legacy tourism: The search for personal meaning in heritage travel

Surviving images: Holocaust photographs and the work of postmemory

Tapestry with Images: Paul Scott's Raj Novels

The role of possessions in constructing and maintaining a sense of past

Fashion as communication: A semiotic analysis of fashion on 'Sex and the City

The value of culture: On the relationship between economics and arts

articles including a selection from the book Michael and Me and the Sun (1992), bibliography of her works, and a review of Iris In Her Garden (1991) and Goodnight Mr

A bibliographical survey of constraint-based approaches to CAD, graphics, layout, visualization, and related topics

Advocating multiculturalism: Migrants in Australian children's literature after 1972

From the other side of the reference desk: a focus group study

Cast swine before pearls: Comedy, shamanic rage, and poetry

Something funny happened to reward

A struggle for bare existence: Planting the new Church of Jerusalem in early Brisbane

Comparison of microwave-assisted hydrodistillation withthe traditional hydrodistillation method in the extractionof essential oils from Thymus vulgaris L

Treating fibromyalgia syndrome with essential oils

Fragrance and Wellbeing: Plant Aromatics and Their Influence on the Psyche

Traditional phytotherapy of Danuwar tribes of Kamlakhonj in Sindhuli district, Nepal

Governing out of order: Space, law and the politics of belonging

Why aren't teachers being prepared to teach for diversity, equity, and global interconnectedness? A study of lived experiences in the making of multicultural and global

Introducing Polygot Perspectives

Understanding identity

In Social Analysis

The power of identity: The information Age: Economy, society and culture, Volume II (The information age

The law of the labour market: Industrialization, employment, and legal evolution

The evolution of the boundaryless career concept: Examining physical and psychological mobility

Autonomous collective agreements as a regulatory device in European labour law: how to read Article 139 EC

Work organization and ergonomics

The right to health as a human right in international law

Farewell to farms: De-agrarianisation and employment in Africa

Cookbooks and Caribbean cultural identity: an English-language hors d'oeuvre

Posts tagged 'Cape Colony

Authorizing yoga: the pragmatics of cultural stewardship in the digital era

A methodology for discovering Nigella sativa, international recipes and its benefits: cooking with Nigella sativa

Cooperative economics: a step by step guide to local currency development

A Business Plan for the Vegetarian Bistro Fresh Bowls in Zlín, Czech Republic

Can we cut out the meat of the dish? Constructing consumer-oriented pathways towards meat substitution

Teacher and learner perceptions of language learning activity


Hungarian Photography Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Designing household survey questionnaires for developing countries

Stephen King´ s The Dark Tower: a modern myth

Anglo-Saxon: the Key to Stephen King's The Dark Tower

HP Lovecraft and his Science Fiction-Horror

An Unrequited Obsession

Media for interactive communication

Accentuating the negative

Commercialisation of government communications: submission to the Government Communications Review Group, Stirling Media Research Institute

Cognitive dysmetria as an integrative theory of schizophrenia: a dysfunction in cortical-subcortical-cerebellar circuitry

In Google we trust

The Pronunciation of English: A Course Book

Man Bac: the excavation of a Neolithic site in Northern Vietnam

Celebrating Susy Smith's Soul: Preliminary Evidence for the Continuance of Smith's Consciousness After Her Physical Death1

Where is visual culture in contemporary theories of media and communication

Cooling buildings in London: overcoming the heat island

Une si longue lettre

Effects of adaptive cruise control and highly automated driving on workload and situation awareness: A review of the empirical evidence

Oscar Wilde Revalued: An Essay on New Materials and Methods of Research

Metaphorical and literal readings of aphorisms in the Book of Proverbs

Trading tongues: Merchants, multilingualism, and medieval literature

An Interview with Alison Bechdel

Rethinking the role of indigenous governance practices in contemporary governance in Africa: the case of Ghana

Making Space for Performance: Theatrical-Architectural Nationalism in Postindependence Ghana

Democracy and socialism in Africa

Kwame Nkrumah. Vision and Tragedy

Ghana's adjustment experience: The paradox of reform

A collaborative approach to implementing 21st century skills in a high school senior research class

Anatomy of the Rat

Sharing secret images using shadow codebooks

Respiratory diseases

Nocturnal Light: Exploring the Perceptual Experience of Bioluminescence

The thief's journal

Negotiation styles of industrial buyers

Does SCOT answer? A comment

Women's participation in endurance motorcycle challenges

The New Dynamics of Legislating and the Implications for Delegating: What's to be Expected on the Receiving End

The impact of banking and fringe banking regulation on the number of unbanked Americans

From tackling poverty to achieving financial inclusion—The changing role of British credit unions in low income communities

Arthroscopic remplissage with Bankart repair for the treatment of glenohumeral instability with Hill-Sachs defects

Pete Rose and baseball's Rule 21

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

The top five reasons for lurking: improving community experiences for everyone

Preparing for smart grid technologies: A behavioral decision research approach to understanding consumer expectations about smart meters

Legal philosophies of Russian liberalism

Peasant Russia, Civil War: the Volga Countryside in Revolution, 1917-21

Why the Soviet Union thinks it could fight and win a nuclear war

Seismic electromagnetic signals (SEMS) explained by a simulation experiment using electromagnetic waves

Spectrum and network measurements

An adaptive chaos synchronization scheme applied to secure communication

Research electronic data capture (REDCap)—a metadata-driven methodology and workflow process for providing translational research informatics support

Public accountability: a new paradigm for college and university annual reports

III Middle English: Excluding Chaucer

New Books across the Disciplines

Dialogue and Discourse Are We Having the Right Conversations

Governmentalities of an airport: heterotopia and confession

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Metrics and performance measurement in operations management: dealing with the metrics maze

Diurnal migration and responses to simulated rainfall in desert soil microarthropods and nematodes

Crime/Thriller [Book Review

On Stapledon's Star Maker

Early spring bloom phytoplankton-nutrient dynamics at the Celtic Sea Shelf Edge

The skeptical environmentalist: measuring the real state of the world

The new world of accessible editions for older adults

Artificial intelligence methods applied for quantitative analysis of natural radioactive sources

Long-distance transport of bulk goods in the pre-Hispanic American Southwest

Predictors of maternal language to infants during a picture book task in the home: Family SES, child characteristics and the parenting environment

Conception to birth: epidemiology of prenatal development

The progress of school education in India

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

New Psalms for a Paradigm Shift in Judaism

Sex business in the toy store: A narrative analysis of a teaching case

Grandma's House

People and Red Pandas: The Red Panda's Role in Economy and Culture

Hockey night in Canada: sport, identities and cultural politics

Fidelity: An essential component of evidence-based practice in speech-language pathology

Principles and techniques of electron microscopy. Biological applications

Intellectual disability and its relationship to autism spectrum disorders

Charges in Community Hospitals as of January 1, 1975. Chicago, 1975. xxxi, 255 p. $9.00. paperbound. American Statistics Index First Annual Supple

A comparison of the evolution of arc complexes in Paleozoic interior and peripheral orogens: speculations on geodynamic correlations

The effect of using vocabulary flash card on Iranian pre-university students' vocabulary knowledge

Art-Zines--The Self-Publishing Revolution: The Zineopolis Art-Zine Collection

Mind-body medicine: practical applications in dermatology

Fables of the East: selected tales 1662-1785

A Study Of The Marketing Channels Of Natural Rubber With Special Reference To Co-Operative Marketing In Kerala

The asset vulnerability framework: reassessing urban poverty reduction strategies

Environmental and economic costs of soil erosion and conservation benefits

Must conditional cash transfer programs be conditioned to be effective? The impact of conditioning transfers on school enrollment in Mexico

Income inequality, residential poverty clustering and infant mortality: a study in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The asset vulnerability framework: reassessing urban poverty reduction strategies

Reflections on Beckett: a centenary celebration

Cruelty and Desire in the Modern Theater: Antonin Artaud, Sarah Kane, and Samuel Beckett

The effects of elaboration in creativity tests as it pertains to overall scores and how it might prevent a person from thinking of creative ideas during the early stages of

Race talk and the conspiracy of silence

Gauge theory correlators from non-critical string theory

Have you thanked your spouse today?: Felt and expressed gratitude among married couples


Aikido For Children & Youth

Crimes committed by Soviet soldiers against German civilians, 1944-1945: A historiographical analysis

Nationalism, the mass army, and military power

A Bibliography of Special Library Materials

The cambridge history of South Africa

South Asian women in the diaspora

Cosmopolitics Ii

Kingdom, Civitas, and County-appendices and expanded bibliography

Charisma and abdication: a study of the leadership of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

To judge a book by its weight you need to know its content: Knowledge moderates the use of embodied cues

Community action for sustainable housing: Building a low-carbon future

A close look at the China design standard for energy efficiency of public buildings

Modeling Contractor's Bidding Decisions

Environmental Science Earth as a Living Planet 9th Edition

Himalaya, the northern frontier of East Gondwanaland

An overview of glacial hazards in the Himalayas

Access to Water Supply among the Tea Pickers in Sylhet, Bangladesh

Landslide hazard zoning using the GIS approach—a case study from the Ramganga catchment, Himalayas

Irrigation: theory and practice

Science, myth and knowledge: testing Himalayan environmental degradation in Thailand

Natural Disasters and Indian History: Oxford India Short Introductions

Earthworms: their ecology and relationships with soils and land use

Patterns and mental health predictors of domestic violence in the United States: Results from the National Comorbidity Survey

Re-Reading the Romance of Seventeenth Summer

Panic encyclopedia: The definitive guide to the postmodern scene

Object-oriented design patterns recovery

Leadership Style of Alan Brunacini

The Commander's Battle Staff Handbook: An Introduction to Staff Functional Area Duties for New Battalion Staff Officers

Technical and economic performance analysis for a microturbine in combined heat and power generation

Quantification of thermal responsiveness of automatic sprinklers including conduction effects

Organic geochemistry applied to environmental assessments of Prince William Sound, Alaska, after the Exxon Valdez oil spill—a review

Measurement of similarity in music: A quantitative approach for non-parametric representations

Effects of trigger point acupuncture treatment on temporomandibular disorders: a preliminary randomized clinical trial

Doctor manpower planning in the United Kingdom: problems arising from myopia in policy making

Investigation of specificity of auricular acupuncture points in regulation of autonomic function in anesthetized rats

Daoyin: Chinese Healing Exercises

PID controllers: theory, design, and tuning

Coevolution of dynamical states and interactions in dynamic networks

Strategic market games: an introduction

Two views of satisficing

Battle scars

The Leaping Zucchini

The authoritarian personality

Disenchantment: George Steiner and Meaning of Western Civilization After Auschwitz

Seeing is believing: The effect of film on visitor numbers to screened locations

Corrosion behaviour of commercially pure titanium shot blasted with different materials and sizes of shot particles for dental implant applications

Reluctant Invaders [Book Review

Book of Proceedings. 1st Congress of the Alps-Adria Working community on Maritime, Undersea, and Hyperbaric Medicine held in Opatija, Croatia on 18-21 April

It Happens Here: Uprooted Minds: Surviving the Politics of Terror in the Americas (Relational Perspectives Book Series)[Paperback] by Nancy Caro Hollander New

Unapproachable Evanston

Language and cultural factors in students' perceptions of teacher communication style

Computational science and engineering

Succubus—The Herdsman's Encounters In P. Berlin 3024, The Pleasures Of Fishing And Fowling, The Songs Of The Drinking Place, And The Ancient Egyptian Love

Generic relationships in Araliaceae: looking into the crystal ball

The sovereignty of parliament: history and philosophy

Mental health and academic success in college

The geo-politics of sustainable development: bureaucracies and politicians in search of the holy grail

Role of impaired gastric accommodation to a meal in functional dyspepsia

Dynamics of human gait

Optimizing time in business with Business Intelligence solution

Red Hat releases Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization for Power

Two efficient staggered algorithms for the serial and parallel solution of three-dimensional nonlinear transient aeroelastic problems

Dematerialization of information management processes

Artificial intelligence approaches to simulation

A study of tools, techniques, and trends for big data analytics


The sword of Laban as a symbol of divine authority and kingship

Test collection based evaluation of information retrieval systems

Competing through service: Insights from service-dominant logic

The origins of fossil capital: From water to steam in the British cotton industry

Tag Archives: west point

Status, alert system, and prediction of cyanobacterial bloom in South Korea

Doing educational research

Examing social presence in online courses in relation to students' perceived learning and satisfaction

Multilevel modelling of health statistics

Slave country: American expansion and the origins of the Deep South

Langdon Warner's vision for the Japanese collection at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, 1930-1935

The American Revolution on the Periphery of Empires: Don Bernardo de Gálvez & the Spanish-American Alliance, 1763-1783

A Rare Phenomenon of Philological Vegetation: The Word Contraband and the Meanings of Emancipation in the United States

American evangelicalism in the post-civil rights era: A racial formation theory analysis

Liberian letters and Virginian narratives: Negation patterns in two new sources of Earlier African American English

Nonfiction [Book Review

Simply Indispensable [Book Review

Fiction: 1900 to the 1930s

The Familiar and the Fantastic A Study of Contemporary High Fantasy in George RR Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire and Steven Erikson's Malazan Book of the Fallen

Mindless repetition: Learning from computer games

Saving Nelson Mandela: the Rivonia trial and the fate of South Africa (Pivotal Moments in World History) by Kenneth Broun

Introduction: the study and history of genocide

Effects of mild head injury on postural stability as measured through clinical balance testing

A survey of models and algorithms for winter road maintenance. Part I: system design for spreading and plowing

Maritime Anthropology and the Study of Fishing Settlements in Archaeology: A Perspective from the Peruvian North Coast

The impact of teaching on students' definitions and explanations of astronomical phenomena

November's Fury: The Deadly Great Lakes Hurricane of 1913 by Michael Schumacher

Angel of Death: Phantom Photograph 2

End-user privacy in human-computer interaction

A primer in game theory

Linguistic game plays: A version for Hindi

Exotic species in the Great Lakes: a history of biotic crises and anthropogenic introductions

Management of rabies in humans

Expert and novice performance in solving physics problems

Rethink Carrots and Sticks

Introduction to applied mathematics

Writing at the Crossroads: Communication and Community-Making in Ciaran Carson's Last Night's Fun

The Last Trombone

A Path Less Trod: New Music for Flute, Cello, and Guitar

A Rare Book of American Proverbs

Stress and strain recovery for functionally graded free-form and doubly-curved sandwich shells using higher-order equivalent single layer theory

Easy string orchestra selections to follow the Barnoff Basic Method for strings

The pedagogical benefits of duet playing: A Vannetelbosch Companion

Middle School String Improvisation and Composition: A Beginning

The Reason for What is Right: Practical Wisdom in John Keble and Charlotte Yonge

The Reason for What is Right: Practical Wisdom in John Keble and Charlotte Yonge

Victorian Sacrifice: Ethics and Economics in Mid-Century Novels

Chronicles of the Red King: The Secret Kingdom

Phantoms in the brain: Probing the mysteries of the human mind

The theme of the three caskets

One part of womankind: prostitution and sexual geography in Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure

Impeccable Governesses, Rational Dames, and Moral Mothers: Mary Wollstonecraft and the Female Tradition in Georgian Children's Books

Elaine Showalter Collection Bibliography

Strategic decision-making for intelligent buildings: Comparative impact of passive design strategies and active features in a hot climate

Effect of heat moisture treatment and annealing on physicochemical properties of red sorghum starch

Exploring the educational potential of robotics in schools: A systematic review

Seashells of southern Floridaliving marine mollusks of the Florida keys and adjacent regions. Bivalves


From Analysis to Judgement= От анализа к суждению

Spend smart, live rich?: A critical analysis of the consumer education lifestyle magazine Budget Living and its readers' forums

Competitiveness and innovation systems: the challenges for Mexico's insertion in the global context

The future of value creation and innovations: Aspects of a theory of value creation and innovation in a global knowledge economy

General introduction: clays, clay minerals, and clay science

Facilitating knowledge transfer during SOX-mandated audit partner rotation

Living systems

A Simple, Research-Based Guide to Better Teaching

Weight and metabolic outcomes after 2 years on a low-carbohydrate versus low-fat diet: a randomized trial

Deformation measurement using terrestrial laser scanning data and least squares 3D surface matching

The ana sanctuary: Women's pro-anorexia narratives in cyberspace

A low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet versus a low-fat diet to treat obesity and hyperlipidemia: a randomized, controlled trial

Bringing sexy back: Reclaiming the body aesthetic via self-shooting

Fighting for Equality: The Anti-Apartheid Movement and the Legacy of Civil Rights

Globalization, institutions, and regional development in Europe

Dislodging Embedded religion: A brief note on a scholarly trope

Rapid declines of common, widespread British moths provide evidence of an insect biodiversity crisis

The rejection of consequentialism: A philosophical investigation of the considerations underlying rival moral conceptions

Psychic Warfare: Exploring the Mind Frontier

Osteological and biomolecular evidence of a 7000-year-old case of hypertrophic pulmonary osteopathy secondary to tuberculosis from neolithic hungary

Psychoanalysis and the Scene of Reading

Departures from violence: Love is not enough

Distinguishing gains from nonlosses and losses from nongains: A regulatory focus perspective on hedonic intensity

Labouring bodies: living standards and the distribution of food in Britain, 1850-1914

Lex30: An improved method of assessing productive vocabulary in an L2

Visual statistical learning in infancy: Evidence for a domain general learning mechanism

Improving Version-Aware Word Documents

Get the story straight: Contextual repetition promotes word learning from storybooks

Computer training, frequency of usage and burnout: the moderating role of computer self-efficacy

Micro-analysis in medical biochemistry

La Tertulia: A dialogic model of adult basic education in the new information age

Prosperity and parenthood: a study of family planning among the Victorian middle classes

Anatomy and physiology of farm animals

Francisco Pancho Villa

Components of cooperative learning: Effects of collaborative skills and academic group contingencies on achievement and mainstreaming

Accommodation and resistance to modernity: a comparison of two contemporary Orthodox Jewish groups

The myth of the Jewish exile from the land of Israel: a demonstration of irenic scholarship

Defining Judaism: Accounting for religions in the study of religion

Teaching culture: Perspectives in practice

Saving the future: how social partnership shaped Ireland's economic success

Correcting misconceptions about Alfred Adler's psychological theory of crime in introductory criminology textbooks: Moving Adler's theory of crime forward

A new image steganography based on first component alteration technique

The Story of a Bad Boy

Crucibles of power: Forging copper and forging subjects at the Moche Ceremonial Center of Huaca Colorada, Peru

Kitty Foyle dir. by Sam Wood, and: Summer Interlude dir. by Ingmar Bergman, and: The Rules of the Game dir. by Jean Renoir, and: Le Doulos dir. by Jean-Pierre

L'annulation de la condamnation à mort de Pierre Nkurunziza, Président de la République du Burundi: un commentaire de l'arrêt du 8 juillet 2011 de la Cour Suprême

Tennyson transformed: Alfred Lord Tennyson and visual culture

Library and information science literature in Bangladesh: a bibliometric study

Cellular and molecular aspects of drug transport in the kidney

dependent trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) pathway contributes to both development of renal insufficiency and mortality risk in chronic kidney disease

A role for AMP-activated protein kinase in contraction-and hypoxia-regulated glucose transport in skeletal muscle

Myocardial utilization of carbohydrate and lipids

Mitochondrial permeability transition: a common pathway to necrosis and apoptosis

Little Red and Black Books: Black's and Murray's Guidebooks to Scotland, 1850-1914

The Enlightenment, Towns and Urban Society in Scotland, c.1760-1820

An overview of breeding objectives for warmblood sport horses

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Why are themed brandstores so powerful? Retail brand ideology at American Girl Place

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Love, Mother

General morphology and sediment patterns in tidal inlets

Principles of biochemistry

Fundamentals of general, organic, and biological chemistry

Fundamentals of general, organic, and biological chemistry

Interest groups in the rule-making process: Who participates? Whose voices get heard

Congress is a they, not an it: Legislative intent as oxymoron

Geographies and politics of localism: The localism of the United Kingdom's coalition government

Political constitutionalism: a republican defence of the constitutionality of democracy

On Mentoring First Generation and Graduate Students of Color

The impact of a mental skills training program for enhanced performance on a varsity intercollegiate volleyball team: A case study program evaluation of an

The authoritarian personality

The clapping book: wind-driven oscillations in a stack of elastic sheets

Mental age and IQ of predominantly vegetarian children

Viva Vivo! Living art is dead

The Encyclopedia of Animals: A Complete Visual Guide

A Methodology for Assessing how Master Plans Contribute Toward Acheiving Sustainable Urban Development

A measure of the quality of dying and death: Initial validation using after-death interviews with family members

The endless city: An authoritative and visually rich survey of the contemporary city

Straight from the heart: Gender, intimacy, and the cultural production of shōjo manga

Where Seas Meet Mountains

Escape with a Convict: Patrick White's' A Fringe of Leaves'[Book Review

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

The American archaeologist: Results of the 1994 SAA census (redux

Cultural heritage rights: From ownership and descent to justice and well-being

Wetlands and agriculture: private interests and public benefits

The role of forensic anthropology in Disaster Victim Identification (DVI

Long distance love: a passion for football

Long distance love: a passion for football


An Extract from Carmel Bird‟ s Introduction to: The Stolen Children-Their Stories

Traditional Animal Foods of Indigenous Peoples of Northern North America

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Casting doubt on the Onset-Rime distinction

A method for the rationalisation of a suburban railway network

The normative origins of positive theories: ideology and accounting thought

The normative origins of positive theories: ideology and accounting thought

The normative origins of positive theories: ideology and accounting thought

An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations (ed. RH Campbell, AS Skinner, and WB Todd

An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations (ed. RH Campbell, AS Skinner, and WB Todd

The development of the theory of money from Adam Smith to David Ricardo

An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations (ed. RH Campbell, AS Skinner, and WB Todd

An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations (ed. RH Campbell, AS Skinner, and WB Todd

The normative origins of positive theories: ideology and accounting thought

An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations (ed. RH Campbell, AS Skinner, and WB Todd

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Mouth to mouth: queer desires in Emma Donoghue's Kissing the Witch

The Wife of Bath's Prologue: One Woman's Response to Early Diatribe and Misogynist Views

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Breaking and Entering: Verb Semantics and Event Structure

My Life As a Stuntboy

Technologically and artistically enhanced multi-sensory computer-programming education

Catch-up growth of supine length/height of very low birth weight, small for gestational age preterm infants to adulthood

In the business of believing women's stories: Feminism through detective fiction (Sara Paretsky, Sue Grafton

Gastrophilanthropy: Utopian aspiration and aspirational consumption as political retreat

The Ideology of Gun Owner and Gun Control in the United States

Michauxia (Campanulaceae): A Western Asian Genus Honoring a North American Pioneer Botanist

Designing effective study environments

Specialty cut flowers. The production of annuals, perennials, bulbs and woody plants for fresh and dried cut flowers

Amount of underground plant materials in different grassland climates

Establishing perennial grass energy crops in the UK: A review of current propagation options for Miscanthus

Improvement of compactness and floral quality in azalea by means of application of plant growth regulators

Postpartum psychiatric disorders

Comparing yoga, exercise, and a self-care book for chronic low back pain: a randomized, controlled trial

The aesthetics of self-invention: Oscar Wilde to David Bowie

Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes: David Bowie Is and the Stream of Warm Impermanence

Common ground: integrating social and environmental history


When is technology worth the trouble

Transnational crime and the interface between legal and illegal actors: The case of the illicit art and antiquities trade

Dollarization in post-hyperinflationary Argentina

Politicians and banks: Political influences on government-owned banks in emerging markets

Inter-organizational controls and organizational competencies: episodes around target cost management/functional analysis and open book accounting

System reliability developments in structural engineering

Operations management

Manufacturing engineering and technology

Reliability analysis of mining equipment: A case study of a crushing plant at Jajarm Bauxite Mine in Iran

Are banks too big to fail or too big to save? International evidence from equity prices and CDS spreads

Structural causes of the global financial crisis: a critical assessment of the 'new financial architecture

Language and historical representation: Getting the story crooked

The Torres Strait Islands: portrait of a unique group of Australians

New ways in teaching culture

Immortal engines: Life extension and immortality in science fiction and fantasy

Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka: The Operation Reinhard Death Camps

Visualisation of cell death in vivo in patients with acute myocardial infarction

The death of distance: How the communications revolution will change our lives

Practical Divinization in Ecologically Threatened Times

Creating a more responsible public dialogue about the social, ethical, and legal aspects of genomics

Food policies and food security under instability: modeling and analysis

An agricultural geography of Great Britain

Rare earth elements as critical raw materials: Focus on international markets and future strategies

Lexical class and perspectivization constraints on subsumption in the Lexical Constructional Model: The case of say verbs in English

Harold Macmillan and the golden days of Anglo-American relations revisited, 1957-63

Monthly Archives: ફેબ્રુવારી 2012

Miroslav Volf spans conflicting worlds

The Americanization of Clarissa

Charles Bean's Gallipoli Illustrated [Book Review

Anglo-Australian Attitudes: Remembering and Re-reading Russel Ward

Media coverage of chemical crimes, Hillsborough County, Florida, 1987-97

A review of initial attack fire crew productivity and effectiveness

Corporate governance, chief executive officer compensation, and firm performance1

A new correlation for bench-scale piloted ignition data of wood

Only one earth. The care and maintenance of a small planet

Zen and Japanese culture

Source, sea level and circulation effects on the sediment flux to the deep ocean over the past 15 ka off eastern New Zealand

Stereopsis results at 4.5 years of age in the infant aphakia treatment study

Career Coaching: What HR Professionals and Managers Need to Know

Coaching and professionalisation

Peoples against states: Ethnopolitical conflict and the changing world system: 1994 presidential address

talent shortages and untapped female potential: The relevance of gender quotas for talent management in high growth potential economies of the Asia Pacific region

Egypt's uprising: NOT just a question of 'transition

Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays

Climate change and conflict

Understanding new teachers' professional identities through metaphor

Teachers' perceptions of professional identity: An exploratory study from a personal knowledge perspective


Margrit Schulte Beerbühl Aufstieg und Niedergang

Griechische Mythologie als ein Netz: Zur Funktion der Transtextualität in Michael Köhlmeiers Sagen des klassischen Altertums

Zur Bedeutung des aristotelischen Daseinsbegriffs für die Weiterführung des durch Descartes begründeten Immanentismus

The sex of food and Ernest Dichter: the illusion of inevitability

Verne's cartographies

Lexicographers' dreams in the electronic‐dictionary age

Verne's cartographies

Video-assisted thoracic surgery lobectomy: experience with 1,100 cases

The Book of Myst in the Late Age of Print

Introduction to applied mathematics

Natural operations in differential geometry

Algebraic combinatorics

Probabilistic models of cognition: Conceptual foundations

An introduction to phenomenological psychology

Environment on trial: a handbook of Ontario environmental law

Resources for forensic psychology

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Sustainable Digitalization of Cultural Heritage—Report on Initiatives and Projects in Brandenburg, Germany

Home economics: Fourteen essays

Poe's Dupin as professional, the Dupin stories as serial text

Transnational advocacy networks and policy cycles in the European Union: The case of sexual harassment

Gender politics and post-communism. Reflections from Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union

Services marketing: Integrating customer focus across the firm

Novel injectable neutral solutions of chitosan form biodegradable gels in situ

Can I say 'Once upon a time'?: Kindergarten children developing knowledge of information book language

Is the future female? Troubled thoughts on contemporary feminism

The making of a germ panic, then and now

Plant Roots: The Hidden Half: Daniel F. Austin, Book Review Editor

The SBS Story: The Challenge of Cultural Diversity [Book Review

The creationists: The evolution of scientific creationism

Mourning and melancholia

The future of glycerol

Social thought from lore to science

Dinosaurs of Australia and New Zealand and other animals of the Mesozoic Era


How picture books work

The Thing in the Gap-Stone Style: Alice Oswald's Acoustic Arrangements

Chronobiology of aging: temperature, sleep-wake rhythms and entrainment


Natural history of Oregon coast mammals

Providence Independent, V. 5, Thursday, April 22, 1880,[Whole Number: 254

Ocean climate anomalies and the ecology of the North Sea

Love in Paradise: Visions of the Canaries in a corpus of popular romance fiction novels

Chronicles of teen participants from the leave out violence (LOVE) photojournalism project

Before the beginning: our universe and others

Carmel in Britain: Studies on the Early History of the Carmelite Order: Volume III: The Hermits from Mount Carmel

European renewable energy policy at crossroads—Focus on electricity support mechanisms

King Henry III and Saint Edward the Confessor: The Origins of the Cult

Quick determination of gas pressure before uncovering coal in cross-cuts and shafts

Nihilism in Seamus Heaney

The life forms of plants and statistical plant geography; being the collected papers of C. Raunkiaer

Quantitative laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy analysis of calcified tissue samples

Motivational foundations of behavioral confirmation

Communication networks: Toward a new paradigm for research

Handbook of qualitative research methods for psychology and the social sciences

Scoping the nature and extent of adventure tourism operations in Scotland: how safe are they

Dances with Wolofs: A Conversation with Boubacar Boris Diop

What the nazis saw: Les Mouches in occupied Paris

Code-switching in Chicano theater: Power, identity and style in three plays by Cherríe Moraga

When the bough breaks: Parental perceptions of ethical decision-making in NICU

Gender and class relations in tourism employment

NATO science programs: origins and influence

Identification and quantification of dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate in saliva

Ghanaian Popular Fiction:'thrilling discoveries in conjugal life'and other tales

Diagnosis of human congenital cytomegalovirus infection by amplification of viral DNA from dried blood spots on perinatal cards

Tradition and the Individual Talent of Frances Hodgson Burnett: A Generic Analysis of Little Lord Fauntleroy, A Little Princess, and The Secret Garden

Pinto madness as a flawed landmark narrative: An organizational and network analysis

Conquering winter: US consumers and the cast iron stove

A two-year longitudinal study of post-stroke mood disorders: dynamic changes in associated variables over the first six months of follow-up

Re-imagining White Identity by Exploring the Past: History in South African Novels of the 1990s

The middle construction in Mandarin Chinese and the presyntactic approach

Orhan Seyfi Orhon'un Fiskeler Adlı Kitabı Üzerine Bir İnceleme

The tourist guide: The origins, structure and dynamics of a role

The case of Terri Schiavo: Ethics at the end of life

Promoting student interest in the whole language reading program for grades 4-6 in Somers Point, NJ, including an annotated bibliography

Beginning Databases with PostgreSQL

A LOOK AT LINCOLN: Little Known Witnesses to HistoryBackstage at the Lincoln Assassination

Wanted on warrants: The fugitive safe surrender program

The Mysteries and Miseries of North Carolina: New York City, Urban Gothic Fiction, and Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl

Form, function, fiction: Text and image in the comics narratives of Winsor McCay, Art Spiegelman, and Chris Ware

Maurice Sendak's urban landscapes

Macoun's Gentian-Gentianopsis macounii


The Merchant of Venice

The effectiveness of orthopaedic trauma theatres in decreasing morbidity and mortality: a study of 701 displaced subcapital hip fractures in two trauma centres

Teaching Multimedia Documents to LIS Students

The Norton Shakespeare: based on the Oxford edition

Other Essays

Gesture as Revelation


Charting the bumpy road of coparenthood: Understanding the challenges of family life

Coming of age in Samoa

Woodland as a setting for housing-appreciation and fear and the contribution to residential satisfaction and place identity in Warrington New Town, UK

Java-based graphical user interface for MRUI, a software package for quantitation of in vivo/medical magnetic resonance spectroscopy signals

Songs of the child-world.[no. 1-3] Words by Alice CD Riley, music by Jessie L. Gaynor

Tunneling Backward Down to the Underground Sea of Memory: Obasan

The Mesoamerican ballgame

James Bartlett Edmonson and the Mid-Twentieth-Century Crusade against For-Profit Colleges: An Episode of Ignorance-Making in the United States

Border trickery and dog bones: a conversation with Thomas King

Rave culture: The alteration and decline of a Philadelphia music scene

One good story, that one: stories

Behavioral effects of removal of coyote pups from dens

Wild Neighbors: the humane approach to living with wildlife

Isotype: design and contexts 1925-1971

Classical myths as Capital Readings for children: On two mythological books by Nathaniel Hawthorne, A wonder-book for girls and boys (1852) and Tanglewood


From one I to another: Discursive construction of self-representation in English and Castilian Spanish research articles


Bayesian theory

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Preferences for spiritually related nursing interventions among terminally ill and nonterminally ill hospitalized adults and well adults

Dramatic monologues and the novel-in-verse: Adelaide O'Keeffe and the development of theatrical children's poetry in the long eighteenth century

The craft reader

Stone: An ecology of the inhuman

BC Historical Newspapers

May I sleep in your bed? Getting permission to book

The Buncefield accident—why was the explosion so severe

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Lost at sea: where is all the plastic

Intertextuality in Popular Music after 1965

Taking the leap from dyads to triads: Buyer-supplier relationships in supply networks

The future of music: Manifesto for the digital music revolution

An analysis of the finite element method

And the Transformation Begins: Present-Tense Narration in Claire Keegan's Daughter Stories

Development and validation of a measure of emotional intelligence

Necessity, Cause, and Blame: Perspectives on Aristotle's Theory

Universalism vs. communitarianism: contemporary debates in ethics

Nursing ethics through the life span

Virtue, character and situation

Virtue ethics

Cultural diversity is basically a foreign term to me: The challenges of diversity for preservice teacher education

Tune in, fade out: Music companies and the classification of domestic music products in the Netherlands

Did Mozart have Tourette's syndrome?: some comments on Mozart's language

Commercial scenarios for the web: opportunities and challenges

A Phenomenological Case Study: Southeastern Ohio Rural White Teachers' Understanding of Whiteness

Storming the gatekeepers: Digital disintermediation in the market for books

Technological transitions as evolutionary reconfiguration processes: a multi-level perspective and a case-study

Keynesian models of deflation and depression revisited

A Reinforcement Learning: Great-Deluge Hyper-Heuristic for Examination Timetabling

Forms of Resistance Against the Capitalist Discipline: Female Factory Workers in Batam

Current issue in tourism: The authentic tourist


Christians, Catholics, Protestants: the religious links of Britain and Ireland with continental Europe, c. 1689-1800

FI Du Roveray, illustrated-book publisher 1798-1806 [Series of four parts] Part 1: The life of a Huguenot publisher and connoisseur in London.[Includes an introduction

The number of Huguenot immigrants in England in the late seventeenth century

Music and Society in Cork, 1700-1900

À propos d'un livre récent: le Dictionary of Irish Saints de Pádraig Ó Riain. Et pourquoi pas une base de données sur les saints bretons

People would talk: Normative barriers to cross-sex friendships for elderly women

Naturalism in mathematics

An introduction to inductive definitions

Foundations of constructive analysis

The Holy Grail of Arithmetic: Bridging Provability and Computability

Serendipity: Accidental discoveries in science

Adapting to the human world: dogs' responsiveness to our social cues

Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Final Rule to list the Mexican Spotted Owl as a Threatened Species

Cat behaviour. The predatory and social behaviour of domestic and wild cats

Prevention and control of wildlife damage

Vocalizations of the mountain gorilla (Gorilla gorilla beringei

Primates: The Fearless Science of Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, and Biruté Galdikas by Jim Ottaviani

A transnational wildlife drama: Dian Fossey, popular environmentalism, and the origins of gorilla tourism

A transnational wildlife drama: Dian Fossey, popular environmentalism, and the origins of gorilla tourism

Eagles who soar: How black learners find the path to success

The Iceman murder: one of a series of contract murders

The lost museum: the Nazi conspiracy to steal the world's greatest works of art

Mary Conroy, 300 Years of Canada's Quilts

Red River and associated faults, Yunnan Province, China: Quaternary geology, slip rates, and seismic hazard

New technology and possible advances in energy storage

Meanings beyond words: Psychoanalytic perceptions of silence and communication, happiness, sexual love and death

The Girl from Felony Bay by J. E Thompson

Magic mirrors: Society reflected in the glass of fantasy

Daniel: A commentary on the book of Daniel

The three waves of globalization: A history of a developing global consciousness

Prophecy, Politics, and the Popular: The Left Behind Series and Christian Fundamentalism's New World Order

The Faith's Primary Principle

Medical Aspect of Boswell's Life of Johnson, with Some Account of the Medical Men Mentioned in That Book: The Presidential Address, Delivered on October 12th

Biofuel-related price transmission literature: A review

Biblical hermeneutics

The philosophy of mind and cognition

The third wave

The Infrared & Electro-Optical Systems Handbook. Countermeasure Systems, Volume 7

Automotive control systems: for engine, driveline, and vehicle

What happened to the idea of world government

Kautilya's Arthasastra on war and diplomacy in ancient India

Woven textile design

Hydrophobic cotton textile surfaces using an amphiphilic graphene oxide (GO) coating

How To Look Good? BE Good

Iberia and the Mediterranean world of the middle ages: studies in honor of Robert I. Burns SJ, v. 1: proceedings from Kalamazoo

Speed under sail, 1750-1850

Edge piece on South Portland author Hannah Holmes and her latest book, The Se

The eerie silence

Stuart's Farm

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Understanding the sexual fantasies of sex offenders and their correlates

Attaining self-regulation: A social cognitive perspective

The antitrust revolution: economics, competition, and policy

Engendering Religious Desire: Sex, Knowledge, and Christian Identity in Anglo-Saxon England

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Riddles of Engagement: Narrative Play in the Children's Media and Comic Art of George Carlson

Developing strategic and reasoning abilities with computer games at primary school level

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Getting under the skin, or, how faces have become obsolete

Black women against the land grab: the fight for racial justice in Brazil

Our Kind of People: Inside America\'s Black Upper Class


Incidence and risk factors for stroke in American Indians: the Strong Heart Study

Field manual for research in agricultural hydrology

The concept of «townships» in Britain and the British colonies in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

Asserting Native Resilience: Pacific Rim Indigenous Nations Face the Climate Change

Interactive multimedia in library and information services

The Salvation Army-a study in compliance

Economic valuation of informal care: lessons from the application of the opportunity costs and proxy good methods

Women in The Book Of Martyrs as Models of Behavior in Tudor England

Holiness and the Salvation Army: Nineteenth Century Holiness Movement Roots

A nother national politician is joining with the false Apostles and Prophets of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR).[2] Texas Governor Rick Perry is leading

Data analysis and regression: a second course in statistics

Murderers, victims and 'survivors' The Social Construction of Deviance

Take the Money and Run: Business Influence in the Legislative Process

Share this

Evaluation of existing resources (study/analysis

Artificial intelligence: a modern approach

The Book of Myst in the Late Age of Print

Saving the creation: Christian environmentalism in the United States


Ethnic congregation in a globalizing city: The case of Guangzhou, China

Within and without Raced Nations: Intratextuality, Martin Delany, and Blake; or the Huts of America

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

South Africa and the African renaissance

Tectonic setting and basin evolution of the Bangemall Supergroup in the northwestern Capricorn Orogen

SWAN: a multicenter, multiethnic, community-based cohort study of women and the menopausal transition

New models of sustainability for the resources sector: a focus on minerals and metals

thermometry and compositions of fluid inclusions of the Damoqujia gold deposit, Jiaodong gold province, China: Implications for metallogeny and exploration

Easy-to-read consumer communications: a missing link in Medicaid managed care

Using the school environment to promote physical activity and healthy eating

Halting the obesity epidemic: a public health policy approach

Natural inhibitors of carcinogenesis

Health benefits and practical aspects of high-fiber diets

Diet, lifestyle, and the etiology of coronary artery disease: the Cornell China study

2012 update of the Canadian Cardiovascular Society guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of dyslipidemia for the prevention of cardiovascular disease in the

Effects of computerized clinical decision support systems on practitioner performance and patient outcomes: a systematic review

Nutrition, exercise, and healthy aging


Optical electronics

Levels Of Line Graph Question Interpretation With Intermediate Elementary Students Of Varying Scientific And Mathematical Knowle

A note on the folate content of uncooked maize

Performance management: a framework for management control systems research

Architecture-driven component reuse

Sticking to standards; technical and other isomorphic pressures in deploying ERP-systems

Women and labor market changes in the global economy: Growth helps, inequalities hurt and public policy matters

PKSolver: An add-in program for pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic data analysis in Microsoft Excel

Testimony: A philosophical study

Peer disagreement, evidence, and well-groundedness

Bayesian epistemology

Problems of knowledge: A critical introduction to epistemology

Aztec cannibalism: an ecological necessity

Introduction to philosophy: Classical and contemporary readings

Traditions of war: occupation, resistance, and the law

Just wars: from Cicero to Iraq

When Your Surgeon Brought Snapshots to the Waiting Room, and: Though We Made Love in the Afternoons, and: from In the Days between Detection and Diagnosis

The story of phosphorus: global food security and food for thought

Mandeville's Thought of the Limit: The Discourse of Similarity and Difference in the Travels of Sir John Mandeville

Notes from Batavia, the Europeans' graveyard: The nineteenth-century debate on acclimatization in the Dutch East Indies

Discovering India, imagining thuggee

Toward modular verifiable exception handling

Antitumor polysaccharides from mushrooms: a review on their isolation process, structural characteristics and antitumor activity

Industrial strain improvement: mutagenesis and random screening procedures

Locating learning in teachers' communities of practice: Opening up problems of analysis in records of everyday work

Determinants of tobacco use and renaming the FTND to the Fagerström Test for Cigarette Dependence

A clinical practice guideline for treating tobacco use and dependence: 2008 update

Ready to Take Control of Your Addiction

Plant propagation: principles and practices

Comorbidity of generalized anxiety disorder and alcohol use disorders among individuals seeking outpatient substance abuse treatment

Review of integrated mental health and substance abuse treatment for patients with dual disorders

Beyond backlash: the femme fatale in contemporary American cinema

Gang membership between ages 5 and 17 years in the United States

A farewell to Bonferroni: the problems of low statistical power and publication bias

Agricultural interests and Irish trade policy over the last half-century: a tale told without recourse to heroes

Sustainable cities: Oxymoron, utopia, or inevitability

Social behavior of the American buffalo (Bison bison bison

Fun learning with AR alphabet book for preschool children

Tell him about Vietnam: Vietnamese-Americans in Contemporary American Children's Literature

Determinants of women's contribution to farming decisions in cocoa based agroforestry households of Ekiti State, Nigeria

Programming Ruby: the pragmatic programmers' guide

Argo GDAC cookbook

The traditions and terminology of wound dressings: food for thought

Predictors of pressure ulcers in adult critical care patients

Pediatric cardiac surgery

Self-management approaches for people with chronic conditions: a review

Focus on adult health medical-surgical nursing

Critical Response to Ann Radcliffe

Children's Book Update for 2010-2011

Algorithmic complexity of financial motions

Investigation of size, surface charge, PEGylation degree and concentration on the cellular uptake of polymer nanoparticles

A resource-based theory of strategic alliances

Application of multi-criteria decision making to sustainable energy planning—a review

Better and happier and freer than before: agency and subversion of genre in Diana Wynne Jones's Howl's Moving Castle, Castle in the Air, and House of

Why Elvis


Encyclopedia> William Desmond Taylor

The Interstate Slave Trade in Antislavery Politics

Current concepts of microvascular reconstruction for limb salvage in electrical burn injuries

Oncological and cosmetic outcomes of oncoplastic breast conserving surgery

Beasley's Surgery of the Hand

The third wave

Introduction: the study and history of genocide

The social psychology of leisure and recreation

Poultry production

Cadeia e correção: sistema prisional e população carcerária na cidade de São Paulo (1830-1890

Metatarsalgias a consecuencia de un pie cavo

Políticas de conciliación trabajo-familia en 150 empresas españolas

La incomunicación en el mundo posmoderno como producto de la crisis de identidad desde la perspectiva contrapuesta de El Principito(Saint-Exupéry) y El

Edgar Poe y el próximo oriente de la antigüedad

Suggestions Concerning the Discursive Dynamics of Morality in 2666 by Roberto Bolaño and El principio del placer and Las batallas en el desierto by José Emilio

The lighthouse, and other poems [Book Review

de marketing Miraflores 2. Proyecto de aplicación profesional. Evaluación de satisfacción de las asesorías brindadas en el seminario Piensa en grande Miraflores

Modern competitive analysis

Sonata for Alto Saxophone and Piano by Phil Woods: An Improvisation-Specific Performer's Guide

Face'and the embodiment of stigma in China: The cases of schizophrenia and AIDS

Literary Catholicity

The Return to Hugo: A Discussion of the Intellectual Context of Chesterton's View of the Grotesque

Deaf heritage: A narrative history of deaf America

Functional aspects of satellite DNA and heterochromatin

Family theory: Economics of marriage and divorce

Chesterton: The Nightmare Goodness of God

The Misadventure of Francis of Assisi


Introduction to quantum mechanics: a time-dependent perspective

Federalism and constitutional design

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Tell me lies: Propaganda and media distortion in the attack on Iraq

Back to the street without joy: Counterinsurgency lessons from Vietnam and other small wars

Some cautionary thoughts on information warfare

Is there a culture war?: A dialogue on values and American public life

Improving police response to persons with mental illness: A multi-level conceptualization of CIT

Investigation of bioterrorism-related anthrax, United States, 2001: epidemiologic findings

Mortality of infected and uninfected infants born to HIV-infected mothers in Africa: a pooled analysis

Affective, continuance, and normative commitment to the organization: An examination of construct validity

Freeze-dried foods and tomorrow's consumer

The ecological and consumption themes of the films of Hayao Miyazaki

Views of Homeric Gods and Religion

An introduction to children's literature

Retrieval inhibition of trauma-related words in women reporting repressed or recovered memories of childhood sexual abuse

An antidote to Velikovskian delusions

The world at a glance


Undoing inter-national fandom in the age of brand nationalism

Media and the Chinese diaspora: Community, consumption, and transnational imagination

Do social media marketing activities enhance customer equity? An empirical study of luxury fashion brand

Cultural policy in Singapore: negotiating economic and socio-cultural agendas

Advising patients who seek alternative medical therapies

Diagnosis and natural history of hemangiomas

A comparison of visual analyses of intrapartum fetal heart rate tracings according to the new National Institute of Child Health and Human Development guidelines

Switchmode power supply handbook

Bragg system for temperature monitoring in distribution transformers

Power electronics and AC drives

Engineering applications of correlation and spectral analysis

Statistical neurodynamics of associative memory

Explaining exit to work among social assistance recipients in Norway: heterogeneity or dependency

Reunification and reentry of foster children

Advances in the Therapeutics of Antimony

The Forgotten Treason: The Plot to Overthrow FDR

The scramble in Africa: reorienting rural livelihoods

Corporate social responsibility in developing countries

Family, friend or foe? Critical reflections on the relevance and role of social capital in health promotion and community development

The Culture of Poverty, Crack Babies, and Welfare Cheats: The Making of the Healthy White Baby Crisis

Perceptions of homosexuality in Tchaikovsky criticism

On the History of Turkish Feminism

Review of The Nutcracker by Alison Jay

Reading Chinese fortune cookie: The making of Chinese American rhetoric

The texture of the everyday: appraising the values of womens diaries and weblogs

Geographic object-based image analysis-towards a new paradigm

But Freddie'sa boys' name, and boys don't knit

Memory in the Fingers: An exploration of knitting through the lens of modern knitters' lives

Before school [Book Review

Aikido as spiritual practice in the United States

Materials challenges in the design of an insect-like flapping wing mechanism based on a four-bar linkage

From graffiti to the street art movement: negotiating art worlds, urban spaces, and visual culture, c. 1970-2008

Falling Into the Dragon's Mouth

Intervention strategies for the retro-fitment of Rollover Protective Structures (ROPS) and fleet characteristic, farm tractors

Recent Studies in Tudor and Stuart Drama

Agricultural encroachment and lack of enforcement threaten connectivity of range-wide jaguar (Panthera onca) corridor

3 Undervalued Dividend Champions Backed by Great Management Teams

Evaluation of a clinic-based program to promote book sharing and bedtime routines among low-income urban families with young children

Saving the subject: Remediation in House of Leaves

Wat hebben Floris V, skelet Swifterbant S2 en visotters gemeen

Auckland-New Zealand

Glory in the ministry of death gentile condemnation and letters of recommendation in 2 Cor. 3: 6-18

The chemical biology of fishes. With a key to the chemical literature

The conceptual framework of psychology

Transfer and transition in English schools: reviewing the evidence

LINGUIST List 16.1497

Predicting cross-national levels of social trust: global pattern or Nordic exceptionalism

Building a two-way street: Challenges and opportunities for community engagement at research universities

Ecological science and transformation to the sustainable city

Women and White-Collar Crime: Debates on Gender, Fraud and the Corporate Economy in England and America, 1850-1930

Digital and analog communication systems

Uncovering Network Perimeter Vulnerabilities in Cisco Routers According to Requirements Defined in Pci Dss 2.0

Effects of varying distance on wireless signal propagation in indoor and outdoor built sites

First-principles computation of material properties: the ABINIT software project

of range management: Albert F. Potter, first Chief of Grazing, US Forest Service, and a photographic comparison of his 1902 Forest Reserve Survey in Utah with

Digestive physiology and nutrition of ruminants. Volume 2. Nutrition

Reproductive physiology of mammals and birds. The comparative physiology of domestic and laboratory animals and man

The cellular basis of mammalian reproduction

Spermatozoal morphologies and fructose and citric acid concentrations in agouti (Dasyprocta leporina) semen

Optimization of eddy-current compensation

Control of sheep and goat reproduction: use of light and melatonin

Household use of public libraries and large bookstores

A multilingual and multimodal approach to literacy teaching and learning in urban education: A collaborative inquiry project in an inner city elementary school

An educator's journey to technical competency

Sams teach yourself Visual Basic 6 in 24 hours

Programming Ruby: the pragmatic programmers' guide

Currents, visions and voyages: historical geographies of the sea

By the book: Assessing the place of textbooks in US survey courses

Covering immigration: Popular images and the politics of the nation

Web security

Security in XML-based financial reporting services on the Internet

Piezoelectricity and its use in disturbance sensing and control of flexible structures: a survey

Physics of liquid and solid helium. Part I

Experimental techniques in low-temperature physics

Tourism planning: an integrated and sustainable development approach

Wetlands in danger: a world conservation atlas

Economic growth as phenomenon, institution and ideology: a qualitative content analysis of the 21st century growth critique

Large-scale integration of wind power into different energy systems

Sustainable development: a critical review

The Boer War and the media (1899-1902

The white concentration camps of the Anglo-Boer War: a debate without end

Waste and duplication in NASA programs: The need to enhance US space program efficiency

Energy security and climate change concerns: Triggers for energy policy change in the United States

Deregulation, competition, and antitrust implications in the US airline industry

The official history of the Olympic Games and the IOC: Athens to London 1894-2012

The official history of the Olympic Games and the IOC: Athens to London 1894-2012


At the fishhouses

In defiance of boundaries: Anarchism in Latin American history

An online forum exploring needs for help of patients with cancer: gender and ethnic differences

Active aging—spunky survivorship? Discourses and experiences of the years beyond breast cancer

Understanding the will to live in patients nearing death

Psychophysiological ambulatory assessment of affective dysregulation in borderline personality disorder

Early African pastoralism: view from Dakhleh Oasis (south central Egypt

A primer of conservation biology

The Secret Garden Misread: The Broadway Musical as Creative Interpretation

Tourist's perceptions of safety and security while visiting Cape Town

Obstetric patients requiring critical care: a five-year review

Essentials of maternity, newborn, & women's health nursing

Nursing specialty certification and nursing-sensitive patient outcomes in the intensive care unit

Brandon/Hill selected list of print books and journals in allied health

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Literary places, tourism and the heritage experience

Atonement and the Crime of Seeing: Patrick White's, Riders in the Chariot

Intimacy in Mansfield Park

An assessment of cumulative sum charts for authorship attribution

Cognitive construction grammar

Prophetaphobia: Fear and false prophecy in nehemiah VI

Tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) in the treatment of urinary stress incontinence: 3 years experience involving 256 operations

Optical electronics

NMC horizon report: 2016 higher education edition

An exploration of a genre set: Research article abstracts and introductions in two disciplines

Inventory of glaciers, glacial lakes and glacial lake outburst floods. Monitoring and early warning systems in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan Region: Bhutan

Colin Colahan (Australian 1897-1987): Capturing Australian identity abroad

The 'Emotional'Nature of Recipes in Correspondence

Community cookbooks: Sponsors of literacy and community identity

Culinary Ephemera: An Illustrated History

On the evolution of complexity

The Confederate Spin on Winfield Scott and George Thomas

The southern England tornadoes of 30 December 2006: Case study of a tornadic storm in a low CAPE, high shear environment


The effect of innovation on hotel market value

G1 interpolation of generally unrestricted cubic Bézier curves

Business models, business strategy and innovation

Imagining Boston: The City as Image and Experience (1986

Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays

The grammar book: An ESL/EFL teacher's course

Earthquakes and tsunamis in the past. A guide to techniques in historical seismology

Il Glossario latino-inglese antico nel manoscritto di Anversa e Londra ed il Glossario di Ælfric: dipendenza diretta o derivazione comune

I had to go out and get myself a book on grammar': a study of pre-service teachers' knowledge about language

With the Grain of the Universe

Mapping the brain's metaphor circuitry: Metaphorical thought in everyday reason

The lexicons of early modern English

A reconstruction of summer sea ice conditions in the Labrador Sea using Hudson's Bay Company ships' log-books, 1751 to 1870

Pragmatism: A reader

TNG publications 1989-2005

Translation technologies: Scope, tools and resources

Taming the prophets: astrology, orthodoxy and the Word of God in early modern Sweden

The aesthetics of ecological design: seeing science as culture

Economics of food retailing

Recent advances in assessing gene flow between diverging populations and species

An evolutionary perspective of biological invasions

Species: New interdisciplinary essays

Where the wild things are: Translating picture books

Village life in ancient Egypt: Laundry lists and love songs

Good people and dirty work

Estimating age at death from immature human skeletons: an overview

The crustacean eye: dark/light adaptation, polarization sensitivity, flicker fusion frequency, and photoreceptor damage

International expansion of US manufacturing family businesses: The effect of ownership and involvement

Combining web-based training and mentorship to improve technology integration in the K-12 classroom

Antibiotic sensitivity testing. Report of an international collaborative study


Teaching English as a second or foreign language

Memory and mourning: studies on Roman death

Getting started: no-regrets strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions

The rise and fall of repression in Chile

Modern gospels of Judas: canon and betrayal

Human trafficking and trauma in the digital era: the ongoing tragedy of the trade in refugees from Eritrea

The noun phrase

Genetic Programming II Videotape: The Next Generation

Heterochromatin protein 1: don't judge the book by its cover

Efficacy of targeted supradose cisplatin and concomitant radiation therapy for advanced head and neck cancer: the Memphis experience

The Logic of the Air: Aviation and the Globalism of the American Century

Looking at the state: an American perspective

An environmental and social approach in the modern architecture of Brazil: The work of Lina Bo Bardi

Marijuana Argot As Subculture Threads: Social Constructions by Users in New York City

Category Archives: Children's Books and War

Finding Aid to the Collection of James Brendan Connolly Materials

Herbs and spices review: Roadside weeds with medicinal properties

Encyclopedia of water garden plants

Presidential leadership in time of crisis: FDR shifts the public discourse from isolation to intervention in World War Two, 1939-1941

TS Eliot: Saving Civilization

Relating to Difference: Aliens and Alienness in Doctor Who and International Relations

Turning brownfields into green space in the City of Toronto

Ecosystem services in urban areas

Comparing approaches to spatially explicit ecosystem service modeling: A case study from the San Pedro River, Arizona

Japanese gardens in Edwardian Britain: landscape and transculturation

Representational validity of landscape visualizations: the effects of graphical realism on perceived scenic beauty of forest vistas

The Chilean Arpilleristas: Changing National Politics Through Tapestry Work

Does central venous pressure predict fluid responsiveness?*: A systematic review of the literature and the tale of seven mares

Reimagining The Nation State

On the way to language

Gerontological nursing & healthy aging

Needs analysis of English for mechanical engineers in the Vietnamese context

Tracing the Evolving Nexus of Race, Species, and Otherness in the Star Wars Film Franchise

Browsed by Tag: Disney

Reframing Japanese cinema: authorship, genre, history

Judging a book by its cover: Publishing trends in young adult literature

Mikkie, Bob, And Aie: Flash Fiction And The Uses Of Fragmented Narrative Threads

Microgrids and active distribution networks

Neural networks for control systems—a survey

Evidence of a high-altitude discharge process responsible for radar echoes at 24.4 MHz

Justice in Australia (1997); Faces of Hate: Hate Crime in Australia. Cunneen, C., Fraser, D. and Tomsen, S.(eds)(1977); Smith, Dan. The State of War and Peace Atlas

Qumran and the Genealogy of Western Mysticism

Steven Chase, Angelic Wisdom: The Cherubim and the Grace of Contemplation in Richard of St. Victor.(Studies in Spirituality and Theology, 2.) Notre Dame, Ind., and

With Sabbath Eyes: The Particular and the Claims of History in Elizabeth Bishop's Poem

Spiritual Literacy in John Wesley's Methodism: Reading, Writing, and Speaking to Believe

Environment for statistical computing

Environment for statistical computing

Excelling in procurement: IT Contract Management with Lean and Six Sigma. Case study on legacy contract management at Philips Global IT

Six Sigma Case Studies with Minitab-978-1-4822-0557-2

Quality Modeling And Improvement Of University Facilities Services Using Six-Sigma-A Case Study On Wayne State University Fpm Services

Quality from customer needs to customer satisfaction

Analyse and Improve Internal Water Treatment System at STENA Recycling: Master's Programme in Mechanical Engineering

A study of factors involved in induction of the acrosomal reaction in sperm of the sea urchin, Arbacia punctulata

Hyperspectral vegetation indices and novel algorithms for predicting green LAI of crop canopies: Modeling and validation in the context of precision agriculture

The UK Maharajahs: Inside the Asian Success Story

Europe through Indian eyes: Indian soldiers encounter England and France, 1914-1918

The Big Truck That Went By: How the World Came to Save Haiti and Left Behind a Disaster by Jonathan Katz

Population biology of plants

Principles of plant nutrition

Ethics in the public domain: essays in the morality of law and politics

Moral Absolutes: Tradition, Revision, and Truth by John Finnis

Deontological ethics

Aquinas: moral, political, and legal theory

Reason and resonance: A history of modern aurality

From data mining to knowledge discovery in databases

The economics and management of intellectual property

Music information retrieval: Recent developments and applications

Impact of fat mass distribution body shapes on muscles strength and the joints pain

Electrokinetically driven micro flow cytometers with integrated fiber optics for on-line cell/particle detection

Flow cytometry for high-throughput, high-content screening

Laser-scanning cytometry: a new instrumentation with many applications

Bioinformatics software resources

Plant propagation: principles and practices

Single cell analysis: the new frontier in 'omics

Selection and delineation of lymph node target volumes in head and neck conformal radiotherapy. Proposal for standardizing terminology and procedure based on

Head and neck cancer arising after endoscopic mucosal resection for squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus

Appropriateness of allogeneic red blood cell transfusion: the international consensus conference on transfusion outcomes

Head and neck cancer

Head and neck cancer

Neoplasia of Head and Neck. A Collection of Papers Presented at the Seventeenth Annual Clinical Conference on Cancer, 1972, at The University of Texas System

A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam-Miracles of the Holy Quran

Engaging with Intelligent Design? Reflections on the Rhetoric of Howard Van Till

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

The book in the Renaissance

Things Invisible to Mortal Sight: Light, Vision, and the Unity of Book 3 of Paradise Lost

A top night: Social protest, masculinity and the culture of drinking violence

Trust, but Verify: The Politics of Uncertainty and the Transformation of the Cold War Order, 1969-1991

A New Beginning?: Transnationalisms

A mailman to make government understand: the Calypsonian (Chalkdust) as political opposition in the Caribbean

Trench Town Rock: Reggae Music, Landscape Inscription, and the Making of Place in Kingston, Jamaica

Circuits of Political Prophecy: Martin Luther King Jr., Peter Tosh, and the Black Radical Imaginary

Interleukin-8 serum levels in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer

Calculation of effective transverse elastic moduli of fiber-reinforced composites by numerical homogenization

The mechanism of biodegradation of polyethylene

Electron transfer oxidation of tryptophan and tyrosine by triplet states and oxidized radicals of flavin sensitizers: a laser flash photolysis study

Remote ischemic conditioning for acute ischemic stroke: Dawn in the darkness

Text-Book of Pathology

Mucosal immunology: new frontiers

Gluten, major histocompatibility complex, and the small intestine: a molecular and immunobiologic approach to the spectrum of gluten sensitivity ('celiac sprue

Α review on the acute phase response in major depression

Role of aberrant HLA-DR expression and antigen presentation in induction of endocrine autoimmunity

A procedure for removing red cells and dead cells from lymphoid cell suspensions

Disenthralled: An End to My Heart Disease

The Norton Shakespeare: based on the Oxford edition

The Norton Shakespeare: based on the Oxford edition

Shakespeare: An anthology of criticism and theory, 1945-2000

Making Shakespeare's Books: Assembly and Intertextuality in the Archives

In the middle

Advanced Educational Methods in the Department of Defense: Application of Case Theory and Computer-Assisted Instruction to Business Process Reengineering

Economics of development

Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays

Who takes the credit? Gender, power, and control over loan use in rural credit programs in Bangladesh

The demography of inequality in Brazil

Does human migration affect international trade? A complex-network perspective

Starting small in an unfamiliar environment

Evolutionary parasitologythe integrated study of infections, immunology, ecology, and genetics

Evolutionary parasitologythe integrated study of infections, immunology, ecology, and genetics

Introduction to health physics

The anatomy of hope

Beyond Bunkers: Dominance, Resistance and Change in an Albanian Regional Landscape

Bridging the Gap between the Sacred and the Secular in the History of American Foreign Relations

The Korean War

Making Known the Unknown War: Policy Analysis of the Korean Conflict in the Last Decade

New project management principles for the conception stage: outline of a new 'generation

Preparing future engineers for challenges of the 21st century: Sustainable engineering

Positioning analysis of overseas golf tour destinations by Korean golf tourists

Update on the environmental and economic costs associated with alien-invasive species in the United States

Missing players: Phonology and the past-tense debate

Recommendations for design and management of golf courses and green spaces based on surveys of breeding bird communities in Montreal

Shakespeare in Discworld: Witches, Fantasy, and Desire

Does good corporate governance include employee representation? Evidence from German corporate boards

Ethnicity, ethics, and the deaf-world

An overview of total medical information systems

Evelyn Waugh's Artistic Outcry in Love among the Ruins of a Godless World

Richard Tuttle

Segmenting tourists to aboriginal cultural festivals: An example in the Rukai tribal area, Taiwan

Pollen analysis

Influences of independency in Milton's early life

Superior vena cava syndrome: an oncologic complication

Reviews: 1. Feminist Finesse 2. Waves of Change 3. Man of Letters

The Interminable Dramatic Daisy Miller

A relish for eternity: the process of divinization in the poetry of John Clare

Table, Food, Waiter: Preaching the Eucharist to Today's Popular Food Culture

Apple quality in relation to picking and eating times

Insect life: invasion of the red imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae

Feedback control of two beam, two joint systems with distributed flexibility

Inventors at work: Interviews with 16 notable American inventors

Railroads, factor channelling and increasing returns: Cleveland and the emergence of the American manufacturing belt

The temporal structure of spoken language understanding

Teaching collocation: Further developments in the lexical approach

Making content comprehensible for English learners: The SIOP model

Bridging the gap? Mobile phones at the interface between informal and formal learning

Training health professionals in shared decision-making: an international environmental scan

Facilitating Listening Component In EPP Master Programmes In Economic Universities

SIMPLE: A general framework for the development of multilingual lexicons

Veterinary applied pharmacology and therapeutics: formerly Hoare's veterinary materia medica and therapeutics


The 2.8 Å Structure of aT= 4 Animal Virus and its Implications for Membrane Translocation of RNA

Utilization of autopsy RNA for the synthesis of the nucleocapsid antigen of a newly recognized virus associated with hantavirus pulmonary syndrome

for finding genes of evolutionary interest in non-model species: Osmoregulatory genes in the kidney transcriptome of the desert rodent Dipodomys spectabilis (banner-tailed kangaroo rat

The global emergence/resurgence of arboviral diseases as public health problems

How HIV-1 causes AIDS: implications for prevention and treatment

Intellectual capital: realizing your company\'s true value by finding its hidden brainpower

A portrait of the individual investor

Value based management: The corporate response to the shareholder revolution

ARCH modeling in finance: A review of the theory and empirical evidence

The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board's first decade

Guam in US government publications

DEEP POLITICS FORUM> Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics (ISGP)> Bohemian Grove

The Other Jewish Century

Programación de aplicaciones web: historia, principios básicos y clientes web

Congress Versus the Supreme Court, 1957-1960

Star Wars fans, DVD, and cultural ownership: an interview with Will Brooker

The Empire Strikes Back? An exploration of centre-periphery interaction between the ICAEW and accounting associations in the self-governing colonies of Australia

Looking for earths: the race to find new solar systems

Brazil: Five centuries of change

Corrective Feedback, Individual Differences and Second Language

Implications of multimodal learning models for foreign language teaching and learning

The lexical approach

Some Reflections on Manuel Castells' Book Networks of Outrage and Hope. Social Movements in the Internet Age

Consoling Heliodorus: A Commentary on Jerome Letter 60

Sound and Music in Narrative Multimedia: A macroscopic discussion of audiovisual relations and auditory narrative functions in film, television and video games

Your Money or Your Life: Economy and Religion in the Middle Ages

Welsh rarebit

Dark ages and dark areas: global deforestation in the deep past

Nineteenth-century development experience and lessons for today

Is accounting rhetorical? Methodology, Luca Pacioli and printing

Methods for electromagnetic field analysis

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Is it worth it

Harvests under fire: regional co-operation for food security in Southern Africa

Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays

Women do not want international careers: And other myths about international management

Forests, discourses, institutions: A discursive-institutional analysis of global forest governance

Multivariate Granger causality between electricity consumption, exports and GDP: evidence from a panel of Middle Eastern countries

Economics of development

The loss of personal privacy and its consequences for social research

Japan-US relations: Issues for congress

Promoting skin health

What kind of pen do I need to use to write my culture and my language

Seduction of the Innocent

Impeccable Governesses, Rational Dames, and Moral Mothers: Mary Wollstonecraft and the Female Tradition in Georgian Children's Books

Socialism, Capitalism and the Fiction of Lucas Malet: The Spirit of the Hive

onCopidosoma koehleri (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), and the Use of Flowering Plants as a Habitat Management Tool to Enhance Biological Control of Potato Moth

Quantum Evo-Devo Universe: Quantum Evolution and the Evidence of Evolutionary-Developmental Biology

Natural history of the female germ cell from its origin to full maturation through prenatal ovarian development

The epidemiology of coronary heart disease and estrogen replacement in postmenopausal women

Menopause: evidence-based practice

Current management strategies of the postmenopausal patient with sexual health problems

Long-term hormone replacement therapy use is no longer controversial

Managing menopause: A qualitative analysis of self-help literature for women at midlife

Observational therapeutics: Scope, challenges, and organization

Rapid cognitive assessment of learners' knowledge structures

The time-series relations among expected return, risk, and book-to-market

The feast of fools

Passing on the torch: Whewell's philosophy and the principles of English university education

Tearing at the Fabric-A Spiritual Journey Through Crisis and Trauma

Making Sense of American Culture in the 1970s: An Interview with Thomas Hine

A program of physical and spiritual practices for youth at Takoma Academy

Oscar Wilde, Salome, and the German Press 1902-1905

One More Time... Should Small Companies Attempt Strategic Planning

Theory of the firm; resource allocation in a market economy

Behavioural economics

Faint with Secret Knowledge: Love and Vision in Murdoch's The Black Prince

왕권 강화도구로써의 시각 예술

A Known Scribbler: Frances Burney on Literary Life, and: The Early Journals and Letters of Fanny Burney, vol. 4, The Streatham Years, part 2, 1780-1781

A Tattling Town Like Windsor: Negotiating Proper Relations in Frances Burney's Early Court Journals and Letters (1786-87

Knowledge-based acquisition of causal relationships in text

Bluestocking salons and the public sphere

World Health Report, 2010: health systems financing the path to universal coverage

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Does one size fit all? Exploring the relationship between attitudes towards growth, gender, and business size

The effect of credit market competition on lending relationships

Innovation process of new ventures driven by sustainability

Small stories as a new perspective in narrative and identity analysis

The game localization handbook

Beliefs about beliefs: Representation and constraining function of wrong beliefs in young children's understanding of deception

Health care system and policy factors influencing engagement in HIV medical care: piecing together the fragments of a fractured health care delivery system

Making inclusion work in general education classrooms

The comportmental learning disabilities of early frontal lobe damage

On common ground: managing human-planet relationships

Understanding change: an intellectual and practical study of military innovation US army antiaircraft artillery and the battle for legitimacy, 1917-1945

Italian regionalism or 'Padanian'nationalism—the political project of the Lega Nord in Italian politics

Italian regionalism or 'Padanian'nationalism—the political project of the Lega Nord in Italian politics

The ICT revolution: Productivity differences and the digital divide

From pulp hero to superhero: Culture, race, and identity in American popular culture, 1900-1940

The Land that Time Forgot: Fictions of Antarctic Temporality

trilogy of the Lord of the rings: from book to film, The

General Report on the Preparation and Results of the Fourth World Petroleum Congress

Tosa Mitsunobu and the Small Scroll in Medieval Japan

Designing courses for significant learning: Voices of experience: New Directions in Teaching & Learning, 119

Fleur-de-Lys abdominoplasty—a consecutive case series

Authoritative Scriptures and the Dead Sea Scrolls

Notes on a schema for stories

Colonial Meltdown: Northern Nigeria in the Great Depression

Sigmund and Jakob Freud and the Philippson Bible—(with an analysis of the birthday inscription

Using narrative picture books to build awareness of expository text structure

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Innocence lost: Care and control in Dutch digital youth care

Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays

Nineteenth-Century Cruising Yachtsmen in the Mediterranean

Film propaganda in Britain and Nazi Germany: World War II cinema

Tomorrow is Another Day: The Woman Writer in the South, 1859--1936

A concise history of the Spanish Civil War

Science with a vengeance: how the military created the US space sciences after World War II

War and memory in the twentieth century

Gout in the time and person of George IV: a case history

Vesalius in English state papers

The craft reader


The New Found Land of Stephen Parmenius: The Life and Writings of a Hungarian Poet, Drowned on a Voyage from Newfoundland, 1583 by David B. Quinn, Neil M

Revivals and Roller Rinks: Religion, Leisure and Identity in Late-Nineteenth Century Small-Town Ontario by Lynne Marks

A laboratory manual of tropical mycology and elementary bacteriology

Keeping the dream alive: Profiles of three early twentieth century music therapists

Rolling element bearing fault diagnosis using wavelet transform

Linked data: The story so far

Collocations and general-purpose dictionaries

Alchemy and Symbolism in the Work of Carlos Estevez

The piracy crusade: How the music industry's war on sharing destroys markets and erodes civil liberties

Внимание это версия для печати, оригинал вы найдёте здесь

Elusive Compromise: A history of interwar Yugoslavia

Understanding media theory

Arthur Machen: Ecstasy and Epiphany

Latin Allocution and the Applications and Usage of Latin as a Modern Language by the Vatican City State

Understanding media theory

Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus

The minister, the martyr, and the maxim: Robert Lewis Dabney and Stonewall Jackson biography

The minister, the martyr, and the maxim: Robert Lewis Dabney and Stonewall Jackson biography

The minister, the martyr, and the maxim: Robert Lewis Dabney and Stonewall Jackson biography

Lee and the Operational Art: The Right Place, The Right Time

Long-range angular correlations on the near and away side in p-Pb collisions at

Long-range angular correlations on the near and away side in p-Pb collisions at

Was the Civil War a total war

Guilt and mental health

On book burnings and book burners: Reflections on the power (and powerlessness) of ideas

Art and Illusion in the Winter's Tale

A Glimpse of Bright Wings [Book Review

The theme of the three caskets

The risk to Hawai'i from snakes

Biosorption of heavy metals using rice milling by-products. Characterisation and application for removal of metals from aqueous effluents

Consumer perception and the role of science in the meat industry

Physical properties of plant and animial materials. Vol. 1. Structure, physical characterisitics and mechanical properties

The effects of extrusion cooking on nutritional value—a literature review

Breakfast cereals and how they are made

Selective advantages conferred by the high performance physiology of tunas, billfishes, and dolphin fish

ELM-ART: An adaptive versatile system for Web-based instruction

Arkansas Forests--The Timber Resource

The kinematic analysis of the grab and track start in swimming

Fast science: A history of training theory and methods for elite runners through 1975

Physical activity interventions targeting older adultsa: A critical review and recommendations

Yummy mummies: The clamor of glamour in advertising to mothers

Working mothers and nannies: Commercialization of childcare and modifications in the gender contract (a sociological essay

under shattered skies

President of the University of Michigan

My greatest joy and my greatest heart ache: Parents' own words on how having a child in the autism spectrum has affected their lives and their families' lives

Life cycle happiness and its sources: Intersections of psychology, economics, and demography

Tag Archives: raw food

Dissecting the Origins of Air-Centric Special Operations Theory

The Serious Game: Towards a Hermeneutic Understanding of the Tarot

The Serious Game: Towards a Hermeneutic Understanding of the Tarot

Violent democratization: social movements, elites, and politics in Colombia's rural war zones, 1984-2008

Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF): a second-generation platelet concentrate. Part IV: clinical effects on tissue healing

Discovering the expanding universe

Observational bias and the apparent distribution of ponds on Eros

Pluto and Charon: ice worlds on the ragged edge of the solar system

Corporate governance and voluntary disclosure

Arcs of integration: an international study of supply chain strategies

El texto English Student Book level a1. 2 en el desarrollo del vocabulario de los estudiantes del 9no. Año de educación general básica de la Unidad Educativa

Oulipo compendium

A Rhetorical Criticism and Analysis of President Ronald Reagan's Inaugural Address: Applying the Burkeian Dramatistic Pentad Approach

Accounting for genocide after 1945: Theories and some findings

Islam and development: the Zia regime in Pakistan

Cater to the children: the role of the lead industry in a public health tragedy, 1900-1955

For the welfare of children: the origins of the relationship between US public health workers and pediatricians

Control of calcium current in rat sympathetic neurons by norepinephrine

of epidermal growth factor receptor affinity by heterologous ligands: evidence for a mechanism involving the breakdown of phosphoinositides and the activation of

Object recognition and segmentation by a fragment-based hierarchy

A call to action: training pathology residents in genomics and personalized medicine

The condensed protocols from molecular cloning: a laboratory manual

Identification of Fritillaria pallidiflora using diagnostic PCR and PCR-RFLP based on nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer sequences

Psalms 2: A commentary on Psalms 51-100

Catching Up with Rimsky-Korsakov

Centrality Dependence of the Charged-Particle Multiplicity Density at Midrapidity in Pb-Pb Collisions at

Sweet little lies: Truth and fiction in stories we tell

Ethical issues related to psychological testing in Africa: What I have learned (so far

Social and psychological factors in stress

Family Limitation

Aristotle On Eudaimonia (Book I. 1-5 [1-3] And 7-8 [5-6

The ancient art of memory: Usefulness in treatment

Babylonian archaeologists of the (ir) Mesopotamian past

Hypotheses concerning the circulation of the northern North Sea

Information technology and global competition: a framework for analysis

Market structure, corporate performance, and innovative activity

The business case for corporate sustainability:: literature review and research options

A distinctive leadership for a distinctive network of churches? Psychological type theory and the apostolic networks

and global trends in fasting plasma glucose and diabetes prevalence since 1980: systematic analysis of health examination surveys and epidemiological studies with

Anthropology, Pentecostalism, and the New Paul: Conversion, event, and social transformation

Understanding the new black Pentecostal activism: Lessons from ecumenical urban ministries in Boston

Indigenous influence on forest management on the Menominee Indian Reservation

White Buffalo Woman and Short Woman: Two Epic Female Leaders in the Oral Tradition of Cheyenne Nation-Building

Bound to Have Blood: Frontier Newspapers and the Plains Indian Wars by Hugh J. Reilly

The evolution of greenways as an adaptive urban landscape form

Polymorphs and prodrugs and salts (oh my!): an empirical analysis of secondary pharmaceutical patents

Patent republic: representing inventions, constructing rights and authors

Developing legal writing materials for English second language learners: Problems and perspectives

From episteme to phronesis to artistry in the study and improvement of teaching

Esomeprazole once daily for 6 months is effective therapy for maintaining healed erosive esophagitis and for controlling gastroesophageal reflux disease symptoms: a

How languages are learned

Architecture and origin of an amalgamated fluvial sheet sand, lower Castlegate Formation, Book Cliffs, Utah

Controlling sex in the name of public health: social control and Michigan HIV law

Leisure on the Island of Alderney

Intercultural communication competence: Identifying key components from multicultural perspectives

Communication: making connections

Reviews of evidence regarding interventions to reduce alcohol-impaired driving

Fell'primes 'fall', but does 'bell'prime 'ball'? Masked priming with irregularly-inflected primes

Gesture to Opera: Yinka Shonibare's Un ballo in maschera

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Defining Manon: Three Operas on Abbé Prévost's Manon Lescaut

The Prima Donna, Opera Chorus and Amateur Violinist: Music as 'Event' in Wilkie Collins's Man and Wife

The Performance Practice of Maria Callas: Interpretation and Instinct

Catalog of Venetian Librettos at the University of California, Los Angeles

Beyond the apron: Archetypes, stereotypes, and alternative portrayals of mothers in children's literature

Concepts and rationale of the Australian soil classification

The Ashram of Swami Jyotirmayananda: Examining Authority, Transmission and Identity within the Guru and Disciple Relationship

Tag Archives: Jack Kirby

The Tides of History: Alan Moore's Historiographic Vision

Alan moore, secondary literacy, and the modernism of the graphic novel

nycc2013 Full movie panel schedule: Spike Lee's Oldboy cast confirmed for New York Comic-Con; possibly Fox previews for Maze Runner, new X-Men or Planet of

The Weather and its Role in Captain Robert F. Scott and his Companions' Deaths

It Was an Ancient Mariner: Sir Ernest Shackleton Rewrites the Romantic Quest

Reconsidering the tragic Scott expedition: Cheerful masculine home-making in Antarctica, 1910-1913

Men of color: A role for policymakers in improving the status of Black male students in US higher education

Fr Patrick Lavelle: the rise and fall of an Irish nationalist, 1825-1886

Black women in the ivory tower, 1850-1954: An intellectual history

Butcher? Racist? An Examination of William S. McFeely's Grant: A Biography

Cold War and Black liberation: the United States and white rule in Africa, 1948-1968

Colour changes of Octopus rubescens during attacks on unconditioned and conditioned stimuli

Cephalopod neurobiology: neuroscience studies in squid, octopus and cuttlefish

Cephalopod neurobiology: neuroscience studies in squid, octopus and cuttlefish

I ink, therefore I am

Nutcracker and jackhammer esophagus treatment: a three-case survey, including two novel cases of eosinophilic infiltration into the muscularis propria

Cephalopod neurobiology: neuroscience studies in squid, octopus and cuttlefish

Cephalopod neurobiology: neuroscience studies in squid, octopus and cuttlefish

An examination into the portrayal of Deaf characters and Deaf issues in picture books for children

Living monuments: union veteran amputees and the embodied memory of the Civil War

The Evangeline Oak: Of lost loves and found objects

The 90-Division Gamble

Coconstructing heritage at the Gettysburg storyscape

Slavery, emancipation, and veterans of the union cause: commemorating freedom in the era of reconciliation, 1885-1915

I Hope To Do My Country Service: The Civil War Letters of John Bennitt, MD, Surgeon, 19th Michigan Infantry

Reading and writing the book of nature: Jan Swammerdam (1637-1680

Long-term follow-up and histological changes of superficial nonmelanoma skin cancers treated with topical δ-aminolevulinic acid photodynamic therapy

New maladies of the soul

Murder in Byzantium. By Julia Kristeva. Translated by C. Jon Delogu

Edible Fruit Trees Diversity in a Peri-Urban Centre: Implications for Food Security and Urban Greening

Compositae Juss

Biological control of crofton weed, Ageratina adenophora (Asteraceae), in South Africa

Diversity of vascular plant taxa of the flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea

A review of the floral composition and distribution of mangroves in Sri Lanka

Quantum field theory and critical phenomena

Toward a theory of automatic information processing in reading

The possibility of negative resistance effects in semiconductors

Microwave applications of soft ferrites

Negative capacitance and its photo-inhibition in organic bulk heterojunction devices

Conductance anomalies in semiconductor tunnel diodes

Specific negative resistance in solids

Effects of time dependence of multiplication process on avalanche noise

Solid State Electronic Devices: Global Edition

Diagnosis and management of rhinitis: complete guidelines of the Joint Task Force on Practice Parameters in Allergy, Asthma and Immunology

Notes on the History of Origami

Books and the environment: A curious paradox

The colour of creation: Gertrude Jekyll and the art of flowers

Synergy in a townhouse complex: A Dallas townhouse complex

Recipes for looking [Book Review

Landscape and settlement in medieval Wales

A brief history of the Harry Hawthorn Foundation for the inculcation and propagation of the principles and ethics of fly-fishing

AACN essentials of critical care nursing pocket handbook

Pain education in North American medical schools

Chronic fatigue syndrome: a practical guide to assessment and management

Conceptualizing labour union revitalization

Working life: renewing labour process analysis

Enculturation', not 'acculturation': Conceptualising and assessing identity processes in migrant communities

Heutagogy and lifelong learning: A review of heutagogical practice and self-determined learning

The Victorian Internet: The remarkable story of the telegraph and the nineteenth century's online pioneers

This Marvelous Bean: Adopting Coffee into Old Regime French Culture and Diet

Strained Bedfellows: Pagans, New Agers, and Starchy Humanists in Unitarian Universalism

Secular humanism and atheism beyond progressive secularism

Ritual, drama and social body in the late medieval English town

Multiple sclerosis and Epstein-Barr virus

The Christian West and Its Singers: The First Thousand Years

Anxiety and error monitoring: Increased error sensitivity or altered expectations

Children of divorce: Preliminary report of a ten-year follow-up of older children and adolescents

A feminist poststructuralist analysis of the rhetoric of marketing relationships

A handbook of varieties of English

Gender, memory, trauma: women's novels on the Partition of India

RF currents produced from AC arcs with asymmetrical electrodes

Solar ponds

Bridging the communication gap: What do primary healthcare practitioners in New Zealand know about health literacy? What are their attitudes towards it, and how do

An eco-behavioral analysis of small community-based houses and traditional large hospitals for severely and profoundly mentally handicapped adults

William Pickles Lecture 1999:'Uncertain clarity': contradiction, meaning, and hope

Development of a core outcome set for disease modification trials in mild to moderate dementia: a systematic review, patient and public consultation and

Chemistry of the solid-water interface: processes at the mineral-water and particle-water interface in natural systems

Identificational focus versus information focus

In the wake of the Exxon Valdez

No boys allowed: The World Wide Web as a clubhouse for girls

Rewriting the Family Romance: Prostitution and Revolution in Restif de la Bretonne's Le Palais Royal

Sylvia Plath Hughes: The Middle Ground in the New Millennium

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

El pensamiento de Tristan Tzara en el periodo dadaísta

Found and Lost: The Politics of Modernist Recovery

La lingua straniera in età prescolare: analisi del metodo Hocus and Lotus attraverso un'esperienza sul campo

Yeats and Joyce: Cyclical History and the Reprobate Tradition

Location and land use

Computational science and engineering

Computational science and engineering

Estimating functions

Use of critical consciousness in anti-oppressive social work practice: Disentangling power dynamics at personal and structural levels

Inclusive Design Research Initiatives at the Royal College of Art'Book in Universal Design Handbook

Dimensions of the eco-city

IKONOS imagery for resource management: Tree cover, impervious surfaces, and riparian buffer analyses in the mid-Atlantic region

Austrian Philosophy. The Legacy of Franz Brentano

A green clean curriculum to instruct homeschoolers on the safe handling of chemicals

Literary Fiction and Adam's Curse

A randomised study of the effects of massage therapy compared to guided relaxation on well-being and stress perception among older adults

Toward understanding youth suicide in an Australian rural community

Monet Paintings and Drawings at the Art Institute of Chicago

Putting Monet and Rembrandt into Words: Pierre Loti's Recreation and Theorization of Claude Monet's Impressionism and Rembrandt's Landscapes in

Influence of japonisme on art of MK Čiurlionis and his contemporaries

Bound by Water: Inquiry, Trauma, and Genre in Vietnamese American Literature

Food in tourism: Attraction and impediment

Tell him about Vietnam: Vietnamese-Americans in Contemporary American Children's Literature

How does love grow?: attachment processes in older adoptees and foster children as illustrated by fictional stories

And That's How I Feel on the Gudaha: A Quilting Project from a 4-6th Grade Classroom from the Somali-Bantu Community-Based Tutoring Program of Syracuse

Erica Wilson and the Quilt Revival

Pattern play: pieced works on paper

Teaching and learning in the language classroom

Understanding and managing diversity: Readings, cases, and exercises

New human resource management practices, complementarities and the impact on innovation performance

Paul and Juhl's essentials of radiologic imaging

Flicka and Friends: Stories of Horses and of Boys Who Loved Them

Capital, dialogue and community engagement-'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic'understood as an alternate reality game

The Rhodesian African rifles: the growth and adaptation of a multicultural regiment through the Rhodesian bush war, 1965-1980

The South Africa-Angola talks, 1976-1984: a little-known cold war thread

An intricate and distasteful subject': British planning for the use of force against the European settlers of Central Africa, 1952-65


Old-Fashioned and Forward-Looking: Neo-Liberalism and Nostalgia in the Daring Books for Girls

A novel user-friendly score (HAS-BLED) to assess 1-year risk of major bleeding in patients with atrial fibrillation: the Euro Heart Survey

Boost your preschooler's brain power! An analysis of advice to parents from an Australian government-funded website

Hardship and Deliverance in the Islamic Tradition: Theology and Spirituality in the Works of al-Tanūkhī By Nouha Khalifa

The second half of the journey: Spiritual leadership for organizational transformation

American Women of Letters and the Nineteenth-Century Sciences: Styles of Affiliation

The Islamic movement in Egypt: perceptions of international relations, 1967-81

Quoting and Misquoting Aristotle's Poetics in Recent Screenwriting Bibliography

Racial Interstitiality and the Anxieties of the Partly Colored: Representations of Asians under Jim Crow

Wild Mustangs by Parley J. Paskett

The Poet of the Pulps: Ray Bradbury and the Struggle for Prestige in Postwar Science Fiction

Prizing children's literature: The case of Newbery gold

Stability of indicators of the metabolic syndrome from childhood and adolescence to young adulthood: the Quebec Family Study

Development and risk factors of juvenile antisocial behavior and delinquency

Cognitive differentiation as a function of information type and its relation to career choice

Professionalism in nursing behaviors of nurse practitioners

Science-based views of drug addiction and its treatment

Self-care strategies for nurses: A psycho-educational intervention for stress reduction and the prevention of burnout

The becoming of bodies: Girls, images, experience

Insect pests of farm, garden, and orchard

Myth and maturity: towards a new order in the decade of design


Why we are not Nietzscheans

Ontology, Causality and Mind: Essays in Honour of DM Armstrong

Progress and poverty: an economic and social history of Britain 1700-1850

Spitzer survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud: Surveying the Agents of a Galaxy's Evolution (SAGE). I. Overview and initial results

Quickies: Intelligent sticky notes

War, genocide, and justice: Cambodian American memory work

NATO Advanced Research Workshop

The global text project

Joy Luck Club

A stroll through the worlds of animals and men: A picture book of invisible worlds

Fostering an appreciation for all kinds of families: Picturebooks with gay and lesbian themes

The computer for the 21st century: specialized elements of hardware and software, connected by wires, radio waves and infrared, will be so ubiquitous that no one will

Nokia-a big company in a small country

The virtual corporation: Structuring and revitalizing the corporation for the 21st century

Unwanted Legacies: Sharing the Burden of Post-genocide Generations

Teaching and learning in the language classroom

When people play people: development communication through theatre

Tradition and the Individual Talent of Frances Hodgson Burnett: A Generic Analysis of Little Lord Fauntleroy, A Little Princess, and The Secret Garden

Cultivating Mary: The Victorian Secret Garden

The dollhouse as ludic space, 1690-1920

Respiration and circulation

The antibacterial and antidiarreal activities of the crude methanolic Syzygium cordatum [S. Ncik, 48 (UZ)] fruit pulp and seed extracts

BCG vaccination and the tuberculin skin test in a country with low prevalence of tuberculosis. Epidemiological and immunological studies in healthy subjects

Biochemistry of the Eye

Introduction to plant disease epidemiology

Internal parasites and animal production

Pharmaceutical marketing and the invention of the medical consumer

Using a children's book to prepare children and parents for elective ENT surgery: results of a randomized clinical trial

Expanding the role of endovenous laser therapy: results in large diameter saphenous, small saphenous, and anterior accessory veins

25th Arvid Wretlind's Lecture—Silver anniversary, 25 years with ESPEN, the history of nutrition

Erotic journeys: Mexican immigrants and their sex lives


Fields of Wonder: Exploring the Langston Hughes Song Cycles of Robert Owens

Antibacterial activity of the essential oils of Salvia officinalis L. and Salvia triloba L. cultivated in South Brazil

Science & art of body percussion: a review

Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches

Intimacy, loneliness and sexual offenders

An all-consuming subject? Women and consumption in late-nineteenth and early-twentieth-century western India

Feminism: Issues and arguments

Whose voices? Whose choices? Reflections on gender and participatory development

Islam and feminisms: an Iranian case-study

The governance of innovation: vertical integration and collaborative arrangements in the biotechnology industry

Ethical problems in program evaluation: Advice for trapped evaluators

Security and climate change

Isaiah 1: 2− 3, ethics and wisdom. Isaiah 1: 2-3 and the Song of Moses (Dt 32): Is Isaiah a prophet like Moses

The potential of electronic organizers as a tool in the cognitive rehabilitation of young people

Disruptive technologies','pedagogical innovation': What's new? Findings from an in-depth study of students' use and perception of technology

Strategies for reducing inequalities and improving developmental outcomes for young children in low-income and middle-income countries

Bone Dance: New and Selected Poems, 1965-1993 by Wendy Rose

Bone Dance: New and Selected Poems, 1965-1993 by Wendy Rose

Influence factors on the development of obesity in 3-year-old children based on the Toyama study

Aboriginal-Makassan interactions in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in northern Australia and contemporary sea rights claims

Researching and writing in law

Can book-tax differences capture earnings management and tax management? Empirical evidence from China

A stitch in time: The rise and fall of the sewing machine patent thicket

Readers' Choice: ChLA Survey

Study of glasses with grisailles from historic stained glass windows of the cathedral of Leon (Spain

Church-state relationships in America

The philosophy of John Stuart Mill: Ethical, political, and religious

Church-state relationships in America

Incorporating veterinary science CDE standards into current companion animal science course

Congress Versus the Supreme Court, 1957-1960

The History and Development of British Tramways and the Impacts That It Had

English book titles in gerundial form


Find Contact

Disease and the Prevention of Insanity: Delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Dorset and West Hants Branch of the British Medical Association, Held at the Dorset

The history of coppicing in south east England in the modern period with special reference to the chestnut industry of Kent and Sussex

Human-computer interaction: Interdisciplinary roots and trends

Wading in the waters: Spirituality and older Black Katrina survivors

Getting to grips with noun groups

Collocations and general-purpose dictionaries

Kujibizana: Questions of Language and Power in Nineteenth-and Twentieth-Century Poetry in Kishwahili

Ingenious Dr. King': the life and works of Dr William King (1663-1712), with particular reference to the tradition of Menippean satire

Walking the walk: Portraits in leadership for family engagement in urban schools

Fetal heart rate during a maternal grand mal epileptic seizure

Feminism and Poetry: language, experience, identity in women's writing; with critical introduction by Claire Buck

Ponderings on a Faith Journey

Insanity in Civil War Ohio

Jim Crow and Uncle Sam: The Tuskegee Flying Units and the US Army Air Forces in Europe during World War II

To express the inexpressible: poetry as philosophy within mystical discourse

The Feral Child by Che Golden

My First Book—Treasure Island

New Zealanders at war in novels and picture books [Book Review

Differential apoptotic induction of gambogic acid, a novel anticancer natural product, on hepatoma cells and normal hepatocytes

Turkey's AKP: A Model Muslim-Democratic Party

Turkish Delight in Vienna: Art, Islam, and European Public Culture

The implications of inter-visibility between landmarks on wayfinding performance: An investigation using a virtual urban environment

The metamorphosis of marginality in Rio de Janeiro

A rough guide to limestone fault scarps

Employee self-management without formally designated teams: An alternative road to empowerment

The logic of financial westernization in the Middle East

Muslim women and the challenge of Islamic fundamentalism/extremism: An overview of Southeast Asian Muslim women's struggle for human rights and gender

Diversity in the regulation of Islamic financial institutions

A framework for quality management research and an associated measurement instrument

Negotiated belief structures and decision performance: An empirical investigation

Strategy mapping in the public sector

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Conceptual split? Parents' and experts' perceptions of play in the 21st century

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

An educator's guide to the human brain

An evaluation of educational literature distributed by the Child Health Investment Partnership

Psychotic and neurotic illnesses in twins

Can History Be Open Source? Wikipedia and the Future of the Past

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Solomon, Swinburne, Sappho

Becoming Acquainted With Nature From The Odes: Sidelights On The Study Of The Flora And Fauna In Song Dynasty's Shijing 詩 經 (classic Of Odes) Scholarship

Sufi Narratives of Intimacy: Ibn'Arabī, Gender, and Sexuality

Music in Search of Itself Essays on Music About Music

Going to find Stanley: Imperial narratives, shilling shockers, and Three Men in a Boat

Mujeres, música y memoria en San Juan: 1900-1930

Frontiers of complexity: The search for order in a chaotic world

Triumph in the tropics: an historical sketch of Queensland

Development of multi-color FISH method for analysis of seven Bifidobacterium species in human feces

It'S 'A Good Thing': The Commodification Of Femininity, Affluence, And Whiteness In The Martha Stewart Phenomenon

The interactions of mathematics and society in history some exploratory remarks

Thomas Mann und die Romantik

Dancing in the dark: A manifesto against professional organizations

Helen Wills

Three-dimensional structure of plate-like snow crystals

The escapist: Fantasy, folklore, and the pleasures of the comic book in recent Jewish American holocaust fiction

The politics of sexual identity: Sexual attraction and behavior among lesbian and bisexual women

The effects of maternal depression on children

School outcomes of sexual minority youth in the United States: Evidence from a national study

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works

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